What is the most lawful evil thing you have witnessed? (r/AskReddit)

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what is the most lawful evil thing you have witnessed I'm a nurse walked into a hospice patients room full of family fighting about inheritances and the will over there dying relative one of the visitors called me back into the room and asked if there was any way to speed the process along she asked if things would go faster if they put a magnet over the patient's pacemaker an effort to deactivate the device she went on to explain that they were from out of town they bought tickets to a live show and were worried about missing it basically it was taking too long for their family member to die and it was ruining their evening all of this was within earshot of my super sweet patient my blood was boiling civil asset forfeiture twenty five thousand dollars was legally taken from my grandfather who has Alzheimer's but wasn't diagnosed at the time and could tell the cops why he had that much money on him to buy a new truck because he forgot the cops just took the money and left without any charges being filed we didn't find out until a year later when the police department sent a receipt of seizure to his house and we found it when we were cleaning couldn't do anything about it because tape police department already spent the money I sell car parts I am a very small player in a fairly niche market which contains a couple of other small players and two big players one of the big players collapsed owing a lot of people money very unfortunate it happens the administrators were called in and the owner issued an emotional message on Facebook saying how sorry he was sickness in the family very sad etc etc but not to worry the business has four hundred thousand dollars in new stock on the Shelf and the administrators will sort it all out but later it turns out that he knew he was about to fold but continued taking people's money even though he had zero intention or capability of supplying them transferred the second-hand part side of the business into a new business which his father opened in the same name at the same address the new business also scored the website somehow worked out a deal with the administrators whereby the four hundred thousand dollars in new stock was purchased by the new business for 14.5 thousand dollars because the new business would not give the administrators access to the website to identify any of these specialty parts he apparently intends to go back into business but since all the people he owes money to are going to get pennies in the dollar it would be incredible if anyone trusts the family again woman at her best friend's funeral who also was a serial sewer was in the funeral procession when she stopped her car suddenly the parents of the recently deceased were in the car behind her and bumped her bumper from behind you know how slowly those processions drive the woman sued the parents for back and neck injuries and one last postcard we got from this woman was a pic of her dancing it up in Greece her family won't even let her come to visit on their properties anymore for fear she'd fallen sue what a piece of work edit sorry this post was badly worded the woman who sued was a serial sewer not her dead friend I see the postcards because I'm a distant relative of the suing poss woman this happened a long time ago but his family lore now to warn family members not to let her on your property as she travels a lot and will pop into town unannounced every now and then everyone who still talks to her insists on meeting her at a restaurant this is more corporate evil than anything else had a customer we are a small business making super specialty products put down 30 K take delivery of our product then I think it will be cheaper just to sue you than to pay you the remaining 30 K of course I thought no way we have all the signed paperwork and everything three months later he got to keep her product without paying us what were the effects well due to legal fees etc which we had to carry and the fact that down payments go to suppliers my partners and I had to open up her personal bank accounts to keep the company afloat all of our employees got paid but we the owners had to forego salaries until it was settled and because word gets around we had to deal with that too total [ __ ] and it thanks for all the comments it's been a fun conversation hopefully you all can learn from my mistake one of my friends knows almost 50k and student loans that he doesn't remember taking out the reason he doesn't remember taking them out is because his school which was a for-profit college that has since closed convinced him to sign a document when he first enrolled at age 17 which essentially gave them the right to take out loans on his behalf in order to pay his tuition they didn't really explain to him with a document was they just got him to sign it amongst a flurry of paperwork the school then took out several private loans with an exorbitant interest rate and my friend just started getting letters out of the blue the year after he graduated when he was in school whenever these loans would show up on his student portal they were named a confusing code number like x-43 575 455 or something like that and classified as financial aid so he thought he was getting financial aid apparently this has happened to a lot of people but he was told that there's nothing he can do about it especially since the school has closed I'm not sure about the precise legality but he contacted multiple entities to discuss it and all of them said there's nothing he can do because he signed a contract willingly this doesn't feel like it should be legal but the attorneys say that there's nothing they can do he even spoke to somebody who works for the private loan company the representative felt really bad for him helped him drastically reduce his monthly fee to a payable amount said that the same thing actually happened to her she owes 10 K and there's nothing she can do about it either edit to clarify I shouldn't have said he thought he was getting financial aid because loans are a type of financial aid what I meant to say is that he thought he was getting education grants also I asked and he said his parents did sign the documents too but they don't speak or read English so while he was at this meeting with a financial representative from the school he was translating back and forth and very confused about what was going on my ex had a long list of mental health issues stemming from years of whack xual abuse as a child she has tried to kill herself several times twice in the three years we were together her parents admitted her into a local clinic she spent three days there I was so shocked at what qualified as help it was more like glorified babysitting she came out feeling no better but now hit with a fifteen thousand dollar bill 15k for three days of supervised TV and reading with two sessions with a psychiatrist to evaluate her that's not including overnight stay at hospital and ambulance insurance covered most but not all oh and the kicker after her stay the doctor prescribed her medication $3,000 for her prescription we thought the Walmart employee made a mistake she ended up going to a different doctor who thankfully helped her out big-time mental health needs to be made more affordable she was 19 at the time and already hit with a huge bill to add to her school loans and car payment my best friend had two kids with his wife and said wife then left him for her very rich boss she and the boss wanted custody of the kids so they used the bosses wealth to basically bankrupt my friend in legal battles every time the court was leaning towards a joint custody ruling they'd introduced some new evidence or delaying tactic they knew if they just kept dragging it out again and again he'd run out of money and give up which is eventually what happened now he has very limited access to his own kids and such access he has his routinely denied / ignored by the ex-wife because what are you going to do about it you want a legal battle like last time a neighbor getting evicted for not paying her rent one month while she was in a coma in the hospital the apartments had a super strict policy that you had to pay by the fifth online and that if the company didn't receive payment by the 13th including fees they would start the eviction process and if everything now including Laura fees wasn't paid by the 17th you were out at it since apparently the way I worded it doesn't make sense to people let me clarify they would start the eviction process on the 13th by having a lawyer draw up the paperwork if you had not paid up by the 17th then you were passed the have no return and the legal stuff would be submitted to the courts and even if you paid your back rent and fees they would still go ahead with the eviction a good friend of mine has trouble keeping work due to his mental illness very mild autism fully competent but can't navigate the politics of most jobs he was on a jobseeker payment while between jobs as part of this he has to attend regular appointments talk about what interviews he's had etc he recently missed an appointment the night before he was rushed to hospital and at the time of the appointment was lying in a table having surgery but he hadn't told them at least two days before so his payment was cut off two days before he wasn't aware of any issues let alone ones needing surgery hospital doctor drunk / unhinged botched a routine surgery on an infant child will forever be dependent on family and public benefits is a complete vegetable hospitals insurance and highbrow attorneys destroyed any chance of the family of five immigrants receiving anything mom is slowly working herself to death dad has lost everything and their other children suffer like no child I've ever known I think of them often I believe the doctor went to rehab and his back practicing at it anything substantial they received some but it won't last long five years to the average American maybe ten for this family after attorney fees it's pretty minimal at it too just so we can have some positive outlook child is loved and well cared for by family mother is toughest lady I know they're working on getting some tools to help out but the parents are adamant to not spend the money parents like this don't come around often I used to work for a quest who was bought out by CenturyLink a guy bought a no-frills landline for like ten bucks no long distance no caller ID no anything just a landline why dial-up internet of course only he failed he called his ISP from his modem and left it on for an entire month turns out it was a long distance number he didn't know what happened next was a 25k phone bill now this is your average Joe working a regular job who has a tiny home dude worked in an extra ten bucks into his budget so that he could have internet it's the little things in life only now he's drowning he made two payments of $500 a piece to try to take care of his bill but he would never be able to pay the whole thing he called me begging and even crying for help how the system worked is who ever waved anything took a penalty it didn't matter if it was a mistake or legit waving anything gave the employee waving at a penalty and it was a sales job not to mention that 25k couldn't be waived by anyone but upper management nobody was willing to waive his bill even though he already paid a grand towards it fact is the company wasn't out anything the infrastructure was already in place they would have made a profit on just his paying his monthly bill but nope the way the course saw it was that he owed the money and therefore no matter how it would destroy his life he had to pay it back however that wasn't the main motivation the company can write off that loss as a loss and as such his defaulting on his debt is more valuable what can you do a decently attractive woman I used to work with started dating another co-worker he was kind of homely dorky looking guy but he was super nice really smart and had a very high-paying position eventually they got married and he thought life was perfect in the first year he bought her whatever she wanted a huge new house a nice sports car he even paid for her to get some plastic surgery including a boob job within 18 months of marriage it came out that she had been cheating on him with multiple men including men from work no one hit it over the next several months as the divorce came and went she continued to sleep with many co-workers she even had several open relationships figuratively and literally it was clear she only married the poor guy for his money on top of it she needlessly flaunted her infidelity and rubbed his face in all her post marriage flings then one day the guy didn't show up to work and no one could get in touch with him after a few days his manager called the police requesting a wellness check they found that he had killed himself over the weekend I work for a Porsche race team and one of our competitors always had like stupid amounts of luxurious crap at the track they basically constructed a hotel everywhere they went so that the owner got a premium experience any who come to find out this guy as the original payday loan guy he for all intents and purposes started it in the US well as he acquired wealth doing this a lot of people were getting frustrated that they had to spend nine hundred dollars to repay a $100 loan so lawmakers made it illegal to charge the interest rates he was doing so instead he put his company HQ on an Indian Reservation so he could continue doing that my co-workers were looking on his website and reading through the terms and fees and whatnot and we found the cheapest way to repay a $100 loan was $960 as you can imagine especially if you've got a loan larger than that it became near impossible to climb out of it the really terrible part is if you miss or are unable to make a payment they would immediately seize your vehicle and sell it thousands of families lost their homes and cars to the sky fortunately he was convicted of racketeering for other shady things in his business and is currently in prison I didn't witness this per se but I heard about it later in life since I was too young at the time my father had started a cleaning business which was taking off he would clean carpets and do janitor work in large industrial buildings one of his biggest clients didn't pay him for a while and ending up going upwards of 80 K my father then stopped working for them and kept insisting on getting his money he stopped insisting after he showed up at the building one time and had a gun pointed at his face apparently the building belonged to some mafia and the guy he pulled a gun on him said that he would kill him if he showed up again my father proceeded to suing them they ended up winning after a long court battle because they obviously had the resources to afford amazing lawyers my father then had to declare bankruptcy sell the house and ended up starting from zero again in an apartment with my mom and I two years old mostly lawful I guess or illegal masquerading as lawful I used to be involved in a local nonprofit that placed newborns and infants taken from their mothers as a result of drug abuse into foster homes with families qualified to adopt family reunification is always the goal in dependency court but 75% of the time the birth mothers demons are too strong and she loses parental rights and the baby is adopted by the foster parents 25 percent of the time the mom is able to overcome addiction and get her baby back it's crushing for the foster parents but understandable that if the mom is stable she should be able to raise her own child sometimes the story doesn't end there and things turn sour one of our couples raised a baby girl from two days old after four years of court hearings rotating social workers supervised visits and family therapy with the child and birth mom the court eventually decided to permanently reunify birth mom and the child unfortunately she was removed again from her birth mom's custody within a year but our foster parents couldn't get her back she ended up in a foster home with strangers who abused her and she died from abuse injuries within months of placement now a child is dead under three parents she's ever known her heartbroken it was torture to watch play out and totally legal I can't bear to work with the organization anymore it's too much to take I realize a couple days after writing this that's it's not exactly lawfully evil it's just our shitty dependency system this story while not common is not atypical everyone who works in dependency has a story like this the real lawful evil is how badly we as a society treat the most vulnerable people in our population over and over edit clarity and reflection supreme court in brazil insists on doing this kind of stuff constantly last week they were deciding if they would release a lot of criminals arrested by the car wash operation because they don't like the operation cleaning Brazil from corruption then two justices voted in favor of releasing 23 criminals one justified the vote by saying he was worried with the much of prisoner costs for the state and the other one justified the vote by saying the jail's had already too many prisoners the first one who was worried about the much of prisoner costs for the state was caught calling congressman a few days earlier to force them to increase the salaries of the Supreme Court justices bTW there is a bill in Congress right now extinguishing all kind of prison sentences for criminals in Brazil they are doing this bill to save their ass because a new government was elected to start in 2019 and they feared that this new government will send them to jail for stuff they did over the last years currently happening to me I've been the registered care provider for both of my parents since I was 14 I'm 34 now my mother passed in June my father passed a week ago well lived in a council property UK government housing for all my American friends and I've been given 28 days to vacate the house I have lived in my entire life they are under absolutely no obligation to rehouse me and the extent of the help they can offer is the number two homeless shelter Charities when my mom died I attempted to update the tenancy to my name but my dad took love before I filed the paperwork and I was told I'd need to file different paperwork to account for his illness dementia the fact that I've lived here for my entire life means nothing and I doubt it helps me that the housing officer completely hates my guts but that is a long story so yeah homeless at Christmas and all because I had the nerve to care for my parents but not list myself as a tenant when I was 8 years old I saw a judicial execution in Saudi Arabia which is done by decapitation with a sword my father and I had been out in the desert exploring and shooting a small gun he kept for protection which was against the law on the way back to the compound we saw a big crowd of people and so my dad grabbed his camera and me and we went to see what was going on there was a scaffold with two hands and a foot hanging from it from earlier use of the sword typically punishment for theft then a man was brought out forced to lay on the ground then he was executed I don't think my 8 year old brain processed this I asked my dad about it and he said that Saudi law was very strict and there was nothing that Americans could do about it my dad did get pictures and was offered a lot of money by Life magazine but we would have been kicked out of Saudi Arabia so he turned them down I received a phone call one day a few years ago from my father he had the most solemn sad monotone voice I'd ever heard come out of him I immediately knew something was wrong he informed me that my grandmother was finally succumbing to her aneurism and there wasn't much time left for me to visit and say my goodbyes I decided to call into work that night in order to go see her because delivering pizzas is in no way shape or form more important than seeing her before it was too late we were way over staffed for the night and I called in a few hours before my shift so there was honestly no reason at all why it shouldn't have been a simple easy completely justified Colin especially after I explained to the manager directly what the dire situation happened to be much to my dismay the man terminated me before he hung up on me even worse when I went in the next day after seeing my grandmother at a heartbreakingly shriveled in deathly ill state in order to plead my case he got in my face and asked yo grandmother duckin dead yet in a thug like manner I almost lost my cool and hit him but I didn't unfortunately in New York employment is at will and you can be terminated for anything at any time as long as it's not against protected rights like religion and gender I still to this day I'm completely appalled by his actions and lack of empathy for me seeing a gentle old black man get kicked out of the restaurant because he was black he couldn't see very well and was taking time deciding so they told him to go to the back of the line when he tried to order they tried to throw him out for cutting major [ __ ] of a cashier and racist but that's later he didn't understand and thought he needed to pay put the car down meanwhile the cashier was calling him listen old n-word and somebody get this [ __ ] out of here and the cashier literally came around and grabbed him and took him outside then called the cops he kept trying and then tased by police because he was trying to get his debit card back that the cashier still had the police came and he slipped and fell and tried to get up and the police tased him I told the manager what happened and the police but the police still arrested him for resisting arrest manager didn't believe me was part of a lawsuit had to test fee against the cashier manager and police old man received over 120 K from business but none from police or City still gets my blood boiling these days for the most lawful thing my grandpa ever witnessed that would be the Holocaust edit thanks for the gold kind stranger at my hearing to finalize my divorce i sat in a tucked away cubicle in the main lobby of the family probate court house and waited for it to start some moments later a couple came and sat in an opposing Cuba land started talking I could hear everything easily and I knew right away they didn't know I was there because they started discussing their sordid case casually long story short is it was a woman / mother and her male attorney and she was being coached on what to say regarding how the kid's father touched the daughter and she should say she feels strongly that something inappropriate is going on say she caught him holding daughter's underwear woman kept asking if she could get in trouble for saying this in court later when that couple was called before the judge the lawyer presented a story of possible actual Misco duct with minor child aged three and we were all instructed to leave the courtroom saunas old be heard in private as I walked out I looked at that poor father looking white and green with utter shock on his face the woman was looking down and crying utter evil
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Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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