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Hello! before you watch this video Please excuse my hair; it is in a very awkward stage right now It started with not brushing my hair for two weeks, and now it's like... (help) I can't even run my fingers through it. I've tried washing it. I've tried brushing it. nothing works. I need professional help I want to do something different to my hair, but what should I do to it? comment Below, let me know. nothing worked So we're just gonna By the way, I put coconut oil, It's not greasy you're greasy actually, no, that's a lie I liked a lot of greasy guys in high school speaking of greasy today We're doing rejection texts; basically people got swerved... in text. Send me a pic of you 'U' - if someone does this they're not interested Send me a picture of your knob baby sends doorknob. Ha no, baby your "winky"... winky face Here's Winky from teletubbies, or is his name Tinky-Winky? I think it's tinky-winky. I'm not an expert or anything, but I think she's trying a little too hard How much do you love me? Well look at the stars and count them that's how much I love you. But it's morning exactly... OW!! I hit my lip in the lip - I hit my lip in li- I hit my face in the lip I hit my lip! Why can't I talk? (drinks her juice like a bawse) ouch Can you send me a pic? What did you want? something... Hot There's some chili peppers! You're impossible. Haha Something hot of you! here's a "U" on fire. You're too gorgeous to be single You're too ugly to be flirting with me Okay First of all don't ever say you're too gorgeous to be single don't ever give somebody that Satisfaction because 99% of the time they'll be like, "oh, I'm too good for you then" I feel like if someone doesn't find you attractive If you compliment them that's gonna boost their ego, and if their ego gets boosted, they're gonna be like, "oh, I'm too good for them. I'm not gonna talk to them" I don't know, it's just how things work I mean think about this for a sec relationship advice right here Somebody good-looking comes up to you, and they're like hey You're too gorgeous to be single, and then you're gonna be like oh my God, hi What's up, because you are attracted to them somebody not so good-looking is Gonna Come up to you, and be like you're too gorgeous to be single, okay. Thanks see what I made. It's like It doesn't matter what anybody says I mean if a person came up to you and wasn't that good-looking and was just like yeah Ugly are you know says something else? That's not a compliment? It'll be more effective does any of this make sense or am I crazy it makes sense in my head? But I mean a relationship advice for y'all are you single? No? I'm plural I meant are you free this Friday? No? I'm expensive Are you free this Friday? I'm expensive. Oh, sorry. I didn't know you were a hooker. Hello Tell me something that will make me wet (ooh yeaa mommy) ;) Go outside. It's raining try again. Don't use an umbrella. Oh (sarcastic gasp) My God oh my God. It's workng it's actually raining outside (OMG YAAASSS) Do you hear it you can't see it though cuz it's nighttime Okay, I'm pretty wet now How do you want it baby? We kind of love those pop tarts? And the tiniest corner. Oh you see that you see that Yeah, those are those s'mores. That's what I want is everything okay? Yeah, I just need some space You're some space. Here's another space and another one. Girl don't say that I don't give you what you want. I want a picture for my birthday Happy birthday of you naked Below the belt uh-huh adorable that's how you know I guess a little you know. I'm right because guys are so eager to send pics and if they don't (awkwardly drinks juice to avoid demonetisation #FAMILYFRIENDCONENT) You know why? Are you a monster in bed Winky face? I don't like to brag but (laughs like a cute kid) oh how cute I mean who says are you a monster in Bed? Mean the only monsters. I know are like under your bed And I never seen anybody that's into that shit is it are any of you guys into that because because up Okay, I might be a little bit. I don't want to do the video anymore My hair is just so gross and it's like being outside in the rain made it like Grosser My God, I hate this I wanna die (quickly ties her hair and now looks like a princess) Okay, I fixed it. Tell me everything you want me to do to you wink uhhhhhh Can you pick me up and McDouble on your way to my house? That'd be dope. I want to see you. Go to my instagram (bish wuut?? {IG@sssniperwolf}) This is my mom's logic. She's like. I miss you, so I'm gonna watch your videos (makes weird faces) Okay, I mean it works. Oh she's on my Youtube, but not my instagram wink ;) Night-night. Love you. Love you too in bed now. Send me a dirty pic need inspiration That's one way to ask mmM dirty pink hmm. Well, I haven't shaved I'm in bed. I'm comfy the lights are off. I don't want to turn them back on Ohh here you go (awkward silence) That that's really dirty. Here's the dirty pink the burrito. I just had Joy you home. Yeah, can I have the thing the thing? (OMG what is she doing XD) History notes (Everyone clam down) (she's doing it again) Sorry about that what you doing getting naked that's hot like omg umm No, it's cold Pretty good. Tell me how you want me? Financially stable in a big house with three kids and an Audi R8 Audie R8 Audi R8 Audi R... how do I say Audi R8 three times real fast?Audie R8 Audie R8 Audie R8? That would be pretty awesome actually Send me a dirty pic. I swear half these people like send me a dirty pic (no thanks bruh) Okay, let's be honest everybody has done that everybody's been like send me a dirty pic cuz sometimes I'm curious okay? What are you doing? Laying in my bed naked Yes Show me it's dark. I don't care (gasps) Oh my God that's so hot and that's why iphones have flashlights now and flash They've akways had flash idk say something hot whispers sensually *whispers* cruling iron Get it? because it's hot (awkawrd slience rip) No? (never mind then) what would you do if I got you into my bed? Is it comfortable? Yes I'd sleep What are you doing? laying in bed Mmm. Just laying in bed. Nothing else. I'm eating cereal Ha nice What would you do if I was in bed next to you? Eat my cereal well, I mean if the cereal wasn't there then I got a bed and go get cereal (omg wtf?! MIranda is that you?!) (Hello?) (Miranda?) (Guess she's busy eating cereal) (never mind) (moving on fam) My dude right here got swerved hella bad like it's if someone is gonna answer like this They don't like you like that I mean they might want to be friends. They might like you as a friend, but Y'all we have this one person for a couple months he's just gonna text sup? *funky music strats in background* Sup x 14 If she didn't answer the first five six seven times what makes you think she's ever gonna answer. I literally have people like that I think I like this girl really who um she kind of looks like you uh? Awww is it me? No, it's your sister. Ohoho No No Hey, I like this girl, but I'm kind of nervous to ask her out. Just do it. I'll bet you 10 pounds She'll say yes, okay you want to go out with me um no, sorry. You're not my type Right You owe me ten dollars. I mean that's one way to get $10, and that's one way to save yourself from getting rejected But anyways, that's all for today. Hope you guys enjoyed this video If you did make sure that that like button the face & subscribe to join the Wolfpack *howls* I love you guys so much. Thanks for watching. Bye guys!! <3
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 12,789,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniperwolf, sniper wolf, rejected, crush, boyfriend, girlfriend, rejection, reaction, gone wrong, texts, dating
Id: bniq1FZfnBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2017
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