The Loaded Lasagna - Chef Jean-Pierre

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friends another one of my favorite this is an amazing lasagna it's got a morning sauce it's got an italian ragu sauce with the meat in it it's amazing parmigiano-reggiano swiss cheese in there amazing sauce i want you to try i promise you this is going to be one of the best lasagna you've ever had stay tuned i'm going to show you exactly how to make it hello friends we're back and today i'm back with a man old classic this is my mom lasagna remember my mom is a cold and blue chef and i've been cooking for 50 years so this is like a mix but you're gonna love it this is my favorite way to make a lasagna it's got two sauces it's got a a a meat ragu bolognese type and it's got a mornay sauce both of those recipes are going to be separate we're going to make them individual recipes and so you'll have them okay you'll have a link to it at the end you can make them making a lasagna is not like one two three hey the kids are hungry let's make a lasagna well i mean yeah you can make a lasagna like i see people back in lasagna but this is not the lasagna matter of fact you know what i recommend i recommend you make it the day before cook it refrigerate it when it's cold cut it in beautiful slices and serve it a perfect slice of lasagna that's what i'm going to show you how to do all right so let's do it we got a lasagna cooked and i don't like those non-cooked lasagna sheets i don't know about you if you have if you like them or not but i try them i don't like them so i cook a regular lasagna put a bit of olive oil beautiful olive oil in there and then i got a breast of chicken cut and cut pepper thin pencil cook in the oven and basically pepper thin i got a uh a ham it's called a tavern ham that i get at the grocery store and it's a bull's head it's very very thin it should be a little thinner but they cut it like that and then i got my two sausages right here so now this video is just about putting it together you have to have the sauces to make it okay you can't just make a lasagna with a i mean you you could you you could uh buy a tomato a goo some kind of a tomato sauce than you like and a little sauce to it but don't invite me for dinner put a little butter in there you're gonna say well do you think that's enough butter uh yeah i think so yeah yeah yeah yeah you know you can never put too much butter if you don't like the butter then uh put the um what do you call it the non-stick spray but again uh skip the invitation okay i'm only kidding i'll come to your house if you invite me so gonna invite me you know i'm gonna stop to death if i don't cook for myself nobody cooks for me what is wrong with this thing so look hey i don't wanna talk too much otherwise i'm gonna have the tick tock people are gonna say hey you're talking too much so look i'm gonna take that goodbye now we're gonna put in the size of lasagna right there look at this look at this look at this baby those are cooked perfect match you know in the printer recipe that i'm gonna do i'm gonna give you an exact size of the dish cause i don't know you know i got a tape measure you know what before i forget your watch i got a tape measure here what kind of kitchen do i have i don't have a tape measure okay oh yes i do yes i do yes i do yes i do look look look at me look at that this is uh 10 10 by 14. write that down 10 by 14 write that down all right the first sauce we're going to put friend it's going to be that bolognese and meat ragu call it whatever you want to call it it's a tomato sauce with meat and a mushroom and a celery and a leek and the and the and the carrots and the onion and the caramelized meat you can put a caramel sausage you can use the same bolognese that i make with a sausage i made that one on the video i think it's called orecchiette with the bolognese and i got the uh a youtube recipe police that told me that's not a baron yes call it whatever you want i call it this okay so look now we're gonna take it right there oh oh oh shoot you see i'm talking i'm talking and i forget the work i'm gonna put the chicken now now let me tell you about the chicken friends because i got plenty to do to tell you because you see how long it's going to take me to do all that ah yeah yeah yeah i don't even have time to have a glass of wine you know when i cook at home i always got a glass of wine on youtube i'm afraid they're going to call me a whiner so i'm not doing it i've been called so many names no no no no that's not true they've been wonderful hey look look at the hole right there don't let it happen okay no actually people have been very nice my youtube audience you guys are amazing no no really give yourself a round of applause all of you are there i'm telling you you guys are supporting my channel so much it's amazing i love it i love it i love it i love it you know i'm gonna be retiring from teaching people how to cook and i'm only gonna do the youtube because i love it you guys are amazing the comment we got like a thousand comments a day between all the video it's amazing it takes me like two three hours every day to read the comment but i love it it's one of my favorite things to do every day people say how do you respond to all of them i love it so look now we're going to put the other slice okay you can skip the chicken you don't want the chicken don't worry don't put the chicken in there you don't want to put the ham don't put the ham in there it's not like you gotta replace with something everybody says well if i don't put it in what do i replace it with nothing you don't need to replace it with anything it's not like you gotta replace it okay so now now we're gonna put the morning sauce and the morning sauce friends what's the morning sauce the morning sauce is the bechamel with cheese a lot of cheese okay i will give you you'll have the recipe on there you can do it um i think i have a recipe somewhere already where i make it oh yeah my macaroni and cheese yeah this is a macaroni and cheese so chicken check that out you got a macaroni and cheese and a lasagna and a and a bolognese in the same dish holy mackerel look at this friends let me tell you let me get a spot you out here because i like to work a cleaner let me tell you friends this oh yeah baby check it out check it out check it out you see what i'm doing you see what i'm doing let me tell you something this is a lasagna then we'll put away all of the lasagna recipe now we put the ham you don't put the ham don't put the ham it's okay i'm not coming over but if i'm coming over with it oh yeah that's what i want a very thin right there see this one is a little thick over there you see now if you cut it like that's what i want right there you see you see see that's what happened they start like that right and then they break a few slices at their daily and you don't pay attention you know what they do they push it and all of a sudden it's thicker you see look at this one i know it's not bad i'm talking i'm complaining but it didn't turn out to be too bad yeah i was just saying earlier let me tell you i love you guys you guys are amazing you know it's really amazing how many people how many of you have cooked the turkey recipe how many of you have made my gravy recipe it's amazing and my stuffing oh that's stuffing good oh wow huh it was amazing wasn't it all right look look look look look look here we go what have we got here that's it that's it what do you think you can put more if you want why not yo all right here we go all right so what do you think it's good maybe you want more what do you think one thing what do you think i'm asking you what do you think you don't even hear me what do you think so look look here the dish is going like this right so that means what does that mean that means i'm going to need to put an extra noodle you see look look i got to put in this noodle and don't worry if it's not perfect you see look look look look at this look at this you would have you would think that i know what i'm doing you would think that i know what i'm doing what do you think of this one eh oh god that's not professional i gotta have a knife i can't cannot cut this without a knife right there friends otherwise they're going to tell me ah you should have cut it with a knife what do you think what do you think ah it's too long it's got to be perfect there we go here we go here we go here we go here we go okay let me wash my hand so now we're going to finish the friends now we're going to finish it how we're going to finish it more of that tomato sauce right there oh yeah baby oh yeah check it out does that look good to you or what i don't know if it looks good to you but it looks good to me my friends let me tell you this right there is amazing you see see see look at this look at this now what do we do we give it one of those those uh massage it over there right there right there right there well look at that that was the right amount that was a perfect amount friends right look at this look at this i should do this for a living all right so now here we go folks make sure it's even make sure it's even right right there all right now you know i hated the aluminum foil i hate aluminum foil i use it just to cover my turkey that's all i use this for but knock yourself out if you want to put aluminum foil oh parmesan cheese regina parmesan oh yeah you see you see you see you see what i'm doing right there folks i'm doing it right there look look look look at this look at this don't be shy now put a lot of cheese a lot of cheese a lot of cheese nobody's gonna complain there's too much cheese right if they complain there's too much cheese don't invite them again that's it there you go go eat your lasagna somewhere else voila now what we're going to do we're going to put them on a cookie sheet let's get rid of this one right there because it is dirty right let me put it right there sorry there you go and let's put right there on a cookie sheet i could have left it on there so now you got a choice friends you can put aluminum paper or if you have a seal pad you put it on top just let it go like this and the seal pad is not going to stick and you're going to take it out it's going to be pure water for it it's going to go over the bonnet bake it in the oven it probably about 45 minutes to an hour until it's beautiful golden brown check it out make sure it's beautiful golden brown and then what i recommend you do friends let it rest now if you're really hungry go red but you know it's going to be impossible to make a perfect slice when it's too hot at least give it an hour or two to relax let the steam out then cut it if you can refrigerate it overnight after it's cooled to room temperature the next day cut it in slices and reheat it slowly to internal temperature 145 you like a perfect slice of lasagna in the meantime i'm going to put them in the oven and i'll get back to you tomorrow so we're sleeping here tonight so stay with me and uh and we'll check them out tomorrow morning we're gonna put them in the oven now hey remember this is gonna be beautiful friends there we go all right we're going to take it out of the oven here it is friends it's it's been about um 45 minutes almost an hour really and look how beautiful that is friends look at this i took out the seal pad about 20 minutes ago because i wanted to make sure brown beautiful so now here's what you can do you can certainly wait an hour or so so it's not so wet it has time to evaporate a little bit so solidify and you can eat it and it'll be delicious or you can do what i'm gonna do i'm gonna let it get to room temperature meaning when i put my hand on it there's no more heat coming out of it and then i'm gonna refrigerate it overnight and tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon or tomorrow night whenever i'm ready for dinner i'm going to cut it in slices and i'm going to reheat it gently until it gets to 150 degrees and you'll have a perfect slice of lasagna to me lasagna is eating all of the layer at once do that either way i promise you you're going to love it no matter what we're going to see you tomorrow because i'm going to do it that way and you'll decide how you want to do it all right so we'll see you tomorrow morning all right friends well uh the lasagna spent the night in the refrigerator nice and cozy i cut them this morning in slices i got them in the oven reheating 245 degrees internal temperature that's the secret don't eat them but too much otherwise they're going to fall apart again and you might as well eat them when they first make them the idea of doing what i did is to keep them so the slice doesn't fall apart too bad you have an internal temperature 145 and you have yourself an amazing lasagna coming out right now i take them out of the oven so remember what i did i took them out of the lasagna pan i took them out of the lasagna pan right and i sliced them like a napoleon style slices if you will and let me get the right spatula i got it right there so what i do is i take a slice of it right there you see now now we're serving a lasagna then it's like a perfect slice of lasagna you see now this my friend is a beautiful lasagna you see this right there a little bit of parsley to make it fun you could put a little sauce with it you can serve it just like that you can just enjoy it like that let me tell you something friends this is a lasagna you gotta try with the money sauce and the chicken you don't want to put the chicken don't put it in there the ham don't put in the ham don't put it in there i promise you this is a fabulous lasagna all right friends i'm gonna cut into it i'm gonna get in there and let me tell you look look at this folks look at this look at this right there you see you can see oh well we can't see it anymore but you can't see it anymore but see got the ham you got the chicken oh you know i remember my mom said don't eat with your mouth full but let me tell you um this is sexy this is as close as you're gonna get to sex without being in the bedroom i'm telling you folks this is amazing god bless oh my god i love this amazing oh i love my you're gonna love this i promise you don't forget excuse me if you like the recipe subscribe to our channel gives us a thumbs up and don't forget to ring my bell so you get a notification every week i put a new video on thanks for watching [Music] enjoy [Music] you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 71,713
Rating: 4.9727077 out of 5
Keywords: how to, cooking video, chef jean-pierre, chef jean pierre onion, chef jean pierre onion meme, best chef on youtube, chef jeanpierre, how to cook, how to make, onyon chef, lasagna recipe, lasagna, lasagne recipe, best lasagna recipe, best lasagna, cooking shows on youtube, gourmet cooking, most entertaining chef on youtube, onion chef, cooking show, Meat Sauce, Mornay Sauce, Cheese Sauce, Delicious food, delicious food recipes, chef jean pierre, funny chef, easy recipes
Id: 4CWmBKQtr8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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