People Having the WORST YEAR

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hello friends it's me and today we are here with me digital man and today we are gonna be checking out some people who had the worst day year lifetime at birth so if you're having a bad day hopefully this makes you feel a little bit better I'm taking off my glasses that's how serious we are my 12 year old nephew decided that hitting a spray can with a hammer it was a good idea at home no stop that's illegal so you violated the law but I didn't know what was gonna happen like it's spray paint why would you hit a can of spray paint with a hammer because he want to see what happened it can only end badly I don't hate you with a hammer to see what happens I don't hit my mouth with a hammer to see what happens you do it cuz they're born okay you be that boy it's gonna go one of two ways it can end very valley or very awesome and he doesn't mind it I wonder how it went live when he hit it that it just like poof into his face I'm sure he looked literally all concentrated in the area he hit it and just sprayed directly at him for full washing his hand like it's gonna come off and he was smart look if you look around his eyes he was wearing 60 guns so he did one one thing right you know you're gonna do stupid things wear a helmet no you know the worst part about this is it okay besides that the mac and cheese is in your USB slot that it's on the ground and you don't get to eat anything fueled before I begin to deal with this mess that's a nice batch of mac and cheese my favorite three combo matches and dirt oh this is the worst one I put my Beauty Blender and a couple of hot water and left it to soak to clean it and my brother started drinking it thinking it was a drink disgusting oh my god I don't even know what makeup tastes like a beauty blender has been on your face so it has dead skin dirt makeup bacteria AF it's basically a safe haven for bacteria to thrive that is so disgusting it's basically it's worse than drinking someone's bad really got a kick to it it looks good look at it Tommy yeah it looks like coffee or some nice tea looks like junk soap water one time no soap water ain't nothing at least soap water smells good Beauty no I know it doesn't taste good because I always get soap and like my nails and then I'll lick my fingers after I eat something tasted so white a few times but like this nothing compares to this treachery time for school I love that that look that little girl scream yeah Swan my sister used to do that it was her greatest weapon why no the scream oh very high frequency high-pitched scream that only females can do I'm just if she was making the slime and she's like oh I love my just passing hours to make it's 5:00 in the morning I got school at an hour I'm so tired was it worth it yeah you better smash like like I smashed my head 14 brands of bottled water recall due to possible ecoli oh well look what do we have here now that's what I call no I just drink like 1/3 of it at least you don't have to pull a then you fool if you have a sip that's eco life but if you have the whole bottle it's ABCD efg hijk LMNOP coli do you think there's anyone dumb enough out there to like think that's a type of soda Ecola what kind of pop is that like Pepsi but you coli I can't believe the happened y'all rest in peace my icecream y'all if you got a nice thing ice cream you were taking a picture and some little rat demon with wings flew down and took a big fat bite look that's not even I'll like that's a full beak bite and he was still on there by the deck and you know what I saw crazy in San Francisco what cuz there's a bunch of seagulls I was on my way to what's that what's that island with the prison on it and all you're talking about anyway I was on my way there on the boat cuz you gotta go there bread though there was a seagull on the water and a shark came up and grabbed it when I was driving to Vegas the other day a car in front of me on the highway going like 75 right I saw a bird just come and swoop down like straight into the tire right in front of my eye and when every like feathers went everywhere like that little boy got shredded who's that cool speeding thing I don't like that bird is an idiot like you literally flew directly into it I don't know if you want to end it all the bird girl left me to another nest I bet the rest of the drive now is just like I seed some if anyone is having a rough day I want you to remember that I have this cup of ice cream before realizing the truth oh you found that you be flavor my mommy be flavor ice cream you want you have a cup and not realize you probably have like a steak before and since I can't taste like steak for some babies just the athletes of my state I don't think it would taste like steak I would think it is like frozen beef and milk no I don't think they put it with like sugar and stuff that's nasty I don't know maybe I'll get one of these and see what it tastes like when you try to rescue the chips oh no see this is when you gotta like kick the Machine a little bit cuz don't you unacceptable you got to use brute force in this situation cuz I ain't having this don't they have sensors like if you start tipping it like no alarm goes what just puts it on complete lockdown you don't get anything I know arcane machines is like the ones that have the coins where you have to push it off the edge if you shake it and the alarm goes off Oh shaken like sometimes vending machines are in random areas they're not gonna have like a police come and be like stop you violated laws it's read the vending machine police get on the ground like many guns inside of it like you push that bad boy a little bit it's gonna hold you up I feel like you have to kick it if this happens cause it's like you gonna be hungry and really needs to treat others the way you want to be treated why are you gonna withhold my food that I paid for pushes buttons hard enough oh no not in the urinal why is it shaped like that there are different shapes of urinals that's in case you want to sit down and tuck it in there yeah why would you sit down on a urinal does this serve as a toilet - yeah but you tuck it in there yeah why would you do that are you sure so you can do both at the same spot just in case yeah toilet seat and muscles are like you know where he likes to do both at the same time that's illegal really you've become too advanced but at least it's clean right I don't think any year I don't think any toilet is clean no I know my phone dropped in my toilet but it was clean and it like barely touched the water because it's big we're gonna ask me would you do if this is your phone whoops looks like I'm bobbing for apples yeah I'm not stirring my hands disgusting it's okay I'm sure he has enough money to get a new Lambo after his garage no man just drain it that's a lot of sponges you know puns everywhere the dream it'll follow somebody called spongebob come give all this water the good all suck you know when I used to see like stuff like this like Lambos crashing and getting messed up I used to be like okay well they'd have enough money to get a Lambo why don't you go get another one well the cheaper does would give it another one then just to fix that one I don't know how water damage works with cars I mean I'm sure they have insurance insurance would cover it just call them up and be like is that a cookie inside your mug who doesn't like cookies two seconds later everything drop my mug this is me all the time no matter it really is this size you're like naturally blonde under this brown I'm very clumsy I don't know why but yeah this sucks have you ever lost a beloved mug yeah how yeah it was hot so I literally dropped it like it was hot hot potato Oh God back up and it was just broken so I know I'll take yours no my people okay the dishwasher breaks more of my mugs than I do dishwasher just hates you why would I put stuff in my dishwasher it comes out broken what does it do in their claim is just don't [ __ ] sixer plates the glasses gang cleaned in this mmm but really is I'm wrassling my China for lunch money you think I'm a dishwasher I'm a dish breaker ah my friend got a surprise haircut at work today it's like someone stuck the ring girl in the copy machine happenin Greta because she always has her hair down and her hair gets in everything it was really long and I know like if she does anything like it was give it the good old [ __ ] I can't imagine how much that would hurt like Tara locks the hair like that oh I don't think I could live in a house if this happened to me when we were that was an apartment this would be straight out of your shower and then falling through to somebody else's apartment naked I was terrified of this up when I was a kid like cuz one of our toilets always overflowed upstairs and then it made like the ground like soggy and then you can get from the dining table downstairs and it's like I was so terrified because that was my bathroom that I was like fall through one day through the chandelier and onto the dining table and that's how it would end that's happened to me so many times in games like I was really bad with like trap floors doors what's door I know this one quit for me you literally walk into every trap this is how I'm gonna go that just happened oh no he went to Wendy's my techies my Pug is gonna get chunky at least the dog can't eat it quick three-second rule it sucks because it's all soggy no no that's gross is not even salvageable if the ones that we're still in the container I will pick it up and like dust off the fries that weren't on the ground let's touch the ground I feel okay you know what some of these are salvageable it's like this is the worst and you just gotta let it go nah unless you live within five minutes of a Wendy's I'm meeting that off the ground oh no is this from the washing machine of before the dishwasher did you sell in the corner like that no I played with the ball yeah I would do that too I'll play in it and then realize I am f2 heck my girlfriend was not very happy much so and stuff since my son wanna act like he grown in school I got that boy a grown man haircut boy gonna learn today give him the good old mr. burns mr. burns he definitely did was in fourth grade one day and I was teaching at college the next day yeah now the teacher can give him a good old pat on the head but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video be sure you check out my other bad day videos if you guys enjoyed and your day is a little bit better make sure you get that like button the and subscribe you're the wolf pack oh and make sure you check out digital next I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 15,675,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, react, reaction, reacting, funny, people, worst, worse, funny fails, funny pictures, funniest, day, year, having
Id: 97zOAmXVipo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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