Taxi Drivers Share WEIRDEST People They Have DRIVEN (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit Yuba drivers what's the deepest secrets you've overheard in your car I could go on for days with ease but this one takes the cake it's not a secret but just one of many insane experiences so I picked up a guy in a suit at around 6 p.m. on Tuesday near Venice California he told me to take him downtown and per usual I asked if he had a preferred route and he said no whatever is quickest we get going and the usual banter begins so how long have you been driving for Yuba me 1 year or so it's a great job he says oh cool where do you stay at I answer in the valley and he says oh nice nice so how long have you been driving for uber I paused and kind of half smiled thinking he was [ __ ] with me he wasn't so I answered verbatim one year or so it's a great job he goes oh cool where do you stay at this repeated three more times before I finally answered it differently saying I just started it's not for me and him again replying oh cool where do you stay at I answered one last time the original way but then finally silence by this point I was on the ten highway stuck in rush-hour traffic I look in my rearview and he is rubbing his head and hair profusely like someone going through withdrawals he took his suit jacket off and looked severely uncomfortable I dialed 911 on my phone in case [ __ ] went down he then out of nowhere yells in a deeper voice than earlier [ __ ] and I said Who mmm sir is everything all right and he goes where are we I said I'm on the 10 headed downtown is that still okay he goes yes at this point by the graces of the universe we ended up moving pretty quickly through traffic then right before we exit off the 10 two miles or so from his apartment he yelled again where are we I said sir we are almost to your house is that still okay and he goes yes that's fine once we arrived I pull up to drop him off and he gathers his staff opens the door and looks back in at me before walking away and in the most genuine kind way says have a great night watch out for crazy people honestly one of the strangest creepiest events ever subsequently I bought a stun gun / taser and luckily so as this was just the beginning of several crazy incidents so damn glad I don't drive anymore edit while thanks for all the responses I think of all the suggestions drugs seemed to be the most reasonable dementia is possible but the way he was sweating and getting increasingly uncomfortable in the backseat made me think it was something artificial kicking in drove you the one night it was pretty tame until I picked up two guys who wanted to go to a strip club 40 miles away as they requested an uber select fare I was happy to drive that far dollar sign 80-100 it took them 15 minutes to get ready and into the car and they seemed cool so I wasn't worried as soon as we got on the freeway the guy in the passenger seat started asking about you the driving and things got dark after a few minutes he started saying [ __ ] like what would you do if someone just grabbed the steering wheel and ran the car into the median and have you ever thought about what would happen if someone in the backseat tried to strangle you while you were driving I got a little freaked out and tried to lighten the mood by asking what they were celebrating et Cie but the one guy just kept at it I was happy to get to the strip club and get them the hell out of the car bonus was the bouncer at the club gave me $40 for dropping them off there I never drove ubirr again [ __ ] that for the you the driver here picked a girl up a sweet girl from a bar on a Wednesday night absolutely hammered about 10 p.m. she got into my car apologized for being so drunk and politely asked if we could just drive around a little while with the windows down I was prepping for a cleaning fee trying to drive and pull a vomit bag out of the glove box but no she just did that airplane thing with one hand out the backseat window she asked me if I had ever thought about buying to which I replied yeah I guess so that's when she told me that she had cancer it was in her brain and it was too far gone to consider chimo I remember my heart just pounding she told me she was dying and she was going to be okay tonight she was celebrating with her work friends who threw her a going-away party she told them she was taking a position abroad I just didn't tell them that abroad was heaven picked up a girl mid Saturday she was a bit upset and a little teary and opened up to me turned out a business she had started was failing and she was in debt and had turned to stripping on the side to cover the bills she said the pay was good but she kept getting really sick from all the booze she felt obliged to drink part of her job was making guys spend money at the bar she hated it and felt trapped and kept asking me what I were doing her situation I'm a guy so kind of hard for me to answer try to give her the best advice I could think of like getting the tax office to withhold tax for a while but couldent helped really only thing I could do was end the trip early other one was a couple of off-duty cops who didn't want their friends to know they were using it uber is still in a legal gray area here never overheard a juicy secret but plenty of interesting facts one time I had a group of three guys probably around my age mid twenties they seemed nervous avoided eye contact and were pretty much silent from the moment they hopped him I tried confirming the destination asked how their night was going et Cie but only got muffled mumbling in return as always I worked the situation out in my head in a calm rational manner something like are these guys trying to rob me jack my car did they just kill somebody am I an accessory to murder do they have knowledge of the impending apocalypse but as my paranoia routine winding down I slowly started to realize what was going on between the beads of sweat occasional jaw clenching and finally random giggle outbursts these kids were tripping [ __ ] balls once it hit me I called them out immediately and told them I was cool they looked so relieved I started blasting music some um frizz McGee I do believe and they just started geeking out by that point fun ride at the end of the ride the guy that sat up front tossed me a bag of shrooms good times I'm not an uber driver that I have one that was told to me this driver told me that he picked up his last fare for the day and it did not have a final destination that you'd gets in the car coked out of his mind yelling on the phone the guy says drive to Vegas here and the guy tosses $500 bucks at him that is on top of the you've affair which apparently was surged pricing so the guy drives him to Vegas from Los Angeles takes about four hours the whole time the guys talking slash yelling on the phone to his mom they get to Vegas and he drops the dude off at some mansion where his mom is outside waiting to yell at him apparently the guy forgot about giving him the cash because he tossed another few hundred bucks at him got out of the car and split oh man something relevant to me and I'm late I had someone get in my car told me he's in his late twenties and that he's having sex with a girl who just recently turned 18 I awkwardly told him that's good for him and he proceeded to tell me that it's not that his life sucks and everything he does to make himself happy doesn't work he told me he watches vids of people committing suicide and wishes he had the courage they did to go through with it he told me he's going to go to San Francisco and spend every last penny he has on vacation and just jump off the Golden Gate Bridge when he's done I didn't really know what to say when I dropped him off I told him that I hope things start looking up and he just said they won't they never do and left he also asked weird questions like if I hit you would you kick my ass when I said I'd rather no one to anyone he said dude you'd whoop my ass I'm a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] hope he got help depression is brutal the worst part about this is that's what a lot of people with depression feel like inside just very few of them express that to anyone else oddly enough that's actually a point toward this guy making it if you express what you feel people might help you most suicidal depressives just quietly kill themselves without much fanfare not that I expected to happen again but if this type of thing ever comes up again make it clear that it sounds like a medical problem that doctors might be able to help with a lot of clinically depressed people assume it's just them and there is no help or that if there is a problem it's not something a doctor can help with mostly because they don't know they've got clinical depression not my story but I had an uber driver tell me this one so I hope it counts by proxy Ubud driver Jorge's doing Yuba pool one night in Austin where you pick up multiple people and route to the destination first girl hash one gets in the car alone and sits in the backseat on the passenger side then a couple guy and go comes and there's not enough room for everyone in the back so go hash to sits behind the driver and guy sits up front the two girls in the back start chatting and seem to be getting along well girl hash one asks what they are doing tonight and go hash two says oh me and my boyfriend Josh are going out to celebrate Josh works at 20th and just got a promotion at this point George notices josh is crouching down in his seat and looking guilty then girl hash one says that's funny my boyfriend is also named Josh and works at 20th I wonder if they know each other then go hash too starts tapping her boyfriend on the shoulder and bugging him to turn around to meet girl hash one at some point Josh can't avoid the introduction anymore and is forced to turn around he does so with the look of utter horror on his face as it slowly dawns on both girls that they are dating the same anyway both girls start screaming and kick Josh out of the uber not sure what happened after that but you can bet Josh never took you purple again not so much a dark secret as much as a potentially dark situation driving around waiting for pings get one at a popular bar pull up and a young woman Flags me down gives me her name asks for mine I'm her I'd easy enough there's a guy with her they are both quite drunk she says good night to him and gets in the rear passenger side door homeboy isn't having it decides he's coming with starts trying to convince her despite her saying she has work early wants to get to sleep but he's not taking no for an answer it's getting a bit weird as he's getting more and more pushy / aggressive about it - he point that she's clearly uncomfortable I step out of the car and say over the top of the car hey man if she says you're not getting at the car you're not getting in the car he looks over at me with hate in his eyes I'm a bit tense not knowing this kids deal he slams the door walks away talking [ __ ] as he goes really talking [ __ ] as you walk away what a hardest get back in the car girl seems a little more sober after the experience and is shaken up over it take her back home make sure she gets in safe not as scary or as weird as it could have been but the dude gave off a bad vibe and I'm glad he took the hint and [ __ ] off one time I was driving a dude for a bit of a long trip was gonna take around 25 to 30 minutes he wasn't hammered but definitely a bit drunk it was late and he must have been feeling a bit down so he confided in me and asked me for some advice he told me he's madly in love with his Finn case best friend and he couldn't back out now he'd been with this girl for years and engaged for one ready to be married in a few months it was pretty sad to hear because it wasn't just your average story it was filled with a lot of subtle emotional and mental anguish the guy went through about five years of ups and downs with his girl and found an innocent friend and comfort in the best friend after a few years he developed feelings and it was just downhill from there felt bad for the guy because he seemed like he was truly in love with his fin k2 although he had strong feelings for this friend he knew that going through with a marriage meant a lifetime of being around the friend and suppressing feelings but also breaking it off meant that he lost the girl of his dreams seemed like a genuinely nice guy and I hoped he's doing okay not my story but my mom's she does rides in San Diego which is a a city that loves its Navy and is where future she'll go to buds my mom was telling me one time that she gave a ride to a young man about 20 years old he had been fighting to become a seal his whole life and ended up falling asleep on the last day or two of buts and getting dropped for the season he was just crushed because he made it through everything before and now he would have to wait before being able to enroll again and would be starting from scratch anyway during the write he started to open up to my mom about his other passion which was medicine and she suggested he chase that dream instead because he came off as a very caring and devoted person at the end of the write he asked her to step out of the car so he could give her a hug and a huge thanks for lending an ear and giving her honest opinion about the situation he also left her his phone number so he could give her a call and let her know what he decided to do a few day later he gave her a call and said he had returned back home to Texas and would start taking courses to pursue a career in medicine for me you the driver and current taxi driver here one of the things that I didn't really expect from this job 'is that I feel like a bartender at times people will just vent to us maybe it has to do with the fact that we are an anonymous ear and people feel comfortable telling things to a third party whatever the case a couple stick out in my memory one was as an uber driver in North Jersey picked up this girl and her brother they had been out celebrating her birthday brother is completely wasted and she is sober he gets in the back of my car passes out and she sits in the front the ride starts and we make small talk apparently her brother and her boyfriend had taken her out for her day but boyfriend got mad at her and went somewhere else and brother decided to get shit-faced immediately so she had to take care of him it ended up being a shitty day on top of that she told me her boyfriend was verbally abusive and made her feel really shitty all of the time I basically said stuff along the lines of you need to watch out for your own happiness and your so should be making you happy otherwise I don't see the point in having a so she started crying buckets and told me how her entire life she never realized that she always just assumed that boyfriend slash husbands have the right-of-way as she put it and that she never even considered that she should be happy in a relationship maybe that stuck with her and she's moving on to better and happier things I'd like to think so that right ended with me helping her drag her brother out of my car and up the steps to the house second one now I'm a can't be on Long Island pick up these two women mid-twenties East and bring them to a restaurant we were on the way there and we start chatting and the topic of depression and suicide comes up one of them was in school to eventually become a psychiatrist I myself deal with depression and anxiety and I also have a history of suicide attempts and I speak openly about it when the topic comes up because I want a stigma of mental illness to go away anyway I drop them off and they ask for my name so they can have me as a driver later a few hours later the dispatcher sends me back there to pick them up on a driver a quest sweet I pick them up and we are heading back but the mood in the car has drastically changed from earlier it was pretty much silent I figure maybe they are tired or whatever halfway home one of the women asks if she can ask me about my depression and suicide attempts and although it was kind of an odd question I go along with it for the reasons I stated above now she's visibly upset and she confesses that one of her best friends killed herself a few days before no warning signs or anything without too many details I basically said that that's actually not uncommon as some people who attempt suicide don't want their friends or family to know how they're feeling this is one of the reasons I would like to see the stigma surrounding depression and suicide go the [ __ ] away so she shouldn't feel guilty about it then she confesses that she was having suicidal ideation herself and had nobody to talk to about it so I basically said it's good that she's talking about it now and she should because this is not a thing that can be fought one-on-one I even gave her my phone number so that she could talk to someone who knew what she was dealing with I also gave her the number for the suicide hotline and told her she should contact a mental health professional I never did hear from her again but I really hope she went and got some help not so much secrets as there were things people don't normally say or do in front of strangers picked up a divorced father who's buddy paid for his left ride to the bar why because he was supposed to see his kid that evening for an overpass but the wife had the authority to dictate the terms of him seeing his own child no matter what and she wasn't feeling it granted I definitely got one side of the story but it was [ __ ] terrible to see a man who desperately wanted to spend time with his kid be completely blocked from it over [ __ ] California had given ad so little rights from how this guy described it that even though he had a stable job good house and was willing to pay for a hotel so he and his son would stain the town the mom lived in it was a no-go that was a tough one cause I was so powerless to help picked up a girl to take her straight from work to the hospital to see her dad her mom had called her work to make her end her shift early because it was serious her dad had cancer I dropped her off and was like god I hate this job course I'll never know how her night ended wrong next night I'm taking people home from bars and her tube guy friends took her out to get wasted cause her dad had died they were being drunk idiots so when I took them to get pizza she came outside and we talked about it a little that was probably the one ride where I felt I had a positive impact on someone's life beyond getting them home safely I was taking two couples home dropped off couple Heche one in the husband of couple hash two was in the front seat and made a comment I didn't hear apparently he insulted the wife of couple hash one his wife's BFF the wife in couple hash two didn't like that so she hit him not like a playful slap he struck her husband straight on domestic violence I laid down the law we are not going anywhere as this is how it's gonna be the dude was drunk on tequila chick was drunk too so the ride home was him asking me how would you feel and be saying it's not about how I feel you two need to discuss this tomorrow when you're sober it's weird man you get a passing limps into people's lives and loved it and hated it at the same time not an uber driver work for a smallish cab company we have a contract with schools in the area to transport seniors to this graduate program so they wouldn't drop out usually criminal or bad behaved kids etc anyway I was assigned to this one kid from sophomore year heard some fucked-up things from other students about him like he [ __ ] a guy in public [ __ ] a dog so he was usually quiet most conversations I started with him kinda just ended from awkward silence or him just ending it one year he starts being more confident around me told me lure to [ __ ] up things mom abused him still college money great few years ago most bad things I heard about him were he was gay and he said that was about that etc after that he tells me about his drug endeavors I guess you'd call it he actually gave me some seeds for growing for free last year I knew him he was jetting with a lot of girls from the school every day had me drove him with different girls eventually stuck with one told me about how some of these innocent girls did some crazy [ __ ] with him disappeared halfway through the year overheard from other drivers he killed himself drove for about six months pick up an older couple middle of Russia middle of downtown middle of a snowstorm 3x multiply man on his cell and his wife in a rush we needed to go north to get to their destination we were about five blocks away we are stuck in traffic and the wife tells me to make a left I tell her ma'am if we go that way that Street doesn't go straight it eventually curves and is going to take our south it's going to take longer to get where we need to go lady says I know where I am going just turn after asking her like three to four times I finally said ok and make the turn a block or so later the street curves and now we are going south the total opposite way she then says where the [ __ ] are you going you are going the wrong way you are trying to take advantage of us I said ma'am I told you we shouldn't have turned I asked you three times and you told me to turn so I turned after telling you it was the wrong way the lady starts just going ballistic yelling and cussing and saying I was going the wrong way too robber because of the multiplier the husband was on the phone the whole time and says let me call you back hangs up then says we won't be going the wrong way if you learned how to keep your [ __ ] mouth shut then he says when will you learn to just the fool in lockup he then says buddy this isn't your fault this is my fault I married this woman 20 years ago and she'll just put a gun in my mouth a long time ago then they just started going at it the woman told him maybe I should have put the gun in your mouth for you and then they were just yelling back and forth I finally get back on the right Street get them to their spot it took over an hour I'd was about $70 the whole time they are just yelling I just raised the radio and let them go at it they went at it the whole hour non-stop when I get them to their spot they stop yelling mid-sentence and say in the most eerily calming way possible you have a great day thank you it was crazy not while driving you bar though I've done some of that in addition to taxi small town owned a taxi company make money off of you Barraza monopoly collusion is still alive and well anyway the story I was driving a couple of drunk friends and the one guy was lamenting being in his dorm with this girl he thinks really wants him that he doesn't know how to approach it he says her smile and everything drives him crazy he really wants to have sex with her but he doesn't know how to really go about it because it could go all wrong he's looks for confirmation in the green light by sharing his story his best friend says it's not that simple you see it's his cousin he wants to [ __ ] his cousin and it's going to be bad he explains that yes in fact it's his cousin but they grew up differently she's really hot and he really wants her and it's not actually as bad as it sounds because she's a married in cousin actually only like a half cousin I never even worried about trying to mind Bend how that would be possible or not I conclude that he's probably going to have some bad days ahead of him at family reunions if he pushes forward but just for the hell of it encourage him to make the move maybe he gets laid by his cousin I Drive a rickshaw John tricycle taxi I'm waiting outside the most expensive club in town for the kick out when this guy pupils like saucers and pure panic leaps into my bike and shouts go go go I'll pay you anything just go these bikes don't even have engines and he clearly wants a high-speed jet away no taxis at this time of night though I gather from his Terra gibbering half on the phone half to me that he's a career criminal drugs I reckon and he's been having a baingan night on the Caine these guys from the bad neighborhoods are always in it for the reputation so they all know each other he'd recognized one of the hardcore violent gangs in the club and had decided in his drugged up stated would be a good idea to party with him it had had all being going well till one of them had punched him in the face and now he thought they were out to kill him he got on the phone to some boys trying to rally the troops saying things like tell him to look under the floorboards in the kitchen there's something that he needs to grab this whole time we are traveling uphill at about 3 miles an hour I got to as far as a license allows us wasn't too keen to take him to his front door in case he was right about it all he emptied his wallet gave me a handshake and a hug and sprinted off into the night cokes a hell of a drug so mine isn't necessarily Yuba mainly cause it was before you were existed but I was essentially an uber driver for a night my freshman year of college I went to a house party that was already in full swing one of the guys who lived in the house had a really nice motorcycle well one belligerent drunk I accidentally knocked it over and it got dented so the owner of the bike comes bursting out about to fight belligerent dude when people wouldn't let them fight motorcycle guy threatens to shut down the party if belligerent doesn't leave so being the only sober one and the only one with a car I offer to take him back to the dorms his sovereign had offers to help and one of my friends offers to go with me being a girl by myself with two intoxicated college football players made her nervous so we embarked back to the Norm's I roll down my windows hoping I can make belligerents uber up a bit no dice he is just shouting and yelling completely incoherent things and his roommate is trying to shut him up are and here's where it gets interesting the litterin turns to his rumored and yells I'm going to but [ __ ] you tonight and you're going to like it his roommate immediately denies any but [ __ ] but belligerent his on parole and keeps saying how it's gonna happen and there's nothing that the roommate can do needless to say I was really happy when they got belligerent out of my car thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 11,946
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Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: toR589xcxd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 58sec (1738 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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