Reversed Sear Tritip on the KamadoJoe Junior

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I'm please because bleh Wow and it's just the perfect spot to barbecue there is something about spots like this that just really are inspiring to me beautiful scenery fresh clean ingredients for a barbecue today I've got this beautiful tri-tip look it's still covered in a lot of fat and a lot of silver skin so first thing that we're going to do is to clean this up before we start cooking on top we have a big fat cap we want to leave that on but we also have some loose silver skin here that is what we're going to take off on the bottom we also have a lot of fat and silver skin we want to expose the meat here because we want to ask flavor to this part let's start on top I'm taking my filling knife and working my way through that silver skin slicing underneath taking off as little fat as I can at the same time making sure that we get all that silver skin off because it's not gonna taste good when we start eating our steaks most of what we sliced off is silver skin with a little bit of fat it actually serves no other purpose than seasoning your skillet for instance hey say hello to my little friend the reason that I chose to cook tri-tip today because it's one of my favorite cuts of meat it's like a picanha you have a big fat gap and you have big beefy flavors but at the same time there's much more marbling in this cup than that you get from a picanha actually it's even better than a picanha and at the same time it's cheaper we ended up with a beautiful trimmed bottom of our tri-tip look at that all that clean meat with a little bit of intramuscular fat and here we still have a little bit of top fat you don't want that off I just want to leave that on now if you think this is challenging don't worry about just give it a try do it a few times but make sure you get a cut of tri-tip that has that fed on so you can decide how much of fat you want to leave on or want to take off on the top we have that beautiful fat cap look at it it's going to be crispy it's going to be tasty perfect for barbecue now of course before we start grilling we're going to fire up our Joe jr. we're going to put in some come out of your big block a few fire starters Lag them up and let the barbecue come up to temperature our charcoal is hot and ready to go so what we're going to do is close our bottom vent to almost half a finger open add a big chunk of smoke would dump it right in there and then close the lid open the top vent with only the holes open the aim is to dial in a barbecue at a smoking temperature of around a hundred and ten degrees Celsius which is 225 degrees Fahrenheit look the smoke is already coming since we're going to be smoking I'm gonna put in our heat deflector the grill grates and now we're going to put on our tri-tip without seasoning it first there we go it fits perfectly on a commodity Oh junior perfect fit time to close the lid and wait for it to smoke let it come up to temperature we're looking for a core temperature of 54 degrees Celsius we're getting closer and closer dude at 54 degrees Celsius time to take a tri-tip off the grill look at that thing nice and golden-brown you can clearly see that it's been smoking and picking up smoke which is one of the most important parts of the reverse sear technique in the step that we just went through we let the meat slowly come up to temperature and at the same time we gave it the opportunity to pick up smoke and that smoke flavor is also important about barbecue we want it to have extra flavor and that's what we did right here a tri-tip first needs to rest we can't slice into this first of all we want to cross it on top so we need is some flames we need some soul on there just to get it crisp and up and second of all my barbecue is not at the temperature just yet so we're gonna take out the heat deflector and grill grate and open up the vents we want a barbecue to come up to a temperature of around 200 degrees Celsius which is 400 degrees Fahrenheit stay away from the mean brother more so than I just beefed up security I'm just gonna carve up our fat cap just get in there real careful we don't want to slice into the meat oh look at that with the weight of the knife it's just falling through the fat cap this is gonna be so good now we're going for a diamond shape of course we're slicing into it and some of the juices of that fat are already dropping out but look at how good this looks now we'll sprinkle on salt that will help crisping up our skin so what we want to do is we want to get it in there in between the fat otherwise it's just gonna fall off don't worry I'm getting too much on there because most of we'll drop off when we start rendering off that fat while we waiting for her steak to rest maybe we can make a salsa first we're gonna chop fine one clove of garlic then one shallot then cherry tomatoes one pointy red bell pepper also going to chop fine some fresh parsley and five tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil a pinch of salt some fresh ground black pepper there we go now toss that all up come on Marshall don't be like that you know what it means now that we've got all the preparations done let's start grilling off our tri-tip let's put the grill right back in there we go beauty first I want to sear off the bottom it only needs a little bit of sear then we're going to flip it over to the crust if we're starting out with that crust that fat cap then it's not gonna work because you get a big Inferno and you want to prevent that you want to take it off before you get these giant flames burning up your tri-tip letting the fat touch the flames can only last just for a real short period how do I should get that burning fat and that doesn't taste good you want to keep it as short as possible while crisping up that fed anyway now take a look at this beautiful tri-tip man we sure got some really good crisp all that listen to this it's Ruth really crispy and at the same time we get that juicy inside only one thing left to do you know it we're gonna slice it up wait a minute Marshall before we start slicing into it maybe I should explain that it consists of three parts look at it here the grains are running in this direction and over here the grains are running in that direction and then the point it's running in another direction so while slicing Internet we got to take that into consideration there we go looking for it perfect how juicy that is on the inside we'll slice up this part first oh my god perfect one slice cuts it looks really good right now I'm just putting that write it together so you can actually see how we cut it up into multiple sections you can see that we slice this part with a different direction than the other part and that way we sliced against the grain getting these perfect cuts you guys all know how I like to plate up my cutting board to this one we're gonna add some chips you might think what why but I like to add the sweet chili well you all know the brand there we go tortilla chips that work so well with our tri-tip look at these scholars and I was starting to put on our salsa and driving this plate up even further and now it's time for my favorite part of the show the tasting test first of course I tried it there we go no hmm our tri-tip has a lot of smoke flavor fantastic this is what I love about doing the reverse sear you get that smoke flavor then finally you sear it off put some salt on that fat cap and it almost completely dissolves the fat cap and turns it crisp and what you can see right now is something that the picanha doesn't have the picanha has under the fat cap that thick silver skin tri-tip doesn't have that which makes it much easier to bite into and to digest now let's try it with a little bit of salsa and some chips that's just ridiculous tri-tip is one of my favorite cuts and cooking it reverse here with that smokiness and that crispy fat cap it's absolutely beautiful I love making it likely and plating it up with some chips some salsa the acidity of the salsa breaks down the fat of the tri-tip what can you wish for if you guys like your barbecue and you like tri-tip and maybe a big thumbs up and a comment down below I hope you guys enjoyed this video and big thank you to our patrons and our YouTube members see you guys next time until then it's my alley and keep all guerrilla [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Pitmaster X
Views: 103,343
Rating: 4.91223 out of 5
Keywords: Reversed Sear Tri Tip, steak, trip tip, barbecue, bbq, how to barbecue, how to bbq, pitmaster x, kamadojoe, kamado joe, joe junior, recipe, food, how to cook, bbq pit boys, guga foods, pit barrel cooker, tritip, tri tip recipe, assado, churrasco, tri tip roast, 5 minute crafts, roast, ribeye, how to grill steak, good mythical morning
Id: fDUzbGWgvK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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