People Having A Really Bad Day

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hello friends it's me i hope you're having a good day today and if you're not we're gonna be watching some people who are having a very bad day to hopefully make yours better i'm so dumb don't ask bro how does this even happen starts driving it's a random water hydrant my car's stuck why is that moving goes outside to check what's wrong we got a whole entire fire hydrant just chilling that uh what now so when i was a kid whenever i got in trouble my parents would take away my playstation and then they would hide it apparently a lot of parents do this this dad took his kids controllers put them in the oven you know they ain't never gonna look in there so his wife didn't know that he hid them in the oven and then she preheated the oven turned it on you smell that cook the controllers they done roasted y'all done messed up i would have started crying i guess we having some crispy controllers for dinner tonight they're a little burnt though so mother over here has a big ol balloon for her gender reveal party and then the kid just goes and pops it billy you just done ruined the whole entire party there is no gender reveal anymore because he popped the balloon now we all know i know why i'm gonna just go back to bed day's over also i wonder what possessed this child to just like walk up to it and pop it like oh big balloon poop dead i just don't understand gender reveal parties anyway like why can't the doctor just tell you yeah you're having a girl yeah you're having a boy okay yay okay that was the party i find this very annoying my dogs try to go to like the side gate so this dog is just chilling here because he hears the mailman he's like oh somebody here an intruder i just needed the package at him but did he learn his lesson though i don't know what happened oh no oh no i was gonna say it's not that bad we lost a few fries in the process picking up the fries it's okay i'll clean this car i got you it's knocking over the coke for me russian fell over and brought the coke with her now i'm mad say it with me disgusting so how's your day going i accidentally washed a block of cheese excuse me what how does this even happen how to the whole entire block of cheese just end up with the dirty laundry didn't even melt it's still chilling there forbidden fabric softener delicious so their top floor is flooding and then you got this big ball oh no it's gonna blow it's gonna blow it's gonna blow it's gonna blow it's leaking it's leaking a lot why is it brown i thought it was water it's just chilling there while the whole ceiling just done exploding the house falling apart it must have felt good to just let it all out y'all feed your house taco bell the bathroom was sick and tired of you doing that every single night it's payback pulled out a ring and said marry me juliet you'll never ever be alone i do is she okay wait where did she go she just disappeared into that bush making tick-tock same for everybody you know this is what should happen whoever makes one of these tick tocks unironically bye taylor swift sent her to the gulag they were vacuuming the vacuum was like that's a mighty big crumb sucked in the whole macbook charger that's some powerful sucking skills you got there my vacuum can barely pick up a cookie crumb this one sucked half a macbook wire in your charging capabilities belong to me now so they're on a zoom call why does zoom do him like that i've never turned it on my camera again so the top of the other person's camera has the fan and then he just cut it off so it looked like it's the fan man you know big fan that's the kind of only fans content i'm looking for brand new rubber ducky i'ma put him on my dashboard stay here while i go to work eight hours later it goes back to the car what have they done to you the sun melted him and now he's not a duck anymore he's a very worried pancake you left him too long without the ac someone's child thought it'd be a good idea to try to flush slime down the toilet at least you can just like pull it out i ain't afraid of no toilet water put on a glove just pull it out mmm cursed bubble gum i'm just thinking about it i'm not actually going to do it okay so there's this page on tick tock which shows how to remove carpet stains right accidentally spill hair dye all over your carpet and you don't want your mom to find that yeah sometimes i accidentally just take some thick oil paint and smear it all over my carpet oopsie first scrape off as much as you can once you finish scraping add some boiling water be careful and keep on scraping bra is spreading what are you doing now to make a dry bear get some paper towel you can also get a hotel if needed what is going on why are you using a spoon to clean carpet once your carpet is fairly dry but still has a bit of stain on it add some perfume and keep on scraping perfume she literally zoomed into a clean piece of carpet i was like oh oh wow this ain't coming out then after that mother made her delete her tik tok account you would not last one day as a janitor find another profession would have probably had more luck letting the paint dry and peeling it off this is mildly infuriating ain't even my carpet imagine this being your first day on the job you gotta get this dead man to their funeral you break a little too hard coughing goes flying out the window it's a good day to already be dead break so hard their soul left their body oh wait this is just unfortunate i can't wait to do my homework and eat my noodles and heck heck heck bro what are you waiting for taking the picture wipe it i paint it when i get water on my keyboard but this is broth the deadliest of laptop liquids is it though put it in rice and bi you ever just charge your phone and then just how did this happen the charging bit just like came off and that was how do you even get this out it was a good time to use your teeth just like that don't actually eat it though can we go to the gym tomorrow sure abby baby oh boy here we go angry gf is piping one baby autocorrects the app who is and you already know she's gonna remember this for a very long time anytime she's upset why don't you go to abby's house why don't you call abby why don't you just leave me for abby that one time that it auto-corrected from baby i don't even know an abby so this guy sent his boss a picture of a thermometer but accidentally sent the whole meme here's a picture of my thermometer from the last time i was sick in case anybody needs an excuse to get out of work we got 103 degrees right here i mean can't come in i'm sick did you mean to send the whole meme or just the picture heck i'll see you instead ah no you fool they forgot to crop the text out of it it wouldn't work now you just look stupid can't trust these employees reporter appears on air unaware everyone can see he is not wearing pants so you know how some news reporters are working from home well this dude only got his top half dress thank god i see my legs i don't have to wear pants camera a tad bit too low we can all see you're not wearing pants i would just like raise the camera a bit be good let me be comfy in my own home please can you blame him though oh no no he's a cute boy but that's a bad boy that's a bad dog get in the car we going to the pound he chewed up the airpods they were in the case chewed through the case and got the air pods the louis vuitton wallet you can't keep nothing around this dog the cushions okay but can we talk about how i don't see a single chew toy in sight and i ain't talking about chewy vaton always wear sunscreen especially if you're wearing a strappy bathing suit or else this might happen bruh i was only out of the sun for 20 minutes that'll do it just slather that bad boy on congratulations now you look like a piece of meat with some grill marks just not as delicious i got a sandwich stuck in the vending machine i bought a drink to push the sandwich and both of them get stuck you know sometimes it's okay to just like boom just a little bit not the sandwich also what kind of vending machine got a whole entire baguette foot long luxury i tell you i went to class today really thinking i'd grab my computer off the kitchen counter oh look it's square let me grab this oh wait shows up to school with a dang cutting board classic mix-up let me just take my notes on this this is what nightmares are made of oh that's a big boy no no oh oh no this really is what nightmares are made of they want a lion when you see one of these huge big big big big big sticky spiders they probably pregnant burn the whole house down she got a whole entire army oh when i tell you they ran absolutely terrifying don't you just love when it's so cold outside that your whole entire car freezes is this going to turn off how it's got icicles on it if this was in a video game you could probably like karate chop it and then the whole car would just like shatter because logic okay this is gonna happen to my door if i don't get it fixed soon so your car door has like two pieces and like whenever somebody gets in my passenger seat it slightly lifts off it's loose these two pieces are loose so this is gonna happen if i don't get it fixed soon this is a warning anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button though and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack oh i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: undefined
Views: 8,396,195
Rating: 4.9260626 out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reaction, reacting, funny, people, bad day, people having a bad day, funny photos
Id: TIzTmbQskTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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