People share about the Worst part of their Childhood r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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worst part of being a kid was not having adults take you seriously when you knew what you were talking about what is an example of this that happened to you as a child i once bought a game and when i opened it outside the shop it had no disc in it i went back and they didn't believe me so i argued with them for at least 30 minutes before they tried to kick me out saying i was scamming them after about an hour they kept telling me to leave and get out of the way and trying to then ignore me in total i got them to check the cctv and the manager hadn't put the disc in the case they were separate to stop thieves without a word he got a copy and threw it at me and stormed off full stop in grade school my parents bought me a nintendo ds but in the store it was the setup where you pick up a cardboard card in the aisles for it and when you bring it to the register they take the card and give you the actual product i guess somehow the cashier forget they already put the product in a bag and accidentally put in two we realized in the car and my parents sent me back in to return the extra and explained the situation the store manager tore me apart screamed at me about how he knew i tried to steal it and was just feeling guilty now and they were going to call the cops and i'd never see my parents again on and on my parents eventually came into the store to figure out what was taking so long and that is the one and only time i've seen my parents yell at a customer service employee it didn't even make sense the whole card exchange process made it so that i couldn't have sharp lifted it even if i wanted to complained about stomachaches every morning for a week and my parents thought i just wanted to skip school the next weekend they wanted to set me straight so i was taken to the doctor turned out i had hepatitis a one of my best friends committed for over a year and the doctors told him he was faking it's anxiety it's attention seeking massive brain cancer tried to tell them my knee was bothering me was told it's just growing pains finally go in about two years later got a scope done and doc says man if we wouldn't have caught this earlier we could have avoided the surgery double quote when i was a child my growing pains were so bad i couldn't walk i cried daily for months and months at a time and i would sit up all night massaging my ankles my mom said it was just growing pains and i was just being a baby about it fast forward many years and now my son six at the time had growing pains so bad the same thing was happening i kept him home from school and took him to have x-rays he has a genetic condition he apparently got from me where when he grows the growth platelets don't do what they should and it hurts like a [ __ ] he had to be in a boot then a cast for almost six months [Music] i had a birthmark that was displaying all the classic signs of skin cancer but every time i tried telling my mum about the concerning symptoms she brushed me off she didn't even look eventually after 3-4 weeks i was taken to see a doctor and the situation then escalated very quickly long story short i ended up having a cancerous tumor the size of an orange removed from the area below my birthmark the doctor had many stern words with my mother after that and i was monitored for a while i remember being into space as a kid and telling my mum's drug addict boyfriend that the son is a star dumb cnt refused to believe i was right not really as a child but when i was 14 i had severe side pain from a kidney stone and my parents didn't take my pain seriously until after a few days and by that time i was literally on my knees begging them to take me to the er if your kid starts begging you to take them to the er please listen to them i was an adult and my now ex also abusive fiance at the time refused to believe something was wrong when i had a kidney stone despite the fact i was vomiting from the pain thank god we were living at my parents and my mom heard me ralphing saw me sweating and white as a sheet and took me to the er she had seen my dad parson before and knew the look also she is a retired nurse a parent should know the difference between faking it in that level of pain you want yourself when in that much discomfort i beg my parents that we stop in paris as we drove back to the uk from our holiday and whilst we were there we visited the eifel tower we parked nearby and from the top i could see our car being towed i told my parents but they wouldn't listen they thought i was joking and being young i assumed their response meant it wasn't a big deal luckily our car was some 4x4 thing not good with the breeds of cars so the towing guys were still trying to move it they told us to get out of the city asap as it was about to be locked down later in life i discovered on that day there was an assassination attempt on the french president when i was in middle school i needed glasses because i couldn't see the board i told my parents they said i was looking for attention i brought binoculars to school so i could see they didn't take me to an optometrist until the school nurse did rudimentary eye exams on every student in the school and wrote my parents that i needed glasses same thing happened with braces my dentist had been hinting for years that i needed braces and they didn't take me to an orthodontist until he wrote a referral to one who was just down the street i had had crooked teeth and an entire adult set for years at that point in seventh grade we had to do a report on the revolutionary war and include different items one was a poem that i had fun writing and the teacher liked it and read it to the class when we were doing research in the library afterwards the librarian came up to me and said tell your dad it was a good poem with a tone that implied he thought my dad wrote it for me another teacher didn't believe me and pay running laps that out of shape me couldn't breathe she told me to keep going i tried but ended up hyperventilating and twisted my ankle she finally let me sit down in kindergarten we had different skills to learn and after learning each one there was a poster that we got to write our name on if we learned the skill these were things like being able to tie our shoes or butting a shirt one was for if we knew our own birthday there was a mix-up and the teacher had my birthday written down for a different month i knew my correct birthday but was told i was wrong even after it was proven that i knew my birthday i still didn't get to put my name on the poster begged my parents to not send me to school as i wasn't feeling well it was photo day so understandably they sent me because they thought i was lying to get out of it got the photos back and can see the chicken pox around my neck in the sixth grade i fell on my roller skates i was sure i'd broken my wrist but my mother a radiologist technician the woman literally takes rays of broken bones for a living told me i was just faking it for attention a week later and it was still swollen i couldn't write correctly and my pay teacher wasn't letting me participate and he sent home a note that finally prompted my mother to take me into the dr come to find out i definitely had broken my wrist and was in a cast for eight weeks medical professionals in your family are the worst to go to when you're ill a few months ago i started feeling very faint got very pale dizzy the whole nine yards super classic anemia my grandfather a doctor swore up and down nothing was wrong that it was in my head etc a blood test later that week showed i had a pretty extreme case of anemia i had less than half the amount of blood iron that a person at the very bottom of the normal spectrum should have he still won't admit that anything could be wrong with me i don't know what to call that kind of mental block felt sick as hell but forced to go to school ended up throwing up and having severe food poisoning for the next few days those were some bad nights it became a boy who cried wolf scenario for me i would regularly try to fake being sick to get the day off from school and when i actually had a bad case of the [ __ ] they wouldn't budge and i ended up spending half my school day in the nurses room running between the bed and the toilet my grandparents went to australia for a year whilst they were gone my mother was asked to drop by to check on their house but would often just wait in the car and have me go in one time i noticed that the next door neighbors who were building an extension had taken down the dividing fence and put scaffolding into my grandparents garden i told my mother who brushed it off as imagination the next time they'd fully started to build on my grandparents land destroying my grandfather's prized rhubarb patch i told my mother and same thing happened by the time my grandparents came home the extension was fully built and had been for months my grandma was so annoyed at my mother for not doing anything to stop this but i think they were so kind they didn't do anything about it and the neighbors got away with it kindergarten needed to pee teacher no you don't double quote teacher five minutes later struggling to peel off my pee soaked stockings also kindergarten needed to throw up teacher no you don't double quote immediate result bright orange vomit on christmas green carpet pretty sure i have mild tourettes head and neck jerks at absolutely random times and it's gotten progressively worse parents decide to mock me on it and apparently if i concentrate enough i'll be able to control it it's been two years now and i still haven't gotten a diagnosis yet i come from a family of doctors that mock you for getting sick or just in general having any medical issue i told my mom when my dad was abusing me and she didn't believe me or didn't want to and since that was exactly what he had said would happen if i told i never tried again then when i told her again in my twenties after i cut him out of my life she asked me over and over if i was sure and didn't stop until her constant asking caused the worst panic attack i've ever had in my life thank you to the couple of people who will read this comment it feels nice to know that somebody knows and hopefully somebody believes me the old i need acne medication for years from being 12-17 i had horrible acne and kept asking to go to the doctors about it my parents just kept saying nonsense i had acne much worse than you when i was younger they didn't at 17 when i could drive i went to the doctors on my own got some tablet ctc the doctor was surprised i hadn't been in earlier and within six months no more spots never had acne since very frustrating that i had years of pain soreness bleeding and looking like [ __ ] when it was completely avoidable i will have scarring from it for the rest of my life my kids won't that's for sure that my parents were abusive all their friends thought they were just normal people it wasn't until my mom had a mental breakdown from me moving away and cutting contact because she couldn't control me anymore that people started to realize that maybe they were a bit abusive still to this day i get a few oh they weren't that bad or they did do because they love you from random people who had good childhoods and couldn't even possibly wrap their narrow bone-headed minds around the fact that a parent of anyone can be abusive my mom was convinced earthworms were the same as parasitic ones and called me a rude smart ass when i tried to explain that the earthworm i was holding was not gonna burrow under my skin i tried explaining to my mother that not all snakes especially the ones at zoo are not poisonous and they do not want to kill everything it sees she still fears them and calls me smartass i would constantly feel sick after every breakfast and lunch at school my stomach would hurt so badly and i would have to go to the bathroom i just knew something was off i told my mom and asked to go to the doctor and she said it's fine it's just anxiety i lost 12 pounds and found out at my annual physical for school that i have celiac disease and my small intestine was just destroyed when i was five or six i was looking down on the balcony when i felt wind on my left ear and saw a solid freaking red brick falling and then crashing on the floor to dozens of pieces i immediately look up and saw my neighbor with his brother 15 year old at that time laughing there off when i told my parents they laughed and told me that i watched too much cartoon they still don't believe me 25 years later grade 2 teacher initially refused to let me do a diorama on the epoch for an animal project because she didn't realize it was an actual animal took me bringing in a printed article on it to convince her to let me do it to be fair to her though i didn't use its more well-known name of the water opossum growing up i noticed i couldn't hear properly became more apparent when my mum was hoovering up and i only needed to cover one ear parents didn't believe me teachers didn't believe me they just said i wasn't listening i was in high school when my parents realized there might be a problem the doctor said it was common for kids to fake it for attention and my parents could try clearing my ears out another two years before a doctor did a full check and found that i was completely deaf in one ear and mostly deaf and the other with likelihood of going fully deaf and they cannot find the actual cause it's essentially a natural degradation of my ability to hear and it's likely genetic since my gran on my mother's side also had it starting with the left ear same as me my mum on the other hand has a degradation of sight starting in her left eye and apparently she was just terrified of me being deaf because it would be her fault my siblings had built a wiley coyote ladder of random stuff from our backyard to get to the roof so they could jump from the roof onto our trampoline i asked if i could do it but being like six they said no that i would get hurt and because i was six i decided this was grounds to tattle i went straight inside and told out parents exactly what was going on and it was so ridiculous that not only did they know believe me they didn't even bother checking they wouldn't find out for another seven years when i brought it up again as a fun memory during dinner tried to tell my mum that she was in a horribly abusive relationship it had been eight years by that point they would regularly fight and she'd take me round to my grands her mother for a few days she'd always say this time i won't go back and i'd say yes you will i was miserable and i never gave up trying to tell her to leave she told me that because i was only a teenager my brain was still developing in that i was literally incapable of empathy i had never known love i would understand when i was older anyways now i'm nearly 30 and i haven't spoken to her in years [Music] my family was the i went to school no matter how sick i was so you were two types but they were also the we can't take time off or we might get fired and it's illegal to leave you at home types which also goes hand in hand with the prescription medicine is expensive and if you don't go to the hospital you'll get better and save us some money types i don't know what the hell i had but i think it was some kind of lung infection bronchitis or something no idea i think i did end up getting some pills over the weekend so i wouldn't have to stay home on monday the school wasn't happy lol my mom never believed me when i said we shouldn't water our indoor plants every day especially not in winter three pots of dead plants later she might have started to come around but i kind of hated her a little more by then [Music] i've got to master in electrical engineering my parents until recently refused to let me fix things a professional should do it like wtf did you spend all that money on my education for i was home sitting for two weeks and when they returned i had repaired several things that were bothering me i tend to stay there a lot my mother was genuinely impressed with something she should have known to be true for more than 10 years now she actually asks me to fix stuff [Music] so [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 4,547
Rating: 4.8865247 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: fBDq6xkb0iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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