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hello hello I'm Amy and this is my colleague Ted we're apostles of the local Weiland Witness church do you have a minute to hear the word of Billy Bob the holy butcher I read about him in the newspaper oh I bet you to do the kinkiest stuff behind closed doors with the plant what's up guys and welcome to do not feed the monkeys so I've joined some kind of secret Illuminati group who have made a bit of a game of spying on people the way this is gonna work is I need to observe people and deduce information report back to the group but the one rule they have is that I'm not allowed to interact with anybody that I'm watching do not feed the monkeys it's a Gazoo now whether or not I'm gonna follow that rule we'll see the primate observation Club a dear new member following a strict vetting process your membership application has been approved welcome to our club for wildlife enthusiasts please read the contracts carefully and accept the following terms and conditions I don't usually read terms and conditions but I get the feeling this might actually be important phases one the club is an organization dedicated to the study of primates in their natural habitat otherwise known as people at home at work so on so forth as a member you have the privilege of observing the specimens in the cages loaded in your monkey vision 2.1 application so I'm pretty sure a cage is technically the field of view of one of my camera's they're not actually like rounded up into cages like a zoo to to maintain your club privileges you will be obligated to move up one level every five days which will require you to purchase a certain number of cages three you will start at level one friend of the monkeys you will need to purchase five additional cages to move up to the next level or every five days the organisation will meet to evaluate your progress if you have not met your target you will be expelled immediately I really want to know what that means I get the feeling you don't walk away from a club like bids privacy five do not discuss the or its activities with anyone never uninstall the application like I said six and above all do not forget that interaction with the primates is strictly forbidden remember do not feed the monkeys we'll see okay I'll accept for now in the event of any infringement of these rules I grant the club the absolute right to apply the relevant disciplinary measures to me like I said I really doubt that the disciplinary measures are a fine or a pedalin or something like that it's probably not gonna be great so if we're gonna break the rules let's try not to get caught now I've told you guys everything that I know about the game everything from here on out I'm in the dark I got no idea so we're installing monkey vision 2.1 for the first time we also have mail calendar finances and by the looks of it I need to eat sleep earn money watch my health interesting Owain time is passing all right mail we have terms and conditions yet we'll need to remember those payment confirmation nothing interesting their calendar the landlady will be by for rent which is $90 I have exactly $90 she'll be here in three days okay good to know and then our finance is not much going on all right then let's check out our monkey vision mmm okay so we have some lady in her attic hanging pictures we have a chicken coop a great look at the inside of a museum and what looks like some kind of factory weird when there's activity in a cage the LED light comes on accompanied by an audible signal okay so what are you up to lady okay now topless terrific wait what is that something that topless and suddenly piqued my interest click on the words in yellow that appear in the dialogues websites or newspaper articles to add them to your notebook you can also click on highlighted objects on the screen oh hey so this is how we're gonna observe our monkeys we have to figure out what they're saying what's in their cage and then I guess use our computer to look up those words on the internet and in newspapers and stuff like that and then all of this is gonna lead to something that we need to report back to the group before five days where we need that promotion or else we're gonna get our disciplinary actions every flash means a fistful of dollars for me darling they also have a window and a camera come on show me everything show me everything that's it that was great you're my favorite star seem to have photographs you really know how you take my breath away I'll be waiting for you at 1,400 Beauty oh oh okay so it's 10:00 to 11:00 now because then if we come back at 1400 that's how time plays into this something interesting will be happening what else do we have we have skis a mannequin empty boxes Oh something just happened anything of interest click on the question marks and select the term you think best corresponds to the words in the circle if you change your mind just use the Delete icon once created you can use the new word in a search engine to move forward in your investigation so this must be how we're giving context of what we're seeing right we've observed empty boxes mannequin window skis and we can judge whether or not that's a basement and attic or garage and then if we get it right we can use that words in newspaper articles web searches stuff like that to try to figure out what's going on here sounds pretty good okay well I would imagine that all of this would amount to an attic right because it's got like the slanted pitched ceilings updating chat me go masked maiden wants to talk Hey are you there that really depends who's asking be the kind for disciplinary action or pleasure it wasn't easy but you got in you're part of the elite my friend you can thank me later lol now you know what you have to do play by the rules and save up a ton of money already got 90 bucks I'm laughing I told you being club member wasn't cheap now don't make me look bad after all I've done for you what were the rules again the money thing might be a problem or I've got to go could you just run over those rules again real quick I wasn't totally clear on them they were a little vague come on I just want to know if they're gonna turn me inside out or not okay I've been telling you about them for weeks you have to hit your targets if you don't the organization will kick you out it's that simple it's not that simple they actually met yesterday to evaluate mine I've moved up another level my friend if I keep going like this it won't be long before I'm hobnobbing with the club muckety-mucks how do I get in with the muckety-mucks I need to know more well you also have to be discreet they don't like us going around blabbing about the club this is something very top secret ah and then there's the part about do not feed the monkeys do not feed the monkeys not messing around with the cages not bothering the Apes not interacting with the people you're spying on they like to use very cryptic messages so I guess they don't get caught not throwing them peanuts come on you know zero interaction that's something the organization doesn't like at all though to be honest that rule is something that well something that what's the deal with that rule well let's just say nothing forget about it we'll talk about that later on I want to know now um you know I got 90 bucks the landlady is coming in three days and she wants like exactly 90 bucks so how else do I earn money here use a little help with that you want to wire me some money I know you told me about all your [ __ ] jobs but cages are expensive they buy more cages if you don't buy cages you're out right you see I don't know the rules all that well you knew that before you joined my friend so start working some overtime and there are other ways of making money what are you talking about come on use your imagination there's plenty of dough out there maybe I could get a little in feeding the monkeys perhaps it all depends on how much you're willing to get involved I'd be willing to cut my right hand off to stay in the club I use my right hand for a lot of more important things than monkey business so I gotta go okay it's been nice talking to you crazy lady but right your monkey vision must have been just installed suppose you're dying to observe your cages be careful because this shit's addictive what do you mean addictive this is worse than tobacco I don't think it is I think tobacco kills you I spent so much time on it for the first week that I didn't eat or sleep I almost ended up in the hospital right I need to eat sleep watch my health all that stuff I see so eat properly and rest from time to time okay we'll talk again soon user is offline well then got cleared up less than nothing so the sneaky peeky lady won't be back until 4 o'clock and is new now is there anything else of interest oh here we go we've got a cap and we also have this flash camera photographs and top lists sneaked photos artistic nude shots or selfies of really I think it's pretty clear that this is some sneaky nudes I like it come to think of it I don't know why I didn't question the fact that this lady said that she would be back at 14 o'clock out loud to herself was so much weird about that she's also been developing more photos can't quite tell if their titty pics from here mmm come on cotton princess give me everything you've got every make that cash register sing come on a little gift for your fans lady what are you talking about you're pure goals darling pure gold and you are batshit crazy that's it in front of the mirror beautiful photogenic fantastic as always I really want to open up my book and see what this means you're much more modest in my limousine beautiful Oh without a doubt the hottest star in the firmament next I should save a few hours honey wait what what hello do I have a door somebody's knocking on my door and she's gone that's just great um okay how do I just oh I have a room hello where are you deadbeat remember that I'm coming by to collect the rent in two days in the afternoon $90 as usual have the money ready I don't want any excuses the landlady really look she came by and knocked on my door to remind me that I pay rent here and she came in the middle of a weekday and then thought I was a deadbeat for not answering the door I could have been working we also have jobs dishwasher the dishwashing assistant wanted for well-known hamburger restaurant great career possibilities gloves and scouring pads supplied by the company requisites none just ambition a strong desire to learn wait $84 work from 12 till midnight duration 8 hours ok I think that lady said that she would be back in a few hours what we don't want to do that what else do we got waiter waitstaff wanted in luxury restaurant to serve our most exclusive customers good paying tips requirements prior experience and catering and or food service so I need to do the other job before I do this job $110 eight hours interesting and dog walker animal lover wanted to care for her and walk purebred poodle Zin Deluxe Park eat skills physical fitness a dognapper is on the loose wage $46 for hours hmm I don't know if I really want to risk it but eat something we have an apple and a hot dog that's all I've got to my name okay well we're gonna eat our Apple that doesn't really do a whole lot not sure how healthy I'm gonna be surviving entirely off of fruit yogurt chicken and coffee but we'll make it work I also have oh and at fast-food okay we also have pizza hot dogs and Chinese food I guess and that is 24/7 I'm assuming that comes a lot faster than grocery shopping let's um hmm let's not buy groceries because I only have exactly 90 dollars in my landlady seems like a hard-ass so I'm guessing instead we can just keep an eye out oh oh she's back did she say same thing as before we might have everything that we need actually what do we have going on down here no these aren't circled she's gone so I need to learn more oh if I click on a word then I get my browser it would it be nice if somebody explained that to me research the terms written in your notebook by clicking on one words to enter it in your search engine then click the search for Me button okay you can also research a pair of terms by clicking on two words to enter them in the search engine and click the search for Me button okay so we do one or two so let's go with the Limousin and cap did not find anything of interest okay well we could just we just look up Limousine be interesting and Limousine no oh okay so we're looking for golden words here highlighted things of interest so we didn't get starved from what she said we will get it here so we have gold dollars limousine cap empty boxes mannequin window skis fantastic star cotton princess is something that I don't understand I also have an email voluntary observation studies dear member as a club member we invite you to collaborate in our wildlife observation studies to do so you will need to provide us with certain information about some of the cages loaded in your monkey vision once we have verified that your information is correct you will be compensated for your work color me interested we remind you that these are voluntary assignments so hopefully I won't get a petal in as a result of failure and the declining to participate will not affect your relationship with the club in any way beautiful if you are interested in collaborating keep an eye on your email the primate observation Club okay good good I wanted to look up cotton princess oh here we go a box office record for the premiere of cotton princess 3 the third and final movie of the saga a box office a hit in its first weekend that didn't make any sense the film based on the life of its tremendous leading lady tells the story of an aspiring singer who makes all her dreams come true words of teens pact the country's theaters this weekend interesting so we know that this lady is taking pictures oh now she's doing it at night of some woman we would imagine topless because we've kind of gathered so she's taking pictures of the cotton princess athlete model or actress film star movie leading lady okay we would assume actress so now we need to figure out gold dollars limousine cap okay what if we look up limousine star no right we're supposed to look up the words that we've deduced so what if we look up sneaked photos and actress here we go this is much more my pace investigation of rings selling and trading nude photos of famous women the shots can command a high price on the black market according to authorities photographs of actresses and singers are the most requested and bring the highest price there's always some pervert ready to pay a fortune or them police spokesman said ooh here we go black market fortune dollars gold money a lot of money or a ton of money probably a ton of money okay I also have a newspaper this is of interest new evidence about senile dementia no on the jewel in the hexa crown no Billy Bob Weiland the holy butcher would be a hundred years old today that's a nice the economic situation is very good for ninety-five percent of those surveyed so this isn't really of any help go figure the Internet Trump's newspapers I don't suppose I'd be so lucky to look up topless photographs and oh dear that is a whole lot of 8-bit boobage that one's just for me how about we try to learn more about the target what if we look up cotton princess leading lady here we go Ashley Applegate oh that's who it is where'd the targets not the person taking the photographs clearly that is not the frumpy lady taking the photographs premier of cotton princess Ashley Applegate shows she's just as good an actress as she is a singer our beloved Ashley applicate announces a new record and tour for next year from child star to mass Idol this is the biography of the world's best artists Andrew Haynes and a phone number hiring huh well I I could maybe use a job if you have a contact in your notebook you can use the telephone or chat by clicking the corresponding icon remember the chat also lets you send videos ooh that sounds like we're getting dangerously close to feeding the monkeys territory I should probably eat and sleep and stuff like that keep my one hot dog which is gonna make me a little more unhealthy and sleep for five hours it sure gonna heat device of my masked mistress we'll figure this out in the morning and I think today the landlady is coming day to your current Club ranking is level one friend of the monkeys days remaining until next evaluation or you have four out of nine cameras needed to move up to the next level don't you mean cages the landlady will be back tomorrow okay so she's not actually here today and we have a new newspaper new evidence about senile dementia the electoral campaign begins shocked TV home video sex and violence in prime time and the Corsairs in the playoffs so again nothing of interest for us but we do have an email record low prices today only 33% off fruit yeah I should probably buy groceries hello hello I'm Amy and this is my colleague Ted we're apostles of the local Weiland Witness church do you have a minute to hear the word of Billy Bob the holy butcher I read about him in the newspaper oh I bet you to do the kinkiest stuff behind closed doors with the plant honestly I'm kind of busy but it looks like the game is paused so sure I'll hear what you got to say why not try to give me the Coles Notes version wonderful I'll tell you a bit about him Billy Bob Whelan was a humble butcher living in the country's most rural region he was slicing bacon one day and found a secret message formed by the fact in one of the slices okay you got a slowdown I needed to know what that message was it seems kind of important to the Satori cut me some slack here he we want to ask you a favor before we go we're going to leave this beautiful plant with you would you look after it for us we'll come back take it away again in a few days and if you're a good person the Weiland witnesses can trust you um what I I don't want your kink plant I guess I don't really have a choice oh okay thank you what did I just get myself into I'm starting to think there are a lot of strange things happening in this game I can also get coffee Oh that'll make me less tired okay no I need to order food we need to get fruits all the fruit I just earned $42 I'm gonna spend $40 of it on fruit oh here we go okay hello who are you hello you haven't seen my cat around here by chance I haven't heard from him in years no your cat isn't in my apartment come on what is it you want or get lost I've got things to do yeah I'm a very important man I'm spying on people who were spying okay okay important person and very busy I'll leave you in peace you've changed pal did I know him I don't think I knew who that was I did a quick job last night because I desperately need food a pizzas on sale I think pizzas are on sale okay I want pizzas thank you something's going on over here hold on I just I really don't want to miss stuff yes I'm here what what's going on I'm missing like just a few words it has to be it and I'm dying of hunger how's it going how did your first few days go I'm doing great I've almost reached the top by the way have you fed them yet what top are you talking about I don't get what the purpose is the top of the pyramid my friend the club is divided into levels and only the chosen few make it into the very top level only they get to see the cage of the great primate I still haven't gotten anyone to me what that is but it's got to be something huge sounds pretty good race sure yeah it actually does maybe the great primates hot who knows the organisation has told me that they're happy with me that my progress is very good I can practically taste the cage of the great primate yeah I'll let you in on a big secret when I get there okay um feed who monkeys need to learn more you'll see we're not supposed to talk about this but nearly everyone does it almost every one of us feeds the monkeys is very tempting my friend plus paying for the cages is very expensive which is the cost of the cages have to do with it damn it do I have to spell everything out to you the monkeys are a good source of income if you're clever and know how to feed them you have to be very discreet though you don't want to run into problems problems with the organization I suppose exactly you know how it is if they catch you you're out and then there's the police to worry about if the monkeys figure it out and report you it could end up bringing the whole Club down all right I've got to go I've got important monkey business to get back to but thank you for clearing some things up okay go back to what you're doing by the way did you take my advice what advice take care of yourself I did I slept I'm feeling all right I would be eating right now if it wasn't for your Gabi now don't let yourself go or things could go south for you and the club needs us to be in good shape try not to eat junk food get some exercise pizzas on the way go to the supermarket and make sure you get enough sleep we'll talk later okay bye and she's gone how long does it take for a pizza to arrive I could swear oh here we go please don't murder me greetings my motorcycle is guided by destiny one never knows the road until it becomes one's own Road well the GPS sometimes helps too here's your order here's a $3 tip please don't kill me Oh Oh No I spent more money then I was supposed to oh crap I don't have enough money for rent consider this life as a cosmic restaurant I feed you they feed you who do you feed oh [ __ ] okay eat a pizza and then we need to do a quick ha that's a different job I need a two hour job for our job do our job $24 please tell me I didn't miss my stupid landlord Oh yep we're definitely good hello you look like a landlady I'm here for the rent don't make me waste my time tomorrow I have to take an exam for the distance Business School they'll be $90 okay okay here you go great see the system works what losers like you there's no winners like me I'll be back in three days the child looks like a potato you monster mmm you're much more demure when I Drive the limousine darling she's clearly a limousine driver okay in fact you're my most modest client and look at you now she spells it out for me but I can't make those deductions myself apparently I need to do it here security guard paparazzi driver she is kind of paparazzi as well but now we have everything resolved oh okay so I don't actually have anything going on right now oh it just struck me what the purpose of this game is I get it now I'm stupid hold on a second we have a phone call to make hello this is Andrew Haynes a talent agent how can I help you um I have information about sneaked photos see how I can put this is actually applicate into nudism no of course she isn't she's one of the most modest actresses of her generation well someone has taken nude photos of her what the hell are you saying you know we're waiting for the right offer for that do you know who the bastard is who's taking those photos it's the driver or as I know it's her very own driver this is why I needed to know this beforehand I can't believe it Leslie Dooley I'll take that thank you very much the tree his driver thanks for letting us know and may I ask where these photos are being taken from Oh from the Attic from an attic apartment across the street from her house okay I'll make a note of that I have to report this right back if your information checks out we'll get back to you I'll call you back page one is now pending interesting okay and now we definitely know her name right we should be able to go to routine observation and reply back with Leslie Dooley okay so now they're gonna verify that information for us so I finally figured it out that the purpose of the game isn't to figure out what's going on in every single cage you need to do that for money and then the money is what lets you buy more cages and we need to get so many cages in five days so that's the purpose if I don't figure it out it's not the end of the world but I kind of need that money I don't want to be working in crappy jobs I don't really want to sleep right now I'm gonna go take a four hour job I have emails Oh survey says do you remember after verifying the relevant details we are pleased to inform you that the information you sent us is correct therefore we just transferred the agreed reward to you $75 thank you very much for contributing to our database on animal behavior the primate observation Club okay and then amnael panel I think that's just the picture-in-picture thing so we did it I think what is this arrested for taking new photos of actress Ashley Applegate the so called wonder driver Leslie Dooley was the photographer taking the shots and then selling them on the black market how much money she was making from this illegal activity is unknown so oh wow no way so we technically influenced things but I don't think we fed the monkeys that good hello hello I'm Andrew Haynes I represent Ashley Applegate's Ashley Applegate's what I just wanted to say thanks for the information about those sneak photos I've already notified the police yeah I figured that already we don't have to worry about anyone invading the privacy actually applicate anymore at least until she's old enough to give her consent for that sexy magazine cover I already committed to anyway the thing is we wanted to give you a little something to say thank you didn't see great you'll receive it in a few hours you're sure to like it especially if you're an Ashleigh fan all your information checked out so we're something where they pool well I have to hang up now we're interviewing candidates to be Ashley's driver we're looking for someone extremely nearsighted I prefer to risk running a red light or a stop sign and have actually exposed a prying eyes again goodbye okay so because I submitted all of the correct information things went well hello hi Stanley how are you I bring package for apartment 36 I bring package for apartment 36 I'm 16 yeah yeah I'll take it yeah that's that's this place Magoo varanese got the big ice-t's well take baggage I got a cherry pie I stole somebody's cherry pie was just admiring my cherry pie and then somebody knocks on my door hey it's you again I bring package for apartment 16 I bring package for parchment 216 yeah this is also 16 what a coincidence we'll take package Oh I got three autographed photos by the famous actress and singer Ashley Applegate with the dedication to a very very special fan with love Ashley that can also go on my shelf and I can sell that for a hundred and sixty dollars which I might need to do in the future I need to buy more cages I need the money or I'm gonna die so here's the thing it's my first time playing the game I had to learn the basics a lot of trial and error a lot of screwing around for the fun of it and then I ate 15 boxes of Chinese food and slept for 24 hours because I know I'm gonna die okay I'm not gonna be able to afford to buy what is it five more cages in the next few hours is day six what's gonna happen now probably not good things I think bio warning because you failed to buy the necessary number of cages to pass the mandatory evaluation you have been expelled and then you have been expelled because you didn't have the number of cages needed to pass your evaluation the club expelled you instantly that day as you were leaving your house you discover that someone had scratched the following message on your door get on with your life I won't be back it's probably best mistress I would assume okay after her record sales fell and on her agent's advice Ashley applicate opted for a racier image becoming the main character in her own reality show the hidden gates of Ashley Apple mood today her photos of her fully clothed fetch high prices on the black market wow thanks to advances in genetic engineering president Walker continued to win reelection indefinitely his mandate lasted over 250 years I don't even remember doing anything with the heads and as for you you continued your uneventful life working your [ __ ] jobs and even today you sometimes gaze out the window wishing you could see a primate whose behavior would make you forget for just a moment who you are and what your life has become so I didn't die they didn't rat me out they just kicked me out I'm amazed you know what I think that's gonna be it for this episode of do not feed the monkeys guys and I gotta say I really enjoy the game it's very different a little difficult to get the hang of which is why I did so poorly but if I try again I get the feeling I would do a whole lot better I could probably succeed and things would be completely different I've noticed that every time you start the game you get four different cages so when I restart we'll have a completely different mystery to solve any of you guys are interesting seeing that as always be sure to leave a like in this video let me know and I'll return for more soon things weren't watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 897,354
Rating: 4.8946657 out of 5
Keywords: do not feed the monkeys, do not feed the monkeys gameplay, do not feed the monkeys ep 1, do not feed the monkeys part 1, do not feed the monkeys attic, do not feed the monkeys funny, do not feed the monkeys funny moments, do not feed the monkeys ending, do not feed the monkeys celebrity ending, do not feed the monkeys ashley applegate, do not feed the monkeys walkthrough, do not feed the monkeys playthrough, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: dtzPLx9WDT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 45sec (2085 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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