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please don't ever love another girl I can't promise why who is this person you were talking about she's shorter than you it looks like you Oh call me Mommy [Music] depends does your sister call you mommy what the hell did you just say I'm gonna beat your ass with this I just grabbed anything on my desk literally the worst thing you could say to your girlfriend today we're doing boyfriend girlfriend girlfriend boyfriend text sometimes with a pinch of no chill hey babe ready to get down today young man this is Susan's mother she left your phone home uh-oh ha ha gotcha [ __ ] now tell me what we're doing again tonight yeah we're gonna do it so hard you won't be able to get out of bed in the morning I was kidding I'm really her mother and I'm calling your mom she did not she did not just go there man parents are learning they are learning you can't just anybody not even your own girlfriend boyfriend wants to battle boyfriend you seductive defense girlfriend is confused boyfriend used flex girlfriend resistant spell girlfriend confusion increased girlfriend used you're not getting any boyfriend has no useable moves boyfriend backed out We Need to Talk oh I don't know something just doesn't feel right what do you mean we've been dating for almost eight months now and you have not once made me a sandwich I am gonna make you one and choke you with it for scaring me so bad Wow just even a woman doesn't mean I have to make you a sandwich why don't you make me a sandwich I ain't like that there comes a point in every relationship where you got to make each other food okay and sometimes when your man's is helpless you gotta make a food I don't know I come from a family where the women cook for their mans and I don't know I like again I like making sandwiches I make some bomb-ass sandwiches so yeah I like minky sandwiches dating me like I want a cheeseburger I wanna cuddle with you kids what you wanna do I want a cheeseburger now I want to ride a rollercoaster so bad why ride a rollercoaster when you can ride me cuz rollercoasters actually make me scream okay it's almost hard to believe how hot Noah is you think he's hot yes not a doubt in my mind wait you've known that I liked him I never thought you'd say that what oh [ __ ] that wasn't meant for you it was made for Alexa now if you'll excuse me I'll go die in a hole of humiliation don't worry about it as my son know that my future girlfriend likes me and thinks I'm hot girl today is your lucky day I mean this is best-case scenario right here imagine the person you really like liking you back but almost always never happens why did this happen to me in high school the problem was I came on a little too strong look I lead you every guy that I like I went up to them I was like I like you go out with me and then they were like no like so rude like I had no shame hey Kim wanna play a game hi Danny sure but it can't be hide-and-seek Oh winky face why not cuz a girl like you is impossible to find [Music] who says that calm down I mean that's that's a pretty good pick-up line if you like their teen another way to ask somebody out let's make nicknames for each other okay how about weirdo huh joking I was gonna give you a nickname but never mind no tell me okay how about girlfriends you know Valentine's Day is coming up these are like so perfect these are actually like pretty damn good so I mean if you all want to try these try them at your own risk but you know like test the water first don't just like go in there so this is the person you like this is their friend go to their friend and ask them if they like you or what they think of you you know you have to get somebody to ask the person you like if they like you hey I heard a rumor about you and your crush really what's it about he likes you back hello are you there oh I think I pulled something what did you say sorry I was just doing a victory dance you were saying hey babe my parents are gone you know what that means you mean yeah I'll be over in five with the pillows this fort is gonna be the best fort ever I know right that's some family-friendly text there I bet your parents are proud Jesus is proud chatting with your crush expectation hello how are you I'm fine and you I'm also fine dear oh nice winky face can I tell you something yeah sure I love you I love you too reality hello hello how are you I'm fine Oh a nice hmm can I tell you something sorry I'm busy I love you what you doing taking a bath send pick by there's not the kind of pickup wanted what kind of fish is this I'm fat no you're not I just ate a McDonald's hamburger I just think seven cookies oh you have cookies the back doors open get your men's like this that I love you and feed you and tell you you're not hey what would you rate me from one to ten one point one four three two seventy-five yeah I think you put the decimal in the wrong place oh yeah sorry I met zero point one point four three two seventy-five whoa see this is how guys would talk to me in high school the be all rude like this so mean my love if you are smiling send me our smiles if you're sleeping send me your dreams if you are crying send me your tears I love you I'm in the toilet what do I send here's a hint Shh look like so romantic I miss you come back to me where are you my apartment go to the window I'm here jump Wow no shell would your ex tries to come back into your life no thank you hey We Need to Talk one sec I just got a package great I mean cool I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore um open the package oh my god it's a diamond ring it says I don't want to be a boyfriend anymore I want to be your husband marry me yes I will oh my god that's so cute good for you you want to be my girlfriend you mean girlfriend what you forgot the D don't worry about the D baby you'll get that later even even though I heard this way too many times this always pretty good man if you want to try this out I think it'll work baby are you jealous no baby are you jealous no what baby are you jealous I already told you no baby can I give a kiss go get a kiss from the ugly girl that like your status on Facebook dead-ass this is me okay I mean if a girl likes my mans as [ __ ] then that's nothing I can do about it you know but you feel like somebody else's [ __ ] then there's a problem but he doesn't so hey babe you are amazing last night you have a very talented pair of lips this is Abby's dad amazing at karaoke wow she sure can't sing you've got a talented girl mr. Gillian I know she's just an amazing singer I think she's got real potential I think it's great you agreed that same man that save of the century uh you're the sweetest I'm going to bed but I want to talk to you go talk to Beth underscore 21 if you're gonna fall over like her pics or even like check her Instagram go talk to her instead okay he make me the happiest person on earth a lot yeah yeah yeah yeah just doing my job so it's a job huh you get paid for it huh who sent you yep your love is my salary close your eyes okay what do you see nothing well that's my life without you do people actually text like this I don't know about you guys but I'm not into like this romantic BS I don't like it roses are red violets are blue sugar is sweet and so are you but the roses are wilting the violets are dead the sugar bowl is empty and so is your head damn okay what'd she do eat the last slice of pizza or something are you mad baby air two five three five eight message could not be sent I'm sorry I said Katy Perry is hotter than you air eight seven four seven three she boyfriend PS Taylor Lautner's hotter than you this is a new level of pity man this is so good this is me hey what's up not much chillin how about you at the seafood restaurant why that face I'm literally plunging my nose I hate the smell of fish why would you plug your nose all you got to do is close your legs we got a savage hey sorry about that Michael I was busy I said that thirty-eight years ago 138 years ago you can edit texts love you Josh go to hell [ __ ] Sean I meant John Auto crack sucks oh okay sweetie I love you oh my god Cassie I just text the John saying I love Josh I told him it was autocorrect he bought it as I was saying go to hell baby I wanna bang you so hard me too Bri we yeah in the face with a chair made of steel covered in spikes dipped in poison held by Chuck Norris ouch but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure that that like button the and subscribe join the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 20,641,019
Rating: 4.918191 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, funniest, hilarious, texts, funny texts, boyfriend, girlfriend, funny messages, messages
Id: Vz8bYstEGE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2018
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