Everything is Frozen! - Winter Camping in my Truck During a Snow Storm - Broken Heater

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] my friends welcome to this episode of the outdoor gear review a winter storm is on the way winter storm izzy i think that's what they're calling it sounds pretty lame but the storm is not supposed to be lame the forecast for this area is up to 20 inches of snow will we get that i have no idea i hope so but i would be happy with anything to be honest as long as it's doing something i'm happy well everyone the truck is pretty much ready for tonight the beginning of this episode the beginning of this adventure is pretty quiet pretty lame actually i drove out here it took a couple of hours the roads are getting covered with snow and already there's quite a bit of snow and ice on the roads out here temperature about 27 degrees and dropping the low tonight will be around 15 degrees i don't know what this adventure is going to be exactly this is going to be a truck camp for sure but there could be more aspects to it it really depends on what this storm does if this storm drops two feet of snow this may be a two day three day even four day adventure who knows they say that travel could be virtually impossible so we shall see i'm just excited to be out with my friends we're doing some truck camping and we're doing some truck camping because that's what you all voted on i asked my patreon donators and youtube donators what would you guys like to see the majority said truck camping so here we are we're out in drifter it's snowing oh yeah we're gonna do some good cooking we'll adventure in the snow it's going to be a lot of fun it really will be you may be wondering where am i i'm in virginia in between mount rogers and white top mountain in a trailhead parking lot i'm not the only one here there's actually quite a few cars so some other people had the same idea they may be backpacking but then again they may be in their vehicles when i pulled in and i got out i thought i heard some whispering some talking so i'm not really sure where that was coming from i'm pretty sure it's one of those vehicles though something that you have to keep in mind when you're car camping your truck camping is that like there's always someone watching always people seem to forget this sometimes and folks i've seen some crazy things in my time i've seen crazy things in this parking lot crazy stuff jimmy johns oh yeah nice and easy tonight that's how i'm doing it i ordered a billy club i'm not even sure exactly what this is to be honest it looks like it's like roast beef and uh turkey with veggies on it that is freaking awesome i'm going to tell you all something pretty funny about jimmy john's so when i started this channel roughly 10 years ago you should go back to like my very first video you will see just how lean and skinny i was i believe at the time i was like maybe 120 something like that so since that point in time i've always worked out i've always been very lean since that point in time i've gained quite a bit of weight quite a bit of muscle and that's something that i've always had a very hard time doing my entire life i've always been very lean what i contribute to getting me up to the weight that i'm at now jimmy john's is what got me up to this weight so picture this roughly 10 years ago i'm about 120 couldn't gain any weight i start eating two subs a day i think i went up to like three subs a day at one point in time and i was able to pack on the pounds and convert that to muscle and i've been able to maintain so i think the heaviest that i got up to was like 170 and that was ridiculous i was huge so i cut back a little bit 160 is the sweet spot for me i feel anyways so i'm like not too big for my height at least you know what i mean each one of these subs is like 13 or 1400 calories something like that i would never recommend to anyone that they go in the jimmy john's diet to gain weight but that's what i did also these things are packed full of salt so you do have to be careful but that's how i got up to the weight that i'm at now i don't know if i could have done it any other way maybe with like weight gain shakes and stuff like that but those things are terrible these things are just so packed full of this might be too i don't know but now everyone let's get the heat going because it is freezing it is really really really windy outside and that temperature is dropping fast plus there's so much moisture in the air that fog the snow itself not that bad but the fog everything's getting wet everything's getting damp including me so my best friend for this adventure is my heater buddy there we go oh man i feel so good that is so incredibly nice i love my buddy yes i do let's see that window is open so there's good airflow in here nothing to worry about a good way to end the evening is with some tea i have some tea from a woman named kate kate thank you so much you are so sweet susie and i both appreciate everything that you sent us you are awesome cheers everybody cheers kate thank you again the heat feels amazing the warm tea super nice it's a great way to end the evening [Applause] [Music] uh well folks it is now bedtime i have a pretty nice nest right here it's been a good evening i've just been kicking back next to the heater having a good time watching some youtube i don't know if it's really snowing or not it's super windy every once in a while i can hear what sounds like sleet but i'm not sure if that's just ice falling off the trees i don't know we'll see what happens though we'll see what happens now tomorrow we're going on an adventure we're going to grab a day bag head up into the mountains we're going to go up there and have lunch so we're not going to be stuck inside of this truck the entire time so let's get some sleep we'll get up have some coffee some breakfast and we'll head out so everyone good night for now foreign good morning everybody good morning it's about 8 30 and it is absolutely insane outside not so much for the snow but for the wind the winds are blowing like 50 miles an hour easy and they're not really supposed to even kick up until later this afternoon but it is insanely windy out there this parking lot when i showed up last night was full everyone's gone except for me and one other vehicle just about everyone hiked off the mountain last night hopped in their cars and took off low teens it's probably around 10 degrees i just noticed here i made a big mistake last night this is my bottle of water okay so it has a little bit of time left this is about to freeze solid i tell you what guys those wins are insane i mean they are absolutely rocking this vehicle they're that strong all of the wind is coming this way which most of the time is coming this way my old unjulax sleeping bag kept me nice and warm last night when it comes to my overland setup it's very very simple that's how i like to go about it i took some wooden planks i made it so that you can set these up on the bed rails so i have like a nice area to put things i have a shelf i actually have two shelves there so i could take one and put it over here if i need to i don't think the camera's fogged up at the moment that's a good thing everything inside of the vehicle was ice cold this morning so as soon as we turned the heat on everything started to sweat everything started to warm up condensate fog up tell you what folks it is nasty outside it is really really nasty i'll have to think about my plans we're definitely going to get out but i'm not sure we will do what i had in mind because going up on top that mountain on that bald is insanity i think yeah the morning's starting off good some nice warm coffee got my buddy here going oh yeah this is what freeze-dried biscuits and gravy looks like the winds out there have to be blowing about 60 miles an hour right now listen to that it's just simply roaring i don't know if you all could tell but the truck is just rocking back and forth good grief what i have for breakfast is biscuits and and i added a little bit too much water like normal that's all right let's go biscuits in gravy town that is really really good that is from pinnacle foods jalapeno cheddar biscuits with herb sausage gravy that is fantastic holy let me step over here whoo this is like blizzard conditions everyone let me get my mask on all right everybody here we go on the ground here we have a drift that's roughly nine inches deep there's a thermometer here on the wall it says it's warmed up to about 20 degrees all right folks let's do a little bit of hiking here this is something called the elk garden trail i have no idea what this is where this goes but it's a beautiful day to get out for a little bit going this way perfect going that way awful and that's because the wind is blowing the snow this direction i think this says foot travel only this is an interesting trail basically it's a road look at how big this thing is or i should say how wide now there's something up here but i can't really tell what it is so what is this very very interesting we have water lines it's disconnected here this is the water tank so this thing is open it's been drained we have another water line that goes down here for some reason on this side we have the generator and the pump i don't get it why there's nothing around here there's no houses no one's growing anything gas is empty i have no idea folks i have no idea you tell me comment down below what the hell is this now the snow here is about seven inches deep the hose continues over these hills and keeps on going why would they be pumping water out this way all of this is national forest there are no houses out here wow it just keeps on going so that hose has come down and now is right here and it looks like it's going down this road actually i found something perfect timing sugar water collection area the sign says here the sugar maple trees are being tapped for their sap or sugar water the sap can't read that word through the colored tubes ah to a collection tank before that buckets were used oh that's for tapping this app wow that's really really interesting i wonder if they still do that it says visit the white top mountain molasses and sugar maple corp in nearby white top i wonder if that's still there i wonder how old this is so what they have going on here they have the trees they have those pipes and it all leads back to that collection area all right oh wow all right let's get back to the truck this snow is like needles flying at 70 miles an hour hitting you in the face i tell you folks it is brutal out there brutal it's not that cold it's not that snowy but that wind i will have to do a calculator to see what the wind chill is but it's low let's do a wind chill calculator everyone let's see what we're working with out there so it's 19 degrees 60 miles an hour that is negative 5.6 fahrenheit negative 20.9 celsius with the windchill originally my plan was to hike on top of the mountain here i was going to set up a tarp have lunch but forget about that these are not the type of conditions that you want to go mess around on top of a bald it's simply too windy i went ahead and i took the guard off the windshield because it's no longer needed when i got here that windshield was nice and warm so any moisture that fell on it would have froze so i covered it up it cooled down now nothing is going to stick to it the windshield's too cold the inside of the truck is too cold and outside it's too cold this is not a wet snow because of the temperature let's go back to the coffee cheers my friends cheers so jesus so some of these wind gusts have to be close to like 80 miles an hour you can't even stand up outside that's how windy it is right now inside of the truck well protected nice and warm i did take some paper towels and i kind of like went around the perimeter of the tailgate to block all the drifting snow and whatnot because some snow was being blown inside of the truck so that sealed it up quite a bit it's quite a bit warmer too i've basically just been chilling inside of the truck taking it easy honestly i've been thinking about what i could do because this isn't really the type of trip that i planned i didn't plan to stay solely inside of the truck but because of the windy conditions there's nothing i can do you can't get out and go do something in conditions like this it's simply too brutal you could get frostbite in a matter of minutes it's best to stay put [Music] [Music] so it's now lunch time everyone i have some vegetable beef stew it looks good and it smells incredibly good to the viewer who sent this to me thank you so much i unfortunately cannot remember your name i'm sorry please forgive me here we go that is really good that is from oatmeal's self-heating fully cooked it's good i have to say that the the size here the serving size isn't all that big though you might be able to hear it but it's a combination of sleet snow and freezing rain at the moment you know what that means right i messed up i took the shield off the windshield there the guard then it turns to freezing rain yeah well whatever [Music] that was good thank you again for the meal my friend i appreciate it jeez it's now a combination of sleet and snow let's go check the thermometer real quick about 27 degrees this olive oil is so cold it's become a solid so so dinner tonight is going to be incredible i have a butterfly pork chop i have some mashed potatoes and some corn that's living right there inside of a truck in a trail parking lot middle of nowhere it's snowy it's icy it's cold it's insanely windy sounds good donna so dinner is ready and it looks incredibly good let's see how this is smoky mystique marinade in a bag that's really really good as for the time it's right before sundown it's getting cold again no more freezing rain it's all real thick heavy snow and it's coming down fairly good as i'm eating dinner here i want to tell you all about a big change in my life and also in lucas's life that's my son lucas he's 19 years old this summer he is heading off to college the other night we were talking we were actually out for a night hike and we were having a conversation and we were talking about how at his age he is able to make big moves and like when you get my age your age big moves are really complicated you have so many strings so many ties it really does become complicated right but at his age he can do anything he's fluid so he's decided to make a big change in his life so he's applied to i think it was four colleges he's heard back from two and he's been accepted by both so he has two more to wait on then he's going to go to her and make a choice so this summer lucas is heading off for four years [Music] wow looky i'm so proud of you buddy i love you man everybody is going to miss you so much but this is right for you this is incredible he is going to go out and have so many crazy experiences he is going to be the first person in my family and also susan's family to go to college susie's had some community college my brother has but this is a true university and he's the first one that's pretty incredible pretty incredible with lucas going to college this is not a free ride by mom and dad or anything like that he's been working for a long time saving up he's going to have to go into debt get some loans but this is all on him really eating this pork chop takes me back to when i was a kid i might have told this story maybe my dad he would work all day long then he would come home and then make dinner my dad has always done construction working extremely hard so he comes home he's super tired makes dinner has it on the stove sits down on the couch seriously when the smoke detector was going off that's when dinner was done as i grew up once a week we had pork chops never one time were they not like burned all i remember like taking pork chops and like dunking it in my glass of water hoping to kind of like soften it up a little bit my brother and i we never complained not one time because we knew that my dad was working so hard he was doing his best so we ate it we said thank you and then we did the dishes every single night did we moan and groan about the dishes probably dad would always make sure that we had like one side of vegetables on her plate sometimes it would be broccoli blah blah blah blah sometimes it would be brussels sprouts i hate brussels sprouts i've never eaten one never will i don't like the look of them it's a choice that i've made and i'm going to live with it i remember constantly taking a brussels sprout under the table and trying to feed it to the cat [Laughter] the cat would take it but usually wouldn't eat it so after dinner was over somebody would discover a pile of brussels sprouts like being played with oh man that was so funny my dad would say luke if you eat your brussels sprouts we'll rent a movie tonight and my brother would be like please please do it and i'll be like guys i am not eating these no way i don't care about the movie no way and my brother would be like come on please and i'm like you eat them and he's like no no he would eat his and that was enough dinner's done so i'm cleaning everything up as good as i can it looks like it's snowing fairly heavy outside well everyone i have some news to report first off it's time for bed i have everything ready to go that's good next bit of good news it's not windy right now i mean it's perfectly quiet right now it's amazing i don't know if it's snowing i have no idea we will find out in the morning i do have a little bit of bad news to share though mr heater buddy my friend for a long time killed himself and it's broken it no longer works a few hours ago when it was running i was thinking this thing's not putting off much heat and about an hour later it went out i fired it back up ran for an hour went out now it's completely dead will not ignite it's not the propane tank i switched to other small ones it simply does not work these mr buddy heaters they do wear out over time the thermocoupler goes out i'm going to try to work on it tomorrow when i get home but it might be a goner you never know because we no longer have heat my plans for the morning have changed i'm going to get up fire up that stove make coffee hop out of the truck and bounce it's going to be about 10 degrees tomorrow morning inside of this truck unbelievably cold because again you have cold air all the way around you so there's absolutely no insulation and any sort of heat is being drawn away because of that so my plan is to get up again have coffee and get out of here so that's where we stand everybody that's the plan it has been a good day though it has been it's been a lot of fun anytime that you could just kick back and relax man it's not a bad thing just hop in your vehicle go out into a snowstorm a thunderstorm just go out into some beautiful weather it doesn't matter right even though i've been stuck inside of the vehicle most of the day i've really had a good time i've been thinking about things i want to do i've been thinking about my problems and solutions yeah just thinking about life stuff and sometimes you simply need that so all right everyone it's time for bed [Laughter] yeah mr buddy mr heater buddy i cannot believe i can't believe it i must have worked him too hard and he killed himself that's pretty funny that's pretty funny man hey out of everything that could have gone wrong that's not too bad it's not too bad all right everybody good night see you all in the morning bye for now it's time to hop inside of my super old sleeping bag i have had this for gosh i don't know 20 years something like that i've had this forever good morning everybody good morning it's about eight o'clock and it is cold everything in here is iced up the truck is covered in snow who knows how much i slept good but it's time to get out of here since there's no way to warm this thing up let's just get up and go step number one coffee temperature wise around 10. that's cold enough we'll have coffee in just a minute then it's time to hop out of here and see what we're working with i bet it's a snowy mess i think it's pouring the snow right now and i think quite a bit fell last night that's just a guess who knows we will see in just a minute i've mentioned before that this is a busy parking lot and that's true there was all sorts of weird taking place all night long at one point in time it was like a jeep convention there must have been like 12 jeeps that came through and let's see there was a couple of trucks that came through they parked over there by the bathroom and it was a woman and she was coming up to the truck for some reason she had like her phone flashlight on and like she shined it up at the truck and then turned around and went back so i don't know what that was all about then let's see there was like an like an atv thing that took place i don't know there was like six razors or something but they were covered in lights and had like really tall antennas one on each side let's do some shout outs real quick here my first shout out goes to dylan dylan my friend hope you're doing well say hi to madison whenever you talk to her the next shout out goes to mark he's the guy who had the blue truck next to mine that's awesome mark has been a friend for a long time i didn't even know that was his truck so he sent me a picture of our trucks together he didn't know that i was in here i didn't know that was him so that's hilarious the next shout out is the gym hope you're doing well buddy there's one more shout out and i will give that at the very end it's rather serious and it's a good way to end the adventure cheers everyone cheers oh yeah a little hot but it's good okay let me kind of rearrange this stuff and we'll get out of here oh yes it is a winter wonderland out here everyone yeah there's a good i don't know six seven inches right here look at this snow drift that's about two feet tall and no i'm not going to jump in it oh yes while the truck warms up i'll do some scraping as you all can see the windshield is free of ice and snow i did that by warming up some water with that stove and i came out here and i poured it on the windshield the key to doing this is not doing boiling water boiling water is the greatest chance for fractured glass but warm water no big deal so i warm that up got that taken care of now it's time for me to go this episode pretty much ends here everyone i'm going to drive i'm going to film just a little bit but before i go i want to give a message to a family of a viewer so over the last who knows how long i've been talking to a guy his name is joe anyway a couple of weeks ago he sent me a message and he said he was in the hospital well it wasn't long after that i got a message from a family member joe passed away from kovid so my heart goes out to them my heart goes out to every family of someone who has lost someone friends as well if there's a message that i could send out to joe's family or anyone else who was going through the same thing it would be this many years ago i was reading this book and i don't even remember what it was now but the passage went like this there will be pain for all of us but it will not be all pain nor will this pain be the last i and you too will have to pass through the bitter water before we reach the suite be brave be unselfish and have heart everyone let's go home [Music] so stuck [Music] finally an excuse to use these things so [Music] what so [Music] [Music] yes two feet of snow can't stop us the reason i got stuff back there was pretty simple the entire parking lot is covered in ice from previous snow storms and everybody driving in and out plus i went right up on top of that snow so it took a little bit of traction and speed four wheel drive low to get through it but we did all right folks i gotta concentrate let's do this this is the steepest part the steepest mountain that i will have to drive on for this entire trip so i have to go super super slow here right now i'm down into the second gear i may go down into first before we're done [Music] [Music] okay i made it well i made it down to the bottom what we have going on here is a blizzard basically check this out the key to driving in conditions like this is speed speed will determine everything it will determine if you slide off the road it will determine if you get out of a snow drift there's times where you have to hit it there's times where you have to go slow so what i'm seeing here we're at a lower elevation now there's about a foot of snow on the ground i think up there at the top it was just too wind blown you couldn't see it this was a good storm everyone i've had a great time all right so that was the winter storm izzy truck camp challenge we did it thank you all so much for joining me for this trip i do appreciate you all big time big time if you like this episode hit the thumbs up because it does help if you disliked it you know what to do if you want to see more episodes like this more adventures consider donating consider becoming a patron or a supporter on youtube because this channel is supported by you all and that's it i don't do sponsorships i'm not going to waste your time i can't stand that stuff i don't do product placements paid reviews nothing like that everything that you see me use is gear that i purchased myself and i don't care if you buy it or not that's it i'm going to drive home i need to pay attention for my safety and everybody else's too you never know that old lady who was riding my butt a few weeks ago out here she might be coming up on me who knows that's so funny all right be well be kind strength and honor [Music] just like [Music] oh [Music] but you came around [Music] a new arms of gold [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] ashes with pins and patches [Music] my doubts are gone [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] from the [Music] ashes and patches [Music]
Channel: TheOutdoorGearReview
Views: 747,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, camper, camp, cooking, survival, surviving, survived, wild, wilderness, woods, mountain, offgrid, off the grid, adventure, winter, Ice, cold, weather, Freezing, Backpacking, winter camping, off grid, forest, Stealth adventure, winter storm, winter camp, truck camp, truck camping, Vehicle Emergency Kit, Stranded, stranded in a winter storm, ice storm, snow storm, Truck camping in a snow storm, van life in snow, truck camp snow storm, truck camp winter storm, winter storm in a truck
Id: 9aHwB4ZZoBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 51sec (3651 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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