People Who Got Caught In 4k

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hello friends it's me today we're checking out some people who got caught in 4k surprising my boyfriend at college there he is um excuse me sir who was that she didn't even see her he wasn't even expecting her he surprised your boyfriend at college oh girl you sure you saw his girlfriend like right after him that's a sneaky link pushing her back like oh it's gonna be a tough one to explain somebody crashed the golf cart into my car so i checked the security cameras oh my god what is that is that a dog that is their dog how did he drive the golf cart did he accidentally put his paw on the gas pedal wherever we go no one will know he just crashed into it and then walked away like i didn't do it if they didn't have security cameras they probably would have been so confused i mean i'll watch the footage and i'm still confused these dudes were punching a mirror in an elevator for i don't know what reason y'all want to 1v1 yourself that bad absolute menace to society and then put it up with a stick and then this next dude comes in messes with the stick oh no and it just collapses on him my dude got folded like a piece of paper because these hooligans wanted to fight their reflection that bad so this is something really cool i have in my room it's my fan and it's actually an apple fan this was a limited run thing they only made 500 of these and they're actually really cool because they're like voice activated with siri so you say hey siri she got the same fan he just stuck an apple sticker onto his fan and don't lie to us like that she just exposed him like no bro it's a regular fan stephen got a remote no voice activation he really flexing like i got the limited edition voice activated apple fan i mean if apple dropped one of those tomorrow people will actually buy it this kid was about to steal a package there's a lot of recording there well good thing he got a warning i was just joking oh he was joking okay oh not this house i can't show my face here again i can't believe 2021 people really going up to people's front door and just taking their packages i feel like a lot of people have cameras they got the cameras built into the doorbell when people come into the cinema with their sneaky link to do the nasty oh no everybody is on camera i didn't know they got cameras of everybody what about the background this is the front row i don't see nothing with the back row okay i'm safe i did not think they had cameras because there was always somebody that would like come and walk up all the stairs during the movie and then walk down you know check it for any suspicious activity the video that made you go viral she thinks it was a shot and that's how you know madeline that's how you got your nose because that was water they just gave her some water that's when you know it's time to go home it's time to start drinking water she probably like dang that went down quick y'all should have recorded that i didn't even make a face or anything it's water this guy did this prank where he pretends to drop some money oh bro you calling me a liar that's his money he pretended to pick it up yeah that's that's some money man what do you mean we got somebody else backing her up it's a prank right it's a prank there's no need to lie like you know this is not your money we got this dude making this up like yeah it was her money give it back to her y'all are very good at lying huh good thing you didn't show their faces embarrassing clearly not your money she got concealing from this store just puts it in her pants she ain't even got her mask on all the way just shoved it in there like it was a thanksgiving turkey it's gonna be warm and moist when you take it out if you ever wonder why your mcdonald's bag is short on fries no not the employees don't be taking stuff out of my bed that's my job i'm supposed to be taking them out of the bag on my way home we got the employee in broad daylight before giving the bag to the customer you know what i'm hungry just y'all couldn't have taken it out of the fry bin why out of my bag this should be a federal crime oh he hit a curb better get up out of my wheelchair before i roll into the road this ain't the first time we've seen somebody in a wheelchair just miraculously stand up it's a miracle if you could wear your shorts that low you could probably walk i don't like walking unless i have to oh would you look at that it's walk o'clock i don't know what this dude was doing in his room and somebody walks in oh no this is the end of the video that is so embarrassing bro like what are you doing but also there comes a time in everybody's life where they're doing things like this but you gotta make sure to do it against the door so nobody can like bust in or lock your door so nobody walks in i don't even know what this is oh i wish i didn't know what he was doing but now i know this french model pretended to be flying first class and this is because somebody caught her going back to sit in economy after taking the photo in the first class seat girl come on that is embarrassing social media is fake you can't believe most of it y'all this lady in the electric chair really zoomed backward and stole my bag she took his food and just pressed forward just snatched it so here you got any more food in there i'll be taking this imagine somebody just walk it up to you in a restaurant just smash your food a crime was committed excuse me sir i'm gonna have to confiscate your phone ew he's just like sitting and recording and instead of staring at this lady he thought he was sneaky i'mma just stare on my phone pointed at her you know guys really aren't sneaky doing this we see you we notice it's embarrassing this dude played the daylight intro on this woman she heard the sound from the beginning of the video and instantly checked her phone look i got bluetooth on or something is being broadcast to a tv no man but you did get caught in 4k what have you got look what have you got why are you closing yourself what you got in his mouth show us what you got open up oh what is don't pretend to be asleep don't pretend to be asleep open your mouth a whole donut she's rubbed off me go on eat it now eat it then when he gave her the okay like okay you know why just eat it that dog is so fake oh no there's nothing in my mouth you know what i'm actually really sleepy i'm just gonna just fall asleep right here she knows exactly what she's doing cop this devious snack thanking joe from you for helping me promote my new song promote joe like wait what what oh chris chris chris wait wait i'm sorry did you just you just call me joe uh no i said no you said joe i said yo you said i'm a rapper i said yo no rapper hey it's joe from you wait the show you there's a show called lowering on netflix gaslighting at its finest when you get your girlfriend literally in the act you're home oh that's funny hey you gotta you got a twin you got a twin by the way she's lying or boyfriend saying she's at work and yet there she is walking on the balcony in her apartment what do you mean i can literally see you panic pacing on the balcony this dude sent her a picture of his abs and then when she clicked the live photo he stopped flexing i know what happened to the app disappeared wow cool trick bro this is why you always gotta click the live photo on father's day this little girl wanted to do something special for her dad so she took his screwdriver and carved into his car i love my dad and i just want to let everybody know oh honey you shouldn't have i mean you really shouldn't have you love your dad why would you key his car can you be mad at her uh yeah you know since you love your dad so much you can go find another one a receipt we found at our airbnb oh no a pocket keychain audio recorder a usb flash drive audio recorder an iphone case hidden camera power bank hidden camera voice activated recorder camera either they are super spies or scumbags i cannot believe this it makes it so hard to trust airbnbs like some of them got hidden cameras voice recorders are you kidding me and they have this all set up i would have did myself a little scavenger hunt find all those objects grab them and then leave i really hope they go in jail for this i love watching these videos where they mess with scammers she decided to pick up a scammer's call you know i got time i was wondering why you guys keep calling me because then it shows here you have balanced more than 5 wait what does it say the name on the account is i'm talking about all of your existing visa master discover course that doesn't just make all of the cards are combined all of that's right well i'm wondering what the name on the account is does it have a name on that account what do you mean can you tell me the name i know my name can you tell me name which card is it the american express yeah i don't have an american experience starting with 3 7 can you grab your part have a look yeah let me grab it really quick can you verify me expiration date when does your card expire only just for that year it expires 0 5 20 27. and the card number is starting with three times and after that yes so it goes three seven six nine nine four two zero six nine twenty twenty four this dude really out here yeah we finally got a sucker just gave me your credit card number wait why credit card number not working surely she did not give a fake credit card number no scammer cannot scam scammer that's illegal okay yeah i'll just call him sure man you can do that okay go back to work this dude got so annoyed that she was not gonna give him the right number she wasn't gonna give him anything he asked for i really wonder how many times are these phone scammers actually successful does anybody fall for these but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 14,283,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, people, people who got caught, people who got caught in 4k
Id: bxn8yTOvJBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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