Perfect Bolognese Sauce with Orecchiette Pasta - Chef Jean-Pierre

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well welcome to another video today we're doing orecchiette bolognese it's a little pasta it's got the shape of your ears you can make with any pasta you want the secret is the bolognese sauce we're gonna make this amazing sauce i promise you remember click on subscribe and click on the bell so you can hear when we produce another video and if you like the video it gives us a thumbs up so this is a very very simple recipe today i'm using a spicy italian sausage you can use beef you can use pork you can use chicken you can use tofu for that matter i make a beautiful bolognese with tofu but today we're using a spicy italian sausage it's really the same principle for all of it it doesn't matter what it is you do the secret is to caramelize the meat than you are using whatever it may be chicken beef it doesn't matter right first thing we're going to do is we're going to saute some onion while the onion is sauteing over there right there i'm going to do the uh i'm going to saute the sausage and i'm going to show you because here you go put a lot of onion in there don't worry the onion is wonderful okay and we're gonna caramelize them we're gonna let them do their thing and uh and then we're gonna do the sausage and the sausage you get it normally when you get a sausage it comes in in a with a casing like that you want to remove the casing the easiest way to remove the casing is simple right you cut it on one side then you're flipping the sausage on the other side and you you put it right out you see look it comes right up let's see right there it comes right out let me tell you the secret friends it really really is important is to caramelize that meat to create the malar reaction really really well and i see a lot of people making bologna sauce uh and and and and they don't take the time to caramelize it it's kind of like imagine if you took a steak and you boil it in boiling water to cook it yeah it'll cook but you're gonna miss the opportunity to grill it to get that garmentization or to saute it in a pan and to get all those beautiful reaction so it's really important so we take that sausage and you're going to see it's going to take a little while but this is a must that's why i wanted to do it in front of you because it's really really important to take the time to do this and that's why i wanted to show you from the beginning of making the sauce and even if it takes a little while it's important and i explain it to you because if you don't do this you're missing a great opportunity just i can't describe it better to you than if you took a steak and then you boil it to cook it okay instead of grilling it and look what i'm gonna do you see right there now this is a very time-consuming process okay but you must do it this is really the secret of making a fabulous bolognese okay it really is it's like uh it really is amazing when do you see it when do you test it wait until you test it it's really amazing you got to take the time to do this it doesn't matter if it's a beef or a pork or a chicken you gotta saute it you see right there and you'll see it how far i'm gonna take it now depends the sausage you're buying it's gonna be very lean and depends the sausage you're gonna buy it's gonna be very fatty so if you want to make it with sausage you're going to have to watch it to make sure you buy sausage it's not too fatty if you're going to use a um a chicken same deal you know or say b for the beef i buy 85 15 on the ground beef when i make a bolognese so it's not very fatty yeah and you see i'm taking my time to do this and i'm going to saute onion at the same time and i really want to do it to show you because nobody takes the time to do to show you how to do this and uh so it makes it for a longer video but it's worth it to show you how to do it we got some thyme then we're going to put in later i don't want to forget it we're going to cut some mushrooms when i get mushrooms if they're big like this what i do is i cut them in half and then i cut them like this okay cut them in half and then cut them like this see look half right there you see got him like that just like that don't cut your fingers now here we go yeah i say that and you watch i'm gonna cut my fingers you know i've been a professional chef my whole life and i've been very lucky to cut myself very very very few times knife is something i really respect i have to be very very careful let me tell you you don't want to cut yourself yo look look at this look at this you see how long it's taking friends we're not even close in the meantime the ono is he's getting his thing we're not even close you see we're not even close to uh to where we want to be let me put that spoon right over there so remember when you use a knife be careful what i do is the knife is uh is behind my knuckle and if i do a slow motion you see my knife is always on the knuckle my knife is always on the knuckle as long as i feel the cold of the knife i'm not going to cut myself the second i don't feel the cold then i'm in danger zone i could be over here it could be somewhere i have to be careful you say look it's not complicated i promise you right so look at this sausage over there gone mamma mia it's taken forever you see let me get that spoon again and you see we may have too much fat oh this is what i wanted i wanted to show you let me see let's see if we can get to it this is a lot of fat look at this this is a little too fatty so i'm going to strain the fat out of there i don't want all the fat in my bone here so i'll show you i have a a little thing down look let me show you let me show you let me hear let me get myself a tong hold on one second i want to show you this is what i'm looking for right there friends you see right here this is exactly what i'm looking for right there that carmelization right there it's very very important that we get this it's very very important that we get this friends you see nice caramelization right there you see we're getting there but we want to break it up break it up break it up see and then you do it it doesn't matter if you're doing beef or pork or chicken and you still oh right there right there see where you can see it's going to take a little while longer we're almost there and they only are cooking in the meantime right you know you're caramelizing it you see right there we want it just a little more brown because that's where all the flavor is gonna be if i miss an opportunity to do it now it's never going to happen now we're going to put the mushrooms ooh let me get my scraper i always forget something in my kitchen there we go we're going to put the mushroom in here let me cut let me hurry up boy that's a big one that's a big mushroom right there boy let me see how we're doing hey you know i bought a couple of baby potable maybe i put some of those too but whatever mushroom makes you happy yeah see right okay look look look look there you go now the onion nice and caramelized you see they're beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful the onion so now we're going to put the mushroom to get rid of the water we'll put the mushroom to get rid of the water friends okay you don't have to put mushrooms if you don't want to put mushrooms in your in in your bolognese but let me tell you i really really think it has the last oh look at him what are they doing in there it has a great deal of flavor the mushroom okay look look look look look this is what i'm talking about friends you see right there that carmelization let's get rid of the water in the mushroom man let's get rid of the water right there and when you make a bolognese sauce make x y you can do so many things with a good bolognese so many many many things friends look at this look at this you see now a lot of fat in here right you notice that okay so look this is the color i'm looking for right there you can see it this is what i want if you could smell it smells beautiful so look here's what i'm gonna do friends i got it figured out here i wanted to show you what happened is if you got too much fat this right here this is a little too much fat so i don't want all that fat so you know what i do look look what i do see sometimes you got to be careful last time i bought the sausage from this place it was beautiful it was not too fatty but looking now so you know what i'm going to do friends i'm gonna move over here because now we're done okay let's get rid of all the water in the mushroom you see right there this is what i'm look look how beautiful the color is you see right there if you could smell it you'll understand what it is i'm talking about but this is really really really important you see friends look at this right there so you see look look at all the fat we don't want that fat right there see i'm not interested in that fat so let me get rid of the a little bit is okay i don't mind a little bit of fat okay but too much fat is not very good so look right there we're getting rid of all the water in the mushroom so tell them a little bit longer let's make sure i got the good heat on there there you go right and then we're going to put fresh thyme let's pick the leaf of the time just like this you see look look how simple that is to do right um and then we're going to put some garlic we got to put garlic and a tomato sauce for sure so you can have a ch i have a chopped garlic things that i do but since i didn't never show you how to do that you just do this see you take your garlic right there smack it yeah maybe one more what do you think for that bad show here right there right there you take it and just give it a quick little chop that's another way to use your knife quick quick quick little chop chop chop all right and we're going to cook this we're going to put this in here right and remember the second we smell the garlic the second we smell the garlic what do we do let me clean up i hate the dirty curry board a second smell the garlic we put our tomatoes i'm using lavalier tomatoes peeled italian tomatoes and it's absolutely fabulous so here we go chopped tomatoes beautiful chopped tomatoes we're going to put a sausage right there we're going to leave all our fat in here we don't need it you see and we are getting close we're getting close we're going to see what's happening here with our tomatoes we're going to put more tomatoes mix it up real good the tomato puree is gonna bind the sauce maybe two spoons mix it all up i'm going to let this cook about 45 minutes to an hour the tomatoes are gonna release more water the tomato puree be there to thicken it let me tell you this with a pasta i put it inside an a vidalia onion i put it inside zucchini i put it inside bell peppers with this sauce you can just serve it plain by itself with any kind of pasta you can serve it with rice you can also add some beans it's really really really fabulous we're going to put salt and pepper in there i'm using a mediterranean sea salt a little bit of pepper because my sausage is quite spicy so i'm not putting too much of it and right there we're ready so remember if you have a sausage little too fatty like i had today get rid of the fat i mean if you want to keep the fat on it of course you can keep the fat and it's your it's your sauce make it however you want to make it but you don't need that extra fat you know so what we're going to do we're going to clean the pot remember when i cook i like to clean my pot i like to clean the pot so then it doesn't burn on the side of the pot it's starting to look good but it's going to take a while before it really comes with so it comes to boil the second it comes to boil i want you to reduce and cook it very very slowly and every so often i want you to mix it up like i'm doing right now and then we'll uh we'll adjust the seasoning about 45 minutes to an hour from now it's all gonna reduce properly and this is a and when you make a sauce like that you want to make a huge quantity because it is beautiful which actually gets better if you freeze it it really you refrigerate it this is wonderful easy to make and we're going to come back and we're going to serve it with uh orecchiette pasta and parmigiano-reggiano so we cooked it this is about about an hour an hour and 15 minutes today we cooked a little bit longer you can cook it one hour is enough one hour and a half you don't need to cook a tomato sauce all day you know that's the way they used to do it all day but i don't know why i did it that way just don't you don't need to so the sauce is beautiful remember to make extract because you can freeze it right i got oriquete a little eels the reason why i like to do all the kettle friends is because um um they hold the sauce they're perfect so so it's like a little pocket if you will a little shell because you know to me it looks more like a shell it doesn't look like an ear you know but what it means a small ear right it looked more like um like an ear than me let me put this over there i put a little bit of butter in there and and that's like i said the reason why i like to do the um uh the orecchiette is because the sauce is gonna get right in there you see look now of course you can make it look pretty put the pasta on the bottom and then put the put the sauce on top but if you really want to enjoy it friend this is how you do it okay you can serve any kind of pasta with this you can certainly use uh a um a penne pasta it'll be delicious also spaghetti bolognese is wonderful okay and and if you don't like mushroom don't put the mushroom i love the mushroom in there you know and this water right there is so delicious it's going to be a little spicy so all we got to do is we're going to mix it up really well right we'll put a bit of parmigiano reggiano on top of it and uh and a little bit of parsley and we're serving it we're serving them in my favorite plates right there this is beer this is so simple look at this see look look at that that gorgeous so nice every little pasta it's got a little sauce in there right there all we're going to do now is we're going to take just a little bit of the parmesan cheese on it just a little bit of parmesan or you can put a lot of parmesan it's up to you a little regina now make sure it's region okay look at that oh yeah baby it's going to be delicious and then i'm going to put a touchy little parcel in there you can put basil chiffonade if you want just for a little color and this right there my friends is absolutely wonderful you go ahead right there and make it because it is beautiful and it's going to be [Music] amazing [Music] you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 144,423
Rating: 4.9512339 out of 5
Keywords: bolognese sauce, how to, bolognese sauce (dish), bolognese recipe, pasta bolognese, how to make bolognese, meat sauce, spaghetti bolognese recipe, bolognese pasta, italian food, italian recipes, chefjeanpierre, chef jean pierre onion, onyo meme, Bolognese sauce recipe, bolognese sauce recipe, spaghetti bolognese, how to make bolognese sauce, ragu bolognese sauce, how to make spaghetti bolognese, bolognese sauce recipe fresh tomatoes
Id: sZ604fy-xXU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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