PEEPING ON A PEEPER! (Do Not Feed the Monkeys Demo)

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hey guys welcome to a game called do not feed the monkeys this is a game about spying on people and I believe it's called do not feed the monkeys because you're not supposed to feed the monkeys aka interact with the people that you're spying on they got this big blurb here at the beginning the primate observation Club informs this beta demo of do not feed the monkeys includes just a small part of the stories and features included in the full game it's an early beta version we ask for your understanding for the bugs you might find we do not collect personal information but we might collect in-game statistics to improve user experience you're allowed to make videos and upload them on any platform as long as you indicate clearly that you're playing a beta version I think I've done that I think I've think I've indicated that to you by reading this to you so we're good all right let's do this I don't really know what I'm getting myself into here alright I got to choose my avatar here I like the robot robots are pretty cool so are ducks obviously but I'm gonna go with the robot alright the primate observation club dear new member following a strict vetting process your membership application has been approved welcome to our club for wildlife enthusiasts please read the contract carefully and accept the following terms and conditions geez should I actually read this I don't usually read the terms and conditions on things the club is an organization dedicated to the study of primates in their natural habitat as a member you have the privilege of observing the specimens in the cages loaded in your monkey vision 2.1 application to maintain your club privileges you will be obligated to move up one level every five days which will require you to purchase a certain number of cages alright so in order for me to level up I have to purchase stuff that's cool whatever you will start at level one friend of the monkeys you will need to purchase five additional cages to move to your next level every five days the organisation will meet to evaluate your progress if you have not met your target you will be expelled immediately huh do not discuss the club virus activities of anyone never uninstall the application and above all do not forget that interaction with the primates is strictly forbidden remember do not feed the monkeys alright I guess I accept that sounds good in the event of any infringement these rules I grant the club the absolute right to apply the relevant disciplinary measures Samia Oh what kind of those are David I'm not I hope that you don't hurt me okay look at this well we I'm on a computer and then there's a computer on my computer Wow so we need to go to monkey vision 2.1 in order to look at the monkeys let's go to the mail first hmm payment come for confirmation number what's that about copy of terms and conditions don't care about that I don't need none of that stuff what's on the calendar huh $90 for the landlady in the afternoon all right well oh but make some money oh I even have finances I don't have I just have 90 bucks apparently but I need that for the landlady so yeah let's go to monkey vision look at that all right what am I doing here so I can go look at these people there's a there's a person they are walking around is that a woman I think it must be a woman because they've got bosoms right very good very good what are you doing okay now topless terrific what what is happening right now whoa every flash is giving me a fistful of dollars dear click on the words in yellow that appear in the dialogues websites or newspaper articles to add them to your notebook you can also click on highlighted objects on the screen yeah I should have clicked on topless because I want to know what topless is all about okay what it book flash and dollars I'm getting some stuff and I go to the notebook now what is uh what's up what's flash about huh okay this is kind of deep guys apparently you can search like multiple keywords at once or just one at a time a device that emits artificial way okay that's what a flash is cool I totally didn't know that back in - look at the monkeys what's up were you going weird yep come on you're gone left click on the X close the cage right click to move the cage to this panel close the cage okay hey what's that hello hey are you there shoot hello it wasn't easy but you got in your part of the elite my friend you can thank me later lol now you know what you have to do play by the rules and save a ton of money I told you being a club member wasn't cheap and don't make me look bad after all I've done for you geez what is going on here masked Maiden that's who I'm talking to right now Barda rules again come on up and telling you about them for weeks you have to hit your targets if you don't the organization will kick you out so that's simple they actually met yesterday a vet to evaluate mine I've moved up another level my friend if I keep going like this won't be long before I'm a hobnobbing with the club muckety-mucks what be discreet they don't like going around blabbing about the club this is something very top secret there's a part about not feeding the monkeys do not feed the monkeys not messing around with the cages not bothering the Apes not throwing them peanuts come on you know zero interaction that's something your organization doesn't like at all though to be honest that rule is something that well something that what's to deal with that rule well let's just say nothing forget about it we'll talk about that later what's happening this is worse than tobacco I spent so much time on it the first week I didn't eat or sleep I will set it up in the hospital so eat properly and rest from time to time okay we'll talk again soon what am I supposed to be doing here I'm looking at people what are these visitors alright well that's everything that's yellow a yellow yellow words or yellow things you can click on them and get stuff for your notebook alrighty well got a camera so we got a mannequin so get some photographs okay there's all kinds of stuff here so we're gonna take all this stuff and I gotta try and figure out what's going on maybe whoa well so I've got all these things circled here now and I'm supposed to put some sort of word in there empty boxes mannequin window skis I want to say it's an attic apartment cuz it does like you can see that there's a bit of a thing there can we go back out for a second oh stop it wait whoa no don't go over there what am I even doing right now animal lover wanted to care for my pure bred poodles in the deluxe Park physical fitness a dognappers on the loose okay sure I'm gonna go do some work I think as long as they don't talk about the club I'm fine this is like some sort of like good life simulator Fifi's owner the walk went really well isn't that right Mike cuddly toy wasn't that a nice walk and my Fifi feels very safe with you I can tell isn't that right my furry little friend that Mommy can tell these things come back whenever you want all right so I got some money I don't know what to do with the money I want to go look at the Oh what hello [Music] where are you deadbeat remember that I'm coming by to collect the rent two days in the afternoon ninety bucks as usual have the money ready I don't want any excuses the landlady okay thank you landlady okay so you were taking pictures and putting them up here right what is that about why you why are you doing that you got anything else for me oh come on now topless all right there we go up here so flash camera photographs catching another dollar another another your fans are gonna go wild what's going on here artistic nude shots selfies are I think it's sneaked photos hey we're gonna floor it thanks floor it was no comeback I need to find it too you're the leading lady of my dreams come on look at that camera wonderful leading lady look at that camera that can't be sneak follows never shown that to me in the limousine what ok these empty boxes and whatnot I think it's an attic apartment okay that's what I'm going for here but I don't really know what that supposed to mean because I don't know what I'm doing I think I'm interested okay I'm confused but interested let's go somewhere else whoa email jeez volunteer observation studies is a club member we invite you to collaborate within our wildlife observation studies to do so you need to provide us with certain information about some of the cages loaded in your monkey vision once they verify the information is correct you'll be compensated for your work okay so that's part of what I got to do we remind that you that these are voluntary assignments and that declining participate will not affect your relationship to the club in any way for interests to keep an eye on your email okay well that's gonna help me make money right I just gotta observe these people this is just a robot it's not even anything I can click on here oh something's happening hey you're back it's the Miller tonight camera in action let's go give me some more stuff what are you doing at night smarmy gorgeous how how I would love to take you to paradise in my limousine ah here we go let's break the speed limit come on cotton princess show me why you'd show the prince okay we're gonna drive all the way the Stars so now we have a new thing okay look it's getting late it's already ten twenty five in the evening gonna close out of my stuff anything going on the chat you're offline any emails to look at nope alright let me just go ahead and go to sleep maybe have I eaten okay that my food meter and I got my sleep meter and I got my health I got my money what's this all over the bike groceries oh well I don't have to buy groceries yet right cuz it's telling me I still got food or something hmm I'm gonna go to bed I'm gonna sleep for eight hours because I respect my body okay okay so my sleep went up food went down I'm at 64 now no problem let me yeah let me do something else here I can't work as a dishwasher coz it's not the right time of day sitting with this one they're both overnight type of things but I could make some good money so I'll have to have to give that a shot I can drink coffee food goes up health goes down sleep goes up a lot well I don't need to do that right now let me get to my computer and I'll do some more research or something de to your current Club ranking is level one friend of the monkeys days remaining until the next evaluation for you have four out of nine cameras needed to move up to the next level the landlady will be back tomorrow okay cool we got some news here too this games so complicated oh we got an email record low prices today only two for one on yogurt Wow I want some yogurt now better go better go get some yogurt right that's not yogurt where's the yogurt yes yeah baby stocking up on yogurt BAM I'm going shopping all right check this out guys we got some chickens here I don't know what these cameras are about because it's like this there's nothing there's nothing here but I can buy more cages and buy cages I think they mean like rooms for me to look at so let's try buying one if you like to purchase a new cage once acquired the feed will be available starting at 9:00 sure whoa look at that cage is coming oh crap the landlady is coming soon what's today where's a calendar oh right then in the afternoon well I gotta go make some money I can go do that I don't have anything else going on more mail whoa for the purpose of enhancing our database on animal behavior we request your voluntary collaboration as the observer of cage one please try this reply to this email if you can answer the following question what is the name of the primate living in cage one ah okay I don't know who that is okay give me some more stuff here we are again you're my favorite leading lady I think this is a paparazzi I believe this what's going on here um I've already got all the things that were popping up here but I gotta get this person's name how am I gonna find out your name you don't do that when I Drive you in my limousine okay what does that mean there's nothing happening right now guys I'm gonna go well nope I'm gonna go take a job I think you can't do that one I can do this one for four hours for 42 bucks poster hanger sit down in a career with us and the passionate and glamorous world of advertising and marketing great yeah here I go just doing some work bro go get that work done bro creative director hey WTF are you doing here naturally the under achiever who carries the brush and glue around all day long here's some change get yourself something nice thank you whoa hello who are you hello I'm Amy and this is my colleague Ted we're apostles of the local Weiland's witnesses church to have a minute to hear the word of Billy Bob the holy butcher no fairy yeah okay tell me so they told me that this guy was a butcher who found a message in his meat and he became some sort of guy or whatever but the game his plate right here look at the plan and they said they're gonna come back for it in a few days so I'm just gonna let that happen I guess Oh guys I just got something down here turns out that I got a name so let me look up this who are you Farra belonging to the seven dynasty which existed between 2000 and 2500 years before our time hmm priceless all right here we go I searched up the name and bust the Pharaoh exhibitions an overwhelming success the bust of a manifest file it's the exhibition's main dress and a museum having the Pharaohs death mask is a real luxury Kevin Elgin the curator tells us got more stuff what's with that guy up got his number that's good I guess so now I can talk to this guy whoa chat also lets you send videos well I want to column skim the call Isis Kevin how can I help you hello mr. Elgin I wanted to hold on please hey you go there kay tilters between atamora from the seventh I'm seeing a fire extinguisher you dumbass I'm very busy at the moment make an appointment this is going really fast I'm sorry he doesn't like me okay I looked up topless photographs and I found exactly what I expected but it's a it's a celebrity syllabus that's a celebrity website what's going on here huh all right I got a new thing here sir some limousine Fenster where's that going over there who is the star of cotton princess there it is Ashley Applegate premier of cut princess Ashley Applegate show she's just good an actress that she is a singer boom to get that Andrew Hayes management and a number we got to find out who the paparazzi person is man that's our job alright we're gonna call this a bad time isn't it's pretty late at night not be able to take your call the moment 9 to 11 ok said 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. because those are terrible hours I'm just gonna go sleep for a little bit I think I got enough money to pay the landlady we're good I'm not gonna sleep as long this time because I don't know how long I need to sleep so I'm just gonna sleep a little bit and we'll see what kind of stuff I got going on ok I'm gonna sleep another couple hours starting to get pretty hungry so I think maybe I'll order a pizza let's go for a pizza thanks for the confidence in food ex you will receive your order in one hour cool cool go over here and do some research now it's kind of late at night anything happening no ok oh my god I searched mannequin and I found a you know wat doll look at those disgusting melts manufacture and sale of blowup dolls and could I think I'm getting hungry but I thought that the pizza is out of the way anyway yeah blow-up dolls for for a good time but there is some coming hello ok greetings my motorcycle is guided by destiny one never knows the road until it becomes one's own Road GPS sometimes helps too here's your order Jesus Christ here's here's a tip take it guy don't want you to kill me mister hotline miami biker guy consider this the one-eyed trader drives the Maiden's carriage it's sometimes better to be an accomplice than a snitch I'll be back the who drives the white ok I'm gonna eat some food I love it eat those yogurts I'm gonna eat some pizza I'm gonna eat that I'm gonna eat that and these now I have no food left but that's ok alright guys its 855 which means we're about to get the new cage in our war day 3 your current Club ranking is level 1 days remaining three five nine cameras needed emotes next level landing we'll be back today okay cool there's some stuff that's a someone got hurt alright so let's call Ashley applicants manager hello cage recording available we were pleased informing that the modest sum of $20 you can lock your mug visions recording add-on to do so click yes I would like to do that wait red button on the panel on the right side all right sweet gotta make that phone call first they're not open very long okay we see what I can find out here this Andrew Haynes talent agent oh crap what do I say here what can I say here paparazzi Oh paparazzi photographer what an exciting gratifying profession what are you saying those paparazzi too loathsome they just looking to make money off people's fame and hardwork looking for a nice attic apartment downtown and hey stop the car do I look like a real estate agent talent agent real estate agent what's the difference okay that's I'm gonna ask about Ashley I represent Ashley Applegate the star of cotton princess of course I'm talking about her adorable innocent Ashley she's a former TV child star afraid you don't know much about show business a Bradley gets stuck in an elevator with a North Korean dictator then with one of those bratty perpetual teens hmm is Ashley applicate into nudism that's what we want to know here no of course she is Ashley's one of the most modest actresses of her generation someone's taking photos of her what are you saying so I'm at the part now where I'm supposed to say who is taking the photos of Ashley Applegate but I can't because of the fact that I don't know who it is it's paparazzi it's a paparazzi paparazzi paparazzi photographer who's stationed across the street from her house that sounds odd we have those press vultures under control an attic apartment is where they're being taken from okay so I do have some information I'll make a note of that I do report this right away if your information checks that we'll get back to you all right we now have a new cage check it out what's this let me take a look around here we got some kittens we've got VHS tapes there's a television and that's it 33% of hot dogs I need to get myself some hot dogs right away food x-foo Dinks bring me bring me some dogs beat me beat me beat me something's happenin hello okay she just asked me if I fed them yet fed who are the monkeys you'll see we're not supposed to talk about this but nearly everyone does it the monkeys are a good source of income if you're clever and know how to feed them you have to be very discreet though if you don't want to run into problems problems with the organization I suppose exactly you know how it is if they catch you you're out and just a place to worry about it the monkeys figure it out and report you they get into bringing the whole club down I don't this this club is weird only they get to see the cage of the great primate I still haven't gotten anyone to tell me what it is but it says it's got to be something huge sounds pretty good right yeah someone probably like super famous or something you know okay I need video recording but I haven't paid my landlady yet have I that's the where's the calendar - I need I need to do that first okay so in the afternoon the landlady is coming between 13 and 17 Jesus or anything I can do for a couple of hours that's four hours I don't want no I can't do that okay I can't do anything right now I just got to wait for the landlady to show up I'm gonna get a couple hours of sleep that sounds all right the club is conducting an important study and we request your special collaboration as the observer of cage 3 please reply to this email if you know the answer to following question why is the telephone number of the person responsible for the event taking place in cage 3 I know that I got to do that it's Kevin algún boom right there yes okay tree is now pending do you remember thank you for collaboration some case may take us longer than 24 hours to verify cool whoa hello enter vane sides that guy hello Hey look at that I'm here for rent don't make me waste my time tomorrow I have to take an exam for the distance Business School that'll be $90 here you go ma'am great see the system works without losers like you there'd be no winners like me okay I bring package for apartment 16 I bring package for apartment 16 okay yeah that's that thank you take package - autographed photos by the famous actress and singer Ashley Applegate with a dedication to a very very special fan with love Ashley so cage one is now done it's closed because I managed to I managed to catch the person I didn't get their name though that was what they wanted me to do for money but I did inform Ashley's people and they caught the person and now I have this which I can sell for a hundred and forty dollars I'm not gonna do that yet I still got a few days to make some money maybe I'll just go yeah let's go hang some posters for a little bit okay alright so now I have 47 dollars that's good because eventually I'm gonna have to eat or something so how do I know which cages are good and which aren't oh hang on a second so what is the name of a primate living in cage one I don't know that but maybe I can search it up maybe closed but I want I want to look it up I want to look it up on the Internet I want to see you who got cut for that maybe I'll see it later I still got a few days right I'm gonna go make some more money as a night cleaner I just I think I need that cash I don't want to have to sell my ashley autographed photo okay i just spent half my money on groceries guys but you know man's gotta eat right I gotta get that delicious goodness in me now I'm gonna sleep for like six hours that should be enough to start the next day and then hopefully I'll find out what's going on with the cases up and working because I've been doing pretty good with it right I mean I got some stuff figured out they for your current Club ranking is level one days remaining until next evaluations - so I need four more cameras four more cages the landlady will be back the day after tomorrow okay whoa here we go right there arrested for taking nude photos of actress Ashley Applegate Leslie Dooley that's the one right there so called wonder driver Leslie Dooley was a photographer taking the shots and then selling them in the black market how much money she was making for this illegal activities unknown after verifying the relevant details we were pleased to inform you that the information you sent us is correct therefore we just transferred the agreed reward to you oh right that is just wonderful okay well hi who are you hello I thought I'd pay you a visit the emergency exterminators at my apartment again told me to stay away for a few hours and sure what what do you what you want you see I just realized I'm out of cigarettes and that's very bad for my nerves she wouldn't have some spare change to give me would you Oh accidentally gave you money darn thanks my friend I knew I could count on you I'm going back to my apartment what do you do potato chip taster job that sounds amazing I am getting hungry too so you know Hey look at this there's people in here this guy's gonna Hitler mustache my body is sick and broke you know alright and your mood depressed fast Robert oh my god he's actually talking in infant German German accent as well all right there goes the two people that I was looking at and here is what I have a whole bunch of stuff this guy was talking about war and stuff but I actually have either nurse Playboy or vulnerable senior it's a vulnerable senior I know that much he's like an old German Hitler type of dude Oh new care program for senior citizens created oh that might be it smiles for seniors and then I'm just gotta ask about that guy all right I'm gonna go test some potato chips cuz that's gonna make me money and hopefully make me less hungry cuz you know I don't like having to spend money on food that always sucks okay congratulations to see you were very motivated gobbling up that mix of starch and oil and other stuff you must have a hollow leg that's why it makes you a great professional come back whenever you want yeah look at that this was the best job I've ever done alright stop no no grumbling tummies cuz we just ate geez alright I've been playing this for a long time and I'm really interested in finding out where this is gonna go I want to buy some more cages I'm gonna buy a cage right now okay oh what's this guy he said invading he's he's talking about he's watching the more stuff on TV this guy's got some secrets I know it but anyway um yeah I can buy more cages I need to buy more cages so boom I just bought one that's gonna be ready tomorrow if you guys want to see some more of this game please leave a like on this video thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time goodbye [Music] [Applause]
Channel: MattShea
Views: 821,421
Rating: 4.8822265 out of 5
Keywords: mattshea369, matt shea, mattshea, funny moments, let's play don't feed the monkeys, don't feed the monkeys game, don't feed the monkeys gameplay
Id: P5eC5oJNk2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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