Pathfinding old Forest Roads - Surrounded by Coyotes - Solo Overnight Adventure

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[Music] [Music] hey there everyone welcome to this episode of the outdoor gear review it is a venture time for this trip I have come back down to the Boone Fork campground which is abandoned and I'm going to be following some forest roads specifically 6089 and 966 it is warm it is about sixty degrees right now it's unbelievable [Applause] so far and this adventure it's just been me you and the birds and that is exactly the way I like it it really is the truth is I've never been a fan of large crowds lots of people I really am a lone wolf hmmm quite a bit of coyote poop out here maybe tonight we'll hear some howls now this campground so you all know is part of the Pisco National Forest it was closed down 2010 because of a lack of funding and never opened back up it is a little bit out there middle of nowhere I love this spring sort of weather it's cool in the shade it's warm in the Sun it's perfect I mean I wish it was snow and don't get me wrong but this is not bad by any means mrs. wolf thank you very much for the sandwich sandwiches made by others always better always before going any further in this adventure let's talk about the body that was found in this area now last week if you saw that adventure Sousa and I we came down and we spent the night did an Overland trip that morning when we were packing up a reporter from Channel 9 News Charlotte showed up and informed us that they found human remains in the area on Saturday since we did that video the story has not unfold 'add at all there's been no updates the Sheriff's Department has not released any sort of information now from what I understand this is a murder case and the individual the body that was found is a guy who went missing some point in time last year in 2019 around August apparently he was not reported missing until Saturday when they found the body here and of course they were given tips somebody knew exactly where he was all in all it is a rather strange story all right everyone let's go over the map and our plan for the day so I parked right over here this is the pond right around this area there's a gate now I am following Forest Road 2:05 5 2015 5 and I've hiked down here to the campground and I'm actually over here at one of the campsites now the plan is to go over here to 9066 and follow this road up into this point then I'm going to connect with 6089 follow it up over grab some water around here I'm going to stay on 6089 follow it all the way over to the top of this mountain right here tomorrow we retrace we go all the way back to 1966 we follow it until we can connect with the Buckeye Trail we'll follow it down to the campground and then go all the way back [Music] talking about the weather for a minute the highs today around 60 degrees tonight low around 37 tomorrow 75 and lots of rain coming in as I turned onto Forest Road 966 here I was talking to a couple who were coming down it sounds like they are fairly familiar with this area this campground they said about 15 years ago somebody was murdered here murdered right there at the campground where I had lunch as you all could see there someone had a fire right in the middle of this road here are the mountains that is very very common and that's because in the mountains flat is a luxury it's funny I've camp before in the middle of roads and I love reading the comments oh my god I can't believe you're doing that they simply do not know any better that's the difference between city folk and mountain folk over here 1966 continues on we will take that tomorrow we are going this way 60 89 so far this road is fantastic I love hiking forest roads the thing you have to remember about forest roads is that finding reliable maps can be difficult sometimes impossible also just because there is a road doesn't mean that it stays a road or just because one end is open that the other is oftentimes you will find some open some closed some roads that just abruptly end some that turn into hiking trails it is always different for this adventure the best map that I found was the United States Forestry Service 2016 map that is essentially the only map that I could find with this trail on it Wow this is really opening up I'm so glad that this is opening up a little bit I was afraid that I was going to be stuck in the woods the entire time I did look at a satellite image of this area but you couldn't really tell a whole lot because of the angle in the trees you really couldn't see what was open and what wasn't it won't be long and the snakes will be out in truth it's possible that we could see one today it is warm enough where they may come out get a little bit of Sun they love grass like this they can come out of the woods stay covered get some sunlight warm up you always have to be careful keep your eyes open everyone I was thinking about the interaction that I had with that couple back there they seemed very nice and it's thinking to myself to me when I talk to people it always seems a little bit awkward for some reason if we ever meet face to face it might just be a very awkward sort of interaction Susan says that I just talk I just ramble can you guys imagine that me talking too much no way what are you talking about [Applause] [Music] all right let's take a look at the map here real quick so we are now at the very first water crossing here there's one more up here just a little ways hmm that is not the easiest water to get so I think I'll wait to the next one there's also more creeks up on top of the mountain which I can access if I need to so far this has been a lot of fun this is a really nice road it has been traveled somewhat there are some tire tracks some mountain bike tracks and some horse tracks I stepped off trail for a moment because I saw essentially a trail going through the woods and it's nothing more than just a game trail when I'm hiking around I pay attention to everything all the small little details I'm watching the tracks I'm looking for scrapes bullet holes signs of people signs of animals everything and that is one reason why I taking breaks is so important when you get tired you essentially lose that ability to observe and that's when mistakes happen and you get hurt that was the second little creek crossing there and I could get water there but I still have a pretty good ways to go so I think I'll just keep hiking for now that is a fuel barrel probably 20-30 years old from back when they were logging this area it's amazing that it hasn't been shot to bits [Applause] just took a look up a map and based on my calculations I've actually missed the point where I was going to basically go camp and the truth is I didn't even see a trail so I could go back maybe a quarter-mile there find it or not find it or I could keep going on this hmm I think that's what I'm going to do here in a minute I'll show you the map and where I'm headed to already my plans are changing just a little bit and that's the best part about an adventure is that your plans could be fluid you can make changes on the fly and that is exactly what I'm doing so as you can see it is definitely warming up look I hate spiders that looks to be an old kill site of some sort the body the carcass everything is gone now so take a look here at the map the thing is it looks like it continues going but fades then there's some sort of trail that branches off numerous times I need to get on to forestry Road 1167 if I need to I could go off trail and essentially just cut through the forest and make my way down to it now this is where I was going to camp originally but I could not find this so I've continued up here essentially I'm right here in this bend now you can see the road actually ends here on the map anyways but my hope is that the road actually continues continue down with the wash follow it all the way down to this road and then follow it back to where I parked I don't have to go much further to see if this road ends or continues on and essentially the direction that I need it to go interesting very very interesting the trail goes this way and it looks like it also goes this way all right well I think my plan is I'm going to go back to the water trail I'm going to camp there it's already getting late the Sun will be down in about two hours so I can go back set up camp get some firewood get dinner going and I think tomorrow instead of heading back and doing 966 I'm going to throw caution to the wind and keep heading on this [Applause] now tell you what where I'm at right now going to get water it is making me work for it it's right down there but it's not easy to get to found it finally so this is a pretty nice little spot to be honest with you essentially I'm on the side of the road this area has no designated campsites or anything like that so basically it's what you can find and this is what I found finally it is starting to cool down a little bit good inside of this I have my map I have a battery charger I have batteries for my camera I have some personal protection and more now when it comes to the coffee tasters nasty and some Trader Joe's pretty good combo I do have some new gear that I'm testing out here I'm sure you've noticed the Kelty one-man field tent import version I also have a new cook set from Soto which I'm testing out that I'm very impressed with so far it is like an insulated sort of cook set it's pretty awesome keeps your drink hot you can keep your water hot you have the pot grabber it's pretty sweet this is from Iike made in Sweden every single time I push and pull the blade bends to the side it's not rigid enough there's simply too much play in this blade to give you a good cut does that look straight to you all I'm going to try that again [Laughter] that my opinion is not very good now with this wood here this is locust that means it is very very hard the thing is the saw will cut but it takes so much manipulation to keep it straight so much work [Music] now when it comes to having a campsite or even a fire on a road I personally have no problem with it now tomorrow morning I'm going to clean this up Leave No Trace is be even on a forest road even out in the middle of nowhere I can't say that I'm a big fan of this saw it's just not that good in my opinion there are so many better saws out there than this I put way too much water in there that's okay I have a tendency to do that with just about every meal that I make on the trail as you all can tell it's getting dark now that means it's time for dinner and it's also time to get the fire going I've been kicking back drinking my coffee pretty much just watching the sunset I don't know if the camera does this justice but the sky is like a purple color right now it's beautiful it's been a good day it's exciting being out in a new place exploring no idea where you're at at the same time no communication with the outside world I've had no cell phone service the entire time I've been here and I don't have any sort of like emergency beacon GPS thing if you want one that's great but I simply don't want one I'm out doing exactly what I love and so the bad happens it's on me I accept that oh yes I tell ya that feels good it's also comforting at the same time even though honestly it's not that cold I'd say it's in the 40s maybe 45 something like that I'm having chicken salad egg crackers for dinner hmm god that's good I can see already that this firewood is going to go really really quickly there's a little bit of a breeze and it's just enough where this fire is just going through that wood because of the eco saw I really didn't process as much as I wanted to and I didn't get to use the ax either I was thinking earlier about the story that I was going to tell with dinner and I think I'll talk about my childhood some more everybody says they enjoy hearing about that as I mentioned before in previous episodes my brother and I we didn't have a whole lot as far as toys go or anything like that so we spent a lot of time in the woods it was my brother myself my neighbors Zach and we were always up to something most of our childhood was unsupervised that's a good thing it's a bad thing we did a whole bunch of things that were really dumb super exciting when you're young but just incredibly dumb anytime that we did have toys they would always come from like yard sales and stuff like that so we had a handful of like GI Joes and stuff and they pretty much ended up how everybody's GI Joes ended up they were melted with magnifying glasses shot with pellet rifle and stuff I can remember to this day the sound of the plastic melting and dripping zip zip-zip those were some good times that's for sure I remember one year this big tree fell it was basically on my friend Zach's property right next to ours and the tree was just humongous it really was the trunk of that thing was gigantic and it was pretty good off of the ground because some of the limbs were like dug into the dirt so we decided to build this big fort and of course we used what we had we had some building supplies that were left over if there was some trash out by the truck that my dad was going to throw away grab it so we were able to collect a couple of pallets some black trash bags contractor bags there was some clear plastic for maybe like a window or something and we went to work what tape and who knows what else I can remember that structure to this day and if you were to drive by and see this thing it would give you a shiver down your spine because it was hideous it was the worst looking shelter fort thing it looked worse than like something a hobo would put together it was just terrible we spent so much time out at that fort it didn't matter if it was a sunny day or if it was raining we were out there that was so much fun I would love to hear from you what was your childhood like did you have it all did you have nothing did you play outside play games my brother and I we didn't need toys because we had each other and we had the outdoors so lucky because of that too so lucky yeah anyways I'm done talking for now I'm going to focus on this enjoy this little fire I'll see you all later coyotes closed those coyotes are surprisingly close in fact when I turn on my headlamp I thought I saw eyeballs I'm not worried about it coyote attacks are very very rare it happens but it's pretty rare [Music] the fire is almost out low enough to let it be by itself those coyotes are still going crazy I wonder if it's me that hasn't them all riled up they might be tracking something I don't know now for tonight I do have some movies to watch it's only 7:14 p.m. I think I will start off with the Grand Tour that show is hilarious their adventures are so funny well I'm going to bed I will see you all in the morning I'll bring you back if anything crazy happens I don't expect anything good night yeah well good morning everybody the Sun is coming up it is a beautiful morning it's pretty chilly it's pretty cold but it's gonna warm up fast last night was awesome slept really good laughed my brains out watching Top Gear gosh those guys are so funny they really are [Applause] now last night I had a little bit of condensation build inside of the tent namely on the walls my sleeping bag was just a little bit damp this morning that's why it's sitting out and already it's dry enough my plan is essentially to break down camp while the water's boiling half coffee half breakfast hit the trail who knows exactly where this is going to go I assume that this does connect with that forest road that I was talking about we shall see the couple that I was talking to down at the campsite the campground they said that it did [Applause] and here we go again everyone adventure awaits those who seek it good sized coyote track there that could have been from last night something to think about everyone is that adventure favors the curious and I am curious where does this go we left the road back there we're now on this trail let's find out together hey I hear you whoa gigantic hawk fly to the woods whoa Wow it was huge probably up there watching me right now actually it's a nest might be right up here that was sweet I hear ya Jaco circling me this really is just an awesome trail I've thoroughly enjoyed this here in a minute I will pull up my phone load up Gaia GPS and take a look and where exactly I'm at with the paper maps that I brought I really didn't expect to come up this far so I didn't print out this area luckily I did download maps just in case all right so I am the red dot right at the very end of this trail now I believe it's going to connect either over here or down here on this road touch that if you want to be sticky for the rest of your life all right made it you can see just how easy you could get lost if you didn't have a good sense of direction there are trails everywhere roads everywhere but you're good with navigation and you can find some good maps think about all of the adventure that awaits you I'm getting close to the road and it looks like it's covered in cops down here let's see what's going on discretely so I'm gonna take a look back there I guess the police are still investigating that murder or the body that was found anyways I'm on the road now heading back to where I parked should be there in about 15 minutes this adventure is coming to an end as soon as I got out onto the road there was all the law enforcement whatnot there was a guy coming through he is going fishing and basically he gave me a lift very nice guy appreciate the ride buddy he also told me a little bit about the history of a campground he said that it opened up in the 70s and said it was just crazy all the things that took place there I mean there were murders there's just all sorts of just crazy stuff and basically they shut it down because the upkeep was too high they didn't have somebody who would stay here permanently and watch over things so people would come in and just tear the place apart they would do drugs go crazy so that is why it's closed that's why it's going to remain closed and because it's so far out in the middle of nowhere nobody's really coming out here anymore except for us that was an awesome trip that was an awesome trip the guy who gave me a lift pretty funny I asked him how far I was from the parking lot here and he's like whoa too far too far to walk and I think it might have been a quarter-mile maybe it is time for me to go home and time for me to say goodbye to you all thank you very much for joining me for this adventure this was a ton of fun it definitely did not go according to plan I loved how we changed it it was amazing on to the next heck you never know one day I may come back here and do some more exploring make sure to hit the like button if you enjoyed this video subscribe if you liked it if you want to see more support through patreon if you want to because the outdoor gear review is 100% agenda free no store no affiliates I don't care if you buy anything that I use in my videos I'm simply here to share my passion for the outdoors give you my thoughts on gear what works what doesn't work that's it the next adventure will be a three-day Overland trip in the Pisco National Forest on some back roads everybody take care see you soon [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: TheOutdoorGearReview
Views: 184,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outdoors, hike, hiking, camp, camping, hiking gear, camping gear, camp fire, solo camping, camping adventure, backpacking, overnight adventure, Overnight Adventure, summer storms, camping thunderstorm, abandoned campground, hiking forest roads, Solo camping, bushcraft camping, mountain camping, forest camping, exploring forest roads, wilderness camping, backcountry camping
Id: ncRUPHhBsrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 36sec (2976 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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