People WITNESSING The Most Lawful EVIL Things (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit what is the most lawful evil thing you have witnessed one of my friends as almost 50k in student loans that he doesn't remember taking out the reason he doesn't remember taking them out is because his school which was a for-profit college that has since closed convinced him to sign a document when he first enrolled at age 17 which essentially gave them the right to take out loans on his behalf in order to pay his tuition they didn't really explain to him with the document was they just got him to sign it amongst a flurry of paperwork the school then took out several private loans with an exorbitant interest rate and my friend just started getting letters out of the blue the year after he graduated when he was in school whenever these loans would show up on his student portal they were named a confusing code number like X four million three hundred and fifty seven thousand five hundred and forty five hfy five or something like that and classified as financial aid so he thought he was getting financial aid apparently this has happened to a lot of people but he was told that there's nothing he can do about it especially since the school has closed I'm not sure about the precise legality but he contacted multiple entities to discuss it and all of them said there's nothing he can do because he signed a contract willingly this doesn't feel like it should be legal but the attorneys say that there's nothing they can do he even spoke to somebody who works for the private loan company the representative felt really bad for him helped him drastically reduces monthly fee to a payable amount said that the same thing actually happened to her she owes 10k and there's nothing she can do about it either edit to clarify I shouldn't have said he thought he was getting financial aid because loans are a type of financial aid what I meant to say is that he thought he was getting education grants also I asked and he said his parents did sign the documents to but they don't speak or read English so while he was at this meeting with a financial representative from the school he was translating back and forth and very confused about what was going on it happens all over the world and isn't something you haven't heard about but it was the one and only time I experienced it personally I was helping my boyfriend with business in his country he has a nice shop there and sometimes when he was busy I'd stay there for a few hours so apparently I got busted and the immigration inspectors showed up they were rude and wouldn't listen to anything neither me nor my boyfriend couldn't convince them that I wasn't an illegal worker they packed me and took me to an actual prison 120 kilometers away from the city they caught me it was my first time in that country I was a legal tourist with a return ticket I never intended to violate the law and work illegally in the country that I don't even like I had my departure scheduled nevertheless they held me in prison for a week with the rest of illegal criminals who managed to work without permission for years the prison authorities distorted my testimony every single word in the protocol was a shameless lie they fed me breakfasts on me getting a pay phone card like the rest of the prisoners never got one they wouldn't name the exact date / time of the court they made me work for the pay phone card bonuses I had to work for bonuses on a non-existent card they put me in a cell with 8 other women the bedbugs were eating us every night my luck was that my boyfriend did everything to get me out of trouble and hired a lawyer which exposed the wrong protocol despite the fact I was released and permitted to leave the country on the day I planned I got a black mark in my passport and couldn't get in for the next year me and my boyfriend now husband saw each other just four times throughout that year I will never forget the way they talked to / about me the way they saw me and where I come from just my country alone made them treat me like a secondary person somebody who can be slandered without any consequence and what for a bonus at work for catching another illegal worker everything was done for the sake of a plus dollar sign 102 their wage no intention whatsoever to delve into the situation and do their job mindfully storytime my dad is basically lawful evil in the best possible way when it comes to getting back at people so here goes first my best friend from elementary schools parents asked my dad to remodel their rotting wraparound porch then cheated him out of material money never do that to a contractor the material cost is included for a reason then refused to move their cars so my dad could move his dump truck that he'd been using to dump their wood in they claimed it was theirs now because my dad had parked it on their property to do the work for them so my dad got back at them since this was a cruddy old rusted-out dump truck by dumping everything toxic he couldn't afford to get rid of into the gas tank of the dump truck then tossing their containers in the back of the dump truck he never went on their property to do this he reached over their neighbor's who he was also doing work for fence then just tossed things up and over cost them over $3,000 to get rid of because of all the toxic material more than the value of the dump truck and about the same as the money they owed him second similar incident he was dating a woman a few years older than me much to my disgust finds out she's cheating on him with her ex and has been using him this entire time for money he doesn't even have he waits till she's out sleeping with the guy again after they've broken up then takes this diamond grinding stuff sorry I don't know the name of it but it's an abrasive compound of some kind and smears it into her engine every orifice along the tops of the stones etc even dumps some of it in her gas tank three days later her car dies completely at work and she calls him freaking out begging him to fix it he pretends to look at it tells how the engine is completely blown and he can't do anything to his surprise she tells him to just keep the car scrap it out or something as a thank you for trying to help anyway he installs a new engine and sells a car boom surprise profit deep breath I was a teaching assistant for high school children primarily I worked one-on-one with students who had difficulties with most mundane and basic functions of life the program had a heavy complement of job training where I worked with outside job coaches who were a varying degrees of effectiveness some really [ __ ] good some much less good the students would go to work sites where they'd learn how to do various skills they might need in the job place this ranged from putting back returns in the right place we'd grab a carton of returns and have the kids put the things back in stores on regular basis all the way to delivering mail find the right office deliver the mail to the professors at the college we were volunteering for et CTC one year I suggested the kids volunteer at a Cat Rescue Service based out of a nearby pet store it turned out that they were totally cool with us doing it and it let our kids pet some cats some of the most distant gruff ones get friendly with cats who got clean water food and litter boxes and even got played with a bunch this was a huge success the group just takes and rescues where they can provides resources etc I even adopted one of my cats from them a little lady who now lives with her grandfather after her grandfather got ill and her daddy had to take care of this she's my dad's cat now and I miss her sometimes and have to other cats as well the lady in charge of the program realized that there was another pet store right near the school and they also were happy to let them do the cleaning up around there the storefront is kind of nice and when you step in at first you don't really notice but the spaces first of all way too small there are twenty or thirty animals in a storefront may be the size of a McDonald's I went a few times figuring maybe I was just overstating it but no I saw signs of poor care not necessarily bad care everyone was fed but eventually I don't even remember what it was so much as knowing it made me angry I told the head of the job training programs group that I would refuse to go back to that place others felt the same way so we stopped going the place went out of business very quickly especially with how demanding this guy was in terms of the price he was trying to sell a dog TL DR I saw this as lawfully because I saw the difference between a good well enough run operation that cared for animals and a seemingly fly-by-night subpar facility that didn't really seem to have the resources to care for its charges and at any rate expected to sell them for major cash and their welfare wasn't exactly seen as a store owners priority when we all talked about it it really depressed me I have work in the morning and I'm falling asleep blessed be world managers of our small housing estate grade 2 listed 12 property converted Chapel decided to rip up all the decorative bushes in front of our house leaving identical bushes round the mirror site neighbors said managers consist of estate property owners that is neighbors voted in yearly it was all done in time for my little brother's birthday for which we had a sea of mud in front of our house said bushes served only us and a couple of other properties we all wanted to keep them to maintain the look of the place and our privacy we fought as hard as we could getting expert gardener advice against it poring over house per my lease papers falleth holes lawyers Town Council etcetera etcetera but they came round anyway with a little digger and destroyed what was effective er garden communal by reason of technicalities the bushes had previously served the dual purpose of one preventing passers-by from hanging out close to the house and peering in our windows and to preventing passers-by from getting near a steep drop wall it was also the wrong time of year for planting the grass they replaced them with which has led us scraggly somewhat undead existence ever since this was done with the intention of saving maintenance costs of trimming the bushes a couple times a year they were replaced with grass needed mowing weekly or monthly they also realized after removing the bushes that there were an awful lot of kids living in the neighborhood who could run around everywhere now and fall off the steep drop wall here in the UK we'd have liability if someone's idiot offspring should decide to try suicide by Parker on our property and there wasn't a blockade or sign since then my mum has managed to get elected as manager and has had to deal with the fallout from that decision arranging expensive warning signage all over the place and trying to sort replacement bushes for our side of the property to protect our privacy for all the supposed savings we have all had to pay for signs replacement plants they were even talking about expensive wrought iron fencing a while back as well as weekly mowing we suspect that the move was made by disgruntled neighbor managers who wanted to show us who was boss after we raised issues about poor management during a meeting and by a former handyman who had something against bushes my son's father used to threaten me all the time one day even threatening to kill me I happened to catch up with an old friend during this time we got on the subject that we had both fallen on hard times recently and I explained everything my son's father did to me friend decided to fight my son's father son's father threatened to show up to my house and hurt me and when the police were notified they basically told me there was nothing that they could do and that I could end up arrested for sending someone to assault him when I explained I never said that and that friend chose to do so on his own they told me I should probably just not talk about my problems to anyone anymore and that is how the cycle of abuse begins while ago one woman had a break-in into her apartment they were doing some renovation so the house had scaffolding on the side with balcony a guy climbs up to her flat through the scaffolding and puts his stocking over his head and ambushes her in her kitchen she was at that time ironing shirt so as a terrified woman would do she whacked the guy with a thing she had in her hand a hot iron she managed to hit him over the head and screams her way out of the apartment to get her neighbors up on police when the police arrived she got handcuffed and booked in a jail because the would-be robber was unarmed and she caused a burn on his head she received a sentence and probation only because she was over 60 to be a younger she would end up in prison on top of it she was forced to pay out his medical expenses and pain injury maybe the liberal judge thought she should serve the robber tea and cookies while he is cleaning her house of valuables now try defending your life and with such laws and justice system my friends uncle pulled a knife on me during an argument she lived in the house that she shared with her friend who had lived in the house previous and received two warnings previously with the third meaning eviction this was for noise complaints from her friends parties made by the very uptight neighbors Silicon Valley although ensure she deserved it he pulled the knife on me and then threw punches at my boyfriend who stepped between us we called the cops and they sent around eight cop cars and used the speaker and lights to demand him to come outside he came outside a bit later before they were going to send in people to forcibly remove him he was arrested she then got an eviction the next week for the disruption they were already in the process to evict the uncle who was to be evicted the same next week and then he killed himself that week and she had to both grieve and find a new place to stay it was awful edit to say the landlord is evil not the uncle he was sick and it's really sad to look back and think of all the signs we missed but [ __ ] that landlord and [ __ ] those neighbours a little late so this will get buried probably but anyway my dad had been given full custody of me from when I was around 6 to 11 after my mom had essentially kidnapped me and moved me from Arizona to Washington my mum would fly to as once or twice a year throughout that time to visit during the whole five years of my dad having custody she never once paid more than $150 a month in child support in fifth grade I asked my dad if I could move back with my mom and see how I liked it he allowed it because it's what I wanted so I moved and lived there from sixth grade throughout high school when I lived there my mom and her piece-of-shit law you went after my dad for more child support and got it to him having to pay around $900 a month he didn't have a great job at the time so he moved in with his mom so he could pay the child support every month then he lost his job so he wasn't able to pay after a couple of months of him not being able to make the full payments my mom went after him and had him sent to jail she refused to tell me what happened when I wasn't able to get ahold of him for a few days and I found out from my uncle that no one in my family is really close with she lied to me about the entire thing and I found out because I found the court paperwork she would also tell me that while my dad had custody her and her husband spent upwards of dollar sign 250 K to get custody of me even though I was the one that asked to move to live with her one day her lawyer called and she had me answer the phone not knowing who it was after saying hello he responded with Spencer house dove going how did you not like being in jail I bet you'll be sure to make the full payment now that obviously pissed me off pretty heavily so I had a [ __ ] ton of glitter sent to him at his office addressed from me so he knew who it came from I made sure to answer the next call from him and said hi Craig how did you like the glitter were you able to clean it all up needless to say he was pissed and my mom wasn't too happy I got grounded but it was totally worth it so yeah even though I really do love my mom more than anything and she has done a whole lot for me she was kind of an evil [ __ ] at the time by the end of 2014 America will have been charged about 400 billion dollars by the local phone incumbents there isn't AT&T and CenturyLink for a fiberoptic future that never showed up and though it varies by state counting the taxes fees and surcharges that you have paid every month many of these fees are actually revenues to the company or taxes on the company that you paid it comes to about $4,000 to $5,000 per household from 1992 to 2014 and that's the low number you were also charged about nine times to wire the schools and libraries via state and federal plans designed to help the phone and cable companies and if that doesn't bother you by year end of 2010 and based on the commitments made by the phone companies and their press statements filings on the state and federal level and the state based backquote alternative regulation plans that were put in place to charge you for broadband upgrades the telephone company wire in your home business as well as the schools and libraries America should have been the world's first fully fibered leading-edge broadband nation in fact in 1992 the speed of broadband as detailed in state laws was 45 megabits per second in both directions by 2014 all of us should have been enjoying gigabit speeds 1,000 megabits per second instead America is not number 1 or 2 or 5 or even 10 thin the world and broadband as of Monday September 15th 2014 one of the standard testing companies of the speed of broadband world wide net index Bala pegged America at 25th in the world in download speeds and 40th in upload speeds though this accounting there is daily America's download speeds are never in the top 20 countries and it's so much worse than even that the best deffence I've heard for any of this and the go-to for most apologists of this happening use the argument well the government didn't define the terms of the agreements with the broadband companies well enough great argument I'm going to go beat a guy up and steal his money then tell the cops he looks weak so it was his fault but if there are any non deflecting arguments to why the telecom companies did nothing wrong here I would love to hear them hospital doctor drunk / unhinged watched a routine surgery on an infant child will forever be dependent on family and public benefits is a complete vegetable hospitals insurance and highbrow attorneys destroyed any chance of the family of five immigrants receiving anything mom is slowly working herself to death dad has lost everything and there are the children suffer like no child I've ever known I think of them often I believe the doctor went to rehab and is back practicing edit anything SUV sta and TI al asterisk asterisk they received some but it won't last long five years to the average American maybe 10 for this family after attorney fees it's pretty minimal edit too just so we can have some positive outlook child is loved and well cared for by family mother is toughest lady I know they're working on getting some tools to help out but the parents are adamant to not spend the money parents like this don't come around often something similar happened in Texas routine neck surgery left the guy with the mental and physical abilities of a two-year-old family got a ton of money but this doc had botched a couple of prior surgeries because he was high while operating the board of the hospital knew about it and did nothing the Medical Licensing Board gave him a light slap on the hand after that but nothing for the prior screw-ups to add to the grief though several Doc's set up a reference site with the names of people who had one med mal settlements and this guy was on it he kept getting turned away full treatment after that they eventually had to take the site down thank you so much for watching please like and subscribe the channel
Channel: Top Post
Views: 24,784
Rating: 4.819149 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: S4W031HTgTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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