People MASSIVELY Quit Their JOBS (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit what happened at your work which caused multiple people to all quit at once many years ago in high school I worked at a movie theater the place was pretty poorly run from the moment I started there we never got paid on time and management was basically a bunch of lazy jackasses who sat in the office talking all day and never actually did any managing it would have been hard for things to have gotten any worse but after a couple of months they brought in new management who seemed to want to make it their personal mission to run the theater as poorly as possible they first decided to implement a new policy requiring all projectionists to wear ties despite the fact that projectionists are never seen by the public not to mention that tiny little detail that the projectionists worked around giant rapidly spinning objects that a tide could get caught in management refused to reconsider the policy and every single projectionists quit as a result they then decided that the door people of which I was one who were always scheduled seven days a week would now only be scheduled on the weekends and refused to re ass in any of us two concessions on the weekdays so we wouldn't lose ours as a result almost every single door person quit including me after that they started imposing impossible cleanliness standards on concessions things like requiring them to scrape popcorn kernels out of the cracks of the trim behind the popcorn machines concessions was there until 5:00 a.m. every night trying to meet their standards most of the concession people quit as a result by Mike out the theater went from a staff of about fifty to a staff of about twelve and three weeks I swung by about a month after I quit and found out that entire management staff had been fired and replaced yet again by an entirely new one ones who actually seemed to be running the theater properly my best guess is that the previous management had been told to whip the theater into shape and they were idiots who had no idea how to effectively do that when I was 16 I worked in the concession stand at a minor-league baseball stadium minimum wage at the time was $5.15 /hr this job paid eight dollars and it was always in the evenings so it was perfect work for a high school student the only bad thing was our management was terrible the main manager would throw toddler tantrums about once a shift over stupid bullshit like not ordering enough of a specific beer she did the ordering or running out of precut lemons for tea one night the stadium was running a promotion and it was incredibly busy easily to 3x the normal volume of customers we were all working our asses off handling multiple roles each with absolutely no downtime although we all cleaned as we worked nobody had a chance to do thorough cleaning for the whole shift because of the neverending horde of hungry baseball fans the manager showed up three to four hours late per usual and throws the biggest fucking tantrum ever over the unswept floor finally she announces listen up you lazy fucks minimal work gets minimal pay everybody is being paid minimum wage tonight because you slobs won't clean up anything both of our bartenders in the bar backward on the spot which caused her chain reaction we all took off our aprons and had to leave she blocked the exit and was red in the face from screaming so one of the cooks climbed out of one of the big serving windows where we served customers so I did the same and most of the staff followed bear in mind that this all happened in front of like 200 plus customers of course my final paycheck got lost so I had to file a wage theft complaint with the Texas Workforce Commission I used to work at a grocery store we had a manager who was hired to run the store but not be the franchisee and when his numbers were satisfactory enough they would let him franchise it so far to ward a year later and this guy was doing everything he could making the store run and look wonderful and all the staff liked one another out of no way he has told they are putting in a franchisee bid and tell him that if he wants it he can have it he bids but so does one of the district managers he gets it original manager is of course best that accepts to stay as the grocery manager if he keeps pay rate fast forward and the new franchisee gets fired for not following regulations they do the franchisee bit a second time and tell original manager the same thing he can have it if he wants it they give the store to another person a second time I felt bad for the guy because all of his hard work and how well he treated me store starts going downhill causing a lot of change and a lot of pissed-off people I was the first one to walk out as all of hours were cut the new franchisee never spoke to anyone but would ditch if we didn't do things her way I find out 14 more people quit within a month I was hired by the new owners to replace the existing manager I was under the impression that he was moving on to another job somewhere so after about four days I asked him where he's headed and if he's excited he just looks blankly at me and says I'm not going anywhere I'm just training you as the assistant manager right the look I gave him must have been a great tip off because he got up and walked into one of the new owners offices after about 30 seconds they were screaming at each other then he just storms out of the office grabs his stuff give me the finger and leaves over the next few days I'm trying to calm things were the employees they are not faulting me but now have a very bad taste in their mouths about the new ownership over about a 7 to 10 day time period my team shrank from 15 people down to 3 i hobbled along with that the best I could while we tried to hire new people but the new owners were offering so little we had trouble finding people after three months or so of that I started to get fed up and overwhelmed and when the owners started to get on me about missed deadlines I had had it we were still only at five people two of which were brand new and still training they didn't allow me to refuse work or push deadlines out they expected the same output as a 15 person team so after my third day in a row of being berated for missing a deadline that was impossible to make I quit worked at a Wenders and one of the regional managers started running a store because they couldn't / wouldn't find new managers to replace the old ones well anyways this guy practically ran the place into the ground before he started running the store most everyone liked working there as it was a good environment a few months after a couple of people quit because of him and one day I roll in at 9:00 to help open the store and he comes out to my car as soon as I park I was 15 minutes early and usually just sat in my car until 9:00 and tells me hey I need to start early because the three openers just quit on me we managed to get the store open and had a number of people from other stores help run the place until the people from the next shift came in a couple days later I hear the full story of what happened from a Cowell car the regional manager is supposed to be at the store at 7:00 or so and the openers thirty minutes later he didn't actually show up until 8:30 so when the openers already pissed at being at work really early and not being on the clock saw the regional manager rolling and knew it was gonna be an awful shift all decided that they were done with him and just quit right there so at least six people quit because of him by the time I left the place probably more left after me owners retired they were literally the greatest people both very sweet but kept the place running like a well-oiled machine they took pretty good care of us and their restaurant when they left they gave the restaurant over the then nephew who at the time was a busboy / waiter kind of standoffish didn't really interact with us too much a bit lazy at times but for the most part did his shit and went home he seemed okay until he got the power of being the owner he fired four people including two of the four cooks and two of the three dishwashers literally that same day on a Friday night just before the dinner rush all the CAHSEE back whoa didn't like their attitude he refused to allow people to take vacation that they'd already Requested gotten confirmed by the original owners would change the schedule randomly without telling anyone and then scream at people when they missed a shift or came in late because of it he'd refused to replenish the kitchen until we were literally already out of things then take forever to put in the orders he showed up randomly and would drink at the bar for free of course because he was the owner and then bringing all his buddies to drink with him together they'd get way out of hand and grabbed at women and try to start fights within the first month of him being the owner over half the staff had quit usually walking out literally in the middle of their shifts after being screamed at they'd basically throw down their rape runs and tell everyone else that they were so sorry but they couldn't do it anymore after the last cook this big dude who usually kept the kitchen laughing and running at a decent pace started crying in the middle of his shift and dropped everything he was doing after the boss came and yelled at him for being too slow and making backquote slog then walked out the rest of us just bailed along with him four months later the place was closed his aunt and uncle were absolutely furious and devastated that he'd run the business they built up for over 30 years into the ground several years ago I worked in a mental health center we worked primarily with kids it was time for the center to renew their certification instead of keeping up with everything that needed to be done over the course of five years the proper procedures were ignored in this couple months before a certification administration made us sit through a ridiculous amount of training on things that would have been covered in training such as HIPAA laws and identifying child abuse then came our paperwork our Center encouraged us to do things that aren't exactly covered by Medicaid or approved through certification for example taking kids to the park isn't allowed but guess where they instructed us to take these kids so they didn't disturb the therapists working I had to go back and edit five months worth of documents to get rid of the evidence the kicker was that bathrooms were supposed to have a log of when it was claimed an administrator perfectly forged the signatures of multiple employees I don't think they would have went through that trouble just for a bathroom log what else were they forging our signatures on the potential risk of being charged with Medicaid fraud was too high for me I quit as did many others editing to at I did report them to the authorities shockingly they are still in business I did what I had to to cover my ass and thanks for the gold working at a local restaurant that had recently changed owners multiple issues came up difficulty getting off for important things hiring people to work in kitchen who were bad at their job but cheap cheaper ingredients et Cie as well as owner just kind of sat around and drank while they're not doing much things were tense and after a few months we were really just hanging in there course we liked each other previous owners were a sweet old couple that set a great vibe I know some others and I were already looking for a job anyways there was a young mother who waited tables there and really needed the job couldn't afford to be between jobs one night she got a call that her grandmother had a severe stroke was unresponsive and was not expected to make it through the night she asked to get off and start her three hour drive to Dallas manager says of course but the owner says no manager and owner got into a verbal fight in the back the waitress ended up pleading her case crying managers said that if the owner wouldn't let her go he was done owner ended up firing them both on the spot within the next 15 minutes everyone who hadn't been recent hire ended up walking out of the building edit to answer questions seven of us walked out one waitress one cook dishwasher and the Busboys stayed I actually never followed up to see if they finished shift but I think they did I and one other were the last of the originals there we banged out the last couple tickets we had that were placed before the walkout not their fault and I do take some pride in my work the quality and attendance dropped for a year before the owner sold to a different guy with actual restaurant experience original couple returned to reopen the restaurant it is still going today I'm not going to name names no points just let sleeping dogs lay the waitress did make it in time to say goodbye before her grandmother passed I am the manager of a retail store and I had found out a cashier was back quote back quote stealing products by scamming reward card benefits i came up with a detailed incident report to present to this employee and i was under the assumption it was just her after I confronted her in a reasonable manner she freaked out and got really angry and quit on the spot she was using fake accounts instead of using a customer's reward card to get herself points and redeem them for product / gift cards so the customers weren't getting the points they are owed which is a headache for me if they notice him complain the next day every other cashier called me and quit and after thinking WTF just happened I found out they were all in on it and we're using this lady's fake card on their shifts - so I'm down for caches and I have one left this same day my last remaining cashier disappeared for 20 minutes turns out she was in the bathroom with another employee doing the nasty she quits because her dad is a cop and doesn't want to find out she got fired for this and she also asked me if she should go to Urgent Care because she didn't take her tampon out before they did it and she couldn't find it the guy also quit because he backhoe didn't care and was moving anyway I was down to literally managers only so the first part is the mass exodus and the last part was just for that quote can you believe this shit they tried to make us to a third straight 16-hour shift while telling us off we were taking too long this was years ago as a basic box mover in a courier company they cut their staff in half and still expected us to do the same amount of work it got bad enough the head of people came down to supervise us at the end of shift we stopped taking any breaks and worked well past our hours without overtime the second day they were there our immediate supervisor of our team about ten of us asked for the night off next week Christmas Eve and most of us had family and the bosses refused we all quit their entire workforce quit in less than ten minutes there were three people in the office that morning when the other 300 of us walked out most of the other workers were pretty disgusted in how they treated us enough to pack in their jobs they called within an hour and offered us all pay rises and actually hiring people to help with the workload it didn't help they already screwed themselves trying to save money on wages so they were never going to make their deliveries a month earlier it may have made a difference but a week before Christmas the only time I ever quit a job and went back to it but I only ever quit two jobs for me it wasn't what happened but what didn't happen we were making only about two dollars above minimum wage around eleven dollars to do tech support for a web-based startup a college degree was required for the position so we all had large amounts to pay off in student loans but weren't really making enough to do so and still pay for ends groceries and other life expenses three of us there were four in addition to me had other part-time jobs in addition to this full-time 40-hour slash week position because we couldn't survive otherwise every other position in the company was being paid quite a bit more so we didn't exactly feel valued we got sick of this and were talking with each other how abysmal the pay was in addition to less than glamorous and often frustrating work we also didn't get any PTO or bonuses and there was pretty little momentum for moving up in the company so at our next team meeting we asked our supervisor if we could discuss our pay grade and the opportunity for a raise we had all started at the same time during a very busy time of the camp as it was undergoing a platform transition and there were no higher members on our team aside from our supervisor we felt like we had all put in good work and deserved equal recognition our supervisor flipped out at us saying that we should never talk about our compensation with any cow hawkers and that we could potentially get a raise in a year or so but that our inability to pay expenses wasn't the company's concern so we've lost found other jobs and bounced within the next two months leaving them to start over with a brand new staff during the busiest season of the year worked at the SPCA the month I was hired on there was a lot of stuff changing because a couple managerial and senior staff were moving on to other things so it turned into a shit show when a new manager came in and then the district manager also tried to screw senior staff of their bonuses AI etc but most controversially was the new manager and her bosses decided that they needed to try and save money so we stopped spaying and neutering cats and adopted them out that way real fucking smart idea she was also told by the district manager that the SPCA needed more money so if we got a good purebred dog in off the streets instead of registering it we should take it home breed it her for the pups on our dime by the way and then surrender it to the SPCA for some extra income they also shut down their grooming facilities which made them roughly 55 percent of their income what made me quit was that I was hired to replace their tank but I wasn't being trained properly because their current tech kept telling me to go clean dog pens or cat rooms instead of showing me how to work the system's properly so after a month of not being properly trained and me constantly mentioning it to her I come in one day and find my name emitted from the schedule the managers reasoning oh well you struggled a bit the day you were the only tech so we dropped you from full-time to on-call we are going to hire someone else and train them to take over tech good job I already knew about 90% of the job by this point so you're going to hire someone else and train them like I was being trained anyways I quit shit apparently got really bad after as well all in all they lost 11 employees in about three weeks because of negligence stupidity etc me and seven other employees went to the Petsmart on the other side of town as it was just opening and needed employees so it wasn't completely terrible but the complete mismanagement of that location was terrible it was just a tip of the iceberg to some of my co-workers regaled me with more stories of shit that happened shortly after I left edit just adding some details and some of the other shit pulled in that month but basically management wanted to save money after I left and they decided to do that by not paying for the shampoo conditioner and other products in their salon they instead told the salon manager to pay for it out of her own pocket it was the start of the shit for the salon manager that ultimately ended in her being bullied and almost assaulted until they fired her when she decided to claim the I after she was fired the management denied that she was fired and said she quit under hostile circumstances or some such bullshit luckily she got the position of salon manager at Petsmart and pretty much the entire client base went there and rendered the spca salon null another cow Orca quit because he was expected to take care of 48 dog kennels and about double that in cat habitats because they needed to save money so they cut ours where they had six people opening in the morning they only had three so my cow walker was expected to do a four-man job in 3 hours another cow walker quit because again the low house meant that shit couldn't get done on time so she comes in for morning shift to a mountain of dog and food dishes stacked together with cat litter pans that were not washed meaning none of the animals could be fed and watered properly and the cats had to wait for their litter that was the day she quit ok this is going to be long I used to be a cabin attendant for Japan Airlines they are never fair on distributing duties 95% of the the Japanese will assign a foreigner to be the galley kitchen duty because it's very tiring I can fly four sexes with four galley duties and the Japanese can fly two sectors but two cabin duties only Japanese crew earns Commission for in-flight sales we get nothing when we sell something and their basic salary is 3x ours juniors have to hold doors for seniors letting seniors to choose the hotel room that is nearest to the elevator juniors need to check the pickup time the show-up time and every single thing and inform the seniors it's not an official rule but if you fail to do all these the seniors will make your life miserable we have to show up about two hours before the flight for meeting and preparation on board but we are not paid until the plane starts moving my batch had 20 people and when our two years bond was up 18 people left at the same time the other two stayed simply because they hadn't found a new job yet for me it's because during the training period in Japan I was not allowed to fly back to my grandfather's funeral when he passed away and when my dad was diagnosed with fourth stage cancer I requested to fly back the next day but they told me there's nothing they can do I was depressed all the time and I decided that I couldn't do this anymore and left years ago I worked at a chain salon my last ever I swear there was about 14 of us plus my boss half of us were really good very passionate about what we do all books with good clientele our boss was wonderful didn't micromanage etc she was a big reason that while it was a chain it didn't feel like one she got fired the reason given was that she cashed a check at work she bought products paid for it with a check and added an extra $40 so she didn't have to find an ATM before she went to the bar she had worked for the company for five years had pulled three shops into the highest ranking ones in the district consistently had shops exceeding their numbers etc and just like that she was fired and even worse when I came to work the next day we weren't allowed to talk about it I texted her and she told me what happened we didn't quit at once exactly but over the next four months the top stylists who brought in 70% of the revenue left we took our client ELLs with us and all of us went to smaller private salons this was several years ago now but I still keep up with them we've all found our niches in hair make way more money and are way happier for it including my old boss she's about to buy the salon she works at if it didn't happen I don't know when I would have left to discover I prefer barbering slash men's styling over women's it was a blessing in disguise at the very least I was line cook at an Olive Garden there were seven of us working the line on busy weekend slash holiday nights running to Windows on a busy Saturday night one of our lead line cooks was a little late with scheduled to start at 1600 hours but he didn't get there until 16 15 it wasn't a big deal to the rest of the crew he was a reliable guy and would for sure show up and additionally he was really good at working the window position which handles incoming tickets slash orders and could prioritize everything to make it all run smoothly this Olive Garden was busy as fuck and a bad window cook could easily back everything up to plus Hou RS anyways the lead cook was a little late and the new kitchen manager decided it was time to flex his position and father cook on the spot as he was putting on his apron to join the rest of us on the line do that just got fired tells the kitchen manager to fuck off and he bolts out of there the rest of us were just like WTF man now we are all going to be fucked on a Saturday night customers will be best bar slash waitstaff we'll get fucked on tips etc that kitchen manager flexed on the wrong night the six remaining line cooks myself included untied our aprons and all walked out in unison it felt great that was one of the best decisions I've ever made thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 14,515
Rating: 4.847909 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: eGW1Ok3Ivkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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