Penn and Teller Go Public their first TV show.

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yeah sure public television real artistic real artsy craftsy stop edifying the public right yeah as what we thought I don't think so see teller and I are a couple of sensationalist circus schlock hacks we're asked to a special for public television we're real excited we said we're going to rise to the occasion we're going to do some real art stuff right so it was great I was going to open with a poetry reading and Teller who doesn't speak in the show was going to do a mime piece called the birth of a baby dove in the ghetto it's beautiful stuff really nice pretty very carefully done stuff and they said no these are the people at public TV right they say no that stuff's too boring and if we want to do a show an to open something more exciting more exciting people do masterpiece theater and the evening of the symphony want us to be more exciting so we've compromised we have here a straitjacket I like to see enough lead sometimes and straitjacket is there's four buckles going across the back Patti conchal is the producer of this show we came through with this beautiful beautiful script with a poetry reading at the beginning and she said no it wouldn't hold their attentions in his look what they do mr. Rogers on this network that's a hold attention he says no we got to do something else just get all the buckles there got to do something else and Cordelia Stoll she's our director she said you want something a little bit more exciting that's where they put it they don't put it cheap but through the loop over there and then pull these two arms together okay the more you can hurt them the more pledged dollars you'll get for public unity okay tighten up real good okay really you just just let me help you really tug there you go just put that in there I mean I couldn't believe we were going to do we watched masterpiece theater we start tonight as a symphony let me do this one telica the dog shouldn't have to yeah get this one right out of the way we watch these things we thought the kind of stuff they wanted was like water eating and they said no they wanted something a little bit more razzle-dazzle them exciting so we came up with this it is watch it - it is a bit of a compromise okay I just want you to know that that all this stuff these gravity boots the whole rigging the pulleys have been coming across to my chair that's public TVs idea that's not mine I am going over the porch reading but see public TV when they think imagine they think of some greasy Guyana talks with a lot of birds or some aging hippies shoving women into boxes and they don't seem to understand there are other kinds of magic I'm referring of course to the magic of poetry and indeed all the fine arts and we are going to open our show with the poetry reading I think that even though you might have been expecting something a bit more sensational but I read this poem well enough that you will hang on my every word and when I jump from the seat I'm seated in to take my final bow I am sure you'll be suitably impressed Ernest Lawrence fair not a very famous name but that man wrote perhaps the most famous American poem it was a journalist in San Francisco and his poem first appeared in the San Francisco Examiner Sunday morning June 3rd 1888 the poem is entitled Casey at the bat it is subtitled the ballot of the Republic sung in the year 1888 and I shall be reading Casey at the bat for you this evening in exactly 2 minutes and 16 seconds after which I will jump to my feet and take my final back Casey at the bat the outlook wasn't brilliant for the Mudville nine that day the score stood four to two with but one inning left to play so when Cooney died at first who borrowed did the same a sickly silence fell upon the patrons of the game a straggling few got up to go in deep despair the rest clung to that Hope which brings eternal in the human breast for they thought if only Casey could get a whack at that they'd put even money now with Casey at the bat but Flynn preceded Casey and it also Jimmy Blake the former was a Lulu and the latter was a cake so on that stricken multitude grim melancholy sat for there seemed but little chance of Casey getting to the back but Flynn let drive a single to the wonderment of all and Blake the much despised it tore the cover off that ball and when the dust had lifted in men saw what had occurred there was jimmy safe at second old fling was hugging third then from five thousand throats or more there Rose a lusty yell it rumbled in the valley it rattled in the Dell it knocked upon the mountain and recoiled across the flat for Casey mighty Casey was advancing to the bat Saudis in cases manner as he stepped into his place there was pride in Casey's bearing and a smile on Casey's face and when we slug to the cheers he lightly doffed his hat no stranger in the crowd forgotten Casey of the bat canals neither ottoman dear others hands of dirt for thousands water when he watched him on his shirt the wild rising pitchers around the ball into his hip stood by his gleaming his eyes near to these lips and now the leather cover comes hurtling through the air in cases of watching in honey grandeur there close by the sturdy batsman the ball unheeded sped aimless files in Casey struck one meal par said look at just like those people there went up a muffled warlike at me the inner strawberries on a sturdy distant Shore go up gently on fire selling some understand it's likely they'd have killed him in our case you a Japan where's my old Christian charity great cake business shown he stilled the rising trouble he may have the game go on he singled to the picture of a boy book okay somebody order in the apartment I do Ron is not me good luck look into the others off sorry to the boats almost a school again with a little more I get Jim again living in a thousand go buy a better way dr. Joe small not until now the air shuttle my work is not merely another environment somewhere drive life somewhat illogical zoom shot is another mighty Casey has out our love of the world I'm so glad we got that so glad we got some poetry lovers here we are Penn & Teller we are a couple of very eccentric guides who have learned how to do a few cool things now the first thing I do for you is a card trick and card trick as far as I can see do have a problem because card tricks are it seems to me intrinsically very wimpy now tell us about the card trick that he claims is not wimpy he's going to do that for you now please keep in mind that you just stay silent in the show so if you goes in just kind of take your directions in kind of a mean way Sokka what's up was that okay sir just fine did you reach in and actually pick one out I have one yet yeah I thought cordelia and look to me on that cake like the guy knew that he has Evan card forced on him okay I just say you you were actually forced to card that looks fishy to you at all look like you see does it look to me I think I know one camera got it was course it was forced on yes people yeah I wasn't yes dude it wasn't a pre-selection see let's just take we'll just we'll just max was it race what do you for some hate is important we'll just stop what does match this later and cut first I'll actually do I want to point something on it you weren't going to say anything about the force were you know a that's not that's not because this guy is stupid is because you're saying these poor guys their first special you know why should I spill the beans on the force you know exam this is really not a time for morality I mean they're not killing children after all right who actually do be more of a jerk and just really pick one out so I don't want it that's good much more mature great now up we're gonna turn you back we don't look at the monitor raining we just show that card to the camera to the people please then you're all done sure you just cover it up and keep in mind that on television time expands so snap it up okay y'all set okay okay all right throw it back here and we'll just go on with that I'm sorry about that teller and Cordelia but I just I know II just camera the red light teller that camera is on and they just saw your path I don't know if you people here saw it you see it you've got it was right into this camera he actually already put the card back on top and the way did that really does take that card back that is your card isn't when I chopped too many dibbens he cut the deck like that you put the card back in put it back in and he put the card back like that well that looks okay but if you were looking excuse me here good you were looking I just get to that it has a little finger right in there and still it's normal from that angle little fingers right in there called the break and then when you turn through the camera and you saw it right my man you would watch it he just heated this right here and he brought the card right to the top detail and they saw that right in the camera what you want to do is you want to cut the card into the deck and then give them a little shuffle okay that look about it right to you now you got to use your head man you know that no matter how nice I am to you this here's my partner and if he want that card on top we're going to put that card on top okay so I'd like you to actually take the deck yourself well you do that and actually maybe look at them face up anything you want actually lose the card in the deck okay just do whatever you need to do yeah I thought I pawned the Karnataka Tech College I'm showing off his cameras on we haven't done television much actually do take the card Zack losing the deck I'm clean just don't hurt the crimp it's okay till without of course a lot of force me and we're covering and put it right in the middle this is going to blow them away at home it's we great-looking and just then just give it back to me you want to shuffle and Brewster okay that's fine now we're not going to any cuts or any edits you're just going to go cool right from here okay so it's going to go right up there with me camera good camera man's right with me here there's no edits or nothing here that's the same deck your handle right we just we didn't mess it at all okay Tyler go ahead little directorial note here tell if you trying to look real butch with the buck knife you shouldn't be so pissy when you're laying off that's relevant once you pick those up and go now what is the hook on this tell you just look down at the cards and you see the one you want and slam that it seems like that's awfully easy too so I was putting a blindfold on I would now the thing about magicians and blindfolds this blindfold hang right off their nose like that and they can see two or three feet in front of them with okay thanks again let me just move these out of the way so you don't know we're just messing around nicely lit knock them dead pick it up pull you got it you guys hook it up that's your card yeah that's why was it doing edit just be going well juice roses matched up and doing edit let's just all some adjustments in for you so it matches the last shot good I mean just moved into round a little bit and it will take it but it'll take it from me just moving the cards around go ahead and pick it up pick it up is that your card the seven of clubs sir you know that's why we can just redo this keep going I'll just pull matches from right here okay is that regard sir Zechs this isn't the kind of stuff ah because the kind of stuff going on stand for if you take their side you take a standard aa piece of wimpy magic and you you add just a little bit of class but you can just kind of quick right here sir you were such a good sports and teasy I'd like you to have this thanks tough luck want to learn to do a real magic trick in your home have your video cassette recorder a blank videotape and deck of cards ready and keep watching [Music] looks simple doesn't it a man lighting a cigarette but when that man is my partner teller the greatest living sleight-of-hand artist in the world today even the simplest activity may be accomplished by virtuosic dexterity weren't there are a few things you took for granted when watching that let's say it again tell her did he really throw the cigarette down is he really crushing it out are both his hands really empty cause you really need to clear his throat is he really reaching for a real pack of cigarettes is he really pulling that cigarette out of the pack is he really crumpling the pack is he really transferring it from one hand to the other and is he really throwing it down is he now really looking for a lighter is he really finding a real lighter is he really bringing up to his mouth is he really lighting that cigarette and is that's the same cigarette lip that he had unlit just a moment ago I don't think so let's watch that again come on me Villa all magic can be broken down into seven basic moves the palm the unlit cigarette and the pencil are home switch the lit cigarette is switched for the pencil simulation teller simulates putting out a cigarette by stepping on a pencil misdirection teller clears his throat to misdirect from the hiding of the cigarette load teller loads the cigarette behind the simulated cigarette case steal teller steals the lip cigarette from its hiding place ditch the unlit cigarette is ditched in tellers coat pocket now let's see how teller use those seven flights to create the illusion of reality there's our palm our switch our simulation our steal misdirection our ditch simulation another load more simulation a palm and simulation together call professionally the French drop a steel a ditch the simulation of a penlight flashlight for a lighter the final ditch and of course misdirection so the next time you watch a magician don't take anything for granted [Music] looks simple doesn't it now it's time for a trick that you can do at home we have you come up here please Thermo I'm going to show some to you this is the trick that you should have your video cassette recorders and a blank video cassette ready for you don't have to really have a blank video cassette you can use masterpiece theater you're never going to watch that again anyway hello I'm going to show you a trick I'm going to actually do it for you and then I'm going to show you how it's done and kind of teach it to you to teach the people at home that okay would you name a number between five and ten please seven seven okay I want you to count off seven cards like this one two three four five six seven look at the seventh card and remember that what you into my back is turn and then do that please just count them up one two three four five six seven look at the seventh card turn over right where it is so they can see it good and I'll memorize that make sure you don't forget it and then just stick it back into the middle of the deck so it's completely lost there okay to go remember your card now aren't you okay put put the other card back on top get also good now wouldn't you be impressed if that card bounced miraculously right to the top of the deck yeah watch this and there's your card right there the four of diamonds venture card the westin wasn't the four of diamonds well I guess before we teach it to people at home we should learn it ourselves needs time teller for a moment Club is on his back now obviously to have prepared that he doesn't have 52 cards on his back so we had to know which card you were going to pick in advance so we had to do a card force and that's we're going to teach you that's the first part of the trick that you'll have to learn let me just find the the three of clubs here now the three of clubs the card that we want you to pick starts out on the top of the deck have that freedom Club price range arms and I ask you to count down I ask you name a number between five and ten and you said then as if you didn't know I showed you how to count down the seven cards right now the first card there is the three of clubs one two three four all I'm doing is reversing the order five six seven I told you look at that card and remember it then I put the cards right back on top of the deck okay so I told you to remember that card so I just put it right back down like that and the cards are all prepared for you to do it I said you do it yourself I turn my back and you counted down seven one two three four five six seven you look at the card which we all know now is the three of clubs now I did a very important thing here I told you to remember your car I made sure you memorize the card that I had you put it back in the deck okay I turned around and then I asked you if I can make your card bounced back to the top of the deck you of course would be impressed and then I tried to find it like this and I failed it was that your card the four of diamonds you said no I went oh geez and then we had the big then we had the big finish where we turned around and we revealed the three of clubs in a surprising way now that is called a card force and now that you know how to do that we're going to teach you how to do the same force to force someone to pick the three of clubs but to use a different more exciting ending using a video tape recorder you can sit down now thanks an awful lot and we will show you we will show you how this will look when you do it at home I will be playing the part of you Kelly will be playing the part of your friend and this will be what it will look like in your home okay the three of problems on top of the deck and I think my friend is about to alive come on in my friend greet your friend hello my friend how are you make sure they haven't seen this show did you enjoy the Penn & Teller special ooh good now film the card trick you want to see a card trick good name a number between five and ten six now what I'd like you to do the fries clubs is on top what I'd like you to do is count down six cards like this one two three four five six look at that card and remember it the three of clubs is now six down in the deck okay wait till my back is turned and count down six one two three four five six look at that card and remember it you make sure they remember the card if they forget it you're stuck okay now lose the card in the deck would you please do that for me my friend okay all set now we set up the phony trick would you be amazed that that card popped right to the top of the deck I guess though watch is that your card the queen of diamonds the point oh well I guess I must have followed the directions wrong I don't know well suggest something else I've got an idea my friend let's do something else fun let's watch Public Television I actually pick up the remote control to my video cassette recorder and get ready to turn on the cassette pretending to just be watching TV he thinks I'm turning on the TV but I'm really playing this tape you all set my friend six city fire units blue in Laplace I reported the internal sprinkler system had extinguished the blaze the fire chief and two of his men this just handed to me that's your card [Applause] oh all you need now is that piece of videotape now you have to have this at home and you have to have it ready so have a blank cassette or like I said you could use Nicolas Nichols beer masterpiece theater get it all set clean your machine hit the pods control we're going to broadcast me as the newscasters showing the three of clubs in about five seconds all set finger on the pause control here we go five four three two one six city fire units and two ambulances responded to the blast and we pointed the internal sprinkler system had extinguished the blaze the fire chief and two of his men this just handed to me that's your card there will be a meeting held in the city to discuss the commuter traffic problem now stay back at that with the three of clubs on top of the deck and you can do this trick for your friends and maybe they'll like [Applause] [Music] this is the first special that we've done for television and there's the question that needs to be addressed that is the question of camera tricks our more famous colleagues Doug Henning David Copperfield and Harry Blackstone jr. to name but a few have built a reputation and you know and trust that their shows are accomplished by their craft magic sleight of hand knowledge of visual perceptions and illusion we however have not built up that credibility we are relatively unknown so I'd like to give you my word that everything you are seeing in this special it's accomplished by organic skill with no camera tricks chroma key edits or special camera angles we are members of the magic fraternity we are not special effects men tell us the Bible [Music] I Penn Jillette speaking for Penn & Teller swear that no video or camera tricks will be used by us or anyone in our name in this or any other television show if a piece of videotape I'd like you to see Cordelia could you run that grab my mother's grave now mom I swear to you we will not use any camera tricks in our TV special tell her
Channel: M.RileyJunior
Views: 26,991
Rating: 4.9027357 out of 5
Keywords: Penn and Teller, Magic, Illusion, Penn and Teller go public
Id: HYa4LltuHrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 5sec (1625 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2017
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