Hoya Home Tour — Vlog 008

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so I have to go on a trip today for business so I'll be out of town which means I have to water all my plants and get them ready and my friends gonna be taking care of them however you probably saw that it did a Jolla care and propagation video and if you haven't I'll link up to that in the description below and also here so you could actually see it because it's very informative but I figured before I would leave I have a little bit of time and I could actually show you some of the Hoyas and where I'm growing them in my house so I figured I'd start in the kitchen then I could go to the workroom and then my bedroom because that's primarily where I'm growing them in my house I started growing Hoya probably around 3 years ago now and I quite like them as a plant group I wish I actually had a little bit more space for them but for right now I have to make do with what I have but my kitchen I have a lot of hoya here in a small space largely because I get these like northeast facing window light and it's really gentle today is a pretty overcast day because it's going to be raining so I'm not getting as much light as I typically do here and some of the hoya that I have actually probably prefer to be in a little bit more light which I'll try to point those out but a good one here is Hoya Australis this is a great example of maybe one that could require a little bit more light it's a bit more of a succulent kind of variety of hoya there's other Hoya Australis that aren't that quite that succulent and then this one is a cutting of a hoya public calyx and a lot of these get some really beautiful colored different coloration of flowers some are a little bit more pink some are purple and I have a lot of public Alex around my house so you'll be able to see some of those I think this is called Hoya Parma folia I just got it although I am questioning whether that is the actual species of this Hoya the leaves look a little bit different than some of the type specimens that I've seen but I think that's one of the challenges with Hoya if it's not flowering it's very hard to identify them because sometimes the leaves look a little different even within the species depending on what kind of girl conditions you're giving them so I'm not quite sure yet we'll have to wait till flowers this is Koyuk and tiana back here which is another plant that probably requires a little bit more Sun so I'll probably pull him out of this little corner and then this one right here is Hoya public Alex this is another type of version of Hoya public helix gets a different color flower than the one that I had pointed out earlier let's see what else I have growing here Oh Hoya ah Bovada love this one so one does a little bit shinier before but I've had this growing for quite some time you see some of the the new kind of tendrils starting to grow out of here Hoya it's a type of cultivar iris Marie a much thinner and a leaf but I love the growth structure so far it's I think it's a little bit more of a pendant and a hanger not necessarily a climber like some of them oh this one's Oya Cardosa crinkle you can see it has kind of a little bit more like roughly leaves looks like it's a little parched I probably need to water that before I leave hmm I'm certain I'm probably missing a few oh here's here's one over here hoiiday Siana I actually lost a few leaves on this one but it was really just kind of like in shock because I had taken this as a cutting and it was sent to me and but it's stabilized now so that's a good thing oh this one here that I have kind of going in a little plastic bag is a cutting and it's a relatively long cutting so I'm not sure if I should actually cut it in some different places but this is Imagi Li di from the Philippines it's a fuzzier version of Hoya fuzzier ones actually are a little bit harder to root so I am a little bit concerned for this guy because I have them in a little bit moist sphagnum with a little plastic bag around it to kind of keep in the humidity but I definitely don't want this one to perish while I'm away you can see that the leaves are starting to pucker a little bit because it doesn't have a yet so I was a little bit bummed that the cutting came without a route usually the ones with a little bit of a fuzzier stem are a little bit more challenging to route so we just have to be a little bit more mindful about that Joya carry I I have growing here this is another great example of one that could probably use a little bit more light so we'll see how it goes I could easily move this a little bit further away for myself west facing windows on the other side of my house oh yeah bravi alotta that's another cute one and then if you come down here you'll notice a I'm packed with plants under this grow light here since I installed this grow light it's been a mad dash to kind of fit as many plants as possible down here this is a high bill ibadah which I have growing it's a little bit more of a succulent one Hoya come in Gianna which is one of my favorite I had this actually growing in my back room but now I have it growing here kind of like has a growth growth structure that goes up right and then hangs down and you'll notice I have some kind of this calcareous oyster shells here because it does require a little bit more alkaline soil these are Hoya Cardozo Crimson's and the ones the curly ones in the back the ones that look a little roughly are Hoya Cardozo compact does otherwise known as Hindu rupes I have a Hindu rope side of it variegated version and some non variegated versions back there Hoya mellifluous it's a little dirty probably when I water sometimes it just gets a little dirty oh yeah karna say again Hoya Bela which is sometimes considered a subspecies of lanceolata Hoya cuttings back here that I took because I was propagating this is an unknown cultivar but I think it's like Benin gooey or something like that I have to double-check with some more Hoya experts who know a little bit more than I and I also have another Hoya public helix back here I really love their flowers so I'm really looking forward to them flowering I have that is about to flower in the backroom which I'll show you but all these little tendrils and things like this I mean you would keep those on definitely keep these on because that's where you know the flowers and the leaves start to emerge but something like this here I'm just going to grab this you could see that these are like little dead sticks this there's no flower that's going to grow on any of these I'll show you what the peduncle and the spur looks like so I can in the back room so I'll show you that you're not cutting off anything of importance yeah nothing is going to grow on these little ends so you could actually clip those right off I'm sure there's probably some others back there but they can't get to them here are some of my propagated cuttings that I had they need a little bit more water you could see this was probably the one that didn't have a root but the others have taken on quite nicely and I do need to water those see that this one looks like my chicken ate it so this is my kitchen table and I have this Hakkar know so growing on here and this is my hoya macrophylla which could probably use a little bit more light I'm actually growing so macrophylla variegata is also in my other backroom and they seem to be growing a little bit better but I would say that this is starting to get a little bit too dark for Hoyas generally speaking Hoyas don't like to be in a tremendous amount of light so I used to have some growing near very close to my Southwest when you sing the note window but I kind of pulled those back but if you talk to some growers most of them are growing their hoya under fifty to eighty percent shade cover so that's a quite a bit of shade comparatively to other plants so yeah so you want to be giving your Hoyas a little bit more diffuse light it's gonna be better for them but this is starting to get into kind of like really low light zone and so you probably don't want to be growing too many Hoyas past this you'll see I have a lot of lower light tolerant plants and some grow lights here I could probably grow them under grow lights but I'm not going to risk it all right this is my work room new and improved work room cuz I got rid of the bed because I want to start working a little bit more in here but here's a grow light one of my soul tech solutions grow lights which I'll include a link to because they are just a great savior for the interior of your space but I have a number of hoya kind of hiding out here this is Hoya Ben Ngong right here which is a cute little succulent species and then I have there's so many Hoya Wyatt CI a little little cutting right here not too much of a big guy the great thing is you could just get little tiny cuttings and then watch them grow Hoya adhirata all that new growth is kind of like has a bronzy new growth so this is Hoya Vaughn Ngong as well another one they have growing here and hoiiday torah this might be a little bit too far underneath the light i might have to move that because it's got a thinner leaf i might not want to be really up to the to the light oh this one i think it looks like it got broken what a bummer I might have to take this as a cutting I mean this is fine because I have this as a cutting but I might have to cut this and then hopefully that this will actually root because there's not much of a note on there so I'm not sure how that actually happened but looks like it's still okay so I'll see it when I get back but this is Hoya and Perry Alice and that gets to be really big it's also likes to be under a lot of light and this is Hoya Bill ibadah which is starting to look a little drought-stricken so I'm going to need to water these under this light you'd be surprised like how much actual intensity of light it actually gets and then this is also another Hoya public helix right here all right so I have one growing in here in this little light fixture that I got this is Oya diversify Leah a little bit more of a succulent species in there and fusco marginata which is looking pretty good this one I'm not actually sure the name of I'll have to figure this one out an unnamed one but it has really iconic leave so I think it'll probably be easier to figure out cuz some leaves look all the same but this one I think looks a little bit different with its leaf margins and other public Alex that I got this is the one that I kind of pulled off the shelf and it got wrapped around so many different things and pulled everything down oh yeah revolve this down here I'm actually getting a grow light under this shelf to actually provide a little bit more light here because even though I get south west facing window light coming in on a day like this there's not a lot of light coming in and because this is under a shelf it's fine it's a little bit more diffused light but I think that most of these plan could handle a little bit more of a grow light as well up here is another Hoya public Alex I think this is the Hawaiian purple one Koya Wyatt CI variegata let me put these scissors down because I'll show you that this way Eskimo has a flower a little inflorescence let me show you this up close so this is the inflorescence is obviously not blooming this right here that little brown piece is the spur so you don't want to cut that off because or this is the peduncle that the inflorescence is part of this will kind of like dry out a little bit and look like a dry bit but that is actually where the flower develops so you can see that there's it's been flowering for a few years here because the spur gets longer and longer as it starts to flower so you can see that there's another peduncle coming out of here you can't even see a spur so this might be this the first time that this is going to become a little inflorescence right here but i found that these hoya caronia crony Ana's Eskimos have actually been very good flowering plants so depending on the hoya you might be having some that flower a little bit more in the autumn you have some that flower a little bit more in the spring in the summer time it really depends on the Hoya species that you have but I have a lot of Hoya crony onna Eskimos here's another one oh yeah here's another flower that's going to be coming out looks like the new time that this is gonna flower because there's not much of a spur there might be one spur I can't remember if it was this one or the last one that actually started to flower and last year they flowered in July so this seems like they could potentially flower a little bit earlier which could be kind of cool this one is also high at chrony onna but no lackin oh so sorry this is Hoya lacan Ossa but no no in fluorescence there this I can remember Oh Hoya fishy I've yeah this is Hoya Fidji I and this one that has this kind of fuzzy leaf I don't know if you could see the fuzz on this leaf this is Hawaii a finis which has been growing really well so I have a lot of hoya back here let me try to get this is Syria Genesis this dark one back here it's kind of poking up a little little tendril get to the light and then this one hanging down is Hoya puplic Alex another one and this is also another Hoya diversify yeah I think it's formerly known as Hoya cross appease thicker succulent one so this one likes to scramble and prefers a little bit more the south west facing window and then this is Ohio macrophylla variegata side um this is also growing in a little bit more light than the other one that I'm growing in the kitchen and that seems to be working out well and then I have a Hoya carryi variegata right here which seems to be thriving but we'll see I have to kind of figure out whether I can maintain that in the summer months because this summer gets a little crazy with the heat and then over here is Koyuk Alcina which I have to be mindful of as well because that one I could easily forget about and might be getting too much light in the summer months so we'll have to keep our eyes on it so the light that I get here in these southwest facing windows is pretty intense in the summer months obviously right now it doesn't look like much because it's an overcast day so it's giving these plants a little bit more as if it were like a northeastern exposure but even if you get back a little bit further right here the light really dramatically decreases depending on the time of the day so my experience of actually growing Hoya here has been a very good experience so they have been relatively they thrive here actually I had a Hoya Eskimo that I had a little bit further into the room and it didn't thrive so that's why I think this shelf has become a little bit more of like my high shelf and probably will continue to have more and more more Joya on here oh I forgot one hoya Fuji I you could see it's starting to put out a tendril so it gets a little bit closer to all that good light this is how it is like I totally can overlook a bunch of these hoya that are growing around here more high in this room not as much though this is Hoya crusty callus which could use I think a little bit more light so I'm going to be moving this I am planning on getting a shelf on one of the walls I could actually be growing a little bit more Hoya and this is Hoya multiflora which I think probably doesn't mind this little area over here doesn't get a tremendous amount of light but I do get Southwest facing light that comes in and it can be pretty intense and then during the afternoon the light kind of comes in a little bit deeper into the room and actually lights up and gives it a little bit more of a gentle light this is my pride and joy this Hoya right here I'm actually not quite sure what cultivar it is but I recently read re trellis this is REIT rellis even a word I actually recently reach relished this and broke a lot of the stems off so I am going to be doing a lot of cuttings for this for my the plant swap in New York which I don't even know if tickets are still available but if you're in New York and you're interested plant swap on April 27th which is going to be fun so I will be trying to find the idea of this species beforehand but it hasn't actually flowered yet which I'm really bummed by because it's so huge so I might have to like stress it out a little bit more because sometimes if you stress your hoya a little bit as n starts to flower because it's kind of putting out this signal where it's like oh I might have to actually put some pollen go to seed that type of stuff so sometimes stressing it out might mean giving it a little bit more of a cold or night sometimes stressing out might be a little bit more in sunlight it actually really depends on the species I have some more hoya here and we're gonna see how they do but you'll notice I have a little humidifier here for some plants that actually need a little bit more higher humidity and I noticed that these little Hoyas I have like Hoya mini Bell right here and then which ones this one poopoo Stella yeah these I had growing elsewhere and they just I felt like they just needed more humidity because they were getting like super thin so I wanted to do that and I think that they really benefit benefited from the humidity Hoya linearis I've read that they are in the monsoon season so sometimes they get like this a little bit more mist and that's how they actually get their water and that would make sense to me because they have this kind of really thin almost like tillandsia like air plant leaf and they might actually get the mist that way so I think that's kind of the conditions that I'm going to grow it in and we'll see how that works out this one is an unidentified Hoya and it definitely needs a lot more humidity I found out and this is Hoya sangee I and also needs a little humidity you could see that this is really drying out and I'll need to actually water these a little bit more so some Hoya I think more than others are a little bit more challenging and I'm really looking forward to kind of experimenting because I'll be getting in some more cuttings from from folks and that's the cool thing I don't have a lot of space anymore in my place so getting a small little cutting of Hoyas are quite wonderful because they don't need too many nodes in order to be able to actually get a nice rooted cutting [Music] all right tiny little room here but I have quite a few Hoyas because I get similar light to in the kitchen obviously because this is a northeast facing window this is Hayek Arno so crinkle which I also have out in the kitchen and somebody said this is Hoya colada but I'm still going to run an ID analysis on this because I think cleaner gets a little red around the margins and it's not fuzzy but I could be wrong um this is Longy folia oil on Jeff Olli up here oil a Canosa right over here hanging out of the frog's mouth oh here's a little Hoya right here Corrin Arya little cutting boy and neo Boudicca all right here oh you know when they have another one in the kitchen that I just remembered but yeah I'll probably be growing over here here's a Hakkar dosa variegata and here's a hoya mini bell which I also have growing in the backroom oh there's so many kind of hiding out all right I think I'm gonna cap it there I definitely have some more growing around the house but I'll just have to do a continuation of the Hoya tour I'm also gonna be getting some more cuttings as well so I'll be looking forward to showing you there those but um right now I'm gonna water my plants and pack up [Music]
Channel: Summer Rayne Oakes
Views: 169,620
Rating: 4.9179106 out of 5
Keywords: Summer Rayne Oakes, Homestead Brooklyn, Plant One On Me, plants, houseplants, indoor plants, garden, gardening, house plants, houseplant care, hoya, hoya houseplant tour, hoya plant, hoya care tips, hoya plant care, hoya plant care tips, hoya plants, hindu rope hoya, hoya carnosa, hoya bella, hoya linearis, houseplant tour, houseplant home tour
Id: njCDPWBxnu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 35sec (1355 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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