Peperomia Hope care and propagation

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia i'd like to nerd out to the science behind how we can keep our houseplants happy and to multiply them in our homes so if you're into that kind of content please do subscribe to my channel and send me likes so this video is going to be all about peperomia hope care and propagation uh first of all pepperoni hope um it's a cultivar which means it's actually a hybrid and it's a really really wonderful hybrid um with all pepperonis you actually want to treat them like a succulent in that they cannot be over watered so first let me go through the care real quick uh so they actually can withstand all kinds of lighting conditions somewhere from medium light to dappled direct sunlight do not give them full sun and do not give them afternoon direct sunlight they will burn uh but other than that i did notice that giving them brighter light um gives them shorter length between the internodes as you can see here this was at the time when it was kept in my bedroom where the light was actually a little bit on the medium side and this is when i had it outside it's got shorter internodes and this will grow a lot faster when it's put outside in terms of watering the safest way it's just to squeeze one of the old leaves not the new leaves because the new leaves are going to be soft squeeze an old leaf this one's actually really firm i can't even squeeze it it's so firm uh yeah all these are quite helpful right now because i water them very frequently um yeah when i have the outdoors this is why i can actually water them pretty much every day without any concern because the airflow is better the sun is really bright not that not full sun mind you i want to remind you again um so they're getting that condition that they want side they can get water every day but indoors i have so many rod that rot off because of over watering so yeah squeeze an old leaf uh if it feels firm it's don't water it if it's like soft and limp then go ahead and give it a water in terms of potting mix they can take any potting mix that you give it i've given it my general purpose i've given it my sort of uh aerated soil mix and actually i if i may follow my intuition a bit they do prefer my aeroid soil mix for some reason they seem to thrive and grew faster but this particular pot it also came in uh i bought it this way i didn't uh use my own potting mix but it came in this like jungle floor type mix where it's like dried bamboo dried twigs and all that very airy stuff and they would actually appreciate uh terra cotta a lot better than plastic pot because it will dry out faster and also it's a pretty good look when you have it in the terracotta pot i don't know the color contrast is just perfect so but again it's your prerogative and again adjust your watering frequency based on the potting mix that you give it and in terms of pests i've had mealy bugs on these before but they were quickly they were easy to remove i haven't had any other kinds of pest pressures i don't know if any one of you guys have it and i do fertilize them very lightly i just give them worm casting in their potting mix slow release osmo coat and i also give them this chemical grow more fertilizer very very diluted once in a while there's no schedule or any amount that i can give you i just eyeball everything and i just make sure that i dilute all my fertilizers they're actually a very very slow grower so you have to be very very patient with these guys so i'm going to quickly show you actually this is one of the plants that i got it grew quite a lot and i've actually cut some of the stems and simply stuck them back into soil uh so that's why it's a little bit bushy now it used to just be about three or four strands of these in the past and all these growth that you see up here they're actually uh from me sticking it back into soil also if this any plants actually respond well to pruning if you prune them off uh it will start giving you two to three branches from the the past the previous note that you took the cutting off so this is how you can get a bushy pepperoni hope and the way that you would propagate it is you can actually do it by leaf so this one just fell out actually so when you have a leaf that fall off like this it has the potential to turn into a whole plant so just stick this in water a little bit and let it root and stick and then put it in a potting mix i don't want to cut this up but i i can show you here it's like you can just cut sections of it i'm going to show you later what the cuttings look like and just stick each of these notes into water or directly into a potting soil and they will both root easily yeah so let me show you the water propagation real quick and i'll be back so here are my water propagated cuttings and i just like to jam a few of them in one vessel where they can share all that rooting natural rooting hormone with each other i think something sank in there i'm not going to save it but yeah i give it very very bright light almost uh double direct and this is how they can push out roots do not stick your cuttings in the dark it's gonna rot and sometimes what i do is i also flip this the other way around i don't know if i can do it with one hand but you get the point so that this side will get light sometimes because if you just leave it there it is the leaf here is not getting any light and they will rot off so yeah and i don't change the water almost ever what i do is every day i would just get a squeeze bottle like this and i would just fill it up all the way until it overflows every day i would fill it up to the top and if you see here there's a little bit of green slugs on the bottom that's fine don't change the water out a lot of people change their water too much which is why their cuttings died out because they keep washing off that um that rooting hormone that the they need to push up roots and i want to be careful with these because they are actually trying to push out new growth i think i just knocked one growth point over earlier so if you leave this alone this will become your new branch oh and for the cuttings i actually took off sections like this so i just cut it and obviously this is the top part and just make sure that the bottom is dipped in water at all times uh do not let it dry out yeah so most of my cuttings look like that uh i'm going to put it on put on the screen how i cut oh this one is rotted i think it's not gonna make it yeah i'm gonna stick it back in there though i would say that these guys have about eighty percent success rate yeah so this is how i took my take my cuttings just kind of stick them back into a water or into the potting mix in my experience they take about i would say five to six weeks to be able to have enough roots these were only been in here oh i broke another tiny stem growth point i mean sorry uh yeah uh give it about five or six weeks it's gonna be very slow at first for the first two to three weeks you're not gonna see any roots at all and you're gonna be like what the hell is happening to my cuttings but once they start having those baby tiny roots it's gonna take off very quickly so yeah give it time and give it light on top of your water i guess i should do a water propagation video to tell you how the best way to propagate successfully and actually here's that mama plant that i took all of that cutting from it actually started giving me yellow uh yellowing leaves and it lost a lot of root so i guess it's got uh root rot so it wasn't going to survive anyway so i cut it off and hope that it will recover and it looks like it will because it is pushing out a new growth this is after i think two weeks yeah so yeah hopefully she makes it thank you for all your babies okay so here are all my cuttings um i've actually had them in water and some of them directly into soil and these cuttings were actually about six months old so they are very very slow growing but they are growing for sure and you can see that they're happy here and it brings me so much joy to see them grow with so much vigor some of the pots are fuller than others and they look particularly well in the in a pot that's really full so that's a very very good look and i don't know there's something about the look that's just very very i don't know i don't want to say the word cute but it's a little bit like uh calm calmingly cute i don't know uh it's i can't find a word to describe it i'm sorry but it actually feels very japanese uh if you if you know what i mean it's it's very precious it looks like it's very well thought off it's really well designed uh and it looks a little bit zen i don't know i guess that's the right word for it yeah so i encourage for you guys to pick one of these up if you haven't uh and they will trail really long uh if you let it but i also do like them to be kind of bushy and close to the pot like this so if you want like a imagine like if you have a big pot that is shallow and you just keep cutting them and sticking them back into the potting mix you can have like a bush like a bushy uh plant like this that's also a good look i haven't seen much of many people do that i think i'm gonna try to do that with one of my pots because this is how you would normally display pepperoni hope but yeah if you have like a like almost like a succulent bowl like this and terra cotta there will be quite a beautiful display as well for the pepperoni and this is also another plant that you can easily propagate and share with your friends obviously and everybody that sees this plan that comes over they're like they just want to pet it they just want to get to know this plan so yeah i highly recommend for you to pick this up all right so i hope that this video is useful for you thank you so much for watching i'm at botanist on instagram so if you want to dm me for any questions about plant care and propagations i'll try to get back to you meanwhile do take care and stay safe i will see you in the next video bye
Channel: onlyplants
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Id: TBLgz9zEl4I
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Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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