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[Music] [Applause] [Music] Maxwell hey yeah actually I just arrived at the house oh yeah I haven't even stepped foot inside yet but it looks fantastic well the the port engine had a compressor stall but I'm having both engines checked out and she'll be ready for your trip next week hey I will listen um before you go where could I find something to eat in this town and hang out it's frozen pizza for me then right I I actually I would like that thank you I'll see you then all right byebye all right boy come on you ready of course you are it is through the blue hue of each morning's duw that a sun rises it sets in the west but what happens in between is the beauty of life and God's plan for it at times we may not understand his plan but as long as we never lose hope there will always be another Sunset the Bible tells us in James behold we we put bits in the horses's mouths that they may obey us and we turn about their whole body but now we want to give back to the horses return the loyalty to the dumpy my name is rain Parker and I rescue horses or should I say horses rescued [Music] me good boy oh you sure you can't come with me tonight all right then good Bo for right Mama had your dad worried why are you here and where's your car at the bar well dad will take you up he's got fing extension at the bank today anyway mommy what are y'all doing in the cabin making pancakes for you in the cabin yeah they decided to come here since um you decided to sleep here last night well they smell yummy how about we put some fresh raspberries on top yeah Gavin uh check the refrigerator I think R she's actually stable for the night um her vital are okay I'm just really concerned about her weight um her coat the way she's looking um she's lame she actually had a slight fever so she could be some infection going on well what did Animal Control say to you when they dropped her off they didn't say much really just that the neighbors had called cuz she a good girl guess the family had moved out and just left her there left her to starve oh man goodness all right this is what we need to do I need to draw Bloods I need to find out what's going on it could be cancer it could be bacterial um it could be be cushions with her coat you know this is going to be a a tough one for you you think you can do this rain gav's asleep but Rainbow's been asking for you it's okay come on sweetheart mommy's just making sure the horse is comfortable in her new home But Mommy I want to help too a rainbow that's so sweet I don't think she's ready for this yet though you can pet her though you never run out of fit again princess princess that should be her name mommy that's a great name princess it is who wants have a sleepover with Princess right here in the barn yeah I say we make it a girls night together mhm Love Is she a girl or a boy she's a girl Ryan I understand what you want to do for that horse but I really don't think the rescue has the kind of funds to cover all those tests and what if after all the tests are done she doesn't even make it mama I'm going to do whatever it takes to save that horse this is what we do we're a rescue ranch I'm going to sell the painting why are we packing all this stuff well because people bought the stuff and their proceeds are going to help the horses you mean princess I mean princess he really gonna help princess I care about princess with a M rubber band we'll this fit in here right you just need to take that over there to him I'm not taking this to Maxwell Maxwell bit a pretty penny for that J Kemp original you sure did I know that's enough to cover princess's vet bill and that's why we did all this I know I have to think of the positive and good news is Princess is going to be okay her tests are all negative this is important right I just wish Maxwell's intentions were for the horses and not some other way to try to impress me I'm [Laughter] impress you need to take it to him all right I guess I'll bring our Majesty his new painting don't forget the lipstick you're something [Laughter] else it's for the horses no no no no are you kidding me can I help you I was just about to ask you that I live here this is private property oh um I'm sorry I I I must have taken the wrong turn I'm not from here well I appreciate you stopping are you sure yeah I got it thanks okay uh all right that was embarrassing you know where you're going yep got it got it thanks again [Music] yeah oh I can't even see anything oh my goodness what's he doing here oh this is also private property now I'm embarrassed did you paint that picture no I didn't paint this picture Maria Benjamin has fallen in the pool Maria was that a hairless cat don't let him hear you laugh that's his pride and joy yeah I don't want to lose my job on the first day you work for Maxwell yes I do what do you do Mr Ro you'll be staying in the house out back rain what can I do for you I just came by to bring this painting you won it in the auction and we appreciate your generous contribution anything for you rain you know that can I get get you a drink Maxwell this isn't about me this is for the horses everything I do is for the horses that's just one of the things that I love about you rain always doing for others okay time to go home it's a beautiful painting thank you Shane Shane maybe I'll see you around we'll be United officially soon enough our families have known each other for years marriage of course why not I mean she's a great catch everyone in the community loves her she found that nonprofit horse rescue thing she's good for my image plus she's not too too bad on the eyes very interesting yeah you can drop that by the back door on your way out it's right through [Music] there [Music] yeah I just wanted to go over the list with you yeah the checklist all right feels good tires right okay did you by a chance get to the um you got to the compressor right hold hold on one second I'm gonna have to call you back I got to take this call hello Mr Haynes okay all right what's that they're from Maxwell what he's marking his territory they're heavy may I no I'll take them it's okay I got it please come on in go ahead and put him over there okay how beautiful what's beautiful look in there delivery from Maxwell oh Maxie there's still dirty laundry on the floor Daddy this is Shane he's uh working for Maxwell oh Max has you running around yes sir he is a real go-getter quite a character too anyway there's anything that we can do for you just give us a holler we've got laundry Duty thank you sir very much well that was my entire family well thanks for bringing those by well uh I'll walk you out okay this all yours wow been in the family for four generations so where are you from City New York New York what are you doing here I'm retired from the Air Force for a couple years years got into some private piloting then I took a random construction job at a site felt too grounded though private piloting huh yeah ever flown anyone famous Conor McGregor who Conor McGregor baseball player never heard of him baseball player my son plays baseball he's probably heard of them I really just can't believe you've never heard of him no how' you hear about Maxwell oh um we met on one of the job sites up there and he uh I told him I was a pilot and he offered me the gig Good Old Maxwell gosh it's funny thinking of him going back and forth to the city wow he was a real soft When We Were Young he wouldn't even go in the lake we'd all be swimming he'd just be sitting on the shore he's not good with boundaries though I'd say it took him less than a month after the funeral before oh um I was married we were high school sweethearts and he passed away I'm sorry it's been 5 years now though and we're doing good I mean Gavin my son he takes it kind of hard being a boy and all dad does what he can but it's just not the same not having a dad to grow up with I hear that you lost your dad yeah I mean well no not like that but um yeah my dad he left us uh when I was a kid yeah he wasn't a he was a family guy oh I'm sorry no he um he left uh two days before my 12th birthday wow I'm sorry hey look I'm here right turned out okay yeah yeah you want to meet the horses I'd love to meet the horses let's go [Music] hi [Music] and this is my guy Granite wow what a beautiful animal been with me six years now come on he doesn't bite me I forgot yeah you're not one of us you're one of them City Boys what come here I want to show you something else so I just have one question for you what's that have you ever ridden a horse you ever flown in a plane not fair nope Shane you're riding a horse you can do it put it right up here well then you're going up in a plane with me deal [Music] deal [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] there you go Cheers Cheers I really want to thank you about what taking me up there yesterday yeah I've never even been in a plane before wow it was beautiful no this this is beautiful wow so Mr HS to what occasion do we owe your visit well it's been a long time since I've been back been very busy but New York had a lot of success and actually I have some news for you oh what a beautiful sunset that was I'm glad you like it cuz I'm there nearly every night Mr Roberts Mr hay well I just stopped by because I spoke to Eliza you did indeed and she is delightfully excited about meeting with you all very soon H I wonder why well believe it or not Family actually means something to her or not she doesn't need an invitation to come over here she doesn't need you to announce her arrival well that may be Mr Miller thank you for inviting me in Charlotte good night Max Ray who's Eliza my step sister Shane our younger daughter oh she wants something mama you know she does she doesn't always have to be labeled with mistakes let's let her make some of her own decisions Mr Haynes I'm no longer require your services Mr Roberts oh um and therefore have no need to provide a place for you to stay I can try to get your old job back would you like that no I I don't need you take my airplane back to the airport and put in storage tomorrow at the latest you can leave the car at the airport when you park the plane you have a good day Mr Roberts [Music] hey can you meet me at the bar at the bar it's a little too early for that don't you think yeah it's a long day well I was just getting ready to go to church you want to meet me there over at Hopewell okay I'll see you there okay bye what I'm headed back to the city tonight what for how long indefinitely what does that mean Maxwell did he fire you yeah [Music] unbelievable I'm sorry rain by rain on such a beautiful day what are you doing I'm going to the office no why did you fire Shane because my business is keeping me in town longer than I anticipated I'm looking at a few select properties and I no longer require his Services you're ridiculous the flowers the following me around your little meetings with my sister oh and now you just don't need Shane anymore after you saw us together you think I don't understand no rain I don't think you do understand just stop Maxwell Maxwell I am so mad right now I'm sorry rain I'm sorry it's not your fault Maxwell he's so manipulative jealous maybe delusional maybe he wants me out by the end of the day I've packed up all my stuff but you know what I just don't see the point and me flying my ex-employer PL to the city no I I think I can find a place here I just need you to show me where a motel is that's all you're not staying in a motel Shane stay here no stay here no I can't do that I won't do that no you can stay in the cabin just stay here it'll be fine the kids won't mind and Mom and Dad will be fine mine please I would feel like I was taking advantage of you taking advantage of me hey I could use an extra farm hand you can help with the horses you can stay in the cabin and help with the horses I know you can do it and I'll teach you every I know Shane please don't leave me to worry dad daddy wake up Daddy what dad you know how you've always said that when you get old you wanted to hire more help for the farm yes but you woke me up for that Daddy you're old but I'm not dying I got plenty of energy ask Charlotte Mama He's old anyway I wanted to tell you that I hired someone today no it's Shane actually well Maxwell fired him and he's flying back to New York and Daddy I don't want him to go please can he stay I'll teach him everything I know he can live in the cabin Charlotte thank you okay all right Gavin heard what you said and took off oh no mama Shane's on the porch will you go talk to him I'm going to go find Gavin here you go Shane that's nice to you um I was waiting for rain oh well I was hoping you could stay for dinner tonight I don't want to interrupt you know Mason was a great man kind loving smart the thing is we all grieve in our own way Gavin wants to be this grownup kid taking care of everyone I don't think he knows what to do with his own feelings he just stores it all deep inside he hasn't spoken since his father passed away Dr Baker calls it selective mutism and he may never speak again losing someone like that could be very surreal to a kid but he's very lucky to have all of you around him to help him remember with I um I lost two men in my Squadron and I don't think that I would have made it without my brothers so I understand I understand gav we could never replace daddy we just couldn't but I know Daddy would want us to be happy he would want me to be happy you and rainbow make me so happy but Shane makes me happy [Music] too is everything okay yeah I couldn't be more [Music] perfect welcome home [Music] here you are thank you so how did you sleep in the cabin did you find it suitable it was great it's going to take a minute to get used to but it was great well good because today is your first official day as a farmer yes it is don't worry I told you I'm going to teach you everything I know thank you first lesson eat up cuz it's going to be a long [Music] day [Music] oh [Music] yeah [Music] time [Music] thank you thank you for all of this thank you for welcoming me into your home no I'm serious you're changing my life you really like it here huh yeah even with all the horse poop yeah I mean it's a lot but I'm not going anywhere you're kidding me douie calling me I'm good I'm just I'm I'm working how are you what's going on and as good as that sounds buddy I uh I'm I'm taking a bit of a break what how long do I have to think about it anything else I can do for you Henry Henry why are you here I'm here to help help we're former Air Force I was enlisted you were an officer you were a Fly Boy why are you here I'm here for rain rain look Henry I just passed on a $300,000 a year Private Pilot job to be here with rain we don't need to lose another son-in-law we already lost one from here and I'm not going anywhere well then get to work yeah how's the game going I know this player that's Gavin Shane he's all yours right thank you so much for inviting us over to dinner it looks delicious well I was excited for you to come and meet Shane yeah and Shane how has it been living on the ranch it's been fantastic can't believe how generous the Millers are for bringing on such a newbie well have you ever find yourself bored we got quite a few pumpkins to Har soon yes I would like to do that you should ask rainbow and Gavin they would love to come help yes of course s both rainbow and Gavin they've been our best helpers I will shall we say grace sure you look really happy I am really happy I mean who would have thought a country girl like me in a city boy like hey hey hey oh is everything all right yeah I'm sorry you all right yeah I'm fine it's probably just stress or something I'm okay let me check something all right you're not dehydrated but it could be your IR levels why don't you come by to office and we run some blood tests okay can I come tomorrow anytime before lunch will be great thanks Doc okay is Shane can you do me a favor just put him back in the stall when you're done okay sure you pass my Fe chores already no I have a doctor's appointment what's wrong nothing just a checkup I'll be back just a physical hey let's make a video call hey Shane hey man hey buddy is this Gavin hey I heard a lot about you I heard you play baseball too that's cool man I used to love playing baseball back then you guys having a camp soon I was thinking about coming down there and visiting you nice to meet you buddy let me talk to Shane and get some details we'll see what we can do thanks buddy anytime man you guys have a good night you too gav Gavin are you ready you what whatever you did you're good I just thought I needed a reminder of some of the good things today thank you you're welcome hey hey thanks if really appreciating we can use extra help sure thanks for having them they've been super excited yes can I speak with you for a moment yeah your test results oh your blood counts are out of the normal range and I just want to run a few more tests Gail look these results could be something simple like an allergy or small infection okay all right so I'll see you tomorrow yeah okay yeah I'll be there all right I see you tomorrow thanks scale no problem good morning morning morning you okay I just have a lot on my mind I need to see Dr Baker again today but hey can you walk the horses while I go yeah yeah did he say something is wrong or can we stop with all the questions I don't know here he just wants to take some more test r i I need to see that I'm sure it's nothing serious what about the hey I'm making the pancakes that you like thank you hey hey hey doing good out here thank you a natural um I got to take the kids up the road till they get together so I seen a little bit I can do that for you you've been working all day you need to go sit down that's okay I'll do it are you sure 100% why don't you go have some uh nice free time with Henry well thank you so much you're welcome you're welcome see yeah Dr Baker what's wrong right I don't know how to tell you this but um actually I expedited your results and uh I wanted to speak with you in person it's not good what Dr Baker tell me what I'm so sorry but uh you have a cute myoy leukemia and uh we need to start treatments right away there's a 60% chance of remission if we ain't fast thank you listen Shane you should get back here right away it it's rain [Music] he what's going on let me [Music] in R just open the door tell me what's going on what's Happening doc Baker came [Music] by no no rain no rain open the door please come on open the [Music] door once we finished the remission induction phase we can talk about your options for the consolidation phase now this would take a lot of your time with several visits a week does that make sense R yeah sorry if you don't have any more questions uh we can go up and schedule your first visit for tomorrow if the treatment doesn't work how much longer do I have left chemo can't extend it for how long and if the chemo doesn't work you're looking at maybe two three months wow what a rainy day listen we want to thank you so much for coming out to the cabin today you know rain doesn't like to leave the horses of course you know we do anything for y'all thank you can I ask you a favor sure I don't want to have these treatments at the hospital is there any way we could have it here at the cabin please for you absolutely thank you I'm so scared yeah hey buddy you okay I felt like sleeping in the cabin tonight but why don't you sleep with me come on in Rainbow here let's get nice and cozy don't we have to move away if you die move away where to orphanage cuz you and Daddy are gone you're not going anywhere are you sure you're going to be okay I don't know I hope so want to be around to see you and your brother grow old and have children of your own someday I love you so much you're the best mother in the whole wide world you're the best daughter in the whole wide world I love you rainbow and I'm so proud of you Gavin I see you got a dishwasher now really moving up in the world so you're sick a little a little you look terrible okay well I won't take up too much of your time then without Mason and with you being sick it looks like we need to figure out another Arrangement you should sign the land over to me no so you guys are going to what run a nonprofit all by yourselves two 80-year-olds and a couple of kids and cut me out of it completely I got to say it reeks of favoritism and you wreak of entitlement this land is as much mine as it is yours Isa what are you doing you never even around here I found all the rescues I run this Farm exactly and what happens when you leave looks like you guys have it all figured out don't talk to me don't talk to Mama I guess that just leaves my lawyers then by means don't step in paid and paid great okay this one's a little trickier we get most of our hay from old farmer Bill up the road he's part of the Farmers Exchange and Gavin and I help him out with stuff around the farm I'll check with Gavin in the morning make sure we're all caught up all right got to check in the mail this morning I left on the C for you old Jim every month without fail he sends his donation for the horse rescue it's great attorney I can deposit that for you tomorrow if you'd like thank you you're welcome let's get some sleep this will all be here tomorrow all right all right okay good night y [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Henry can I speak to all of you for a sure what's on your mind Shane go ahead and mute that Gavin have a seat thank you yeah um it's rain she's so smart and funny and warm and you all welcomed me into your home and I want to be able to do the same thing for rain I want her to feel secure and at home and I want her to know that I'm hers and that I always will be and um I would like your permission to ask rain to marry me that's awesome I think that's a resounding yes from all of us so if Eliza takes the land is there any way that she could sell it without your permission I don't think so there was a trust set up in rain's name that's when Mason passed Charlotte and I have wills and the land will go to Eliza and rain if we die and or if we become incapacitated with rain sick this land's been in our family for four generations I can't believe that Eliza is trying to get an appraisal she must want to buy something down in Miami so by marrying rain it may actually help I hope [Music] so ask me what ask me rainbow doesn't keep secrets very well rain Parker I had no idea that taking a job in this small country town would lead to the best person that I've ever known you're everything to me I'm yours would you marry me yes of course I [Music] will oh here yeah let me get that for you Gavin I want you to know how pleased I am that you're here for me and I know that I'm not your father and I know that you've got a lot of mixed emotions going on in you right now but I love your mother so much and I'm going to be here for all of us okay [Music] Shane I wanted to give you something as a token of my appreciation for what you've done for rain bringing hope and love back into her heart wow Henry thank you just remember to take it off for the service okay hold [Music] on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay put this a now this May because a little nuse go ahead and check your blood [Music] pressure when Mason died it felt like that was it like everything we had worked for was pointless and it was really hard for me thinking about how unfair it was that he had been taken away from us but Shane I had to look at my pain look at my fear my anger say to myself physically say to myself this will not destroy me there were days where it hurt and I allowed I allowed for it to hurt but then I knew I had to get up and get going [Music] I need to know that you're going to be okay Shane I'll be there I will I'll be there for everyone and I need to know that you will never lose hope but if you do you just got to look for it because you'll always find it Shane I need you to promise me that you'll stop looking at me like I'm about to break I mean all the let me get you this can I get you that you want some water can I open this [Music] envelope Dr Baker says that if the chemo doesn't work I have maybe three months [Music] left maybe it will work I don't [Music] know but if it doesn't we'll have 90 sunsets together this sucks rain it just sucks just [Music] [Laughter] sucks it does suck it sucks hey we're going to be okay right yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] this isn't working is it rain you know I've always been honest with you and uh I can't tell if this is working as well but we're still running test okay okay I just need you to hold on hold on to Hope cuz right now hope is all we have to hold on to Mom it's some [Music] [Music] Sunset gabin I know I know it's okay I love you Gavin it's okay I made you this bracet mother oh rainbow I love it thank you you're welcome I love you I love you too I love you so much rain it's getting late it's getting dark let's go home you make me so happy happy thank you for finding me come on let's go home come on I'm going to miss you rain rain rain please please no don't leave me don't leave me [Music] oh [Music] it's very sad oh I know she just got married months ago Beau no way what is it matter oh my goodness hey girls thank you so much for being here you meant so much to her oh excuse me I'm sorry did they make up not that I know of Mom Dad so sorry she was such an important part of the horse rescue I can't imagine what you all would do without her she was your sister oh Dad I said goodbye to her years ago you need to go seriously just go Mr Miller I truly am very sorry rain was an incredible woman I have something I want to show you upstairs she kept this dear diary today was a sad day I feel like I'm losing my best friend Maxwell he's off to college will he even remember me will he remember the horses and Life As We Knew It to think of him in college all those new [Music] friends my dad will even remember me I'll always remember him he was my first friend and my best friend forever rain BFFs huh yeah apparently so Bo I sure wasn't much of a friend in the end I swear I didn't know and even when I did I just thought that she was going she's so strong if anybody could beat [Music] that God Henry I chose the wrong thing rain always thought you were ambitious and clever in the end she didn't blame [Music] you Max it's time to do the right [Music] [Music] thing thank you for coming by Mr Roberts you're welcome I'm sorry I'm a little underdressed oh that's all right this won't take but a minute quite frankly I believe it's a very generous offer don't you agree well above appraised value might I add this is enough to value your own plane wow this is a very generous offer thank you very much um but like I said uh I'm not going anywhere are you kidding really this guy knows my sister for six months and he thinks that the land is his th This Land Is My Birthright okay and you're trying to take it from me you you've never even ridden a horse and all of a sudden you're going to raise what 30 plus of them this is ludicrous Eliza let's just the fact I don't know maybe we should Maxwell Eliza please yes it's true I've only known your sister for 6 months and that may not seem like a long time but in that time she welcomed me into her home she pushed me and she helped me to grow she grounded me of course I'm heartbroken but I'm stronger and I'm better and I've learned all the inner workings of this rescue I know all the likes and dislikes of each and every one of those animals and trust me there's a lot of them so I may not have the birthright but I've got Drive I wake up each and every morning and I work the rescue and in the evenings I take care of the finances I do it tirelessly and I do it happily to make the rescue better and better each day just like rain did for me look Eliza there may be a part of you that wants to do the right thing but all I ever hear is greed and Hate so if you take the land you're not taking it from me you're taking the only home that your niece and nephew have ever known the one that your sister created for them and the one that I will fight to keep for them I'm appalled at both of you Eliza you're her sister and Maxwell you are her childhood friend I'm [Music] done [Music] Eliza I am [Music] sorry but I can't do this I didn't see that coming [Music] I think it's time for me to go back to where I belong excuse me Eliza why don't you stay a couple of days spend some time with the kids it's [Music] okay it's okay it's okay it's okay oh rain I am so sorry I wanted so much more I swear I thought you knew that show off [Music] [Music] come in hey buddy can't sleep me either I guess you heard analiza this is your home she can't take it away I won't let her you miss [Music] her [Music] me [Music] too [Music] man this is hard this is so hard rain what was it you said hope is always there if you just look for it be a lot easier if you were still [Music] here and I need to know that you will never lose hope but if you do you just got to look for it cuz you'll always find it [Music] don't leave us I'm not going [Music] anywhere [Music] [Applause] [Music] I remember thinking who's that girl man it seems like yesterday I never dreamed that you could change my world and then you stole my heart away never been in one place too long maybe I didn't really care but something happened when I looked in your eyes and baby I ain't going anywhere girl we've got nine sunsets until we have to say goodbye I'm really going to miss the night stand we sit here looking at this Sky I never knew love before this and now we're running out of time baby I could never forget a single one of these 0 subet I love lost in a memory sometimes I wish I had a second chance thinking about the way we used to be think about the way we used to dance hope all we have to hold on to so when we think we can't stand this pain we'll say a prayer to the man upstairs and Heaven's going to bring the p r girl we've got 9 Sun until we have to say goodbye I'm really going to miss the nice day we sit here looking at this Sky I never knew love before this and now we're running out of time baby I could never forget a single one of these [Music] 90 [Music] so don't you worry about thing my de no I'm not going to worry cuz I'm always going to be right here it's time to go home girl we had nine sunsets now it's time to say goodbye just know that I'll always love you that it's okay to close your eyes I remember all the night that sat there looking at this sky and never have a single regret of the new 90 Sunset girl we had 90 [Music] Sunset yes we had n sunet [Music]
Channel: Viblu Studios
Views: 518,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full movies, free movies, youtube movies
Id: mPd9LaVh8Ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 37sec (6277 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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