Try Not To Say Wow Challenge (Impossible)

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hello friends it's me and today we're gonna try not to say wow oh that is crunchy oh hey i thought that was a raspberry at first it is actually a parasite and they are very naughty so they must be eradicated oh but how satisfying is that crunch a good thing i watch this tick tock if i saw this i might just like like i'm sorry it looks like raspberry jam can larry crush an icicle you're gonna put it in his claw and he's just gonna like crack it open know what um i'm sorry the way he just like i thought there was gonna be a crunch perhaps a loud noise but he just snipped it so softly dang those things are strong if i chop your ice will you let me go dang that is a big can of beans oh they're coming out they're coming out quick oh the weight is just like plopped into the pot pov what your toilet sees when you're dropping a load the size of a family bean can nice all right i know it's been a while whoa i said it there was simply no other way to react so what just happened was a condensation buildup on the ceiling and then when he smashed that specific spot on the wall it just all fell down at once it's pretty cool okay i don't think i've ever seen a wrecking ball in action besides the miley cyrus video which i didn't even watch but i know she has a song about a wrecking ball oh that's all it took that's all it took just one just smacked across the leg and the whole thing came tumbling down oh i hope nobody was in there i hope you all did like a last call like hurry up if you're squatting in this building like get out we better knock the whole thing over i swear i look like moving there i saw something move no it looked like it looked like there was somebody who looked like there was somebody what was that what was that is it me or did it look like somebody just like random slip i hope it was just like an object in there when there's somebody camping in a building in fortnight you know we're just gonna destroy the whole thing this looks like a bowl of water right it's not water look how many balls are in this water there's so many balls a bowl of ball water i would love to just like give it a squeeze very nice i thought this was a wax figure like in the middle of the street he will not move for anybody but it looks like he's moving it looks like he's in motion he's in the middle of motion he was real he was real all along you know this is in new york with so many people minding their own business like yeah just another day he is so perfectly still like i thought he was a statue somebody pressed pause and took a screenshot there is this tick tock of this person who's gonna dip their hands in oil and then try to separate these two tiny pieces of lego there's no way new living on hard mode i don't even think i could do this with dry hands they actually did it as a human you have ascended how is this even possible how do you even get a grip on it my fingers would have been like slipping off of each other and yet no nails or anything just with pure grip strength just separates them wow oh it would just came out of the ground perhaps a toothpaste tube it might be elephant toothpaste i think they're filling up a tube with something but the way it just like hey wake up here's gonna be a big one you know these grinding videos always amaze me you put on like a wagon in there okay it has a corner so it's gonna eat it up even though it's made of metal metal versus metal which metal will prevail oh no it ate that thing up left no crumbs oh man you could really put anything in there and it'll destroy it immediately those are round there's no way it's going to eat it up how oh that was too fast yeah see that one's kind of like no you're not supposed to help the grinder hey i thought this was a fair game oh he had to like push that thing in oh i smushed it up real fast you know it has to get a firm grip on whatever you put in and then once it has a grip it's over that's it the way it just like shredded this thing like it was a balloon oh man imagine if you're just like no is that a pimple extractor no and we got some syringes oh is it paint in slime hey you can't do that you can't paint inside the slime or can you oh this is looking real elaborate and they keep poking the same hole like every time i go get a blood test they'd be poking that thing like where is the vein anyways they kept injecting them poured pudding over it and then i do that is beautiful but is it edible is the question because i know you poured vanilla pudding on top and the way it just solidified the injection of paint did that how that is incredible now give it a good karate chop to assert dominance this is supposed to be a new way of watering your farm you know the bags that you put your vegetables in at the grocery store it's like she gotta uncut one of those either that or a giant fruit roll-up blue raspberry they're filling it up with water and then he just like cuts it off right there so it's a giant hose so now all the water can go in that one spot what was the point of this i mean technically couldn't you just like let the water accumulate and just like poke holes in it with a pencil so that it could water everywhere i'm not a farmer or anything but that's my two cents right there you know if you needed farming help from a content creator peel the orange oh i feel like i'm too close that looked like foam oh take the seeds out of it oh that grapefruit looks nice this is how my mom does this she will peel all the skin out of it and like serve me this it is so much more delicious but this i feel like i'm way too close like my eyes shouldn't be able to see this texture oh this is so satisfying believe it or not there's actually a rake in sand and just moving it around makes the most satisfying design oh it's perfect oh it's like i'm enjoying this but i also want to mess it up really badly just take my finger just skirt down the middle from zen to chaos why is it so sticky why is the water thick don't like it don't like it don't like it one bit you know if i had to take a guess i would say this aloe vera gel oh so sticky it all goes back in and i'll be messing with this all day as long as i got gloves on that was a fat stack of money there got to be ones in there it's only 100 on top what that is a lot of money i just keep going yeah i don't think those are ones whenever people do this i feel like they just cash out their entire bank account or you're asking to be robbed it's like wow this person has this much cash and they're showing it off on the internet i mean unless you work out a bank have you ever seen somebody who works at a bank just like make tick tocks like this i feel like they could but then wouldn't they be inviting you to rob their bank this is what your teeth look like before you get veneers they have to file them down to these pointy little stubs so they can attach the fake teeth people can do whatever they want but the thought of just shaving down perfectly good teeth just to put fake ones on it don't sit right with me like yes the teeth after look perfect but like you bite too hard into an apple and a tooth don't accidentally pop out do not trust hey why are you cutting the ball you're supposed to cut the food that goes inside there no mother what are we having for dinner tonight plastic ball oh cut it all up hey the squeezy bottle we make an onion out of it no not the spoon no this is not the salad i wanted oh the peeler too you just use the peeler to peel the spoon hey yo this video does not sit right with me they melted the plastic this is a cancer-causing meal i thought gmos were bad no i don't want it i'm not going to eat it no you can have all of it to yourself this is not a good salad not very healthy you know what i mean i like that sound do it again oh that was kind of like a fart girl you sure that wasn't you oh i kind of heard it again oh that definitely was a fart when you make a weird sound then it kind of sounds like a fart and then you keep doing it again just to prove that it wasn't a fart oh those look tasty what is it a snack that's not a snack oh it's crumbled so easily they look so hard how is it so hard but crumbles into a fine powder so easily whoa oh i said a forbidden word and you see how crumbly this is and they gotta make a candy like this like think smarties but like bigger a smarty boy you could just like take a bite the flavors are melting on my tongue oh what did they spill what a filthy chair who used this did a leprechaun just explode on the seat why is it green and so filthy what were the crunchy bits you took off in the beginning oh what whatever cleaner you use should be sponsoring you the way you just cleaned it up and then just like vacuumed it off oh man this is so satisfying this is one of those wet vacuums i love these i got something to clean like my dog's pee out of the carpet and it just like sucks it up the whole room smells like pee after but it gets it out oh those are perfect how you do that oh those last two nope you know i can only do so many perfect circles in a row at a time i was very impressed by the first three but you should just stop there you gotta just do the movement just oh free handing a perfect circle that's a talent ah this dude at it again restoring the crustiest and mustiest of controllers there are way too many crevices where crust accumulates on this how many years of dead skin cells and dusty musty dorito covered fingers have accumulated on this controller love to see it clean i feel like i can breathe pov you're waking up in the middle of the desert and seeing this view are we inside the epcot we are in a glass house does a king live here this is fancy this is what i like to wake up rich no rich people have the servants pull the curtains open or maybe it's a pov and the the servant is opening the crayon i don't know i live in the middle of the desert but i usually just wake up with congestion and a throat full of phlegm from it being too dry but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button in the yes comment below how many times i said wow because i lost count and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack oh i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 14,892,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, try, not, to, say, wow, challenge, impossible, try not to say wow, try not to say wow challenge, impossible challenge
Id: NE84wI9XI2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2022
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