People Having A Really Bad Day

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hello friends it's me and today we're gonna be checking out some people having a very bad day no you did not did the absolute unthinkable i know everybody thinks about it but she actually did it and now we sit in here at the urgent care whether they're frosting tip through her finger how does this happen you try to cross the cake with your finger i don't know some people they just got like a fascination putting their fingers where they don't belong just to see if they could like fit and like sometimes it goes in and just doesn't come out are there 10 000 bees outside oh my god oh my god what the oh my god i ain't even there it looks like they coming at me close the windows we ain't going outside today this is when you know you gotta call somebody 1-800 get these beads the hell out of my house they taking over in their house now rooma oh my freaking how do i what the girl where are your parents they're supposed to know what to do put a bucket when i was a child we had leaks all the time like you take one of those big old buckets from the dollar tree and just like collect the water from the ceiling until you can figure out a way to like patch up the forbidden waterhole me laughing because we didn't have power all day yesterday and our house froze why are you not laughing not the faucet water just froze it in place like mid hand wash just i'm a freeze some people really never experience the cold and it shows there's a child riding a scooter next thing you know scooter go burr so does the kid and nothing to cushion your fall like some fresh cement he got out of there real quick like didn't even bother bringing his scooter just panic ran to his mother oh my god what the is going what is that you know we ain't gonna call a plumber or anything we just gonna stand here and record this y'all flush like an entire shampoo bottle down there a 12 pack of soap what is it doing that maybe he's got rabies foaming by the mouth or in this case the hole you know i think we can all take a moment and be very thankful that it's not doo doo whoa wallpaper boobie pop it pop it pop it don't let it hit the ground don't let it hit the ground roommate did not like the time lapse idea i don't like it either like get rid of it what are you guys doing is it about to give birth beautiful what came out of it i thought we were having twins that was kind of lame three out of ten i've seen way better while boobies i just woke up on a plane and i think they forgot to wake me up because i am literally on this plane by myself there's literally nobody on this plane oh they packed up and left for the night i left you there new fear unlocked that's illegal ah dang it i don't think nancy's famous chili gonna make it to the cookout but all i know is that car carpet gonna be eating good tonight the ma'am or sir who got cheated on i'm sorry to say but i think you got the wrong house if you would like your rock back please let me know nail polish is a nice touch scotty thinks you have a good throw yikes plot twist they don't actually have the wrong houses you just didn't know your boyfriend was cheating on you nah but for real though imagine doing a rock through somebody's window and it's the wrong person and you gotta find out this way on tick-tock i have no idea how this happened how you literally got out of your bed and then just like through the ceiling how are we gonna explain this mom when she gets home at least be thankful it wasn't when you were on the toilet seeing how fine my boyfriend goes without noticing ah she just crashed into her bike and he's just going you drive it off i ain't see it i didn't hear it he gonna make it all the way to the mini mart before he realizes she just got crashed into he really didn't see her smell nothing helicopter go burr oh wait i i think we forgot some his legs his legs he forgot his legs how will he park and just go down like douche fall like a baked potato into the sack how does this even happen and it's like if nobody told them they wouldn't have noticed that it literally lifted off without the legs my pen exploded on his finger and then all of this happens so the sanitizer squirts on the glass he tries to wipe the glass the glass falls just a big old middle finger domino effect it's a beautiful day when you walk into your store no and somebody turned the power switch off no on the freezer for the ice cream cakes for the ice cream cakes toning in business not only are the cakes ruined you got this whole entire mess that you gotta clean up unfortunate that straight up just sucks no no she tried to do the hack where she like rolls her hair on the brush and it's like if you use the wrong kind of brush it's like that hair stuck like a duck we're gonna have no luck and it's gonna suck you have to like snip snip don't worry though it's not just you i'm literally gonna have to cut my hair because i use the wrong brush i see what i tell you like not everything on tick-tock work but if it really goes on forever i know there's somebody out there with hella time on their hands who will go for like three days and get to like a million so nobody's gonna get here let's watch watch our show yeah 90 80 80 90 90. no well they were about to get to it i don't know how y'all made it that far to begin with and then it goes back to the current year i can never scroll for an absorbent amount of time without like messing up the scroll and like going back my fingers they just built different me and my car where's my phone where did i put my phone i had it a second ago as soon as i got in the car i like put it on charge my phone literally hanging by a thread i really hope you took the opportunity of the stoplight to be like hey yo look instead of just taking a picture like oh they'll never find their phone so sad so the other day i put my phone on the side of my car on the little vent went to the gas station across the street and it was still there like this is the kind of luck i'm dealing with my birthday is tomorrow if you don't hear from me that means i'm dead oh go away you got a whole entire path opened loose paint bucket just chilling in your room you know amongst all my most important belongings just paint buckets just waiting to ruin that carpet i don't know nobody that didn't grow up with this paint stained carpet there's gonna be a few inches of snow hi opens the front door well heck that ain't a wall it's snow what do you do in this situation shut the door and go back to bed we hibernated until the spring wait tell me you're australian without telling me you're australian i go to bunnings just for the snags [Laughter] australia you got like tarantula-sized spider like just creepy crawling on you like it's nothing like cry keys i mean y'all got kangaroos and kangaroos are [Music] terrifying that's like one of my worst fears you know those parking garages and then you gotta go like uphill and then like the second you take your foot off the brake and it's like wee but it's not weak it's more like we finna die my mum put my brand new ugg slippers in the washing machine she's them oh my god thanks so i guess that hair wasn't like naturally straight i didn't know you could do that you just pop them in the washing machine and while bam curly not gonna lie they're kind of cute so back to when i forgot to check the weather this might rain this this is a flood ew this is the worst not only are your shoes wet socks soak these soggy socks top 10 most unpleasant feelings oh she tripped oh but the the dog's fine the dog's fire i'm gonna have to watch this again to make sure the dog is fine right okay oh oh he he took a little but but it's okay so they took their cat to get groomed and then they just oh looking like a kabob on a stick why would you do this i can't do this right now oh no she moved her bed frame and like the metal piece just like right into the glass window from a penthouse what do you even do well heck but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button and comment below let me know which one of these was the worst and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe to the wolf pack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 14,695,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, people, bad day, people having a bad day, funny photos
Id: 8gwViDt7aeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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