Stonehenge Apocalypse | Full Movie | Action Sci-Fi Disaster

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we're here because we believe in the [Music] strange the unknown the unthinkable we're here because we want to know the real [Music] story [Music] this is the [Music] one [Music] [Music] the first Stones were put in place around 2500 BC local folkore says the stones were carried bodily on the orders of the wizard Merlin but in fact no one is exactly sure how the stones were moved or how they came to be located at this site Stonehenge was more than a temple it was an astronomical calculator aligned on the axis of the summer and winter solers who built it remains a mystery as well as how any ancient civilization could have moved these mass of stones some weighing as much as 50 tons oh my God stay hey look at the alar story oh my God oh my [Music] God I'm Dr Jacob Glazer and you are listening to the real story so friends I have something pretty big to start us off with today I picked up an unbelievably strong electromagnetic burst on the Earth's energy grid running all the way from Maine to England does anyone else pick that up because it's kind of freaky and shockingly I haven't heard anything from our government's so-called scientists something's rotten in Denmark my friends all right let's go to the switchboard what's on your mind caller I I want to know why crackpots like you pick on the space agency accusing them of lies and deception you have any proof they covered up the discovery of aliens on the moon oo crackpots ouch first of all buddy I never said they found aliens on the moon it was a robot head and second no I don't have any proof because the president classified it as a national security issue what's on your mind caller yo Jake I think Stonehenge moved really where' It Go Pittsburgh dude I'm serious I mean the whole thing is it's going to be one of those nights isn't it hi caller what's on your mind that coer was right the St at Stonehenge moved soldiers K me out of my own house took over the local Middle School I've never seen anything like it really there's soldiers at Stonehenge they've set up roadblocks and closed off the whole area said something about government excavation ch load of rubbish that does sound like a picture hung crooked heard some tourists got killed figured you'd know the truth not yet rest assured I will get the real story here's something I'm going to sign off for a minute you've reached the voicemail of Dr Joseph Lem Joseph uh it's Jacob call me ASAP it's important you the voicemail of Dr Joseph Lem damn it hello youve been trying to reach me I see Joseph finally you're a hard man to reach hey I'm a busy man Jacob what's so urgent don't play dumb just tell me what you know you're being a usual cryptic self my friend know about what that massive em surge that struck the energy crate it looks like it hit Stonehenge so still Chasing Ghosts huh or is it Druids this time Joseph this is real Stonehenge is under some sort of a secret quarantine then why aren't you on a plane for England right now what do you think I'm doing listen I want you to meet me at the airport we'll go investigate this together I can't my friend I got to puzzle my own to solve what puzzle I found something Jacob something big Joseph listen there there's been a massive electromagnetic disturbance in an archaeological s is just like you predicted it could validate your interpretation of the ancient texts n you flatter me my friend but at this point do you really think I care what a bunch of academics and bureaucrats think about me it's not just about you Joseph it's about us you me and everyone else they call crazy well then go to Stonehenge go now maybe your last chance maybe my last chance good luck J come [Music] on [Music] command milary [Music] welcome Dr charlesdale major pment where's Dr Le follow me sir looks like radio waves yeah they are and these particular waves are only between the stones they're not part of the electromagnetic interference no these wavelengths are structured she's here sir Dr Leeds John you call this a report there is not a shred of datering here that would explain how seven people could be burnt to a cinder by a tourist attraction it's been hard to collect reliable data the entire site is a wash with heavy interference any type of Recs after shocks no but we did just find something else abnormal radio waves oscillating inside Stonehenge what's the source I'm not sure they're propagating through the stones so they might be originating underground Mara radio physics officer R an audio representation all right well that sounds creepy where's it coming from Stonehenge David Dr charlesdale head of task force David geophysics so what are we looking at seismic eruption information R fault line one oh we can't say with certainty sir the electromagnetic interference is making seismic surveys impossible uh but we did find this anomaly what's this it's a scan of the alter Stone showing electromagnetic field inside the stone well we need to figure this out quickly Russians are already making accusations that this was a nuclear test [Music] the [Music] unbelievable amazing [Music] this is Dr Jacob Blazer and I'm reporting from Stonehenge believe me when I tell you I'm not making this up I can see that the stones have moved and the big question is how and why the government is quarantining the area [Music] thas I'm reading unusually strong electromagnetic [Music] currents put a light on this please huh that's all the swords discolored I'm on top of a Subterranean current that's flowing directly into Stonehenge there's something in the Stone John are you seeing this what is that some type of electromagnetic field in the stone wa em levels are really strengthening now sir em interference is rising [Music] hey get out of there you're in danger security breach trespasser on the field I want security out there right now interference climbing first to 100 GHz KC evacuate immediately everyone out of here the stones are moving oh my [Music] God believe me right go everyone go Emi H 20000 GHz nearing radioactive levels secondary wave coming in there's someone still in there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] energy from the blast was Channel deep underground seismic readings look like a thousand hosim was went off down there we're getting it now oh my God John come see this find out the s to that discharge how the discharge fight all the subsurface sensors try aerial Imaging Dr TR you've still got an intruder on the grounds I'm aware of that major so go find him we've got much bigger problem than we thought right after Stone hun interrupted Mexico was devastated by volcanic eruption in Yucatan holy cow all right let's not get ahead of ourselves we have a lot of data to analyze before we can even consider when this is connected you don't think a simultaneous volcanic eruption is connected we need to know what is going on right here beneath our feet not 5,000 Mi away everyone listen up all right 50 ton Stones do not move by themselves something has to move them and we know we have a massive field of energy at play here I don't think it's Merlin waving his magic wand so let's come up with some answers shall we right all right back to work [Music] much [Music] now we are here the Chamber of the sun is this way here right our Salvation depends on you finding this chamber do you understand understand I understand [Music] good we found our a bloody Intruder get your unit out [Music] there tell me what you think this is looks like a Genera thermophile this was in the soil sample exciting isn't [Music] [Applause] [Music] it [Music] H put your hands in the air top of the morning fellas I thought these microbes only lived in extreme environments that's what's so incredible pyrodictium cells are one of the oldest organisms on the planet normally formed in volcanoes and yet here they are reproducing in soil under the stones well how is that possible the electromagnetic activity is so intense it's actually changing the molecular structure of organic matter in the soil it's similar to how life on earth was formed well it's a intriguing development to say the least but let's just concentrate on the geomagnetic data shall we Dr trale please report to the Situation Room immediately let's go you guys aren't listening public is in danger and they have a right to know the truth caught your trespasser doctor hey who's in charge are you in charge I need to speak to someone in charge more walking less talking mate easy listen I'm hey I'm a scientist I can help you people piss off nice hey there is a shortening sequential pattern inside the radio waves that's reducing itself as the waves recycle how long before it recycles to Extinction put up a path loss projection [Music] it's counting down to what whatever it is we have 37 hours to find out excuse me doctor that fellow we just brought in he had some documents on sir I thought you should see oh not now major very good sir uh major what have you got Dr charlesdale maybe you should look at this that's some sort of planetary energy grid so what it's pseudo signs hang on a minute look at how he's connected Stonehenge to the coast of Maine now there was a detection of an electromagnetic surge along the same trajectory just before the tourists were electrocuted now look at this that is a direct line from yakatan to Stonehenge what was this man's name major Glasser sir Dr Jacob Glasser you're kidding me no sir claims he's a scientist Sir scientist my aunt Fanny gu's a nutcase this is a man who claimed the US space agency covered up the discovery of aliens on the moon I wouldn't write him off so fast I mean this guy was the youngest ever recipient of the prevent award for astrophysics this this guy was a prodigy yes that was before his brain went pear-shaped and he started a UFO talk show well he obviously knew something was going to happen out there perhaps he knows something we can use like what there an alien invasion [Music] [Applause] coming Glasser come with [Music] [Applause] me Dr Glazer I'm Dr leads senior advisor of this operation I saw what happened you cannot cover this one up have a seat please I'd like to ask you a few questions do you understand that we could be on the verge of a global catastrophe here s explain this to me please you're kidding me you don't know that there are electromagnetic currents generated by the poles that crisscross under the Earth's crust and intersect at points of concentration I'm referring to the pyramid icons such as the one you have here in Mexico ancient civilizations they knew about the energy grid they built architectural structures on the power points they dated in Mexico and Egypt Indonesia and Stonehenge and why did you highlight the line between Stonehenge and a grid point in Maine I picked up an em surge along that line it's probably what triggered the disturbance here you said your grid points fall on Ancient sites I don't know of any ancient sites in Maine do you that's just because no one's discovered it yet have you ever heard of an em surge causing a volcanic eruption is that what happened Dr leel ask the questions here's a question for you why is the soil around the stones turning purple that's a sign of a bacterial infestation very good Dr Glazer I see you know your oology yeah I know a lot of things are you aware that there's a weird e em field in the alter Stone yes I am we've seen it I have too somewhere else could be the missing piece to the puzzle and where did you see this missing piece to the puzzle get me a computer I'll show you I'll let her know Dr Le they want you back for the AAL Imaging all right we will finish this later great I'll just wait here this is Recon one elevation over Target is 200 ft Recon one Hold Your Position look radar dish is online what are we seeing no subsurface readings whatsoever increase pulse [Music] bones nothing we need more depth Recon one lower to 100 ft control increase pulse bounce pulse bounce at four CPS three okay hold on um the return signals are amplifying getting something keep going David this is working no sir there's something causing the return signal to bounce back too strongly it's overloading the radar I don't care if it fries the radar I want to see what's going on down there let bounce it [Music] [Music] too access to theed is restricted to authored only [Music] [Applause] [Music] get general for sure what the devil's going on Doctor Stonehenge took out one of our Choppers uh We've run into a spot of bother tell that to the families of the service were just killed good God how do you explain a stone monument shifting like that those stones have become the focal point of an unprecedented geomagnetic disturbance and what caused this disturbance that's what we're trying to establish but most likely a cataclysmic event under the Earth's crust maybe a a massive collapse in the mantle what about this countdown that's a shortening sequential pattern in the radio waves reflecting between the stones doctor in my world if something's counting down it usually ends with a boom okay it may simply be a pattern of attenuation but that Monument has already caused the deaths of 10 people Heaven Help Us if it's related to the disaster in Mexico we haven't made that connection regardless Stonehenge has become a destructive force it's a security threat must be treated as such General we need to be certain of the properties of this anomaly before we take any further action I spoke work with world leaders who think otherwise we're going to demolish it [Music] [Music] John explosives are set foration clearing the area EXP explosives are they nuts hey hey hey I need to talk to Dr Leeds can you get Dr Leeds please are you listening to me I need to talk to Dr [Music] Leeds Emi holding [Music] steud unit is clear sir go ahead major [Music] detonate I'm getting a magnetic Surge from the [Music] stones [Applause] nothing showed up in it's impossible what the devil just happened a surface magnetic field just repelled the blast uh what were the readings on that David off the charts how do we neutralize it doctor well we uh need to analyze the data we don't have time for that does anyone have an IDE idea how to neutralize this anyone sir there may be [Music] someone [Music] magnificent it's the prophecy [Music] yes [Music] scan the stone there's something there there the symbol in the scroll yes yes there there it is it's the power source needed to energize the stone the primor Ste Hill this is the [Music] key let's go he's here there's your computer Jacob hi I'm David it's a honor to meet you Mr Glazer this is it the anti catha mechanism was found at the bottom of the aanc 1900 where is it now it's the American foundation for archaeology in New York you hold that so this is uh this is the image that I picked up of the EM field in the alter Stone they're identical what does this mean my guess is the mechanism is some sort of electromagnetic key electromagnetic key thing looks like a piece of corroded scrap metal radiocarbon dating shows the mechanism is thousands of years old yet the metal is machined in a way that would have required advanced technology so you're saying this is a key to turn off Stonehenge yeah so uh in your mind Mr Glazer stonehengers uh a machine that you turn on and off with a key rather like a an automobile um I wouldn't call it a car it's a highly complex device it transcends our knowledge of physics I see so and uh who created this marvelous invention our predecessors on the planet right we don't have time for this get him out of here let's go come on you know there's never been a plausible explanation for how Stonehenge was built or by whom says the man who accused the space agency of covering up finding aliens on the moon I never said they found aliens on the moon it was a robot head come on everyone stage of posts the mechanism will stop it primary wave coming in he might start to climb at 400 G stones are going to turn again John let the countdown it's been exactly 10 hours since the last [Music] discharge [Music] volcanic eruption reported in Java Indonesia oh my God Indonesia has been flattened what m sends the debate on whether or not Stonehenge is causing disasters we have a planetary emergency on our hands this requires a global Military [Music] response signals across the entire region with an expected death tool in the millions the eruption of a massive volcano in Java has triggered earthquakes across the southern hemisphere tsunami warnings have been issued throughout the region massive amounts of smoke and Ash continue to spew into the atmosphere as ongoing evacuations continue throughout southern Asia after the break all right doc what's on your mind trisdale is lost here's no idea what's happening none of us do well that's bloody scary when none of you Geniuses have a clue exactly that's why I want to go with this man Jacob and bring back this mechanism what you have a laugh he's the only person here with any semblance of an answer to what's actually happening well I think you're mad don't let me stop you I don't have authority to use military transport major I need you to take us wo doc you need to get clearance come on you heard how he was mocked they'll never authorize it you need to help me major toal leads I could be Court Marshal this is a global catastrophe think about your family we have to do whatever it takes and [Music] now what if this bloke turns out to be a total wacko well then we live with it but if we sit on our hands and do nothing while Stonehenge destroys the world no one lives open the gate glass up let's go what now we're getting the mechanism t h I pray you're right about this yeah me [Music] too have to assume there'll be another Occurrence at the 20 and 10 hour marks then you better come up with something fast cuz I guarantee The Joint Council will order a direct of 1015 you're going to nuk Stone Henge are you joking do I look like I'm joking doctor I've been thinking we need to try to disrupt the electromagnetic field Jam the radio waves exactly if we can disrupt the waves then that should take the oxygen out of this thing now we will need a high power transmitter that can generate a concentrated magnetic field radio telescope there is one just south of here great get on [Music] it [Music] where's Casey uh she was outside a few moments ago go find her Stones turned and discharged again after exactly 10 hours followed by a super volcano in Java just wiped out Indonesia millions are dead my God and there was another volcano 10 hours before in Mexico both are grid points on your map this is going to sound so crazy oh great if you think it's sounds crazy what was the bacteria growing in the soil pyrodictium pyrodictium are you sure yes why I think the planet's being terraformed terraform you're right that's crazy no listen pyrodictium it's one of the ancient organisms that first oxygenated our atmosphere right everything that Stonehenge is doing the volcanoes the Quakes the bacteria that's how you create a life sustaining environment well I'm no Mucky muuk scientist but I thought our environment was life sustaining it's a machine it doesn't know what once created life on this planet it's about to wipe it [Music] out radio telescope is online guards say Dr leed's left with Jacob and Petman s didn't anyone join stop them no they assumed it was a prisoner transport jamming frequency locked on target transmit jamming signal what's Happ the stones are shortening their wavelength to evade the jaming frequency defensive measure shorten the jamming signals wavelength to the same frequency the Stone's wavelength is shortening again shorten the geming signal stay with the stones [Music] [Applause] B [Music] stopped of hearing range you still with the stones trying to catch up they're changing so fast the stones wavelength is approaching visible light accelerating jamming frequency signal to visible [Music] light ston heng's wavelength is going gamma electromagnetic radiation is over 100 RS shut it down what do you mean shut it down gamma waves are Atomic General pushing the wavelength this short is turning stun henge into a nuclear reactor hold done [Music] so the world is on the brink of disaster and the government sends you here to view a museum piece it might have some relevance follow me come [Music] on where is it St this bloody thing is going to save the world look I'm getting reading it's generating a current well how can an ancient Relic generate current where's the power coming from it's like the stones let's pulling power from the energy [Music] grid incredible open the case we're taking this with [Music] us get out of here [Music] hide in here no just hide in here wait until me or pman get back stay [Music] low [Music] [Applause] [Music] a payment pay P hello my friend Joseph what are you doing I'm doing what's become necessary to survive just as you are I'm not killing anyone over some ancient Relic is this your big Discovery the anti mechanism no I give you the credit for that in fact I must thank you for finding this missing piece to the puzzle how do you know that come on figure it out Jacob that's what you're good at my Discovery is where that mechanism belongs some might say it's the primordial Hill are you saying that you have found the berry pyramid would you like to see it no thanks what do you mean this belongs there just as you figured out that mechanism is an electromagnetic key that can energize the ancient Sanctuary that will provide Shelter From The Apocalypse have you completely lost your mind Joseph the ancient texts corroborate the Scrolls I found in Egypt so as you can see I need that this this is the only thing that can save us Jacob mankind does not deserve to be saved what happened to you Joseph where is your Humanity the world is dying here no no not dying changing I want you to be a part of this new beginning you want me to come live with you and a bunch of lunatics in a pyramid Jacob trust me when I tell you that will be the only shelter and when the new dawn Rises the skies will be so clear the air we breathe the water we drink will be fresh this is the new cycle of creation I think I'm going to stick with this old dirty stinky thly please just the way it is [Music] Jacob thank God where's the major he's dead I'm sorry there's a rat at stonehand someone is feeding them information who I don't know how can you make such an accusation you think someone there is a spy for whom why Joseph he knew that I was the one that made the connection to the mechanism who's Joseph he's an old colleague how could this be real sir overlay this on the EM tracking screen seriously just do it Joseph has this apocalyptic view that the world goes through these cycles of creation and destruction and that the next cycle is beginning in Stonehedge why would he m for the mechanism apparently Stonehenge isn't the only ancient site that the mechanism is a key for we have to get to Maine to Maine remember when you asked why there wasn't an archaeological site on the grid points in Maine he found it energy amassed by the Stones has increased exponentially this is going to be a bigger bang I've overlaid that sir thank you what do pyramids have to do with anything 1 minute to go [Music] [Music] unbelievable [Music] multiple eruptions in Giza North Africa is being torn apart by volcanic Tremors the Middle East is in a state of emergency oh my God what now the Mediterranean Sea is flooding into Egypt you need to send emergency alets to every coordinate that has a pyramid these areas need to be evacuated right away and you should get authorization for a nuclear strike on Stone [Music] the multiple eruptions in Egypt have religious groups declaring it's the end of the world are before volcanic ash starts blocking out the sun damn the military red lines are Jed to deal with the worst series of disasters in recorded history we are now getting report point will it be too late to do anything anything I don't know but if we don't find Joseph's pyramid oh wait I got through sir mergency call from Dr Leeds thank [Music] you what do you think you're doing John I saw the antia mechanism Jacob was right it is an electromagnetic device do you have it no a group of Fanatics stole it someone from our team told them we were coming but that's ridiculous what would they want with that artifact to activate a pyramid they found right another pyramid what does that mean all the volcanic eruptions occurred at Pyramid sites that proves everything Jacob's been saying what does they've confirmed all volcanic eruptions have occurred on Pyramid sites you don't say so where are you now we're driving to Maine to retrieve the mechanism you won't have time I've recommended directive 1015 your nuking Stonehenge are you kidding me give me that are you insane the stones are tapping into the Earth's energy grid if you nuke Stonehenge you will disperse radiation across the globe that is an entirely hypothetical scenario and frankly we are out of options did you hear a word Dr Leeds just said about the mechanism you need to help us get it all right what do you need a small unit of heavenly armed cops and transportation to Waterside M all [Music] [Music] right anything no let me get this straight the fate of the world depends on us driving around until you pick it up on your little meter [Music] there [Music] they say you were a brilliant scientist a prodigy I heard didn't you care when they started calling you crazy put me in Good Company how's that you know capern is Galileo yeah I got something I got it go east east go [Music] east you are the Chosen Few who will seeed this Earth with a pure spirit are you ready for the new [Applause] dawn bring all of them to the underground chamber then I will seal our [Music] Sanctuary hurry hurry wait stop stop go back that's it down [Music] there [Music] oh whoa something's [Music] happening do you feel that holy crap oh my God hey look out go faster basard [Music] what on Earth is that the primordial Hill you call that a hill an ancient text it was always depicted as a pyramid it's written that during creation would rise out of the chaos provide a sanctuary [Music] the strike has been authorized everyone needs to evacuate General I have to be honest new kingstone henge there's a chance it may back fire on us now you tell me that this was your idea and it was logical but I didn't really have time to think it through Jacob's concerns have Merit the brightest Minds in this world have reviewed your proposal and they think it's a good idea so I'm going with your first instinct Sergeant are your men to evacuate everyone within 100 mile radius ladies and gentlemen this is now a Hot Zone help don't for get that [Music] back get back get back get back get back get back happening those doors are electromagnetically sealed and let's unseal [Music] them [Music] nice stun [Music] [Music] grenade stay [Music] close Lem where is [Music] he where's Lem Jacob it looks like an alter Stone he's taking it he's got the mechanism Joseph damn it can't you track him with your [Music] me he's in the [Music] woods we've hit the 10h hour [Music] mark find the stones [Music] mother do you see that whole alter Stone's glowing get this way come on the Signal's getting stronger this way [Music] doctor look at the energy [Music] grid what's happening the stones are siphoning the Earth's energy grid this sucking up the entire planet's electromagnetic energy which means what which means when the countdown hits zero you'll get your boom the death blow everyone else we're evacuating on let's go all right move [Music] out he's close Casey hang on you're going to be okay hold this tight damn you Joseph you disappoint me Jacob give me the mechanism you look around Stonehenge is destroying the world it's not creating some sort of utopian Paradise for you and your So-Cal called pure spirits the only thing we know for sure is that Stonehenge is a terraforming device that was left behind by beings from another time exactly and this is exactly the way our forbearers planned it civilization as we know it is a failed experiment it's time for a clean slate I know you Joseph I know there's compassion in you please just give me the device and let mankind survive Jacob Only The Chosen will be saved and I'm sorry my friend that you're not among us free [Applause] yes [Music] I need to get to an air [Music] [Music] base Dr tr's down urgent call from Dr Leeds Casey what's your status we have the mechanism I need immediate transport to Stonehenge they have the mechanism it's too late uh you put this on the speaker just put here casy you're on speaker I have the general with me tell us your situation the cult leader is dead we possession of the anti mechanism and on route to gilboy Airbase Dr Leeds directive 1015 is in effect no no General trust me the mechanism is a real device you have to cancel the strike out of the question General a nuclear strike on Stonehenge will destroyed the entire planet I will not gamble the fate of this world on a museum piece come on General you cannot deny that there are forces at play here which we just don't understand please just get me on a supersonic I am begging you General there is nothing to lose by trying he might make it I'll get you back here Mr Glazer but then you're on your own not putting my men at risk when the time's up the bomb drops even if it lands on your head [Music] thank you sir I'm going with you no we have to get you to a hospital I'm going back you realize the risk you'll be taking I have no choice but to drop the bomb the moment the hot zon's completely evacuate at General the way I see it whichever way this plays out there's not going to be much of a world left at least I can do is try and help save it I'm coming me too you're all crazy gunar you're with me take this vehicle thank you Dre John God be with you yeah [Applause] I want you to have this your previlege reward I can't take that relax it's not a proposal or anything just take it why you know the trust that you've placed in me it's validated my work maybe my life I'll hold on to it until you get back deal deal [Music] [Music] he got to be something we can do [Music] yeah don't Glazer just landed sir I doubt he'll make it in time but get her moving and then get out of there tell him Trousdale is waiting for trale isai good [Music] luck images continue to in from around the club like ripped from the pages of Revelations reports remain unconfirmed that these events are somehow triggered by an unknown phenomenon emanating from the Salsbury plane and the monolithic stones that have stood there for ages all inspiring destruction and a persistent Silence from the collective governments of the world leave us with little to do but wait for some word some hope that there may yet be a reprieve as we stand on the of a veritable Stone Heng of Apocalypse Jose lem's colleagues once laughed at him when he said the planet had been terraformed into a habitable World by other beings I guess they're not laughing now what do you know about Joseph leem I know his prophecies come true as we speak an extraterrestrial apparatus is amassing the entire planet's electromagnetic energy and when that countdown hits zero unimaginable power will be unleashed the death of this world will be the dawn of the next David you son of a you tipped off those murderers that Brothers aren't murderers John you are not a scientist I don't know what you are but you don't belong here get out actually uh my orders are to [Music] [Music] stay don't you care that we are on the brink of Extinction here it is necessary for The Rebirth of the human race David you can't possibly believe that oh I believe that now more than ever a prophecy has come true and your Prophet he's dead yes and now it's up to me to see this through I will kill Jacob Glazer the moment he arrives [Music] [Music] Hot Zone is clear do it forgive me doctor eag one hot zone is clear proceed to Target Roger proceeding to [Music] Target relax we've got a front row seat to the planet's rebirth this is going to be the thrill of a lifetime you think this horror show is thrilling I'll David you are insane well if that's the way you feel Mara you shouldn't have come [Music] back let's go I got it where is it Jacob he's got a gun this Eagle One approaching Target confirm authorization to arm missile Roger arm missile Mis alarmed 30 seconds to Target [Music] [Music] 10 seconds to Target lock it in On Target I'm getting hit with electromagnetic shot waves got system fried we have to drop this Puff the old fashioned [Music] [Music] [Music] way [Music] [Music] a what's going on Colonel has a missile been released no sir the pilot reported losing Precision guidance due to Magnetic interference from the target he's switching to manual release we've only got one minute just tell him to drop the damn [Music] [Music] bomb [Music] I've got visual on the target releasing [Music] missile cutting it awfully close Jacob I'm must admit your tenacity is admirable but surprisingly misguided for someone who believes the space agency found aliens on the [Applause] [Music] moon it was a robot [Music] head [Music] [Music] reports from around the world indicate that volcanic eruptions and Tremors have stopped climatologists say it will take years for ash to clear from the [Music] [Music] atmosphere [Music] oh we're here because we want to know the real St story I'm Dr Casey Leeds and you are listening to the real [Music] story [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh
Channel: Sci-Fi Central
Views: 771,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ancient Aliens, Full Action Sci-Fi Movies for Free, Movie Central, Sci-Fi Movies, SyFy channel, The Asylum, UFO Documentaries, UFO Documentary, conspiracy documentary, full free movies on youtube, full free sci-fi movies, latest hollywood movies for free, latest sci-fi movies, proof of aliens, proof of aliens caught on camera, science fiction movies for free on youtube, ufo documentary full length, ufo footage, unacknowledged
Id: KxmxTFKV_z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 42sec (5442 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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