Bravo Profiles - Penn and Teller (2001)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Adam Moore
Views: 1,079,174
Rating: 4.8234072 out of 5
Keywords: Penn & Teller (Double Act), Penn Jillette (Author), teller, penn, raymond teller, Documentary (TV Genre), Television Documentary (TV Genre), magic, magician, don't complain
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2013
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
More recent post kids tour,
It starts out so gentle, with an ordinary enough looking kitchen and a pretty big tea pot, but before you know it he's showing off his framed panties, electric chair (in a sex dungeon) and actual human skeleton.
While it's a little weird, it doesn't really surprise me all that much.
edit: Somehow, after all the other shit, I forgot about the preserved fetuses in his "makeout lounge".
I get the quirky and eccentric stuff, but whatโs with the lack of windows and light?
I'm gonna be honest, that "home" is fucking disgusting. Zero regard for taste, aesthetics or decency. Just a bunch of self indulgent tacky kitsch held together in a place with all the appeal of Guantanamo Bay.