Adira | WWII Period Drama | Full Movie | Surviving Holocaust

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(Adira) Our lives are much like trees. [soft piano music] They don't propel forward in a linear pattern. But rather grow in different directions. Like the roots of a great tree. Everything can be found in that tree. Our family our memories our struggles everything connected. [footsteps] (Momma) Come darling. (Poppa) Move, quickly! [dog barking] [loud knocking] [intense ominous music] (Poppa) Be strong. [loud knocking] [Gestapo speaking German] (Momma) Be safe. [floor boards creaking] [leather gloves creaking] [papers crinkling] Is there something you want to tell me? Where is the little girl? Don’t worry... we will find her soon enough. [door slams] [floor creaking] [ominous music] [ominous music grows louder] A Jew-lover is worse than a Jew. [chimes of music] (Dieter) Here. As soon as we stop. I want you to get out and run. (Poppa) The house is ready for them with enough supplies to last for a few days. (Ernst) We will be sure to move them in time. Thank you for everything. Anything we can do to help. [light knocking on door] Excuse me. You see this, it’s a good luck charm. Take it. Thank you. You're welcome. (Poppa) Good to see Mr. Ackerman. (Dieter) Thank you, professor. (Poppa) I take it your travels went well? (Dieter) Yes, everything that is planned. But I must warn you there are rumors of a new checkpoint near the farm. (Poppa) Will that be a problem? (Ernst) It shouldn’t be. We can always take the long route. We are running out of time. We need to get as many of them as we can. (Poppa) I understand. Please be careful. Shalom. [melancholic piano music] Don't worry, darling. They will be safe. What about us, Poppa? They will eventually come after us. But we... are going to keep you safe. You have to stay strong. [truck engine rumbling] [Dieter speaking in German] [Ernst speaking in German] (Soldier) Stop! [Soldier speaking in German] [tense music] Stop! [tense music continues] [Ernst speaking in German] [Soldier speaking in German] Pig! (Ernst) Adira! Run! [gun fires] [energetic rock music] [machine gun fires] [pensive music] Ow! (Poppa) Now, remember what I told you. When the truck stops you make a run for it and never look back. And then head east until you reach a creek (Adira) And then take a look at my compass and head north. Once I reach a clearing, I will be on grand-papas land. I know Poppa. [serene music] My sweet Adira beautiful and strong like your mother. I need you to listen to me. Our brothers and sisters will find you when it is safe. And we will be reunited... If not in this life... then in the Holy Land. And I love you, so much. I love you too, Poppa. (Adira) I am not worthy of their sacrifice. That blood forever on my hands. [serene piano music] (Adira) I could feel them. The many displaced families and children that pass through here. That found refuge here. [serene piano music continues] (Adira) How much longer do you think it will be? I'm not sure, but I'd say about a week. I guess that's not that bad now. No, I wouldn't say it is. So... What do you want to do now? Yeah. I'm kind of hungry. Aren't you? A little bit. Do you want some cheese? Sure. This isn't so bad. [ethereal music] (Adira) I can feel you all around me. And the breeze. The sun. Like the warmth of your embraces. [serene music continues] It's been a week and still no one has come for me. How much longer will I have to wait? [pensive music] [metal squeaking] [metal clanking] The days blurred together as the dream. Or a nightmare. I can't wake up. [distant thunder cracking] [rain falling] [vocalizing ethereal music] Yeah! [stick breaking] [goat bleating] (Adira) I see everything in a new light. Like it could quench my hunger. [birds chirping] [ethereal guitar music] [ethereal music continues] (Adira) I want to go back to you. Let me go back. [Momma singing “Let the rest of the World Go By”] ♪ With someone like you ♪ ♪ A pal good and true ♪ ♪ I'd like to leave it all behind ♪ ♪ and go and find ♪ (Poppa praying in Hebrew) (Momma) ♪a place that's known ♪ (Poppa praying in Hebrew) [twig cracking] [crickets chirping] [wolf howling] [ominous droning music] [wolf growling] [Adira praying in Hebrew] [Adira vomiting] (Adira) Out here... I appreciate so much more. The creek. The breeze. The warm sun on my face. The welcome security of the memorized words from my books. I am grateful for these little things. Here, goat. [Adira clicking] I won't hurt you. [goat bleating] [tranquil piano music] [fire crackling] [tranquil piano music continues] [goat bleating] Move. Move. Move! Move! [Birds fluttering] (Adira) Momma. Poppa. I carry you with me whatever I go. Even though the weight is heavy on my heart... I am thinking of you always. [serene piano music] [brick rumbling] [WWII fighter plane engine roars] [melancholic music] Sometimes I wander... in hopes of forever being lost. No one has come for me and I feel glad. I'm afraid my will to live has escaped me. I thought I would go peacefully in a dream. But something always brought me back. [bugs buzzing] [ethereal rhythmic drumming] [birds chirping] [ethereal music continues] Hello? Hello? (Adira) I discovered another house about a day's journey west. Abandoned yet full of past life and treasures. I helped myself. [Elizabeth Spencer, Charles H. Hart & Earnest R. [Ball singing “Let the Rest of the World Go By”] #With someone like you #A pal good and true #I'd like to leave it all behind #and go and find #some place that’s known #To God alone #Just a spot to call our own #We’ll find perfect peace #Where joys never cease #Out there beneath the kindly sky #We’ll build a sweet little nest ♪ Somewhere in the west ♪ [music trails off] [crickets chirping] [grass rustling] [footsteps crunching] [ominous music] I don't mean you any harm. I just need some shelter for a few days. I saw the fire. I have food and drink to share. Consider a peace offering. [ominous music swells] Hold on now. [Adira vomiting] [serene piano music] My name is Eric. How long have you been hiding here? I was part of the 35th para-platoon in the English Army. We landed five weeks ago into a trap. I unfortunately landed in a tree. And watched as my platoon was taken by the Nazis. They shot down the majority of us and captured the rest. I'm on my way here. There is a port here. It's selling a boat ride to Sweden to the highest bidder. Sweden has, for the most part, remained neutral in this bloody war. And people like you and me can find refuge there. This here’s going to win me the boat ride. Where are you going? [vocalizing ethereal music] (Adira) We wandered for hours. It's heavy steps, scaring everything away. [grass rustling] But it was comforting. For so long I have wandered these woods by myself. And now I carry the burden of being with someone. (Eric) So you don't say much, do you? [bush rustles] [playful music] Ahh! [water flows] You know, I always enjoyed a good gag as a boy. You see the unsuspecting prey... [whistling] will trip on the thread. (Eric) Huh? It's also useful in alerting you of danger. I'll tell you what. Let me treat you to dinner tonight. It's the least I can do for having so dreadfully imposed on you. Okay. But on one condition. We race there. Is that your mum and dad? What's your story? My parents and I came from England to Germany When they heard our relatives were being persecuted by the Nazis. Jewish? My father fell in love with my mother and she converted to Judaism to be with her. Using his family name, Irvin we arrived here undetected. But it wasn't enough to be near my family. My parents felt the calling to be a part of the resistance. They could no longer stand by while friends and neighbors were being being attacked or taken away. So they began to harbor refugees from all over. Our home was the last stop on their journey to freedom. [tranquil music] It wasn't long... before the Gestapo found out. And arrested my parents. That was three years ago. I am now waiting... for resistance members to rescue me when it is safe. Then I will be reunited with my parents. You think they will have come for you? I'm not sure. But my memories and the hope of being with my family are all I have left. I fear that if I leave... I give up on my family. You’re very brave. What's your name? Adira. [truck engine rumbles] [ominous music] What's going on? [ominous drumming music] [Private Nast singing in German] [gun cocking] [gun fires] [woman screams] [tense music] [Nast singing continues] [Woman sobbing] [gun cocking] [gun fires] [Nast singing continues] [Nast speaking in German] [Nast laughing maniacally] [Poppa praying in Hebrew] [knocking on door] [Gestapo speaking in German] [frantic piano music] [slowing knocking] Momma... (Momma.) Shh. Come darling. (Poppa) Quickly! [frantic piano music continues] [gun cocking] [gun firing] [woman screams] Hey. Want some bread? [distant thunder rumbles] What happened? You ran out like a bat out of hell. I thought the wait was finally over. I thought they finally came for me. I hate them. I hate what the Nazis are doing. I'll drink to that. Hold on now. Take it easy. You’re no heavyweight. [Adira crying] Hey. I hope this isn’t because of my heavyweight comment. I saw a Nazi soldier kill two people execution style. Like he was putting down two pitiful dogs. Shh. It’s okay. You’re not alone anymore. Look... there are things in this world we’ll never comprehend. [ominous droning music] [Nast singing in German] Something the matter? (Adira) Sh! [urine trickling] [Nast speaking in German] [grass rustling] [ominous droning music] [wolf growling] We have to get out of here. It's not safe. They might see if you leave now. Fine, we leave at midnight. I can help you get far enough away from danger. I can't. I must stay and wait or I will miss the resistance. Adira, that’s just foolish. Look, the resistance is not coming for you. It's been three years! [pensive music] Look, I didn't tell you this before but there's a bloody massacre raging out there. After I cut myself down from the tree... I followed the Nazis to a nearby labor camp where I watched my brothers join the ranks of emaciated corpses. I'm sure it was just a special prison for enemies. You're wrong. I sat by and watched small children and elder folk waiting to go into gas chambers. The bodies stacked on top of each other like fire logs along the camp. Once I tortured myself enough I headed east. Where I met a fellow whose platoon had been shot down instantly upon climbing a hill. No survivors except him. It's times like these I wonder why Lord Almighty himself doesn’t come down and serve justice. Look, your family's probably dead. [sentimental piano music] I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. Don't [emotive music] [inaudible] [gun clicks] [ominous music] [ominous droning music] [metal clanking] [droning grows louder] [metal clanking] [grunting] [Nast in speaking in German] (Nast in German) What the hell?! [gun firing] Ah! [gun firing] [gun clicking] [gun firing] (Nast) Stop! [ominous rhythmic music] Tsk, tsk. [boots scuffing] [Adira screams] Stop! [intense rock music] (Eric) Adira, run! [gun firing] Will you come with me? I can help you find your family. You don't have to be alone anymore. [serene vocalizing music] [serene music] (Older Adira) I never stopped searching for you. Even when my life became full of special moments and I was inundated with a loving, growing family. The void was still there. The overwhelming wonderment of how and why we couldn't be together again. You are here now. But then again, you always were. I'm coming home.
Channel: Stash Movies
Views: 171,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Period Drama, WWII, Full Movie, Adira, holocaust, nazi germany, war, Kansas International Film Festival, Orlando Film Festival, survival, jews, resilience, Courage, family, hope, bonding, Solidarity, soldier, Gestapo, sacrifice, death, tragedy, brutal, cruelty, humanity, genocide, brave, challenges, unyielding, suspenseful, abandoned
Id: MHOi3zUJkwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 13sec (4693 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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