Heavy Rain and Flooding - Storm Camp - Tropical Storm Fred

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my friends welcome to this episode of the outdoor gear review where today tonight and tomorrow we are dealing with tropical storm fred as it moves into the area i'm out here at lone wolf mountain and my plan is to stay here inside of the shed one last time before it gets fixed up and basically take care of the road here at lone wolf mountain this is going to be an interesting adventure as we deal with the issues that arise here if issues arise the forecast is for over 10 inches of rain to fall already a couple of inches have fallen it's wet there's no doubt about that it's wet it's raining right now not super hard but that is going to change as we move into the afternoon and evening before i get too comfortable let's walk around the property here and i will show you all basically the situation and what we are going to be taking care of with this trip now anytime you have a tropical storm like this come into the area which this happens here every single year there's always unknowns right it may rain ten inches here but five miles down the road not as you can easily tell there are so many unknowns and it's the unknowns that are exciting the first section of road begins up here at the top and it goes up the mountain here if you've been with the channel for a while you know that this is not the first tropical storm this is not the first situation where i've had to come out here and take care of lone wolf mountain a few years back i had to come out and basically dig a ditch all the way around this road that's what it took to take care of lone wolf mountain all of this section of ditch it looks good the last time i dug it out i did a really good job that was kind of funny actually thinking about that at the time i was digging this out right i was digging out the trench here and i was throwing all the mud and rock up here on the bank on top of the hill right there were a few comments from people saying oh man you messed up all of that is going to go right back into the ditch no it won't no it didn't this is proof common sense is king folks if there is such a torrent of water coming down a hill that's washing all of that mud all those rocks back into the ditch that you dug you have serious problems problems bigger than this right the end of the world is coming so anyways i thought that was funny like i said common sense is paramount okay so this ditch runs the length of the road here this first section and stops right here there's a culvert and it goes underneath the road and exits right over here that my friends is section number one it's something i will keep an eye on but i'm not worried about section two and three they are of some concern with lone wolf mountain this is roughly 20 acres and it's divided into three sections you have an upper level a mid and then you have a lower level this is the midsection here and from here it drops down this road here is half a mile long and requires a good deal of upkeep the ditch over here looks good as i mentioned before i dug all of this out years and years ago there's a lot of leaves here you can see all of the growth here inside of the ditch there's a reason for that there's a reason why i let it grow it stops those leaves from moving into the culvert itself so right over here is a drainage pipe and it goes across the road that part looks good this is the section here that i worry about the most right through here folks and you can see why we get to this point all that greenage dies off it's just rock and you have the ditch this is where leaves rocks and debris it's going to move and there's a potential for clogging you can see here how it's been washed out a little bit it goes down you have some minor piling right here again keeps going down some more piling right there right here and ultimately it goes to right here we have another pipe it goes underneath the road to right there i'm not sure if you all can see it but you can tell a lot of water goes through this culvert all of the dirt is washed way down there and that's a good indicator of flow lots and lots of flow okay so that's the big section the next area of concern is the steepest part to lone wolf mountain and that's where we're going to now we'll be there in a few minutes this place is big it looks like the rain is coming back in good cool me off a little bit temperature wise it's about 70 degrees and it is super humid as you can imagine all of this moisture from the gulf it's muggy so here we go this is the steepest part to lone wolf mountain it goes down roughly a quarter mile wraps around and it goes out to the road it's extremely steep it's ex it's extreme it's extremely steep here luckily there's two good ditches one on each side but this is something that i have to keep an eye on the issue of concern here is that this is so flat it's so straight now i did have this grated at an angle so the water will sheet off that helps a lot but with a ton of rain right inches and inches per hour over the course of many hours that much water racing down this road it could cause some problems so that's what we need to keep an eye on folks oh yeah here comes the rain again by the way let's talk about rain gear real quick you can see here that i have my rain jacket on below that i have my pants and my boots these are fjallraven ventilated trousers they are not waterproof and that's because i don't want waterproof pants on right now imagine hiking up and down this mountain wearing your rain gear you would get soaked with sweat it doesn't matter if you have rain gear on or not you're going to get wet i could do this because it's not that cold if the temps were in the 50s it would be a different situation luckily these pants dry very quick i have some dry clothes in the shed as well so anytime i'm going to go out into the rain to work put on my rain jacket wear the boots wear the pants and i'll be good to go [Applause] it's coming down everyone whoa i didn't really think this through as far as filming a video while i love hearing the sound of rain on a 10 roof i'm not sure how much you're going to like that especially for like the entire video it's pretty loud hopefully it's not too bad hopefully not hey now folks up here in the corner right there is a huge yellow jacket's nest that i did not notice before that is a problem because i am highly allergic to yellow jackets so it is best that i don't stay in here and play around um let's see i will have to come back and take care of those but setting up shop here having a fire going and all that it's not a good idea what i'm going to do is to head down to where i parked at and i'm going to set up a tarp over the truck and stay inside of it i think that's the smartest thing to do okay uh yeah at least i didn't set up shop yet so that's a good thing all right everybody so you all can see the setup that i have going on here it's pretty sweet it took me maybe 15 minutes to set this up basically the key is to like guy everything out then make adjustments and pull everything tight so it does take a little bit of work but the payoff is huge it is during the course of setting up the tarp over the truck you all can see it really has been raining hard hard enough to make the water run a little bit here on this road i apologize for the change of plans everyone but this is definitely a smarter move i keep an epipen in the truck just in case but it's best not to uh tempt fate by staying inside of the shed i wish i saw that before i began setting everything up though but hey that's life that's how it goes so i'm not cutting it out i should have looked better really that was my bad my mistake but i've got everything set up here it is now later let's see yeah i got here like at 10 o'clock it's now almost 1 30. so yeah that was some wasted time right there no doubt about it okay but that's all right that's how it goes right that's life as far as this setup goes this is basically what i use in the previous overnight adventure of the truck camp so i have the tarp set up this is from aqua quest i have the green elephant poles they are awesome they're really really good yeah i have the table set up already i have all of my gear here i have my tools for when i have to go out and work on the road let's see a new development we have a tornado watch for the area and that expires in five hours i might as well go ahead and read you all the forecast for the area we have a flash flood watch rainfall amounts between five to eight inches with locally higher amounts then it talks about torrential rainfall and whatnot damaging winds an isolated tornado are the main threats in addition to the flooding so that's where we are at so far it's not bad but again the storm's not here either okay talking about more gear here for a second take a look at these bags these are my waterproof bags i have one for basically all of my camping gear for tonight and i have this one here for my camera gear i picked these bags up at the beginning of the year basically as part of my survival system and also for kayaking it's always a good idea to have waterproof bags you could find a thousand uses for these and these have been excellent they are really really impressive bags we might as well go over all of the meals that i have with me tomorrow we have real term at this is chocolate muesli that's like oatmeal and it's freaking awesome we have herb roasted chicken and white cheddar dumplings and that's from pinnacle foods and we also have chicken gumbo new orleans style gumbo with okra chicken and rice one thing i know for certain is that i need just a little bit of air just a little bit i will actually eat on the tailgate but until then i have my little fan going usb powered just like these lights here all this stuff is super inexpensive works great i have used these products all across the country and if you want me to i can review them it's up to you just comment down below after lunch we will go back down the road and start cleaning up some of those leaves that we saw in that one trouble area we'll do a little bit of cleaning up there be proactive while we can i'm not entirely sure what gumbo is there is no like uh louisiana cuisine in this area so i'm not sure with the last adventure that i went on i had that strange encounter with the individuals in the truck there was the woman and the guy too they were both messed up strung out on drugs and um i had a lot of people asking about that wanting to know more because like i said like they were out there for at least 30 minutes now where i was parked at was basically like there's a road that goes out for about a quarter mile wraps around and goes back out well off of that wrap around is another road and it goes off into the woods out of the way so i was out that road nobody can see me but i could see them so i was able to watch them for roughly 30 minutes they were absolutely strung out they came down that road turned around and the entire time that woman's laughing they go back out park on top of the hill and that's where he begins like honking his horn so she's laughing ha ha ha ha and he's going honk honk honk punk with a situation like that you need to know when to act and when not to there's times where the responsible thing to do is to do nothing at all i was out in the middle of nowhere cell phone service was terrible it barely worked there was nobody around but me and them so i just let it go i mean there's nothing to do really i could have gone out there could have started something but that's a really dumb thing to do especially if you carry and conceal a life lesson to learn is when to act and when not to that's for sure ultimately the couple they took off just very very strange really really strange now you may be wondering how common are interactions like that very uncommon i mean 99 of the time in the backcountry you have no issues but you do need to be prepared just in case there is a problem that's just being responsible right but anytime that you go into remote areas there's a potential there you're going out to get away from people and other people are doing the exact same thing and sometimes it's not because they want to do the same thing you're doing go out get messed up make meth do drugs whatever that's the real world you know what i mean so i'm done with lunch done with coffee let's go do a little bit of work at the moment it's only missing but roughly 65 miles from here there's a tornado on the ground there's some pretty strong bands coming in so i better do some work now especially when it's not raining if i don't have to get soaked that's great i have the chainsaw in the truck ready to go just in case i need it if any trees come down [Applause] so so [Applause] so this has been cleaned out and you can see all of those leaves there that's quite a bit of debris now we have a straight shot all the way down to that point right there i'm going to keep cleaning that out everyone [Applause] the cleanup of this ditch is going very well i'm almost done we have about 10 feet left this down here is the culvert that's the culvert there and it's been cleaned out all the way up well folks i think we're done for now this is in much much better shape you can see here the water has a channel that's pretty much obstruction free and can go all the way down to that culvert now with all of the leaves i'll just leave these on this side of the road already the leaves are beginning to fall so in a month or so i'll take care of everything that was me being preemptive now my role changes now i fix repair and if i have to even dig new ditches i got that done before it started raining oh yeah [Applause] we got back everybody in the nick of time it is absolutely pouring once again there are multiple tornado warnings all around me right now but luckily nothing here and nothing close to home either so there's not much to do just hang out underneath the tarp here watch it rain it will have to pick up quite a bit for this rain to be an issue for it to become a problem so for now i just sit and wait [Music] [Music] [Music] it has slacked off here for a second and i want to go check on our ditch real quick make sure it's doing good make sure there's no issues it has been raining fairly hard for the last couple of hours there's a minor break and it's going to pick up again as it stands there are tornadoes at least tornado warnings all around us right now and there has been a bunch of these i don't know if tornadoes have been spotted on the ground or it's just simply rotation with the radar but either way things are definitely getting active so much for a break in the weather everything is looking good so far i am glad that i cleared this out that was a good move i wish that i could say that i've been super productive but it certainly doesn't feel that way with this trip here this is going to require a lot of waiting that's the name of the game while we're just getting off and on showers some moderate some heavy some light later on tonight that's when it's going to kick in right now three to five inches is estimated for just tonight alone [Applause] my friends it is time for an update it is now seven o'clock it's not raining all that hard really but it's super windy fans from the tropical storm are coming in now and from here on out things will be very very interesting i've been working on the property here i dug a new ditch up at the top just to help direct water just a little bit better so that's working well as you all can see the water table is full every bit of water right now is not sinking into the ground it's running so from this point on we have to be very diligent we have to keep an eye on the ditches and the culverts [Applause] all right everyone it is time for dinner might as well cook before it gets too dark and also the weather gets too bad as it stands right now it is getting really really windy the sky is just roaring it's actually fairly unusual really it's not just the wind i mean there's like a sound behind it like a rumble this is what's for dinner so here's an update at my house this is what's taking place over the last three hours three inches of rain has fallen tropical storm fred is coming in now where they expect five inches an hour that's insane everyone this is awesome this gumbo not so much as an update everyone it is almost nine o'clock the brunt of the storm is now hitting my home so who knows how that's going i haven't heard from susie or from lucas in a while so i'm sure everything's fine but it's definitely raining there as you all can hear it is really coming down now but the hard stuff the heavy stuff is still on the way i'm starting to see some flashes of lightning maybe you all could see the amount of water that is streaming down this road so the flooding here is pretty dramatic so i need to do a little bit of work on this road as you guys can see here the rain is just coming down that took care of a substantial amount of water i am so glad that i was here this area is now under a flash flood warning that's until midnight okay folks so this is what is going on i just got some text messages from susan and our yard is flooding right now my dad's driveway is completely gone so i'm going to call her right now i don't know if you guys can hear this or not because it's raining so bad so hard whatever hey kitty so what happened and he said that he's already been out they put all the sandbags and your dad had checked and it was fine and then within 30 minutes it just changed drastically yeah he didn't have he didn't cut the sandbags out because he looked and it looked fine oh no and then it just changed drastically his entire driveway's in the road yeah and we've lost some gravel but i don't think it looks too bad okay i think it's pretty much done for you all we're getting hit by it now yeah so i'm going to deal with this and then as soon as it's done as long as everything's good i'm coming home let me deal with it walk the roads check on everything and i'll call you back later okay all right i love you bye i'm not sure if you all heard that or not but my dad's driveway is completely gone it's lost the good news is that it is done raining there the strongest part of the storm is here the winds are blowing about 35 miles per hour this is what it looks like i don't know if you guys can see that or not but the rain is vertical we have water racing down the road oh yeah it's raining all right yes i'm getting soaked that my friends is how it goes when it comes to storms like this this is not my first rodeo god those winds are strong folks oh yeah doing good all right folks i'm past the point of filming i need to just turn this off and go to work there's a lot of water coming down right now i mean that's coming down my driveway so it's work time everyone bye for now it's about an hour later i think i have the road under control now i've had to dig numerous ditches folks within that one hour it dropped maybe two three inches of rain and lone wolf is looking great unfortunately my dad's place not so much i'm not sure about my place i think that's it i'm going to check the radar real quick make sure that's the case it is now 11 45. so this should be pretty much over there will likely be some wrap around but nothing too intense all right it is officially over there will be some wrap around but the brunt of the storm is gone so the plan is break everything down head home see if there's anything i could do there i'm not sure about my place or my dad's place i'm sure tomorrow is going to be a very busy day so um yeah no fancy outro everybody i'm just going to say goodbye hit the thumbs up if you like this episode support if you want to patreon youtube you can join the wolf pack everybody i appreciate you i hope everybody is safe i hope there's no damage to your property if you're on the east coast all right see you next time everyone strength and honor goodbye [Music] my [Music] you're always [Music] [Music] [Music] wait [Music] don't you know [Music] you are [Music] always on my [Music] [Applause] don't you know that you're always [Music]
Channel: TheOutdoorGearReview
Views: 156,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hike, hiking, camp, solo camping, backpacking, bushcraft skills, hiking in the rain, backpacking in the rain, rain adventure, hurricane adventure, hiking in a storm, tropical storm camp, Living, Life, Live, Lived, camped, camper, cooking, survival, surviving, survived, wild, wilderness, woods, outdoors, mountain, mountains, vlog, vlogging, bushcraft, bush, offgrid, off the grid, adventure, travel, Traveling, Rain, weather, prepare, preparation, explore, exploring, thunder storm, tropical storm fred, farm
Id: z1urKd6awE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 18sec (2238 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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