The Merciful (2022) | Full Movie | Thriller Movie | Idaho Movie | Survival

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(gentle music) (fire crackling) (birds chirping) (gentle music) (screen door bangs) (lock clicking) (key thuds) (Hey sighing) (Hey panting) (Hey inhales sharply) (gun clicks) (Hey gasps) (clip thuds) (Hey sighs) (gun cocks) (Hey panting) (Hey panting) (engine rumbling) (Hey gasps) (gravel crunching) (door opens) (door closes) - You're alive! You alone in there? You stayin'? I'm gonna need that cabin, boy. (Hey grunts) (Hey panting) Oh, hell. The whole world's stuck eatin' a shit sandwich, and here you are on my mountain, worthless as tits on a bore. All right, boy, this little pissin' match can hold for now. For now. Let's go, Jimmy. Jimmy, let's go! (engine rumbling) (dramatic music) - Never! You hear me? Never! (music fades) (wind whistling) (Hey sighs) (Hey sniffs) (Hey sighing) (water splashing) (Hey grunting) (water sloshing) (shots firing) (gentle music) (gun clicks) Fuck. (Hey sighs) (music continues) Breakfast time! Come and get it. (snow crunching) (solitary music) (wind whistling) (snow crunching) (shots firing rapidly) (firing stops) (gentle music) (cutlery clinking) (Hey grunts) (Hey sighs) (metal clanging) (Hey sighs) (fire crackling) (music continues) (Hey exhales) (Hey blowing) (music fades) (Allison grunts) (Allison gasping) (engines rumbling) (pensive music) (Allison panting) (music fades) (engine rumbling) - It's too late. That bunny's in the burrow. Let's go. (engine rumbling) (snow crunching) (door opens) (door closes) (door creaking) (door closes) (objects rattling) (Hey's throat clears) (Allison panting) - Lady, this isn't a standoff. You're holdin' a knife. - Sorry. - Why are you here? - I'm from the community. - Yeah, no shit. The question was why? - I need your help, we need your help. - [Hey] Is this about all the shooting yesterday? - Yes! People are dying, innocent people right now. He's gone crazy. I only escaped because of my friend Jeremy. (Allison exhales shakily) Listen, I know we don't know each other, but what I do know is that he doesn't wanna mess with you and that's gotta count for something. Please. He's gone crazy. Help me. - You wanna save people? - No, I wanna save everyone. - (sighs) Come on. (door creaking) Turn left, that sends you back to the community. Turn right, that sends you to town. Head to town, count your losses and find a new community. - What about the saving everyone part? - Who me? What do I look like to you, the fucking United Nations? Whatever this is, that's your world. This, this is my world and I'm busy. - Busy with what? - What do you mean with what? - You're choosing a cabin and chores over people? - Yeah, it seems a little harsh when you phrase it like that. - How are you not getting this? "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." - Wow, was that MLK? Did you just throw an MLK quote at me? Lady (chuckles), I don't know what weird door I just opened up, but it's time for you to go. (Allison scoffing) And I'm gonna need the line back before you take off. - I don't know how some selfish, cowardly, backwards, hillbilly even knows who Martin Luther King Jr. is anyway, but you are going to help me. (Allison panting) - I think that we've veered off point, so let's try this a different way. I don't care that there's injustice everywhere. You can either head right and maybe survive, or you can head left and Scott will certainly kill you. Once again, I do not care. - Who is Scott? - The guy in charge. - His name is Hunter. - Hunter? - That's what I said, Hunter. - Hunter, that's his name? - [Allison] Yeah. (Hey laughs) - [Hey] Fucking come on. Come on. (Hey sighs) You'll find a couple blankets in there. Get some sleep. You can decide tomorrow. (Allison smirks) - [Allison] You're worse than he is. (Hey sighs) (snow crunching) (hand tapping) (Hey sighs) (cutlery clinking) (Hey sighs) (bird seed scattering) - Breakfast time. Come get it. (snow crunching) (door creaking) You really love that knife. (Hey sniffs) (Hey sighs) Hunter was his grandfather. His name is Scott McFarlane. There's no one left to save. Whoever was on your side is dead. Whoever's left is either loyal to him or terrified of him. Either way, there's nothin' left for you. - You don't know that. - I do. I really do. But I also know he didn't go crazy. My guess is you staged some sort of little coup and it backfired on you like a motherfucker. - It wasn't a coup. - Well, whatever it was. Ya hungry? - Yeah. Yes. - Go on in. Eat what you want. You can stay one more night. One, and then you're gone. Got it? Good. - [Allison] Thank you. (Hey sighs) - One more night and don't go upstairs. (snow crunching) (wind whistling) (Hey grunts) (snow crunching) Come on. Give me a sign. Huh. That'll work. (Hey exhales slowly) (shot firing) (engine rumbling) - Comin' up! Still a good shot. This mountain taught you somethin'. - The army taught me. - How'd you know? - Know what? - That he wasn't one of us. - Shoes. He wasn't wearin' any. - Yeah, that'll work. That'll definitely work. We've got a problem. - [Hey] You've got a problem. - You too, maybe. - You lost somebody. - A member of my community. A girl. Have you seen her? I'm worried that she's gonna go and get herself killed. - I don't know why she'd come my way. It's a longer, harder way down. - You don't think I know that? She's never even been on a scavenging trip and what's it been, two years? No, I think she'd come this way. Less chance of getting turned around. I'm gonna ask you a question one more time. Have you seen her? - No, I have not seen her. - It's important that I get her back. It's important that you know that. - You protect the north side of the mountain, I protect the south side. That's where this precious little partnership ends. - I've tried to be patient with you, boy, letting you squat on property that's rightfully mine. But you continue to openly define me, and that's bad for morale. - Bad for morale. Shit (chuckles). You might be the only person on earth whose life has improved because of this fuck mirror, but you are not getting that cabin. It is not yours and it will never be yours. - My grandfather built that cabin. - And your drunk father sold it, so here we are. - I always found it funny, people fawning and gushing over the idea of the lone wolf. The wolf either finds a new pack or it dies. The mountain taught you that. (snow crunching) (Hey sighs) (door opens) (door closes) - I've already eaten, but I left you some. - He's not gonna let you walk off this mountain. - He wants to kill me that bad? - Nope, he wants you alive. - Why? - Well, I think he wants to take it back. Break ya in front of everyone. - You told me it was over. You said he won. - I didn't say it was a good fuckin' plan. I think it's time that you tell me how this started from the beginning. (Allison sighs) - Okay. It was summer, so I was out of college on an internship. - An internship? - Yes, an internship. Studying inland- - Right (chuckles), fast forward, please. - You said from the beginning. - And I regret that. - Whatever. Okay, so all this happened and we went to town, but they were already a mess. We followed somebody and we've been in the community ever since. - We? - Yeah, I just mean collectively as a whole. - And the coup? - I already told you it wasn't a coup. Scott, Hunter, he just (inhales sharply), he just wants everything done the way he wants it done. He wants control of every little detail. There's a certain hierarchy and you know not to cross it. All we wanted was a little more freedom, a little more democracy. - (sniffs) That's it? A little more freedom? - Yeah, that's it. (Hey chuckles softly) - So, you were scared shitless, no plan, nowhere to go, and you ran into the arms of the first gun toting survivalist you could find. Flash forward a year and a half, not so scared, wantin' a little more, but his house, his rules, and you tried to push him out. Is that about right? - What? No, no, it's more complicated than that. Way more complicated. - How is it more complicated? (sighs) Yeah, okay. Come on. (Hey sighs) This bed right here. That room, don't go in there ever. What? - I thought I was staying in the shed? - Do you wanna stay in the shed? - No. No, I'm good here. - (sighs) You can stay till the snow melts and then you're gone. Well, you gonna try it out? - Why? I mean, why the the change? - Nothing's changed. This cabin's still my top priority, not you. It'll calm down a couple weeks and then you can sneak away. - And if he doesn't calm down? - Goodnight. - Hey, my name is Allison. You can call me Alli. Hey, what should I call you? - That'll work. - I don't understand. You mean, Hey? - Yeah. (bed creaking) (door creaking) (door closes) (water dripping) You're staring. - That chainsaw, it looks kinda new. - It's not new. My other one just died. I've had this a couple years. - Oh. What about the food? I haven't seen food like that in forever. - Listen, you can eat my food, sleep in my bed, and sit by the fire until it's time to go. Other than that, you stay outta my way. - I'm just trying to make conversation. - Conversations are for friendships and we're not friends. - [Allison] Hey, when are you coming back? - Questions fall into the conversation rule. You need water, buckets by the stove, creek's across the road. (snow crunching) (chainsaw whirring) (water splashing) (Allison grunts) (whirring slows) (clock ticking) - Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! What a stupid name (panting). Hey! Oh, you're alive. - No, I am stuck. But if you would hand me that chainsaw, I would really appreciate it. Yeah. Okay. Okay (sniffs). I need you to do one thing for me though before you leave. I need to set a fire. Don't leave anything. Not for him. (anticipatory music) (music fades) (gentle music) (Hey grunting) (panting) Fuck. (Hey grunting) Come on, you... (Hey panting) Fuck me. - You're gonna need to show me how to use this. It just took me a minute to remember me. (Hey sighs) - Thank you. - You're welcome. - You're gonna die out there. - Excuse me? - What I mean is, if I don't start teaching you some things, you're not gonna make it. And you sure as shit need a weapon with some bullets in it. (Allison smirks) What? - I've never even touched a gun. I was raised by a pacifist. - You know, your backstory kinda sucks. - You eat like a hyena on its last meal, so I guess we both lose. (Hey laughs) (Allison chuckles) - We start tomorrow. - Okay, but I really hope this doesn't turn into a friendship. - Call it a thank you for helping me. - Hm, I kinda saved you. - And you were kinda gonna rob me and leave me for dead. - (sighs) I should get ready for bed. - Yeah, you do that. (door slams) - You really do have a beautiful spot here. - You should see it in the summer at sunset with everything mowed. It's really somethin'. - Did you mow it last summer? What? A little normalcy isn't a bad thing. - You think I should keep fucking landscaping? - It was just an idea. - Yeah, a shitty one (grunts). Come on. - [Allison] You swear a lot. - Okay, what's your holdin' there is Ruger .22. Quiet recall is non-existent and it's one of the most accurate rifles ever created. - Wouldn't it be easier if I practiced with that? - My Glock? - Hm. - No, pistols are worthless for beginners. But more importantly, and don't ever forget this, a rifle always trumps a pistol. - A rifle always trumps a pistol. Got it, mm hm. - Yep. Put up your shoulder nice and tight. - Like this? - Yep. Good enough. (grunts) Both eyes open. I know it's weird, but just keep both open. Just focus on staying relaxed, breathing evenly, and shootin' a shitload of rounds. - Got it. - Okay? - [Allison] Okay. - Now, it's all about the breathing. Breathe in and out. (Allison exhales) Staying relaxed. All right, now when you're ready, squeeze the trigger, don't jerk it. Nice and slow. That's it. Just feel the breathing. (gun clicks) Good. (Allison exhaling) Okay, good to go. So, pull that back. - Okay. - See the round? - [Allison] Yep. - All right, let it go. (rifle cocks) Okay, round's in the chamber. And remember, it's all about the breathing. - I don't know if I'm gonna be able to do this for real. - You've never seen The Changed up close yet, have you? - No. - I don't know what they are, but they're not human. They don't even qualify as animals. - And humans? - You ever have a dog? - No, I had a cat. - Of course she did. Well, I had a dog. It was the family's, but I was the favorite. One day my mom takes Belle to the vet. That was her name, Belle. Vet says, "Sorry, rabies. You want me to put her down?" My mom says, "No, Sir. We take care of our own (sniffs)." She shows up back home with Belle and my father hands me that rifle says, "You go and take that dog for a walk now, and don't you dare let her catch on to what's about to happen. You let her die right. You let her die merciful." Of course, I tell him I'm not shootin' my fuckin' dog. So he leans down, looks me right in the eye, says, "This isn't about killin', it's about protecting the innocent." So you go ahead and do what you feel's right, but you run across somebody out there, choose not to act, whoever they hurt in the future, that's on you. (Allison sighs) (shot firing) (Hey sighs) - Huh. - Keep practicing. - Hey? - [Hey] Yeah? - [Allison] You got any tips? - Yeah, aim higher. A lot fucking higher. (Allison smirks) (Hey grunting) 19. Oh, shit! (water sloshing) - I really am sorry about that. (chainsaw whirring) - That necklace, I didn't see it before. (sentimental music) (Allison sniffs) - It was my mom's, and her mother's before her. As long as I wear it, she's always with me. - You really believe that? - I do. - Did she go in the beginning? - No, it's been three weeks, so. - I guess that was the way more complicated part, huh? - Yeah. Yeah, it was. (engine rumbling faintly) Do I hide? - No, just move over. (engine rumbling) (Hey sighs) Jimmy, you're on the wrong side of the mountain. Snow too high to bear trap, take the longer route. You know you don't owe him anything. I know you think you do, but you don't. He doesn't own you. I'll see you around, Jimmy. - You were a soldier, right? - (sighs) Yep. - I don't know how to phrase this without sounding insulting, but were you important? - You mean like important enough to know what caused all this? - Yeah. - (sighs) Army Special Forces, Operational Detachment Delta. Delta. Delta Force. - Is that like a Navy SEAL? - (sighs) This is what I get for trying to impress a hippie. - I'm not a hippie, mostly. And no, that's impressive. - No, no (sighing). - No. - (sniffs) It's not about what happened, it's about what didn't happen. The whole thing kicked off in North Africa, except we're gettin' reports of some sort of rabies virus. Of course, that can't be right. So, the powers that be started arguing. (grunts) Some said we need boots on the ground. Others said, "No, we're done bein' the world police." Some said, "Let's just nuke the whole fuckin' are." Others said, "That's fuckin' crazy." Then somehow it got reduced down to just a travel ban. Fucking travel ban. We couldn't agree on a single fucking thing. Not one God damn thing. (grunts) So we did nothing. (panting) Not one God damn thing. (grunts) Doesn't matter if you turn left or you turn right, but you gotta make a decision. And we just didn't. The greatest country in the world (grunts), was (grunts), operation ineffective. (Hey panting) I never even got a call back to base. You're up. (engine rumbling) (pensive music) - Well, was she there? Yeah, she was there. He's been struttin' around like the only rooster in the henhouse for way too long. We gotta do somethin' about it. (music continues) (engine rumbling) - Okay, left hand loose at the top, right hand tight at the bottom, at the apex of swing, you're gonna bring the left hand down, connect to the right as it strikes the wood. And remember, don't just let the ax fall, you gotta pull it down, all right? Good? Go for it. What are you doing? - What, am I not doing it right? - I don't know. What exactly are you trying to accomplish? - I'm trying to show intense rage and a general hatred of all things. You know, your face. (Allison laughs) - Shit. (wind whistling) - That internship, it was with my mother. - Yeah, I figured. - Before she got her Doctorate in Ecology, she was pre-med so when we showed up to the community, she immediately became a vital member. But her and Hunter never got along, ever. And it was getting worse. People were starting to pick sides. Three weeks ago, she left on a scavenging trip, and she never came back. Hunter said that she strayed from the group. She entered a house without it being checked. She was attacked and died. (Hey sighs) My mother never carried a weapon, and she would never enter a house first. She was not a reckless woman. And the people who cited with her decided that was it. Things had to change before anyone else got murdered. - And I guess you led the charge? - I did. - Had Hunter ever murdered anyone before? - Nobody had ever stood up to him before. - And your mother, was she the community's the only medic? - She was. Why? - No reason. We should head back. (snow crunching) - [Allison] Jimmy's going to tell Hunter about me, isn't he? - He'll already know. - What did you mean about Jimmy not owing him anything? - Believe it or not, Hunter used to be relatively normal. But after Luana died- - Luana? - Jimmy's mom. After she died, Hunter's views started getting more extreme, more hate filled. One day Jimmy kisses this boy by the name of Jer. Now, I don't know if he did or didn't, but Jer's dad, Lee, he thought he did and he wasn't happy about it. So, Lee takes this knife and he cuts out Jimmy's tongue. Anyway, a few days later he goes on a hunting trip till things cool down, and he's never been seen since. But that knife that Jimmy's always carrying around, that was Lee's. - So my mother isn't the first person Hunter's made disappear? - No, I guess not. - (smirks) I'm surprised it wasn't Hunter who cut out Jimmy's tongue. - You don't fuck with family up here. (Allison scoffs softly) - Is that what they taught you? - Nope. They didn't raise me. - [Allison] I don't understand. - This isn't my cabin, it's my wife's. (snow crunching) (fire crackling) (Allison sighs) - "Sexiest men alive?" I've never even heard of half these people. - That is because you are a hippie. - It's because of us, isn't it? That's what you were hinting at before. - About what? - The country not making a decision, not being able to protect itself. You think it's because of the parties, don't you? That we got too tribal, couldn't meet in the middle on anything. "A house divided against itself cannot stand." - (sighs) You do love a good quote, don't you? - You might be right, but they're the ones that got outta hand. We were just trying to keep up. I shouldn't have to tell you that. - Who, me? (chuckles) No, no, no, no, no. You are barkin' up the wrong tree. I swore an oath to the Constitution, not a party. - So, you're just neutral like Switzerland with a heartbeat? - Hm, I like that. Sure. - That's not how you change things. You have to pick side. - Really? What side would that be? The one that creates laws that save my soul or the one that creates laws that save me from myself? 'Cause I don't remember any of that shit in the Constitution. - That's a very generic oversimplification. - Doesn't make me wrong, though. - Were you listening to music earlier? - When you tried to kill me? - I'm trying to switch topics here. - Yeah, it was music. - How do you charge it? - Generator. - Aren't you worried about running out of gas? - It's been awhile, hasn't it? Since you listened to music. - (chuckles) Yeah. (generator whirring) (door opens) (door closes) - You should know most of this is country. - I'll survive. - How heroic of you. (Allison laughs) (bright music) (shots firing) ♪ Heading out ♪ ♪ On our own with our hope in the clouds ♪ ♪ And we're starting to see that we're onto somethin' ♪ ♪ Feel it comin' ♪ ♪ We'll keep runnin' ♪ ♪ Nothin' in our way ♪ ♪ And we got no reason to wait ♪ ♪ Let the journey take you where it wants to ♪ ♪ We'll continue to find our way through anything we face ♪ ♪ We got what it takes ♪ ♪ Here we go ♪ ♪ All we need is an open road ♪ ♪ And a chance to see a never-ending world that's beautiful ♪ (trap snaps) ♪ Here we go ♪ ♪ With the sunlight on our skin ♪ ♪ It's a brand new day ♪ ♪ It's ours to take and we will let it in ♪ ♪ This is where the adventure begins ♪ (shots firing) ♪ Every step ♪ ♪ Writing stories that seek to be read ♪ ♪ Taking hold of the moment as we discover ♪ ♪ Every color ♪ ♪ Filled with wonder ♪ ♪ Now we finally see ♪ ♪ We got everything we need ♪ ♪ Here we go ♪ ♪ All we need is an open road ♪ ♪ And a chance to see ♪ ♪ A never-ending world that's beautiful ♪ ♪ Here we go ♪ ♪ With the sunlight on our skin ♪ ♪ It's a brand new day ♪ ♪ It's ours to take and we will let it in ♪ ♪ This is where the adventure begins ♪ ♪ Here we go ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Here we go ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Headin' out ♪ ♪ On our own with our hope in the clouds ♪ ♪ We're starting to see that we're onto somethin' ♪ ♪ Feel it comin' now ♪ - [Allison] Careful. Careful. - I've got it. (trap snaps) (Hey exclaims) - Yes! (Allison laughs) Bucket's by the stove, creek's across the road. - That's cute. (Allison laughs) - [Allison] You see what I did there? That's what you said to me. - Oh no, I get it. Smart ass. (Allison laughing) (men grunting) (shot firing) (grunting continues) (Hey gasping) (neck snaps) (Hey grunting) (Hey gasping) Allison? Allison? Allison? Was he from the community? Was he from the community? - Yeah, yeah, his name was John. - Terrific. (Hey panting) (Allison inhales shakily) (Hey exhaling) (John snarling) - [Allison] Hey! (Hey gasping) (shot firing) (Hey grunts) - Fuck! Fuckin' shit! (gasps) Okay. (Hey panting) That was new. - I thought he was dead. - He was. (door slams) (metal clanging) - Mornin'! - Oh, shit! Fuck! (shots firing) Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! - Woo-ee, boy! Ya always had a little jack rabbit in ya! - And you shoot like a Marine. - No call for insultin' the Corp! Just a couple warning shots just to let you know we're here. - And last night? - (laughs) Oh, well, you got me there. Listen, you gimme Alli back, and I promise we'll go back to the old way of doin' things. - No. - What does he mean no? What do you mean no? - I mean no! - That's it? Just no? - That's it! - You stubborn, pigheaded little shit! First the cabin, now this. There's gonna be a day of reckoning here. I'm tryin' to show mercy, but you just keep backin' me into a corner. You know that, don't ya? Don't ya? All right, Jimmy, let's go. - Fuck me. - We could just leave. Why not? - He's not getting this cabin. - What does it matter? - It's the only thing that matters. - No, it isn't. We could leave right now together. We could. - He's not getting this cabin. - (sighs) Your family's already gone. They don't care who gets this cabin. - I told you about my wife. Why did you say family? Have you been in my room? - I was just- - Have you been in my room? - Yes, yes, I have been in your room. I have seen the picture of your family. - I told you never to go in there. - What does it matter if I've seen your family? You're not the only person who's lost somebody. - That's why your liberal ass warmed up to me. You saw a picture of a black family, and you thought, "Oh, shit, he must be on my team." - That's a lie. It did change my mind, but not because of that. It just made me realize that you had lost people too. That's all. That's- - Bullshit! That right there, that is the root of all this. I saw it the moment you stepped into my cabin. It was just another stupid fucking fight between a left winger and a right winger. - A stupid fight? He killed my mother. - No, he didn't! Hunter was a Marine. Your mother was a medic. You said so yourself. Marines do not kill their corpsmen. I not care how much he hated your mother. He would've never done it, ever. Your whole little civil war is based on a lie all because you couldn't let shit go. - Let shit go? Let shit go? You are the poster child of not letting shit go. All your skills, all your training, and what are you doing, huh? Protecting a cabin for goat! (Hey grunting) (door opens) (Hey panting) (Hey yelling) (shots firing) (Hey panting) (Hey yells) - Fuck. (Hey panting) (clock ticking) (door slams) Hey Allison? Allison? Shit. Oh, hell. (Hey grunts) And now I'm wet, great. (Hey grunting) (Hey panting) (water trickling) I'm sorry. It wasn't right for you to find out that way. - Did my mother really die the way Hunter said she did? - It doesn't change anything. He killed those people, not you. - What is it? (engine rumbling) - Don't move, I need you alive. - Where are you going? - Not far. (Hey grunting) (water splashing) (shots firing) (engine idling) (Johnny panting) (shot firing) (Hey gasping) (Allison gasping) - Okay, here. Okay, here. (Hey gasping) (Allison gasping) I'm counting this as a save. - I killed the guy. It's a tie. - You really are a jerk. You know that, right? (Hey grunts) - You can't leave, Allison. - I can't live like this. Neither should you. - That's not what I mean. What I mean is you can't go out there. You always ask about the stuff I have, the food, the chainsaw. It's because I scavenge farther out. A lot farther out. - How far? - Far enough. I walk into stores untouched, fully stocked, town after town. (sighs) The Changed are everywhere. It just happened too fuckin' fast. - You've never seen anyone, ever? - No. - But that first night, you told me to go find a new community. - (sighs) Like I said, that night, I didn't care what happened to you. I was done gettin' involved. This country fucked me. This cabin, it's the only thing I have left of the people I loved, good people. It's not okay that Hunter ends up with it. - I really wish I knew the right thing to say right now, but I don't. I do know one thing, though. Just because you haven't seen anybody doesn't mean they're not out there. And we could help them. You could help them. You really could. My necklace? It's not about holding onto the past. It's about being close to the memories. There's a difference. (fire crackling) - If you're gonna shoot, aim for the front. I don't wanna fall in the fire. - Three stubs? How'd you know I was comin'? Oh, right. Well, since he's not comin'... (Hey grunts) - Johnny was a good man. I don't care for you turnin' his death into a punchline. - I thought the first guy's name was Johnny. - It was John. They were twins. - Shit, really? That is unfortunate. - You're seriously startin' to become an itch in my ass I can't scratch, boy. - You could always walk away, old man. - Unlike you, I've never been able to do that. - You know, for someone who'd never wanted me back on this mountain, You complain an awful lot about me leavin' it. - No, boy, that's not what I'm talkin' about. What I'm wondering is how you show up on my mountain just three days after all this starts. Three days. How'd you get here so fast? No way you were deployed, and I know your base is back east, which means you were home when this started. You were home. So I guess I really would like to know where that pretty little wife and daughter of yours are. They're not here. You're here safe and sound, but they're not. How does that happen? (gun cocks) Careful, he'll cut ya. - Seriously, Jimmy? - What do you say, Jimmy? You gonna let him shoot your daddy? When are you gonna quit puttin' so much faith in how he feels about you? - I'm not. But you are definitely off my fuckin' Christmas card list. - You never understood what I'm tryin' to do here. This is an opportunity, boy. It's a chance to fix what was broken, to right wrongs, rise from the ashes. This world's been stripped of the weak. Now's the time of men. Real men. - What the fuck happened to you? - I need her. - No, you don't. Ya won. You're in charge again. You're the big man on the mountain. You're king shit. Can't ya see it's over? - No, it's never over. (Hey smirks) - All right. - All right what? - All right, you win. - Okay, then. I'll take her back tomorrow. - Fuck, that's not what I'm talkin' about. - What are you talkin' about? Spit it out. - When the snow melts, we're leaving. You can have the cabin, it's yours. - [Scott] Just givin' up just like that? - We good? - What game you playin', boy? - Are we good? - Yeah, I'll take that deal. It's fine with me. - Goodbye, Jimmy. - What, no goodbye for me? Don't forget who predicted all this boy, me! The stupid mountain hillbilly. They all laughed, but where are they now? Dead! Dead! Me, I'm king of the mountain! Don't you forget that! You hear me? I am this mountain! Yes, I am. (Hey grunting) (steps creaking) - Are you going out again? - Yeah. - To the divide? - Yeah. - (sighs) Are you sure it's safe? (Hey sighs) - We have a truce. (sighs) A permanent one. - How? - I should really get goin', but I'll tell you later. - Do you really think we're safe? - Positive. - (chuckles) All right, then I'm going to take a bath. A long one. - Do you need help gettin' water? - No, nope, I'm good. Although, someone else could definitely use one. (Allison chuckles) (door creaking) (water splashing) (snow crunching) (water splashing) (Allison exhaling) (wind whistling) (Allison sighs) I'm sorry. - Hey? Hey? - Yeah? - Oh, wait! - Oh my gosh! Sorry. Sorry! I... (Allison gasping) - Are you kidding me? Oh my God. - Sorry. - You scared the hell outta me. (Allison groans) - Sorry. - Oh, you coulda said something. - Why are you so jumpy? I told you we were good. - I don't know, maybe because I'm naked. (Allison exhales) (Hey chuckles) - Okay, I really am sorry. - No, you're not. Seriously, I thought I was about to get murdered in the bathroom. - Would it help if I told you what happened last night? - Yeah. No, this seems like a perfect moment. - I gave up the cabin. If you wanna see this new world so bad, you're gonna need somebody who can shoot. - I've gotten better. - You've gotten okay. (Allison sighs) - Are you sure about this? - No, it's a fuckin' horrible idea. But I don't know, maybe I can find you someplace better. I just don't know. - And if we find someplace new, would you stay with me? - Let's just get you off the mountain first, okay? - Hey? - Yeah? - Thank you. - Yeah. (men grunting) (Hey groaning) (Hey panting) Jimmy! Damn it, Jimmy, you let her go right now! You hear me? This ain't you, it's him! It's time to side, brother, right here, right now. He don't own you. - Jimmy! Put the girl on the snowmobile and let's go! He's not gonna shoot. Let's go! - That's right, old man. I don't have to shoot, see? Weapons down, Jimmy. I believe in you. You're not like him. (panting) You've never been like him. - You shut your mouth. You don't get it, but he does. You don't fuck with family. - Yep. That was the rule. Don't fuck with family! That's what you told me that day when we walked into the woods. You said I was just back up, but I wasn't was I? I found him first. I found Lee (panting). I was 15 fuckin' years old man, and I shot him right in the fuckin' face! That's right, Jimmy. I did it. He didn't do shit (panting). I killed Lee for what he did to you. I did it. - Jimmy, put her on the sled right now! - Jimmy, don't do it, man. I know you killed people for him. I know. But don't do this. Not this. - [Scott] Jimmy, right now! - (exhales) Thank you, Jimmy. Thank you, brother. Jimmy? Jimmy? (gun cocks) No! (shot firing) No! No! No! (Hey sobbing) (Hey yells) - Go ahead then, boy. (Hey yells) Do it. - Fuck! Tomorrow, the divide! You don't get to die today. This is his day. You hear me? Fuck! (bugs chirping) (fire crackling) - [Allison] Are we going to talk about this? (metal clinking) Why the divide? - It's where we spread Mother's ashes. I met my wife that day. - [Allison] You can't do this. Are you listening to em? Can you not see that you're turning out exactly like him? - I'm nothing like him! Nothing! (gun cocks) (Hey exhales) (gun cocks) (Hey sighs) (floorboards creaking) It's Micki. My name, it's Micki McFarlane. - Your name is Micki? - (smirks) Yep. (Allison chuckles) - Your wife and daughter? - Sandy. And my daughter's name was Elizabeth. We called her Liz. She was tough, like her mother. - That's a good name. - Your mom? - Kathy. - This has to happen. It was always gonna happen. - No, it doesn't. - Goodnight, Allison. - Goodnight, Micki. (clock ticking) (boots clomping) (door creaking) (doors slamming) (ticking continues) (wind whistling) (snow crunching) (Micki panting) (anticipatory music) (water splashing) (Micki panting) (music continues) - Fuck it (chuckles). Fuck it. Fuck it! (music continues) (snow crunching) (dogs barking) (engine rumbling) (shot firing) - Good girl. I'm too old to be chasin' after you. (Micki gasps) - [Micki] Shit! - You never even went did you? - No reason, girl. I have what I want right here. No high noon showdown. But don't worry, I know my boy. He'll come chargin' back like an uncut bull and we'll have our shootout, only I brought this along. A rifle always trumps a pistol. (Micki grunting) - He's got a rifle, too. You're going to lose. - No, darling. He doesn't. He doesn't see it as fair. (shots firing) - Whoever that is, they're not going to stop him. - No, I don't suppose they will. That boy's like a damn cockroach. (Micki sighs) - I know you didn't kill my mother. - Finally put that one together, huh? - I did. I was wrong. And you are, too. - Wrong? You know how my wife died? She died because I couldn't afford the treatment she needed. The day she died, I watched a couple walk outta the hospital surrounded with an army of doctors congratulating themselves for another successful plastic surgery. That world was sick, and I can make it better. I can. But you two are a cancer in the ranks. This ends today. - Whatever happened to only killing to protect the innocent? - That's the old me, darlin'. There's lots of reasons to kill people now. - This whole time I thought this was just about a cabin. - Oh, what can I say? Families are complicated. - You're really going to kill the only son you have left? - Good Lord, girl. You're like a dog with a bone. Let it go. - You and your fucking animal metaphors. - Have to say you've gotten some spunk, although I don't approve of the foul language. For all the time you spent with my boy, all you got was his potty mouth. - (sighs) Yeah, go figure. I did pick up one other thing. - Oh, yeah? What's that? - How to control my breathing. - Huh? Shit! (shots firing) (Allison panting) (Scott panting) (Micki gasping) - [Micki] Hey, I've got you. (Micki grunting) (Micki panting) (Scott grunting) - Look at me. That girl shot the hell outta me. - Yeah, she did. - Kind of violent for a pacifist. - Her mom was a pacifist. - That didn't work out very well, did it? - No, it did not. - Is my granddaughter really dead? (Micki sighs) - Come on, old man. (Scott groaning) You good? - Yeah. Goodbye, son. (engine rumbling) (shot firing) - You shoulda waited. This was my mess, my responsibility. - No, it wasn't. - Yeah, it was. - No, it wasn't. I finally figured out why my mom went to the house that day. Why she was being so reckless. She never saw any value in Hunter. Never saw that he had things that she could learn from. She died trying to prove him wrong over something so trivial, and I fell right into it. This whole mistake was mine to fix. It was never yours. (Micki sighing) - You know, I never did find out what that internship was about. (Allison chuckles) - [Allison] Hey? - [Micki] Yeah? - I wanna go outside. Will you help me? - [Micki] You good? - Mm hm. (Micki grunting) The cabin's safe now. It doesn't need you protecting it anymore. - No, I guess not. - It's time to start thinking about leaving. - You're not ready to go anywhere. (gentle music) - I know I've said this before, but this is a really beautiful place. - Yeah, it is. - A person could stay here forever and be completely at peace. - Yeah. - I would. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I was gonna be a house husband (chuckles). Can you believe that? Me, a house husband. My wife, Sandy, she'd gotten a really good job in Seattle. That's where I was when this happened. My daughter and I were at home makin' pancakes. When I looked out the window and I saw my neighbors Nick and Gary attacking Nick's wife, Virginia. I knew it was here on my doorstep. I scooped up Liz, and I raced downtown to find Sandy. The thing is, she was comin' back to us, you know? Only made it about a half mile before I found her. They were feedin' on her (gasping). And I wrapped her up on a blanket and I put her in the back seat, 'cause I couldn't leave my wife there. I wouldn't leave my wife there. I was angry. I was so fuckin' angry. I remember the empty seat. I remember lookin' at the empty driver's seat and sayin', "We gotta move. It's time. Let's go." But I looked at my daughter. I said, "Baby girl, you watch over mommy. Daddy's gonna go get payback." So I did. I didn't know, you know? It's just, we didn't have the fuckin' information. I didn't (sobs)... I shouldn't left her. I shouldn't have done it. (sobs) My wife killed my daughter. She fucking killed my daughter because of me. (Allison snarling) I shouldn't have made fun of your quotes. I fuckin' love quotes. (Allison snarling) (solemn music) I should have told you that. (Allison snarling) (shot firing) (music continues) (plate shatters) (cutlery clattering) (Micki panting) (music continues) (Micki grunts) (engine rumbling) (music continues) Everything aside, you were a damn fine Marine. You deserve to be honored. (music continues) (music fades) (birds chirping) (engine rumbling) ♪ Spent a little time in the 208 ♪ ♪ Growin' my hair, stayin' out late ♪ ♪ Maximized all of my time and space ♪ ♪ With new ideas ♪ ♪ A coastal line ain't lost on me ♪ ♪ And skiing your slopes, I never felt freer ♪ ♪ But all I have now are simple tools ♪ ♪ And all my fingers ♪ ♪ They're a hell of a band but nobody's dancing ♪ ♪ With hearts made of stone sinking in water ♪ ♪ I ain't got much of anything to keep you from drowning ♪ Hey, Frank, is that you? Yeah, that's him. I need you to follow me downtown, I can't have any stragglers. Come on, boy. Let's go. ♪ Guess we can pretend ♪ ♪ I ride you like a wild horse ♪ ♪ Ride you like a wild horse ♪ ♪ Take a trip down 55 ♪ ♪ And dive into a lucky peak ♪ ♪ And if I end up in a dive ♪ ♪ Will I land on my own two feet ♪ (radio volume increases) (singer whistles) ♪ I get high on you ♪ ♪ From your south end to your north ♪ ♪ Playin' in your wild towns ♪ ♪ I ride you like a wild horse ♪ ♪ I get high on you ♪ ♪ From your south end to your north ♪ ♪ Playin' in your wild towns ♪ ♪ I ride you like a wild horse ♪ ♪ Ride you like a wild horse ♪ ♪ Ride you like a wild horse ♪ (The Changed snarling) (baton thuds) (music fades) - [Singer] Two, three, four. (gentle country music) ♪ Dreams turned cold in the winter time ♪ ♪ The wind blew hard, we lost all rhyme ♪ ♪ Down in the months of the dead and bleak ♪ ♪ We walked along towards Bleeker Street ♪ ♪ Taxi cabs swim like sharks ♪ ♪ Towards Central Park's cold dark heart ♪ ♪ I'm haunted by the ghosts of yore ♪ ♪ That swam the lakes and walked the shores ♪ ♪ All I know is what I'm seein' ♪ ♪ And staying here is fools gold ♪ ♪ Found myself on a sunny shore ♪ ♪ Pacific Highway number one ♪ ♪ Late at night we came alive ♪ ♪ Somewhere between Sunset and Vine ♪ ♪ Wearing masks of fleeting fame ♪ ♪ I lost my way inside a flame ♪ ♪ Oh the waves of bitter hopes ♪ ♪ And the hangin' thread of final ropes ♪ ♪ All I know ♪ ♪ Is what I'm seein' ♪ ♪ Stayin' here is fools gold ♪ ♪ All I know is what I'm seein' ♪ ♪ Stayin' here is fools gold ♪ ♪ Where I grew up all the roads were long ♪ ♪ With twists and turns ♪ ♪ But we had our songs ♪ ♪ It's colder than it was before ♪ ♪ And the sun don't shine most all the time ♪ ♪ Take me from these gravel roads ♪ ♪ 'Cause the city lights, they shine so bright ♪ ♪ Reminding you you're in the dark ♪ ♪ And there are things that you can't be ♪ ♪ That you can't be ♪ ♪ That you can't be ♪ ♪ All I know ♪ ♪ Is what I'm seein' ♪ ♪ And staying here is fools gold ♪ ♪ All I know ♪ ♪ Is what I'm seein' ♪ ♪ And staying here is fools gold ♪ ♪ Fools gold ♪ ♪ Fools gold ♪ ♪ Fools gold ♪ ♪ Fools gold ♪ (music fades)
Channel: Indie Rights Movies For Free
Views: 81,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drama, Thriller, thriller movie, drama movie, full movie, free movie, free, Licensed from All Channel Films., idaho, idaho movie, mountain survival, mountain, idaho thriller
Id: GgzB4iosbAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 51sec (7191 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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