Penn and Teller: The Best Magicians in the World - SNL
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Channel: Saturday Night Live
Views: 4,269,649
Rating: 4.9388943 out of 5
Keywords: SNL, Saturday Night Live, Teller, Penn Jillette, Guest Performers, Ron Reagan, 1980s, Season 11, 80s, SNL throwback, snl 80s, classic, snl classic, live, new york, comedy, sketch, funny, hilarious, late night, weekend update, host, guest, laugh, impersonation
Id: mwkmgqbYXdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2013
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That crowd applauded at literally everything he said
For first couple minutes I thought it was an SNL sketch with actors playing Penn and Teller since I've only know what they look like in recent years
Penn's voice sounds totally different, Teller's sounds the same...
This got me 100%. I was wondering why they looked pretty shitty the whole time and just chalked it up to them having more money for beauty products/procedures as they got more famous. I'm kind of impressed they could hold it for so long. I feel like I'd pass out before then.
Hoooww did I not get that one till the end
Need a mirror or alt link. Not available in my country ):
First thought: "Why are Penn and Teller holding their shoulders in such an odd way?"
30 seconds later: "They are hanging upside down, you moron."
I guessed they were upside down, I thought that was the joke the whole way through - that we were supposed to know they were upside down.
I was a bit disappointed because at the end I thought the reveal was that they weren't upside down and I was about ready to lose my shit.
the fact that this is getting downvoted indicates reddit has the patience of a peanut