Deep Shock | Sci-Fi Fantasy Apocalyptic Full length movie | English

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] commander on deck we're nearing the pole 16 clicks south southeast of the polaris trench another 10 minutes we'll be on the russian side of the arctic we used to play underwater tag with his subs just daring those guys to open up the torpedo we still do that sir that's no fun anymore like going to the prom with your sister you know nothing's gonna happen sir i have something let's hear it [Music] unknown sir okay give it to mother [Music] what's mother say seaman transmission sir unknown origin transmission from where hubris research station maybe contact hubris research this is the uss jimmy carter have received unknown transmission please identify [Applause] hubris research this is the uss jimmy carter have received unknown transmission could you please identify sir whatever it is it appears to be causing interference with comsat sir i have a target closing 2500 meters identify unknown sir nothing that big can be unknown semen check your program yes sir [Music] mother has nothing sir hard to port hard to port object is countering our move sir now hard to stern bring us up 250 feet hearts turn hearts turn up 250. still closing sir prepare for impact justice speed movement arm the torpedoes torpedo room prepare to fire vessel at our 12 o'clock you're on an intercept course with the uss attack submarine jimmy carter [Music] what the hell is it i don't know sir but we're going to find out fast it's heading straight for us sir impact in 15 14. battle stations prepare for impact 11 10 nine sir hey do we fire torpedoes seven six five fire one fire one three two one [Music] torpedoes detonated on target negative still closing [Music] what is it sir [Applause] i don't know dr fletcher have you read the extensive study on the effect the arctic warming is having on the planet's environment yes i have read what you call an extensive study but you know as well as i that that study was politically motivated are you saying the arctic is not warming i'm saying what you think is warming the arctic is not the actual reason if the arctic and the polar ice caps continue to melt at this rate within 50 years 60 percent of the world's land masses will be reclaimed by the sea yes and thirty years ago people like you said we were heading into our next ice age so now you dispute your own findings no that's not the point what i'm saying is we take no radical action now what you're suggesting is that you'll be allowed further study while we risk worldwide disaster you're not taking into account what the real cause may be really and what is that transmissions from under the ice that need to be analyzed are we again going to continue with this so-called theory about intelligent transmission coming from the source maybe you are interested in becoming a guest speaker on the television show alien phenomena i'm not a television speaker doctor i'm a scientist like yourself let's simplify the question what is your theory on the source of the arctic warmer during the first recorded spike in temperatures there were transmissions a series of pulses from the bottom a series of pulses from the bottom of the ice cap 72 hours ago the uss jimmy carter was almost lost after it recorded a matching transmission then received a massive energy miss fletcher i've also read the report this uh so-called energy policy is much more likely to be the concussion from the torpedo that the submarine fired which was prematurely deadly but the transmission the object that the submarine was firing at don't you think that deserves a little further study you admit as a scientist that these pulses could be nothing more than magma displacement or uh an error in the sensor equipment as for the objects with the continuing destruction of the northern polar cap could be nothing more than falling ice miss fletcher so miss fletcher and i disagree as to how to solve the arctic warming problem i want to use seismic torpedoes while miss fletcher would like to wait and study the situation indefinitely not indefinitely understandably miss fletcher worries about the environment and is fearful of what me may be perceived as a radical solution with that stated i'm asking this committee for a vote on the removal you summon this fletcher this is supposed to be a conference you had your conference now we're having a vote as to whether this committee is to be subjected to your further ravings may i have a show of hands those who feel that miss fletcher should be allowed to continue her research at the hubris [Music] now may i see those who wish to end miss fletcher's tenure so to expedite a solution and to head off a worldwide crisis thank you miss fletcher [Music] fletcher although you are no longer working at the hubert research station you are still legally obligated not to inform the media the full nature of the future yes thank you doctor i am very well aware of the terms of my confidentiality agreement i mean we wouldn't want the world to know that the g8 nations are planning on nuking the north pole now would we [Music] so we have clearance to launch we spoke directly to chomsky tell hamilton to load two deep dive probes one megaton each listen to me henderson i need two deep down one megaton in the misinterpretation of the orders later right away no you listen to me i want orders with a real signature and on letter just like the old days yes something goes wrong you copy the chairs i want to get all your free card out [Music] [Music] let's open it up [Music] well it looks like you and me gonna finally do some real business sir there's a facts coming for you it's mark durjan tell her to get his ass down here asap so the commander wants that facts down here right away [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] curly hubris this is commander michael harris i've just been given orders to launch two deep dive probes with one mega ton of explosives each and begin phase two of the operation finally this problem was wrong now i know there's been some descent among various factions of the crew concerning this approach but i'm here to tell you that after all the data was examined by scientific communities around the world it was agreed that this is the only course of action all right gentlemen listen up i know most of you have never agreed with my approach to this problem but i'm asking you delay launch as long as possible allow me to get an override on this order i'll have to ask you to clear this room sir [Music] this way now i was hoping your cooperation would be voluntary now it looks like it's going to have to be mandatory please do not launch the nuclear torpedo thank you does anyone have a problem if i make a phone call [Music] yeah and it's hearst what's going on we just got a launch order godzilla i wanted to call you yeah well i would have appreciated it because harris has his finger on the trigger and it looks like he got authorization directly from the committee yeah he did john we gave it our best shot but we lost they're going to launch yeah well not just yet i've kind of put a damper on that what do you mean taking control of the torpedo room and stop the launch johnny you listen to me okay you're a decorated soldier you've got a career please don't then throw it away over there had a career that ended about two minutes ago but they've backed chomsky there's no more research they want to deal with the situation now some things are a little more what do you mean i got a roof full of guys with nuclear weapons and a loaded pistol in my hand you do the math if you listen to me we have clearance all on sorry mike i want to put this thing on ice until cooler heads prevail john get the hell out of my torpedo room and we'll forget this whole thing ever happen confine yourself to quarters can't do it sorry commander [Music] [Applause] [Music] tell fender to get his crew out there asap i want this problem eliminated no yes sir john listen to me you take harris's offer right now yeah they're gonna drop two megatons down a hole and hope to seal it we both know there's a lot more going on down there what can you do you can't stop it i mean how long do you think you can hold them off for well i spent two weeks crawling on my belly in desert storm trying to get a shot this is walking the park all right we're in position [Music] listen next time you see your husband you tell him if i met you first he'd be standing here not me you tell him yeah next time i see him [Music] john john [Music] sir threat eliminated no structural damage area is secured [Music] see commander what's the situation we're still operational yeah we're still operational how much longer to launch jenkins how long eight minutes eight minutes let's do it i have a contact what is it there's nothing that can be determined are we still go for launch you still go on launch i have a lock first warhead impacts 800 meters on the south wall second warhead impacts 29 seconds later the surface impact should seal the trench are we clear for launch both tubes loaded and ready to launch launching probes into the trench in five four three two fire one number one away prepare for impact you have clearance for two fire two fire two number two away 29.63 seconds behind number one both birds on target coming up on the trench [Music] sir you really should see this i've got something way off the chart [Music] commander uh i'm picking up a strange reading she got the electromagnetic pulse on this what the hell we don't even have detonation amanda massive electromagnetic pulse wave heading straight for us we've lost the torpedoes i know i'm sending a board code negative response negative response i'm picking up some kind of transmission or i'm a speaker what the hell is that late mermaids commander we have multiple targets heading straight for us 80 knots and closing at least 25 ton displacement each how are they i don't know no the hell are they we have power failures cherries two and three have both gone offline we've lost contact with the dive room this is the hubris we are under attack repeat we are under attack repeat we are under attack doctor we've lost the satellite link no we've lost the station uh so [Music] [Music] hello ann what the hell are you doing here it's nice to see you too oh the feeling's mutual they've asked me to head a team back to the hubris and they want you on it well i'm not going really well uh i don't think you got a choice oh you but i was fine you sold me out to chomsky what are you talking about the committee meeting was supposed to be a strategy review that's what they told me it's [ __ ] well looks like you got another shot don't blow it this time [Music] fine let's go [Music] have you ever been married corporal [Music] you're lucky man [Music] so [Music] glad you decided to come back well i was enjoying some cross-country skiing and i realized if i left the fate of the world in your hands i'd have to take up water skiing let's try not to be quite so dramatic i heard you lost the hubris lost contact with the hubris satellite scan shows the structure still sound well if you've lost all contact wouldn't you think that the facility suffered some kind of catastrophe well that is why we're putting a team back together to go oh and just after i was thrown off now you want me to go back i had nothing to do with that oh and i guess you had nothing to do with john hurst either john hurst attempted to seize the hubris at gunpoint and you killed him the military security team killed him let's get back to the reason why i called you and what is that doctor that i was right that if john had been able to stop that launch we wouldn't be in the mess that we are today shoulda woulda coulda get on with it we detected an 86 increase in the heat emanating from the polaris rift this is it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well at that rate we've got less than 10 years there's a plane waiting in a team assembling at banger we leave tonight [Music] this [Music] sure hope the hell ain't gonna be diving in this cold the heat from the rift is nearly 2 000 degrees you won't be cold in the water sounds like i got a jacuzzi waiting for me i thought you navy boys like the water cold i ain't in the navy anymore cyril private contractor on loan to the research agency ooh an aristocrat that's right hey did you ever hook up with that hot chick we met in a visa last year her and her friend tails from the dark side brother give me the details we got a lady present worry about me boys i was married to the military for three lousy years she was more like six to me that's right you two were married huh yo captain you signed on to a mission with your ex orders or orders all right we're about 40 clicks from the anchor access and so strap it you guys sure you know where the landing strip is i may just run 12 times in the last six months when was the last topographic reach you got on the runway when we left banger it was nine hours ago with all that heat under the ice there'll be some serious shifting so so there could be a mountain highs in the center of the runway suggesting the abort the landing no i'm suggesting we take another topographical read of that runway before we set this thing down satellite won't be around for another 45 minutes at least how much fuel you got not enough to circle for 45 and still make any base in alaska we don't have the choice to go back we land doctor i'm responsible for the people's mission yeah well g8 gave me permission to override your orders take her down yes sir but always it's rough it gets rough warning hold on tight what are you doing ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] so you all right huh yeah yeah all right all right everybody all right yeah i'm okay nice call he's dead yeah this one too all right we got to get to the access way you all right archer you all right man okay dude that sucked oh you'll be all right man start unpacking we're gonna go out what about them shouldn't we do something they'll keep in the cold better than we will we gotta get inside so [Music] you know where you're going doctor think it's this way [Music] damaged in the crash remember the frequency for the landing beacon the landing beacon frequency pilot has it helped a lot of good that'll do us [Music] i think it's this way let's go [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh no i'll go down there you guys wait up here why it's freezing out here because if the hull of the humerus is breached the shaft's going to fill up with water you want to go down there and drown or stay up here and be a little cold okay okay just hurry up please so [Music] it's all right come on down [Music] [Music] [Music] god these guys are totally fried what the hell happened here you all read the report before we left right after launch they were hit with a massive electrical pulse i'm gonna get the generator online get the power back up yeah we better head to the control room stay behind me [Music] [Applause] [Music] or these fried dead dudes man [Music] just like the others [Music] computer's dead this one's on battery looks like whatever happened went down about 18 minutes after launch i would do that if i were you launch control room might have been breached [Music] foreign before you get the power back up give me a minute okay uh less than a minute that was fast power search blew everything offline weird everything's fine now whatever hit him hit him fast nobody even tried to escape from the many sides well i'll be down looks like the entire station's 100 operational launch control room's fine so can i open it now be my guest oh [Music] it's commander harris help me get him out of the chair ain't my job listen doctor before we do anything else in this station we're gonna police our dead you got that [Music] sure [Music] [Music] you better get triple ot for this dead people hey man with that dr fletcher you see the way she was looking at me carnal knowledge all over her face bro yeah you're gonna have to get past opie oh that kid's striking out man can't you see that's a bad vibe that better be the last of them got up that right man i just signed on to bury the dead amen bro protest russia get down to the control room roger that you think they found another dead guy man this was not in my contract i say we bail man yeah how captain crash and his co-pilot ice cube head aren't going anywhere i've got no choice i have to launch another pro i want some more time to try and break these transmissions i've had six months and i was close so your theory is that something intelligent is at the helm of the trench right my theory is to understand the cause of the trench is to understand the transmission nothing is conclusive i gotta tell washington and g8 what's going on here you two stop bickering give me some answers what's up what's going on we gotta find out [Music] five years ago there was a study of electric eels in the amazon now the theory was that the electrical current wasn't a biological reaction it was neurological so the brain thinks with electrical energy so really the eels are using hyper electrical thought to understand the cause of the trench is to understand the transmission when we first started detecting the rift we intercepted transmissions that almost duplicated the transmissions made by the electric eels and as the rift grew we detected increasing transmissions transmissions to who there were general transmissions broadcast out of the trench straight up you mean space possibly so let me understand your theory you think giant electrical eels open the polaris rift to melt the ice caps and are now sending signals to someone in space and our government hired you stow it this is why i believe that some kind of intelligent creature is behind the opening of the trench intelligent or not humans inhabit the earth and we have to prevent the destruction of our own race yes this station tried and 27 men and women died now we're gonna learn from their mistakes want to launch another data probe into the trench how long before we can launch 10 minutes to configure 15 to launch do it what if i'm what if they interpret this launch as an attack this station has launched over 100 probes into the trench in the last year nothing happened until we tried to close it i think that proves your theory that this creature knows the difference between a weapon and a probe let's hope so where you headed research by you the head what's your plan we've got to try and decipher these transmissions figure out why this trench is opening up that's easy the water creatures right i'm gonna melt the north pole flow the earth more room for them captain andy raines your job is to stop them at all costs destroy them ask questions later right i'm a member of the human race i'm damn sure you're gonna see too if there's plenty of real estate left for us on our planet do you remember something they taught you in the military academy know your enemy maybe one of us should try and figure out who what these creatures are before we start nuking them again well that's why they brought you powers up launch sequence initialized one two three one two three locked and sealed this probe is ready to cook we got one in the tube ready to launch five four three two one probe is on target [Music] i got data readout [Music] we got three targets headed our way at 49. [Music] load a widespread impact torpedo into number two you got it what the hell do you think you're doing defending this station listen to me do not fire what do you propose we do wait see what their intentions are you may fire when ready roger that no wait for my order all right we're waiting for an order they're heading towards us to 40 knots we know their intentions whatever these things are wiped out the entire personnel of the station yes after they were fired upon the ubers may have taken no defensive measures i wouldn't bet on that [Music] can you hear that [Music] coincides with a warning or caution i need more they're slowing down they're breaking off their line of attack [Music] whoa [Music] we're circling the hubris they're right outside the hole what did you transmit i reversed their transmissions [Music] and [ __ ] [Music] so [Music] good [Music] we need medical down here fast [Music] so [Music] [Music] you all right yeah what happened i touched one and it hit me with some kind of electrical current you just reached out and touched it it's not the approach i would have taken [Music] seems to be all right what happened to them moved away from the pro end rest is heating up [Music] well if you're all right andy i didn't tell him everything why not [Music] you're the only one that i really trust i wish i could say the same andy i was in contact i understand [Music] tell me this is the hubris base station anybody there this is the huber's base station is anybody there what's up looks like the communications antenna shorted out and and you have to take the mini sub and plant a new one through the ice that ice is so thick i'm gonna have to fire an impact charge just to break through however you want to do it yeah that's not the point i'm not sure how these creatures are gonna react if i start launching explosives you sure you have clearance for this how am i gonna get clearance without an antenna right [Music] okay you got four icebreakers loaded in the two blow hole launcher radio boom we got it mit phd [ __ ] good luck [Music] ready for lunch i got you brothers [Music] yes [Music] i got a possible candidate here [Music] targeting hey um doc what do you got on the screen there you're clear all right launching [Music] i still got two meters to break through i'm gonna launch the second one i got you protis firing number two jackpot launching how are we looking doc still clear we are transmitting ready for length got your length we have a sonar [Music] [ __ ] [Music] hey these things are closing fast they're attacking [Music] [Music] what in the hell is he doing out there we need the communication so he went out to plan a transmission buoy without talking to me we have to have communication with the outside world captain you're gonna use the access tunnel to plant that transmitter any explosion out there can be taken as aggressive action you listen to me doctor this may be your mission but i'm running see i can't take much more of this i gotta take action to me listen to me i want you to sit tight relax stay dead in the water don't move [Music] i know you are just sit tight we'll get you out you stay calm logic bob 498 one two three captain i got this for 12 minutes and i'm going straight down son listen to me don't take any action at all [Music] just sit tight brother this no [Music] i'm overriding that command fire marcio [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] what the hell happened hold on wait here [Music] [Music] [Music] andy are you all right oh it's a little nippy oh we'll get you a blanket damn it god nice work captain yeah we wouldn't be a chip flipping to my job i had to set up communication [ __ ] you knew exactly what you were doing you wanted to see if those explosions would provoke those things we have to tell the committee what has happened what has happened what besides being attacked by electric eels [ __ ] someone want to tell me what has happened these creatures weren't released from the trench they've created it when one of them entered the dive tank i touched it and it communicated with me you talked to a fish they are far from being mere fish i'd love to believe you dr brit well they thought what you'd like to us john hurst went to extreme measures to support your wife killed him in the process how do i know this isn't just a ploy to end this operation did not support what john did so you want me to go to the committee and tell these creatures have come out of a very long hibernation to prepare earth for their children to them the human race is simply an infestation this infestation is willing to survive the committee is ready to vote to launch a massive nuclear torpedo attack closing this trench permanently in one hour now a massive nuke attack will be pulled forward to be airborne before there's no way to escape the access way is flooded sending a plane for us as we speak let's hope it gets here this attack will end up exactly like the first one at the present level of heating from the trench the ice cap will be reduced by 82 percent in three years the green land cap by 64 we will be at the point of no return if we wait and the consequences of a massive nuclear detonation at the pole with the closure of the trench we hope to see most of the fail out containing newly formed ice but there will be repercussions to northern fish supplies for at least the next 20 years the hubris research station failed the first time why do you feel confident that this operation will succeed we have nearly 50 nuclear armed attack cells closing towards the pole as we speak they will first launch high explosive territories to clear a path in the eyes these launches will be followed by each sub launching four one megaton warheads whatever interference caused by the entities present at the trench during the previous attempt will be overwhelmed ladies and gentlemen of this committee i need your vote [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] how are you feeling almost dry other than that condemned thanks how about you i think i figured out a new way to decipher these transmissions good for you what's bugging you i don't know if you realized it but we're probably not going to get out of here live once they've launched i'm trying not to think about that and chomsky's not going to relay your report he's considering it inconclusive i'm sure he does damn it anne we're under the ice in the north pole end of the world's coming at us and all you can do is just act so so what go casual you want me to do what i don't know more end of the world-ish end of the world-ish all right [Music] that will lock it you start [Music] [Music] you know i'm really close to breaking this code yeah you think you can do it i'm not if get back to work don't let me slow you up okay oh okay okay i guess i could just go and talk to chomsky yeah i gotta get back to work what right [Music] well here here i go [Music] so [Music] how close are they sir the pervaders at 1200 meters and the saint petersburg's at 2000 meters they're matching our death sir we've spent our entire careers trying to avoid giving away any bit of information and now they want us to send them our targeting data this is a direct order from admiral kinney of the atlantic fleet yes sir seaman send targeting data yes sir sir i've got a question go ahead we're loading nuke torpedoes into the tubes it's a direct order yes sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] they made their decision they're gonna launch in zero eight hours you never even told them about anne's discovery did you what am i gonna say fate of the world rests on some woman who's been contacted by a billion-year-old fish let me ask you a question why'd you even bring her sometimes being right just isn't enough and me why'd you ask for me i figured you'd be the least likely to be influenced by her how so major john hurst was once your friend he betrayed you she left you for hers because he believed her and you didn't don't let her destroy you the way she did him that is a hell of a lot of dangerous ice up there i mean i suggest that we begin the clearing operation from here bought a solution i have solutions transmitting to the poveta and the st petersburg torpedo room fire on my command all solutions plotted you have a solution fire what the hell is going on up there subs are breaking through the ice to launch no you have to stop them i've solved the decipher code committee has voted research is over it's time to act [Music] you're too late they've launched damn it there's got to be something we can do come here what are you doing you sure that program of yours works will it run on the mini subs computer it should get it what are we gonna do we're gonna make contact [Music] grace [Music] i want to know one thing what's that is it because hurst believed you and i didn't that you left me for him stupid andy reigns you think i left you for him in a word yeah i left you because you broke my heart [Music] john was a friend he was once your friend too when did you think i was sleeping with him weren't you maybe john wanted more but i had one big problem what was that i'm still in love with you you tell me something why are you doing this is it because you finally believe me or because you're still in love with me [Music] how are we looking should be clear to fire sir this is a comsat transmission yes sir uss jimmy carter shows most residual eyes cleared awaiting orders to fire from admiral kinney sir the saint petersburg just exploded what happened uh there was a massive energy fluctuation then then nothing it's gone it's gone commander beach of the uss jimmy carter we are under attack we need immediate operational orders to continue this mission or pull back launch this is chomsky yes sir receiving the order now affirmative [Music] this is chomsky who the hell's in the mini stuff don't answer him captain reigns captain you're directly disobeying an order from the joint chiefs of staff in the ga committee it's one way to look at it fletcher and i've decided to give the world another option when these torpedoes impact your only chance to survive will be on board the hubris hope you're right sir i have a target closing in at 50 knots same as before yes sir i want immediate launch and that invasive maneuvers yes sir i have a fire solution fire and then hard to port captain when those torpedoes impact your mini sub will be destroyed do you think you have any better chance remember what happened last time there was two torpedoes this time there's over a hundred with one megaton warhead last time the warheads never even reached their time we've shielded them look this conversation is a complete waste of time unless you're going to return to the hubris goodbye [Music] right the mini sub is never going to withstand a blast neither will hate [Music] close them fast [Music] still closing [Music] what is that the transmission that frequency is so high is starting to short out the transceivers foreign [Music] you are amazing these are words that are in their own language the program has no translation for them it's their name the name they've given this world [Music] [Music] [Music] you're ready to launch high exposure torpedo [Music] [Music] fire [Music] we gotta get out of here [Music] [Music] prepare for impact [Applause] that though stand by torpedo choose what the hell are you talking about the last torpedo is from the station [Music] they're closing in fire better be right you son of a fish [Music] what the hell's going on [Music] open son of a [ __ ] [Applause] ah you read me come in 20 minutes it's not going to matter anyway maybe we can surface where the transmitter is playing to where wear 50 below on top besides when these torpedoes detonate ice is going to be shattered for miles what are you doing you gotta at least try that's what i like about you andy raines you never give up foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's the condition of the humor i don't care just come and get me damn it we can't just leave you in there i like about you dr fletcher i always want to do the right thing [Music] doctor we're coming back eta six minutes good [Applause] [Applause] what do you think they're doing i'll be waiting to see what we're gonna do 52 of the facilities flooded [Music] places really busted up sub base still operation let's take her on in doctor what happened i want you to know it was her idea to come back ah i guess i was contacted what did they find out i don't know what did they learn from you nothing tell me what they found out don't touch me they found out about the plan what plan to distract them from the torpedoes while they attacked the hubris came straight from the president that joint chiefs of staff let him go [Music] what do you want to do i have to contact them [Music] they realize what's happened they don't have the power to stop all the torpedoes so they'll all be killed the signal to the others that earth will not be inhabitable the hull of the hubris was built to withstand catastrophic pressure from collapsing ice i think we got a better chance in here than we do in the mini sub and if we move the hubris further away we've got an even better chance right detach half filled with water will sink as soon as we run out of fuel but it's our best shot i'll have less than 12 minutes [Music] [Music] engines are operational i fire them up [Music] no still float [Music] level out one baby pull out wow [ __ ] too heavy [Music] dodge that bullet of course in 10 minutes we can run out of fuel to sink like a rock can we flood the rest of the hubris and escape on the mini sub yeah why you can use the hubris as a cocoon for the next thousand years i had to ask [Music] doctor what are you doing what the hell do you think you're doing i'm taking the miniseries no you're not we're all escaping on the mini sun not here to save endangered species they're not endangered species do you know what we can learn from them goodbye doctor [Music] it doesn't matter it subs our own way to the surface [Music] [Music] how much power do we have six minutes maybe less [Music] six minutes and then we sink [Music] yes mr president there are five minutes from target there he goes taking our escape plan with it what plan we would have run out of power at 20 clicks and then what oh we've given it a try i've still got a chance said the rest of the hubris blow the excess panels are you thinking what i think you're thinking trust me [Applause] emergency pickup [Music] hang on here we go all right i'm 120 still sinking [Applause] they're here they're inside the hub blossom power going down 13 12 11 10. one this is maybe somebody [Music] [Music] we're out of power yeah we're dead in the water oh we gave it a good shot did we honey [Music] we got power [Music] [Music] when i keep the engines at 150 percent we stay just exactly at this angle we might be able to crack through the ice and get out through the access wood well what'll happen to the hubris oh it'll sink you'll have your cocoon they'll have it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a hubris team do you read me this is a hubris team do you read me roger hubris eta 12 minutes 12 minutes [Music] i believe that any trace of the species was wiped out with the detonation of the nuclear torpedoes thus with the radiation levels i would suggest that any search be delayed for at least five years until the radiation has reached a safer level thank you doctor captain reigns do you agree with dr fletcher's assertion that none of the species survived i agree with my with dr fletcher yes [Music] then this committee will maintain the present moratorium on any further search for the species within 100 kilometers of the north pole for at least five years thank you congratulations just hoping they come out of hibernation i'm long gone from this world i'm sure we'll both be longer so how's the house you finished that remodel we started why don't you come over and see for yourself [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Movie Channel Time
Views: 295,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movie Channel Time, MCT, Movie Channel, Entertainment, full length, movie, movie channel time, english, full, entertainment, MGM, Film, video, USA, action, adventure, cinema, Fox, 20centuryfox, marvel, Avengers, universal, disney, Don´t look up, HBO, T-Series, future, apocalypse, drama, sci fi, boba fett, Obi-wan, Free YouTube movie, popcornflix, b-grade, bigtime, Monster movie, fantasy, Deep Shock, underwater monster, Sci-Fi, movies, David Keith, Simmone Mackinnon, Msrk Sheppard, Sean Whalen, Post, Syfy, music
Id: ZV85AekHXO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 20sec (5480 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 09 2022
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