The Illuminati Simulator - Do Not Feed The Monkeys

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great tired of the government always spying on you well it's your turn to spy on everyone else I think that's the purpose of this game I'm not a hundred percent sure I got sent this as a beta it's called do not feed the monkeys immediately you can get a feel for the game in the in the in the splash screen because we have the Illuminati monkey symbol on the TV let's go ahead and just start because I think that'll give us a better idea of exactly what we're getting ourselves into but from what I understand it is a Privacy invasive investigatory Gestapo game I'm really not shortlists I'm just gonna play together choose your avatar Oh a flower it's gingerbread man a robot I'm gonna pick the duck with the go F yourself glasses on they're generating a new game replay will allow you okay never mind tip I was hoping for something good but we don't get to see at the primate observation clubbed your new member following a strict vetting process your membership application has been approved welcome to the club for wildlife enthusiasts please read the contract carefully and accept the terms and conditions number 1 the club is an organization dedicated to study of primates and their natural habitat as a member you have the privilege of the deserving the species and the cage is loaded in your monkey vision to point one application I'm glad that they got all the way to 2.1 and with monkey vision put a lot of money in that on the stock market do not discuss the club or its activities with anyone never uninstall the application and above all do not forget that interaction with the primates is strictly forbidden do not feed the monkeys all right yeah let's accept any event of any infringement of these rules I grant the club the absolute right to apply the relevant disciplinary measures to me I assume that's death it's usually death with these secret organizations ah there's our installation of the monkey Tron vision or whatever 2.1 the Illuminati the monk monkey naughty all right I'll parent it let look at these graphics right over here on our computer I'm gonna sit oh I'm Michigan operating so I assume that's what that is version 16.1 oh it's not genuine it's a pirated copy it's so much screaming outside it sounds like someone's screaming outside from what I understand the idea is is that we get to view our monkey vision over here as you could see by Musco vision what it really means as spying on people that's effectively what we're doing there's all these different items that you have to fine and when you find them you write them down in your Illuminati book click on the question marks and select the term you think best corresponds with the words in the circle ok search engine so we're supposed to discover something the basement attic apartment parking garage obviously attic apartment that would make sense Oh topless alright we've already gotten in the best part of the game right here every flash means a fistful of dollars yes here we click on these and if you do it it's more search engine so that we could find out exactly who this scumbag is come on show me everything what is this lady look at that that's it that was great you're my favorite star you you sick voyeur really know what I'll take my breath I'll be waiting at 1400 hours ok see this is important so everything's timed here she's gonna be back at 1400 hours let's take a look at what's going on over here so flash camera photographs topless sneak nudes artistic nudes or selfies obviously this this sick I guess this is a monkey I guess this is what we're what we're looking at is they some sort of voyeur isn't thing going on so she lives in an attic apartment she's sneaking photographs now supposedly we can look this stuff what the hell is this oh whoa per owl oh pro owl search but really it just looks like prowl research the terms written in your notebook by clicking on one word to enter it and then click on search for me okay got it oh you can also search for a pair of terms by clicking on two words to enter them ok alright so let's try attic apartment nothing sneaked shots oh look hey YouTube is this ok it's it's blurred out and it's really pixelated oh there is boobs and butts everywhere this is fantastic investigation of rings selling and trading nude photos of famous women this is it this is our girl it's gotta be the shots can command a high price on the black market the current authorities photographs of actresses and singers of the most requested and bring the highest price there's always some pervert ready to pay a fortune for them a police spokesman said all right so now we have this stuff black market the Weiland's witnesses the number two religious sect by number 60 years after fount the founding by the holy butchart what the hell what was that o our ladies back she's early she's got another 20 minutes let's see what else we can catch in here is there anything else that alt look at this like a hat I don't think anything else you can move around as well yeah I don't know why the hell were watching chickens but whatever cotton princess give me everything you've got cotton princess that liquor underwear make that cash register c-come on little gift for your fans who are you you're gold okay we've got more stuff appearing over here so that's it from the mirror beautiful and photogenic is always fantastic okay we got a lot of stuff appeared over here you're much more modest in my limousine okay so now this sicko is a limousine driver that doubt the hottest star in the firmament next sessions in two hours honey mm-hmm yeah you like that don't you yeah I'll be on your ass like white on rice just wait until I figure out who you are money a lot of money lots um one at the door hello what's this where are you deadbeat remember that I'm coming to collect the rent in two days in the afternoon $90 have the money ready okay I have exactly $90 there's like food and stuff that you can buy to you can get food from food X it's like FedEx only a lot sadder and you can buy good stuff too like yogurt and chicken and whatnot so you can see this stuff over here it doesn't take your health down because you're eating healthy and then if you do this stuff it takes your health down but it gives you a lot of food and we also have a little pot of coffee which I'm pretty happy about you can make money by working over here dog walker dishwasher and a waiter oh the waiter is like late in the day maybe we'll do that later cuz we got it we got more stuff to do over here there's a lot of terms that we got to look up how about cotton princess Oh we just hit the jackpot a box office record for the cotton princess three oh crap hold on let me grab all this and then we got something going on over here our lady's back that's a frickin Mouse oh you got a mouse mouse is not picking the game you're the leading lady of my dreams uh-huh you're gonna be the leading lady in prison we can look at something else over here a star leading ladies so Adly model or actress has got to be actress so we're looking for maybe cotton prints this actress maybe that's how we can find out who the hell she's spying on all right she's out of here so let's uh cotton princess actress boom Ashley ever get premiere of cotton princess three Ashley Applegate shows that she's just as good as actors singer okay so now we have it Oh child star Andrew Hayes and we got a phone number over here too so we're gonna we're pulling all kinds of stuff we're doing a great job spying on this lady now is there anyone else that we could spy on we've got a couple other cameras over here but it just looks like some what the hell what is this what is this it's like a it's like a um like a museum and then a factory this is so weird like some of this stuff doesn't make any sense like the lady I totally get while we're spying on her but this other stuff it just looks like oh maybe this is making it easy for us like there's only one with actual spying material all right let's move on what the hell volunteer observation studies certain information about some of the cages loading your monkey vision once we verify that your information is correct you'll be compensated for your work okay I don't know what that means but whatever I'll read more sure these are voluntary okay oh we got a we got a chat Mego whatever the hell that is it's masked Maiden I don't think if that was the lady that was spying on stuff are you there hello it wasn't easy but you got in your part of the elite you can thank me later now you know what you have to do play by the rules and save up a ton of money I told you being a club member wasn't cheap a member of the Illuminati cast me tell you guys now don't make me look bad after all I've done for you okay what are the rules hit your targets if you know the organization will kick you out it's that simple they actually met yesterday to evaluate mine I move over to another level okay if I keep going like this I won't be long before I'm hobnobbing with the club muckety-mucks what the hell got to be discreet okay don't don't talk about the club very top secret and then there's that part about do not feed the monkeys no messing around with the cages don't bother the Apes don't throw them peanuts you know zero interaction that's something the organization doesn't like at all although to be honest that rule is something that well something that what it's flexible let's just say forget about it all right let's be careful it's just addictive Torsten sir back oh I spent so much time on it in the first week I didn't eat or sleep I almost ended up in the hospital so eat properly rest from time to time and we'll talk again soon okay let's do the let's do the big one let's do dishwasher make some big cash making stacks for the Illuminati what the hell regional scrubbing and rinsing manager there's a manager for the dishwashing that wasn't bad considering your limited experience but you still have to master the noble R of scouring oh you know what we can do a little research while we're doing this over here if you have a contact in your notebook you can use the telephone or by clicking on remember the chat also lets you send videos oh okay well we have Andrew Hayes over here can you search for this can we search for Andrew Hayes ha okay well I guess we can use our phone right oh you click on the phone I go let's call this guy I wanna see what happens calling him if like 5:00 in the morning 9:00 to 11:00 really 9:00 to 11:00 what the hell kind of hours does this dude have so I think we need to find out who the who the actual picture taker is alright 8:30 in the morning I got one friggin hot dog in here I'm gonna eat this and we'll have a little pot of coffee over here cuz I hate to say it but we're uh we're working right through the night over here and in a second it's gonna be 9 o'clock we're gonna get to call this guy oh speaking of which there's anything going on a monkey Tron what the hell is this oh we need to get more cameras we do buy more cameras almost shot TV home videos sex and violence in prime time the ratings leader kicked off its new season by calling on its audience to send us videos all right so let's buy a new cage right over there so we've got a new cage what is this record low prices Oh 33% off coffee that sounds good we could buy a little bit of that so this is gonna be available at 9 so that's actually gonna be tomorrow ok oh we gotta call our guy that reminds me a beer you should pick up there we go how can I help you all right Andrew listen we got we got some problems going on ok so we have a bunch of questions all right let's try it Ashley Applegate here we go I want to know everything yeah that's that's is that not what I just said adorable innocent Ashley is a former TV child star afraid you don't know much about the show business live but it was like I'd ran to get stuck in an elevator with a North Korean dictator then one of those bratty perpetual teens oh but this is Ashley into nudism modest actresses yeah it doesn't sound like it well someone's taking moved interest we were waiting for the right offer for that do you know who the bastard is I don't know yeah I'm still looking oh yes from an attic apartment across the street okay so we're helping here oh cage one is now pending all right hold on what's what's going on over here what's what's cage one did we clean up the cage is that what we did did we get this person arrested I'm spying on them oh we got to buy a new cage that's good do that oh wait we already bought a cage we could buy another one I have money okay so this is pending so we're all done there what the hell is this what is the name of the primate living in cage one crap I don't know I've been looking I've been trying to figure it out all of your information is correct you'll be rewarded in the amount of $70 maybe we'll find out when she gets arrested oh when the people moved there was a name here hold on look at this yes the Pharaoh as you watch as you pay attention you find out little intricate details okay the reign of M in office v who was both a patron and lover of the Arts Empire reached the zenith of his wealth and power okay it's considered priceless there's a couple of things we have here how about visitors priceless bust about these two well they go together all right how about this and bust there we go the feral exhibition and overwhelming success yes right 10,000 visitors I've already been able to enjoy the exhibition which has been opened at the central museum having the Pharaoh death mask is a real luxury Kevin Elgon the curator tells us all right sweet now we're getting some stuff so central museum okay who's this dude oh we got a number now for this guy man we're killing it now we're starting to learn some things we need to get some work done too a line waiter $24 only two hours for 24 bucks let's do that real quick we'll do that it's only two hours of work we'll get some bucks in and maybe that one pending case will be done good job think you have an answer in town for standing on one place without doing anything here's your pay thanks lady oh Jesus hold on I'm coming I'm coming oh it's Andrew yeah Ashley absolutely yeah thanks for the information I've notified the police we'd have to worry about anyone invading the privacy anymore at least until she's old enough to give her consent for that sexy magazine okay all right freak yeah case closed so I'm talking about supposedly we're supposed to get something as well I'm not sure if this is coming in the hell is this I'm Amy and this is Ted or apostle's of the local Weiland's witnesses Church do you have a minute to hear the word of Billy Bob the holy butcher sure wonderful let me tell you a bit about him I really don't care I just I kind of wanted to know where this goes in the game in case you guys were wondering basically what happened was Billy Bob saw a message and some fat and some bacon and now he found God I guess coffees 33% off give me some of that and give me a chicken that sounds delicious 23 bucks perfect we give Kevin over here a call oh wow he picked up hi uh it doesn't go there can you tell the difference between and I'm more foot and the seventh dynasty in a fire exterior you dumbass Oh bye a-hole what is this I suppose Minh I got a package for apartment 16 thank you can I can I have it I'll take package thank you do a very special fan love Ashley great I was open for some money but we got Ashley going on oh oh you can sell it for money holy crap all right I'm gonna keep it there for right now but if we ever need one huh we have if we ever need a hundred and forty dollars we can make it happen I can be a bakery assistant desirable traits ability to withstand extreme heat two hours for a couple of bucks yeah we got we got plenty of energy so let's make a little bit more money because we're gonna be spending it all on food anyway you did a good job hipsters can have fresh-baked gluten-free brioche for breakfast go back whatever you want thanks buddy well I got one thing left it's a lawnmower grass has grown the damn grass everything is green as far as the eye can see for God's sake sub what mow the lawn botanist phobic thank you thank you no one knows how terrifying I find that green dark thing oh my god damp grass come back whatever you are all right so we finished all that we've got some money to buy some food and stuff now I think you get more yeah you get more food if you do this stuff you just kind of get injured a little bit how do you get your health back probably from like fruit and stuff I'm gonna buy a pizza you know what I'm gonna buy some Chinese food as a matter of fact and coffee is still cheap so I won't buy a little bit of coffee and oh it gives us some health back yeah let's buy some fruit like that and some yogurt as well there we go alrights a new day we just found something look at her hair's all of us her husband taking new photos of the actress Ashley applicate so called wonder driver Leslie Dooley wasn't for cog or fur ah okay good so Leslie Dooley and I think if we use that we can get money for answering the question right so Leslie Dooley oh we got new feet over here too it's a bunch of cats and a sad chair but I need to figure out how to get Leslie do Lisa here oh maybe you can't do it if you win if you beat it it doesn't work I'll for the love of God what's going on yeah what's up buddy how's it going how'd your first few days reach the top have you fed them oh god the pyramid the club is dividing the levels how do you want to know the cage of the great primate oh we can answer this one the number for the person in cage three that's the museum one yeah kittens VHS tapes a TV okay so anything else in here there's nothing else happening in here right yeah that was a lot we could find this new this new go out here what the hell is this what is this here we're gonna have killer heat today killer you people have no idea what it means to be dead here's your water I mean thanks man here's a tip I guess consider this the gray-haired dragon guards a treasure even the worst monsters can have friends I'll be back what the hell was that was that like friggin like the ninja delivery guy whatever where's my I need to eat this stuff I'm feeling like crap over here there we go now I'm not quite so hungry anymore oh we got something going on in one of the cages let's find out what's going on right over here oh how good to see you I such a lonely man okay well you know that I will visit you twice a day uh-huh wonderful wonderful that good news how is your health okay so we need to find something specific here I'm guessing i all i all of a sick you know what it means to be old man and your mood i hate everyone i depressed oh god what what's going who are you I'm here for the rent yeah whatever $90 sure here it is get out go go go I got stuff to do yeah yeah what up back in three days whatever lady arrived in this kid she's like why did you arrive in the country he's like arrived in the country I've been here the whole time yeah foreign accent remember I have to take the blood pressure medicine now you go you'll go get out of here gray hair we haven't finished filling out the form yet you go go fight I believe me I'll be back later so I'm guessing this is like a caretaker it's like a home nanny or something I wait for you happy I grateful and generous old man this is the weirdest I would like I will like to have another visit all right bye everyone that was weird nurse Playboy I guess vulnerable senior I don't know what is this new care program for senior citizens it seeks to provide care to the weakest most vulnerable elderly people look at her looking over this lady's shoulder she's like ah ha ha looks like ah be your friend ha ho I'm coming for you later social workers ok Oh smile for seniors ok so we for called this number we can find out maybe who that guy is oh we don't know the name mister whoever alright yeah that's gonna figure so I looked up kittens found you kitten calm enjoy our kittens a new 4d technology fantastic our information was correct about the observation in cage 3 lucky us okay so we got money their record low prices 50% off yogurt oh ok actually I want to buy a ton of yogurt then because the yogurts pretty good it gives us some food oh yeah all the yogurt I want all the yogurt honey yogurt by frickin 8 yogurts alright now we're gonna have to buy more cameras as we got to get them calling man otherwise we're gonna get screwed because we need that many more and we've got only a couple days to do this so we got another one over here we should have plenty of food oh yeah look at all the yogurt everywhere oh we have everything everything I need I have one of these bit of fruit Fanta something's happening what's going on over here oh here's our lady our guy again let's see what they're doing mr. Statler okay so now we have a name it we can call about how's your health this lady seems to be doing a good job I mean there's nothing really complain about I mean she's just asking him how he is according to my notes mr. Sadler used to take care of kittens okay obviously yes yes sure that is what I'm saying oh he's saying that he used to have fans and a multitude of friend oh those kittens used to follow me around and love me yeah so his fans with the kittens I got you this lady really hates to pass she's like the pass was terrible it's genocide and bombs and cruelty and sadness you foul-mouthed genocide very bad word you know what let's drop the subject time for incontinence medicine go get the hell out lady is it cotton time and find out about mr. Stadler or whatever okay we got a full name Daniel Stadler fantastic all right so that's it I think that's all that we need for right now Daniel Sadler we got it that's money that's money in the bank right now olives we're so good at spying on people so what's the address Sunnyside Street boom right there big money oh we got a package this is the wrong apartment it's not for me yeah well I'm taking it anyway I don't care well take package thank you it's a cherry pie well that's nice what can I do with this oh you could sell it for $25 so that's how you make extra money that's cool we were correct 74 bucks baby all right oh let's buy another camera oh we're guys in here he's watching a little TV show about death and sadness that's cool while he's doing this they buy a new cage all right I think we've done enough right now we've spied on two people we stopped a peeping tom from selling nudie photos all over the world we saved Christina Applegate or Andrea Apple what's her name Ashley up gate saved her you see she's fully clothed here pretty modest what do ya see about this game you gotta let me know in the comment section below again this is just a beta that I'm in right now I'm gonna have a link if you want to check it out for when it eventually comes on over to its full release I have a lot of fun with this this investigation stuff is pretty cool and a lot of the dialogue is pretty pretty interesting as well trying to find out all these little things and everything like that there's something going on here I don't know what it is but there's something here that happens I just missed it I don't know what it is yet or what happens or whatever but there's something here that that that we're supposed to see I'm not sure what it is yet if you want to make the u-turn machine happy I don't know if you want to maybe see more of us spying on everyone like freaking big brother go ahead and spy any old Lake fighting or something out until next time folks stay foxy much [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 624,000
Rating: 4.9265432 out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, funny moments, funny moments gameplay, glitch game, glitchy game, weird games, weird games 2018, do not feed the monkeys, do not feed the monkeys game, illuminati game, illuminati simulator, illuminati gameplay, conspiracy game, conspiracy gameplay, do not feed the monkeys part 1, do not feed the monkeys ep 1, do not feed the monkeys steam
Id: 92Uu1Clz26Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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