Mustard-rubbed beef tri-tip with grilled leeks
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Channel: Adam Ragusea
Views: 460,272
Rating: 4.9461579 out of 5
Keywords: tri tip, tri tip steak, tri tip roast, tri-tip, tritip, Newport steak, Santa Maria steak, Triangle tip, Triangle steak, tensor fasciae latae, TFL, colita de cuadril, maminha, rabillo de cadera
Id: 3Mb0LZpwH84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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To everyone here with no access to a grill, I didn't have access to a grill in my apartment for a while and anytime we cooked steak on the stove it smoked too much even at medium heat where our 12 foot ceiling smoke detectors would go off, none the less we smelled like old meat for the next three days.
So after doing some thinking I remembered eating incredible "london broil" at my friends parents house back in college. Messaged him to ask his mom how she did it and she told me to buy a tri-tip, heavily season it, and broil it in the oven. I think flank steak is the traditional london broil but trust me, I've tried both and tri-tip is far superior.
It's freaking dynamite as far as "steak" in the oven goes. Best part is, it's cheap and if you somehow screw it up then whatever, you're only down 10 dollars instead of 20+. There's no shame in taking it out and using a thermometer on it every few minutes to make sure it's not over or under cooked. It's not going to ruin the meat doing so.
Adam talked about my only gripe with it, the thin parts will get more cooked than the thicker parts. What I've found is heavily seasoning the thinner parts washes the over-cooked steak taste away. So maybe go easier on the seasoning in the thicker parts and let the meat do the talking there, and season the thinner parts much more heavily.
I am incredibly happy to have access to a good grill now though, cause it's so much easier and better.
So im clear: tri tip and rump cap (sometimes called pichana)... are they or are they not the same thing?