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hello friends it's me your favorite messy hair youtuber port cords in her closet yes we are still in the closet yes I'm sick some things never change whatever I get better anyways today's video is a test of strength endurance knowledge brain power we're gonna be going through a brain obstacle course we're gonna watch this video it's gonna tell me how predictable you are it's supposed to have a hundred percent success rate so no matter how much you try this test will always beat you hi I'm Richard and this is the prediction what I'd like you to do is lean forward and place your finger on the start square here now during the test you come in from side to side so guys play this with me okay so I'm on start you can move up down left right but you cannot move diagonally so I'm gonna move down to the mat face so at the moment you'll have your finger either on this square here or this square here keep it exactly where it is now every time I say a number make a move remember couple down side to side but not diagonally here we go one two three four five six seven and I predict that you won't have chosen the house over here see he's right I'm on the V I feel like I should tell you why I'm going from the V so and here we go again one two three and now I predict you won't have chosen so safe so far so coochie so far so calculated okay here we go round three fight me old man one two three four five six seven and this time I predict you won't be on this symbol I am on the middle now it's like I feel like I could have been on that one and you could have gotten rid of it but no it doesn't work like that pure mathematical calculations is doing a math teacher song here we go round four here we go again one two three four five and now your finger is not see when I do this I'm going like back and forth back and forth I'm still in the game leave a like if you are still in the game he hasn't gotten rid of your card yet like again one two three four five six seven eight nine and you haven't chosen I swear it's like I want to get him at his own game I'm on the smiley face right now but it's like oh that's so close like I don't know what's coming next here we go again one two three and you are not on the wavy lines make one last move now and I predict you didn't choose the cue but instead your finger is on the happy face and that is the prediction but I wasn't actually gonna throw it but bad this dude really done calculated me every move I can't believe it I know math and calculations but if you ended up on the smiley face hit that like button how does everybody end up on the same one it just blows my mind y'all feeling what I'm feeling defeat I know it all too well anyway he's got some more tricks for you look at the chart and say the color not the word so let's see if I can do this and feel free to play along green red blue yellow blue is that green or black I can't see my monitor okay so it says green but it's that's black right okay it is 4:00 in the morning going a little crazy red blue green black red is that orange yellow green blue black blue blue no I mean green okay that done mess me off that mess me off that messed me up god I hate even talk so if you ever wondering what happens 4:00 in the morning to people who stay up on four shots of espresso you're right brain tries to say the color but your left brain insists on reading the word damn it left brain mess me up mmm fight me hit you in the medulla oblongata look at this stick right here it is really confusing are there four or are there three so oh this is like the original mind trick like one side there are four ends and then the other side there are three but it looks like they're all connected okay so yeah I'm trying to like trace out where they're connected I oh just looking at this it's making me very dizzy it's like messing with my mind right now like one two three one two three four and all the lines are perfectly straight like they're not drawn on and I'll or anything so I swear if somebody drew that to piss people off I got up whoa oh I got a dig big you read that wrong that awkward moment when you no no they got me this is full of mistakes I got a dig big you read know you read you you that red bra that awkward when you rent that wrong to and said moment after awkward mm yeah okay well I failed whoa Matt thought we was better get the monetize for a second but child photography photography photography huh I can name a reaction youtuber that would be sweating right now how fast can you guess these words okay I'll let you have a look at this real quick lightning round YouTube friendly version let's go boom random funk pants that's a good one puns II thought a word pull see pulse pulse pulse like like pulse is increasing cuz this video gonna get the monetize six you know number six is six you know what it's obvious there's a dirty word for every single one of these each word would get this video do you monetize but no oh so it's book random Borg what starts with a F and ends with a cave for da you use it every day hands pulse and sex you got all six wrong didn't you how many did you get right comment below if you got anything else you nasty for that this is a mind trick think of a number to double that number for - half that number - the number you started with is the answer for I bet it is the awkward moment when you wrong let me try that again hold up think of my number - double that number four Oh at eight I completely missed that 12 minus half that number so you get 6 minus the number you started with 2 so 6 minus 2 equals 4 ah the minion triumphs over me once again beat by a minion lightning rounds Megan's mother had 4 daughters named April May June and what oh I what was the answer I heard this a long time ago Megan's mother has four daughters named April May June and what what is the fourth daughter I'll give you a second Meghan Meghan it clearly says Megan's mother Megan's mother has four daughters so one of her daughters his name is Megan gotta come beloved you got it how many times can you subtract 10 from 100 hmm it's either infinite or one I'm gonna put infinite cuz 100 minus 10 minus 10 minutes like you could keep mining ten until you're in the billions trillions quadrillions negatives yeah okay i'm hella overthinking this you can't really subtract it once cuz 100 minus 10 is 90 and then if you're subtracting 10 again then you're subtracting it from 90 boom knowledge try this on your teacher see if they'll fall for it or not may you can make your teacher look real dumb huh the best you love making teachers feel dumb how many months have 28 days okay you know me I'm tired I want to say 1 February but February does it always have 28 days sometimes I was 29 12 up everywhere like that okay are you ready all of the months all of the months have 28 days stupid I fell for it comment below did you get that right cuz I've done it I've heard this before - I'm just knowing to get older your Bringle every time you try to think the Library of Alexandria contains millions of books how many letters are in those books okay I want to be like how many letters are in those books one two three four five six seven eight nine ten I'm hoping it's one of these questions I guess 10 got it right how many letters are in these books okay that one was too easy why can't a man marry his widow single sister hmm I know this one cuz I've heard this on before and I always like this one got me real good so why can't a man marry his widow single sister the widow's single sister guys got your answer because he's dead a widow means her husband is dead so how are you gonna marry her single sister if he's dead it must yell into that but anyway that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this very educational video one like equals one knowledge in the face and make sure you subscribe to join the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 13,572,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, funniest, family friendly, mind tricks, mind, facts, fail, mind tricks you will always fail
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2019
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