Marvelous Shrimp Curry - Chef Jean-Pierre

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hello everyone another fabulous video today i'm doing shrimp curry served with a jasmine rice delicious if you like the video subscribe give us a thumbs up and don't forget to ring the bell okay so today we're doing a black tiger shrimp with an indian curry very simple to make the secret again as usual as all recipe we want to make sure that we have our mison plus everything ready to go we're going to put broccoli in there i got the broccoli already uh steamed and then placed in uh in ice water so then i captured the nice color to it and uh and they already cooked so we're gonna put them toward the end of it we're gonna put them at the end they are um they are cooked already right so we're gonna use black tiger shrimp if you don't have black tiger shrimp use whatever shrimps you can find we'll remove the tail of it we already cleaned them but i'm going to do something even more than that i am going to slice them completely in half right and you're going to say why do you do that well you see look just two perfect halfway so you remove the skin i mean the skin the tail and then you cut them completely in half see be careful when you do it you want to make sure they're two perfect half all right and then you say why is that you'll see what happened what happened is when they cook they're gonna twist yeah they're gonna twist like this and and they're gonna get a much better a much firmer texture and it looks really really cool on your plate you see a twist is really really nice all right so the first thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna turn on my heat and i'm gonna put a little bit of coconut oil okay so we're waiting for the oil to be about uh 400 degrees i got a little too much oil i don't need that much at all you need just a little bit oil coconut oil has a nice smoke point 400 450 depends which one you get and uh and it's really really important for this dish first thing we're going to do is we're going to saute some onion and a diced onion i put them a little too soon don't do what i did wait a little bit so when it's like that you put them too soon you put your your eye your oil was not hot enough just wait a few seconds don't touch it don't touch it so you don't want all of them to get the cold oil we're gonna wait until it's a little hotter and then we're gonna saute the onion and then we're going to put the shrimp and then we're going to put some uh cashews coconut milk we got an indian curry uh which is wonderful that's something you're going to have to find in your grocery store you'll find them and you could use a regular salt but i have a spicy curry salt i like to have spicy salt they're wonderful and then we're going to put a little bit of sriracha to give it a little bit of heat all right now you got to watch it if your curry is already spicy you may want to skip the heat right and then we're gonna put a bit of chicken stock see right now we finally are hot so we're gonna saute the onion so they get a little sweeter and we want to do this before remember i put a little more on you here you go carefully measure everything you notice i don't measure very much but if you go to our website you'll get a perfectly written recipe and you can get and you can do it but it's very simple right the secret is to make sure everything is measured ready to go and remember the onion always goes first i mean it's it's hardly any recipe well you do not put the onion first and are always by themselves so you can caramelize them you can cook them so they get sweeter and and they cook you know and the shrimp is not going to take that long so well and we want to make sure we don't overcook the shrimp that's why you gotta have everything ready to go okay because if you don't have everything ready to go then you uh you overcook the shrimp or your dicing thing that's why you don't start cooking until you have your miso plus remember that it's very much one of the most important thing you know i've taught thousands of people how to cook i've been doing this 54 years and uh and let me tell you one of the most important lessons and everybody tells me they love they learned and they do it all the time it's amazing they do not start cooking until everything is chopped and diced and ready to go it's called misoplasty make sure you do that all right now this dish right here friends now you know if um if you're in may june july and sometime even august you can use the vidalia onion because vidalia onion are much sweeter than a regular spanish or a regular wine onion and and you don't need to worry too much about sauteing them because it's so delicious i don't know if you've ever had a vada onion but you can actually put it in your mouth and buy it like you do an apple yeah vanilla onion that's sweet that's the only one you can do that way don't do that with a regular spinach onion not so good okay the onions are cooked now we're going to take a shrimp that already been cut in half and we're gonna put them in here just like that oh let me do the whole thing right i got my wet rag here so i can wipe my hand we gonna make sure we don't burn anything now you'll watch what's gonna happen with the shrimp when you're cooking the black tiger shrimp they turn this beautiful white pink white pink white uh flesh with a pink outside um by the way if you can't get the the black tiger see if the fish market you're shopping at as blue mexican the blue mexican shrimp is very firm and it's very sweet we get them every so often here and they're really really delicious when my fish monger i am i shop in fort lauderdale we have an amazing fish monger it's called the fish peddler and let me tell you they have amazing and they have the the blue mexican shrimp not everybody got them but if you can't get blacked out you'll get blue mexican if you can't get blue mexican pink or white shrimp it doesn't matter freak pink whatever makes you happy so you see we're starting to get some color now i like cashews in my shrimp you don't like cashews just don't put them in and those are blends right all right so and you know by the way i keep my nuts in the freezer all my nuts i keep them in a freezer you should do the same they're much much otherwise they get rinse it if you keep a nut like this in the in in a carpet in the kitchen they're going to get rinsed you put them in a freezer 17 years later they're still nice so it's really really important keep them in the freezer keep your nuts in the freezer that's a good one so here we go folks look we're getting there we're getting there see the onions are nice and caramelized i'm making sure they don't burn but i like oh i'll show you i'll show you what i like i show you show you i'll show you hold on hold on one second let me see let me see if i just there you go cc right here i don't know about you but right there right there right there that that right there i love the way the shrimp is um so you can see it right it's a light lightly golden brown oh yep shrimp escape this look look at fresh as they are they come out of the wok there we go keep keep keep mixing everything right you can add a snap piece to this you can add a bunch of stuff to this now when are the shrimp ready the shrimp are ready only when there's uh they're not transparent anymore we don't want to overcook them be careful you see the way i'm constantly mixing constantly mixing because i don't want anything to burn if you could be here and smell it smells delicious time for the curry all right so we're going to put a curry right on top just like this maybe a little bit more remember that's something you're going to have to play with look i lost another nut so here we go we're almost there you see almost there it smells amazing i like to really um saute the um the the curry by itself before i put any liquid that gives me a nice that releases all the fragrance of the spices that in the curry i can i can test the coriander in there i can smell it the cumin i can smell it it's really really really wonderful we're almost there friends we're almost there see it's looking beautiful i want to make sure there's still a little bit of transparency but it's okay now what i'm going to do friends i'm going to put my chicken stock you see i like to keep a pot of chicken stock on the stove it makes it really easy doesn't it you see right so then you don't measure right then we're going to put a little bit of coconut milk measure carefully some of you are gonna the recipe police are there on youtube are gonna say he's not measuring anything that's okay you want the recipe go on our website we'll give it to your friends wait don't worry about remember it's not rocket science saying we're not sending a man on the moon we are just making a little a shrimp curry a child could do this all right so now we're going to put our broccoli remember the broccolis are cooked they're cooked so all we're going to do is just get them hot you see all we got to do is get them hot and all we're going to do now we're going to thicken it lightly with a little bit of cornstarch here's my cornstarch right there because again it's a little too thin you see friends a little too thin it's just a little too thin so when you make it a cold starch you put it make the cornstarch you put it together be careful if you let it set set if you let it set for a while it's going to thicken and the cold start is going to fall on the bottom so just put a little bit be careful very little see what happened put a little bit first and then see what happened don't go out there i'm putting too much cornstarch i mean worst case scenario you put too much cornstarch all you got to do is just add a little more stock let me just put a little bit more see i want it to be the right consistency remember texture is flavor if i give it to you too thick if i give it to you too thin the idea let me tell you about the idea here how do we know if it's thick enough you want it the sauce to be on top of the shrimp you see you want the sauce to be on top of the shrimp so every time you have a bite of a shrimp or a broccoli you have it you have the sauce with it you see you don't want the sauce in the bottom a little bit more a little bit more just a little bit more sometimes it's just a little bit that's like to make a perfect you see i like to make a perfect let's see let's see what we got you watch i'm gonna put too much and then i'm gonna put put more stock no i think i got a perfect right there right there you see beautiful now i'm gonna test it before we finish it up we have it oh mamma mia i forgot to put the salt and i forgot to put the uh the sriracha thank goodness here we go now put as little or as much as you want and for salt friend i'm using the spicy curry salt put as much salt as you want you know food without salt is like a day without sunshine it's like a great dinner without wine it's like life who's that love okay enough already hey yeah yeah yeah i love my life i love my life i love the fact that i live in america you know i'll never take it for granted god bless america oh here we go friends let's see let's see i can't believe it i was gonna forget everything ah mama medium oh yeah baby this is what i'm talking about right there the normal salt and it is amazing all right friends i'm now going to plate it we're going to we made a beautiful jasmine rice we're gonna put it in a plate and and we're gonna serve it okay we'll be right back plating it okay first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna put a little bit of rice we use a rice cooker it just makes it easier uh and and i'm gonna make the plate look kind of cool okay we're gonna put a rice in the middle right you can put more rice obviously or you can just forget about uh doing what i'm doing now and serve it by putting the rice in the bottom of the plate it'll be perfectly fine and then what i like to do obviously i put a little bit some on the side that's what happened but it doesn't matter this is uh there you go and then we put this right on there to pack the rice a little bit so it looks nicer right all right now we're going to take a dish all right what i'm going to do now is i'm going to plate it to make a nice presentation but again that's something see look look how cool the shrimp you see see what they you see you test them you're gonna love them so you can put them however you want to put them in there i kind of like to organize them a little bit so it looks a little nicer then just throw it in there but um sometimes if i'm really hungry that's what i do let's just throw them in there okay so we're gonna do this just like this right right just like this and then we take a couple of pieces of broccoli we put one over here we put one over here we put one over here and then we put one over here and then all of a sudden we're turning a stir-fry into a pretty dish right now we're going to take some of that sauce and i got my spoon right over there we're going to take some of that sauce and we're going to put it on top see just like this okay this is just to make a nice presentation you can skip that whole thing if you don't want it what a great appetizer huh if you want to make us a little appetizer we're going to clean up the plate after because i'm making such a mess let's clean up the plate and then we're going to gently take our rice out so all of a sudden we are turning a stir-fry into a pretty dish instead of just slapping it on there okay so clean up the plate you can put a little more sauce if you like just make sure you don't mess it up because it needs just a little bit more sauce okay here we go very easy to do you try it make a little more elegant and don't forget ring the bell and gives us thumbs up if you like the recipe and try the next recipe alright enjoy
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 103,682
Rating: 4.9684563 out of 5
Keywords: shrimp curry, indian shrimp curry, chef jean pierre, chef jean pierre onion, onyo, how to cook curry, prawns curry, prawn curry recipe, shrimp recipe, tiger shrimp, Curry, Shrimp curry with coconut milk, cooking show, easy recipes, onyon chef, how to, french chef, chef jeanpierre, fun cooking, funny chef, onyo chef, gourmet cooking, cooking dinner, cooking appetizer, easy recipes for kids to make, cooking shows on youtube, most entertaining chef on youtube, bon appetit
Id: 0MtXMobfBPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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