Bolognese Sauce with Milk

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bolognese with milk bolognese that wonderful velvety complex sauce that everybody loves and it's good for any meal so what you need is a big pot a nice dense pot because this sauce has to cook three four hours if you cook it even more it gets better the first step is of course the pestata which means the garlic and the pancetta in this case could you use bacon of course you could cut it in small pieces and give the machine a little help here all right and the stata estate means to really chop and you want it in a paste so it disintegrates into the sauce so let's check it out okay yeah it's a nice pistata just a dab of oil since this certainly has a lot of fat and scoop it all up that will slowly begin to break down let's get the meat ready so here we have beef pork veal and sometimes i'm sure you experienced that when you try to make meat sauce the meat clumps together to prevent that you add wine at this point and you kind of get right in there and break it down so that the wine is absorbed by the meat and it breaks it up a little bit if you do not have all the three kinds of meat could use one or two absolutely keep in mind that the flavor won't be as complex here i have the milk heating and what's different about the traditional bolognese in the style of bologna they used to put milk into it so we will make it in the traditional original style and what that does is that it really makes it premiere more velvety sauce at the end so the milk is getting warm i'm gonna add stock to it and that is on a low heat because when we add it to the sauce we want it to be at the same temperature okay this is getting nice and caramelized let's put the celery finely chopped because this will disintegrate you know the bolognese is all about that velvety meat that is suspended in this viscous delicious sauce and the vegetables play a big part so it is celery onions and carrots i will add a little bit of the olive oil okay and we'll let that slowly work away now the pancetta has salt so i'm not putting too much but i need a little bit for the vegetables themselves and there's different ways of enjoying bolognese i mean certainly the simplest is you pull out a nice a box of rigatoni or ziti and you dress it with a bolognese and you have yourself a great meal we will add the meat to that okay just like that so here this will take some time to break down all the water that the water from the meat needs to evaporate and the meat itself will be nicely caramelized just at that moment when it's kind of beginning to stick to the bottom that's what gives great flavor so as you see the meat is releasing the water and this will take oh about a half an hour so you know you do have to have a little patience with this sauce and stay with it but you know as i said this pot will give you many many great meals for your family and guests so continue mixing as i said you know about a half an hour you can sort of walk a little bit away from the pot but stay close to it so it doesn't scorch i will clean up and we'll be back with the next step of this wonderful technique ragu or bolognese is loved by everybody and each chef has their own kind of twist on it a chef billy at becca he puts a little bit of cinnamon in his is his ragu chef fortunato in athalidia he likes to put his vegetables sometimes a little zucchini sometimes a little string beans in it dan in kansas city went in the fall he puts mushroom in it and so it gives it a little bit more meat so it's you know it's a great basic sauce everybody loves and you can make it your own all right so as you can see the water the meat water has all dehydrated it's nice and caramelized and it's ready for the next building of flavors and we'll make a hot spot you know how i like that little hot spot and i'm gonna add my tomato paste tomato paste is high concentration of tomato flavor and when you don't want all the acidity and the liquidity of tomato in its juices or in a can but you want that intensity of tomato and its sweetness tomato paste is the ingredient to go to and let me just caramelize it here because caramelization of tomato paste for that matter of spices gives it brings it that extra element of flavor so not too much it doesn't need to be cooked just get it caramelized a little bit like that as you can see it's nice and dry it's begging for liquid to cook so here we have a combination of milk and stock and it's warm put just enough of the milk and stock mixture to cover all of the meat okay let me give it a mix let's see where we are here i think a little bit more as it starts to perk lower a little bit the flame because now the process is going to be a small kind of bubbly pearly pot process of coaxing out all of the flavor of the vegetable of the meat and ending up in that luscious bolognese sauce a little bit of nutmeg nutmeg really took hold in italy and we use it for the sauce like this long cooking techniques so do not overdo it it is all set lower it you see it perking put a lid on and back and forth don't leave the house but you can do other things in the house come back mix it add a little bit of the milk and stock mixture just enough to cover and let it perk away for at least three hours master class polonies the meat is the star of this sauce with just a small amount of extra ingredients always make a pestata so the pancetta or bacon can melt into the sauce to add depth to the sauce make sure you brown the meat render the fat and juices and cook it until those liquids reduce adding milk to the sauce will give it a rounder flavor and a silkier texture remember make an extra batch freeze it in pint containers for easy weeknight meals the bolognese is ready and the rigatonis are cooking let me just yes a few more minutes so rigatoni you say well why did you choose rigatoni well you know there's more than 370 different shapes of pasta in italy and us italians love to play with the different shapes different textures and it makes a difference here are the rigatonis that i'm cooking now you see regattoni have a big hole here and the bolognese sauce will go in there and so it will carry it as you eat it so that's important and that's my choice for today also i like the ridges the ridges on pasta gives you a nice tactile sensation penerigate pen again have a little hole the sauce lodges into the penne and the regatta part i like that again for texture farfalle farfalle is a favorite with children but adults we like it as well because waffle it's a pasta that is pinched in the middle and wears pinch that kind of stays more alternative it has a nice bite when you're dressing it up and eating it ultimately and of course the long pastas the spaghetti the linguine they go well more with the loose sauces if you will linguini clam sauce spaghetti aloe and those kind so when you're thinking about pasta first of all make sure you get a good pasta uh a 100 semolina pasta and then play around with the shapes a little bit the bolognese is ready are rigatoni look like they're ready so i'm gonna put the rigatoni right in there just like that don't rinse the pasta because if you rinse you kind of rinse away that little stickiness that is needed so the sauce adheres to the little stickiness of pasta the little starch so don't throw away and rinse away that stickiness so i'm looking at this this looks very good there's enough sauce that it dresses all of the pasta and i'm kind of letting it cook a little bit so i'm gonna put a little bit of oil just to finish this looks good so i'm gonna shut off the heat and i'm gonna put some grated cheese my goodness it looks delicious let me just pour myself a plate of pasta i think after all these three four hours of mixing i could use a little plate of rigatoni alla bolognese and i think i'm gonna put just a little bit of cheese just like that that looks darn good so here is this great pasta dish and i have a great quote for you la vita a combination of pasta life is a combination of magic and pasta so a nice rigatoni with some bolognese the aroma is fantastic [Music] it might look unassuming but it's everything but flavors just explode in your mouth so worthwhile the effort and the work so put it
Channel: Lidia Bastianich
Views: 200,603
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Id: DXlmqxvfj-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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