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TLDR: Cuts grass, smells an awful smell coming from house. Nothing too dramatic or shocking. The gentleman chats about how it has affected him.

Edit: (From hgaterms below) At 16:00 they make a comment about smelling something that smells like death.

Starts to Smell: 34:00

Phones Police at 40:07

Edit: Chats with police at 46:45

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 730 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KlawBurger πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I used to do this kind of work. All I ever found were bricks, ropes, and chains with my mower blades.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 86 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thebasisofabassist πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Dude knew he smelled death, started putting the pieces together and didn't call the police until after she left. Really thinking of his wife. He seems incredibly down to earth and kind. I really hope he's able to get counseling about this, especially after he mentioned how his grandma wasn't found for a week. The same thing happened to my late friend. This kind of thing really shakes you up and the smell is unforgettable. Cannot be mistaken for anything other than a dead animal.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 407 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/spinnerette_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

That smell is something you will never forget. When I was 5 I was playing in the woods at my grandparents with my older brother & cousin. We ended up finding a man who had committed suicide and the smell stuck with me for life.

When I was twenty I was on a hike and smelled that smell again so I went and looked and found another man who had committed suicide. That smell I would recognise and won't ever forget.

It's important to find them though so their families will at least know.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 39 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xia_via_ria πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 22 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I ended up watching the whole thing.

This dude has an awesome mower. All the gear he has makes this almost seem fun. I know it's work but when you have the right tools, it makes it a lot better. I was actually getting into him doing the clean up.

Him and his wife are a cute couple.

You could really tell this affected him towards the end. He seems like a genuinely nice guy. I wonder what happened. The windows being open seems odd.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 165 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Wagbeard πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

something tells me, in his specific line of work(free lawn service to abandoned or disarray houses) this is probably more than likely going to happen to him again.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/awoods5000 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies


Early in the video, couple joke about a bad smell while cutting the grass round the back.

At 34 minutes, the guy reveals he has been aware all along that the smell the couple were smelling is that of death. He completes the job so his wife is none the wiser. He doesn't want to expose her to this shit.

40 minutes in his wife is gone, so he calls the police.

46 minutes in, police confirm there is a body indoors.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 59 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Alundra828 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

At 48:21 you can see his "We don't dial 911" car sticker which I find hilarious given the context of the video. Obviously it is tragic and someone died, but still I enjoy the irony.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 112 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Help_Im_Trapped_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Got caught up watching him clean up the property lol, that shits satisfying as hell. OP, if you’re the dude in the video, this Internet stranger wants you to know you are a good egg.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NoGoodMc πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 21 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
all right i'm getting ready to start a new project it's uh overgrown but it's all dry it's dying out we're almost to leaf season as you can see this one's starting to turn yellow back here and because we haven't had rain in two months all the grass is shutting down and becoming dormant if you are in the tulsa area and you know of somebody that is in need whether it's with a leaf cleanup or with a lawn service or whatever it might be i will do my best to try to fit in as many people as i possibly can to help them out i've gone full time with doing this now so i need to stay busy you know it's healthy to stay busy i love working i enjoy working and i love to help people with what i do so if you can help me there that would be greatly appreciated other than that if you're not in the area and you do want to help out if you just give this channel a thumbs up on the video leave a comment or subscribe if you haven't it really goes a long ways to helping out and allowing me to continue doing these gift type services community donations charity whatever you want to call it i'm sorry if it offends you if i said i'm cutting this for free and i get funded through the videos that's how i continue to do this okay all i said i will be going on the road probably in 2023 and i'll be traveling to try to get as many people as i possibly can nationwide i have no idea where i'm going yet but i'll figure out the details later so if that's something that uh you'd like to be involved in i'll leave that as an option down the road till then i hope you enjoy this video all right i'm coming in and trimming these bushes i'm taking a little off the top just making it nice and even and all i said whoa man i started seeing some stuff fly out of there got to be careful especially in the later half of the year that stuff starts happening it's probably a wasp nest but like the fool i am i say you know what i'm gonna keep on continuing to cut this i got a little bit to get and i'm just gonna get it is it worth the risk i don't know maybe i'm not too worried either way but uh then i'm coming in and i'm gonna straighten up the front i'm not feeling safe on the other side you know it's way away from the wasp but oh i want to move the camera and oh had a wasp issue on that bush i just sprayed them down i'm gonna give it a minute in case there's other nests and i'll check but i'm gonna go ahead and get this so oh these are cut down at the ground level now go ahead and trim it up all right so on this property i'm coming in trimming up all the bushes i'm on the grass i noticed it was overgrown and so i knocked on the door there was no answer so i knocked on the neighbor's door see if i could find anything out about it because it looked abandoned then i knocked at the neighbor's door across the street no answer at either door and then over to the property on the right car pulls up and it ended up being the resident over there and i talked to him he said well i think that house was foreclosed on i haven't seen anybody coming and going for a while and uh so at that point let's figure whatever it's abandoned i'm gonna come knock it out make some content for you guys that you'll enjoy clean it up for the neighbors he said he's been seeing rats in his backyard so he's like well i'll go ahead and clean that up but just go ahead and take note that uh front windows wide open i thought that was a little odd when i knocked on the door but you know didn't think too much of it people do weird stuff when they move out of houses it's not beautiful but it's better let's go ahead and finish this other one that's a holly bush by the way this is a boxwood all right if you're in the lawn business and you want to start doing a little extra work like trimming somebody's shrubs doing some of that maintenance so that you can retain more clients or adding a little extra revenue i would suggest to set up with at least two trimmers but you can start with one if you're starting with one i used a wheat eater that accepts attachments so it's got the power head and you can have a string trimmer you can have a metal blade edger pull saw hedge trimmers that's what i'm using right now in the video i also like a smaller set of handheld trimmers i use gas on everything because i don't like messing with batteries or running out of some sort of fuel source in the middle of a job so a battery running out would be a big negative for me because i'm looking to get a certain amount of work done in a day and i'm not looking to have any excuses to have to stop as far as it goes with battery operated equipment i'd say it's not quite up to par with commercial grade stuff but i have heard positive things when it comes to trimmers for shrubs shrubs so i would suggest a smaller set of gas powered hedge trimmers and then one of these trimmer attachments like this where you have the extension is great this particular one that i'm using has an articulating head that means you can change the angle that's a big plus but i will say i like the one that doesn't change change angle a little bit better because it actually um i think it just comes down to personal preference to be honest because i used one so long so i don't want to say it's better than the other if you get used to the trimmer attachment with the articulating head you'll probably really see a lot of benefits to that because when it comes to trimming shrubs that are up high and rounding the top they're very very beneficial [Music] these little uh containers if you're gonna smoke man don't throw them everywhere [Music] all right at this point we're gonna use the blower blow all the nonsense into the yard and the leaves the trimmings from the bushes all that stuff so that we can get it onto the turf and we can actually use the mower to shred it up that's called mulching of course i use a side discharge mower so it's not true mulching but the concept's the same i'm gonna strain it up real fine until it falls down into the dirt i don't like using a mulching kit on my mowers because i'm doing a lot of overgrowth stuff and before that i didn't like doing it in my business because when you're delayed for rain or any other reason your mower has to process a lot of material so having an open side discharge was always the way for me to go a good upgrade from the open discharge would be to have a side shoot a shooting blocker that you can open and close so that if you're going past an obstacle you can actually close it and once you pass it you can open it back up the benefit to having it wide open is like i said you can process a lot more and it's going to shoot it further out if you have the factory chute now that comes with it it's going to point it more towards the ground and you're going to get what's called wind rose a windrow is where the grass is lined up in a straight line next to where you know everybody's seen it where there's windrows left from somebody mowing and it's these ugly yellow lines just even straight lines all over the yard so that is what causes that if you have an open discharge side chute it will shoot it all out and it'll spread it out now you'll still fight clumps and different things like that and you might have to do a second pass on the yard you know a double cut that's what we call it stuff like that happens sometimes you do a triple or quadruple cut it's unfortunate when it happens that way but it does [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right so i get a ton of comments about not mowing in straight lines and why you're going in circles and stuff like that i've been cutting lawns for 10 years now professionally and when i cut a lawn there's a reason why i cut it a certain way so one might be that i'm filming it so for you guys if i'm filming maybe i want to cut a section of the yard then move over to the next section then move over to the next section but that way you can see the whole thing without me having to move the camera about 300 times so that it looks exactly how i would cut it now in this particular case i'm cutting it this way for a reason so i'm going to do a pass i'm shooting everything inward and away from the street that way i don't have to clean up the street now once i'm far enough away from the street i don't care if i blow grass towards the street because it's not going to make it to the street if it does it's going to be fine particles now here i've got it all shred up so when you cut in a circle the other benefit to that is that there's leaves and trimmings and stuff like that it's going to shred it up finer and finer as you get to that circle now the problem is once you get it all shred into that pile it's a thick nasty pile of grass luckily this time of year it's real dry it's not that bad other than all the dust so the next comment somebody would leave me is why aren't you wearing a mask and the answer is i'm an idiot but i don't want to tell you that you know it's just more comfortable when you're out working in the heat to not have to wear something and feel suffocated i was a smoker for many years and i don't smoke now although you know i quit in 2018 and i actually started smoking last year when i had a video go viral i finally quit again in january and i feel really really good about it it's uh something that was you know stressed me out last year and so finally i got past it and i'm glad i did that's the way life goes but having said that i've got damage to my lungs already so it's not comfortable to wear a mask say what i mean i've got flip flops your flip flops yeah my flippy flat zippity flops it's pretty dope thank you well let me show you what i got going on how long have you got um about 20 minutes okay so you got 20 minutes yeah i'm not gonna have you edge because you're wearing flip-flops i'm not gonna have you wheatie because you're wearing flip-flops wait does something leave me blowing this or wait do i get two do you want to draw the mower i want to try the mower yeah finally i could be on the mower of yours all right well uh i gotta do the backyard okay are you gonna show me the backyard the front yard looks beautiful if you didn't know this gorgeous lady's my wife rachel have you ever used a mower uh while i've been in business your business no no what experience do you have on the stand on none all right oh wow you uh how do you feel about it about getting on the stand yeah back here in this craziness it's dusty you sure you want to do it yeah wait am i doing the backyard you'll get dirty yeah frisbee another frisbee well now you got to go get it from over there you can hit it with the mower i'm not gonna do it i would hit it with the mower you would hit that that would tear your mower up no it wouldn't shoot it back there whoa dude this is all po okay this is all uh poke bush you see all the purple it's poke yeah so uh these berries this is like purple dye yeah they're the ones that make purple dye you can't eat them well we can use it for dye look at those pretty flowers yeah they're messy but it's look how crazy that is i'm gonna take my hamstrings for that and to think that purple dye was is considered a color of wealth a royal color a royal color in another country i don't think this grows over in europe so uh if you didn't know they used to make purple dye out of sea snails and it took about 12 000 sea snails to do like what a little piece of trim yeah to do one sheet well i think it was trim on like a garment like crazy anyways all right so ew you smell it yeah what is that death that is something dead if it's not a person come on rachel get out of town it's probably probably a cat or something look at all those nice chairs in here yeah that's where they're gonna stay too yeah no i don't i'm not saying them look at all those old bottles what that's cool what's this one oh that's really cool interesting those stay right there [Applause] yeah i all right there's know in there i think the house is foreclosed on uh well there might be somebody living in the house but they're not supposed to be living in the house say hi are we gonna get shot that is a common theme that comes up in my head when i'm working on this product because look all the windows and my viewers love to tell me you get shot if you do that around here i know i get shot if i do it around here too but now if you are going to shoot somebody that is trying to clean up your property for free that issue is with the person that's shooting you not with the person doing the pre-work well you want to start with this front section and then open that oh i don't know which way to like to go but i'm just gonna start doing it and if you say don't do that then i won't do it okay i'm gonna give you a quick run down okay um so the mower always discharges to the right side of you right okay the wind happens to be blowing to the right side okay and we don't want to get the stuff over here which means when you're cutting you're going to be shooting it towards the driveway and it's going to be coming back and slamming in your face you want a respirator no someone won't be here that long okay well let's go ahead and what i want you to do is cut this section you'll have to come down and start down here swoop up shoot it towards the driveway okay and then um yeah i'll give you a quick rundown on the mode yeah it's 36. oh you think that little one's the 88 no that one's not the 88 that one's the 88 but you can use this one all right so parking brake when it's down it's on okay and the mower starts up only when it's on parking brake so go ahead and stand up there okay this is your key to start it that's search your blades uh forward wait what's wrong with my blades this does that does okay this is your deck height okay and you're already down at the height i want you to cut up okay so all you got to do is start it up are you comfortable with driving it we'll find out all right exactly go ahead and fire it up and before you can move you have to take the parking brake off but i can i start it with the parking brake yeah once it starts starting don't keep turning it on okay start it and drive then by the trailer [Music] when you get over first feel the blades though now go back up and take another pass i want you to throw throw all the material onto the driveway so i don't clean up the neighbor's yard [Music] [Applause] i don't care just go down and get turned around [Music] [Applause] so yep go back down make one more pass [Music] [Music] how do you think he did pretty sloppy over there but that's all right i gotta wait either like you said i got a weed eater yeah this thing is super comfy yeah you like it yeah yeah it's cool machine yeah uh you'll get used to it after about a long or two all right come check this out there's only one noteworthy mistake everything else is like for my first time yeah you get comfortable with it the only mistake you did make is when you were cutting this yeah you're discharging towards the street luckily my trailer's there so it's not much of a problem but you know if there was cars driving by yeah then you would take a risk of stuff hitting the car and then the other thing is any debris in the road can cause a hazard but as you guys can see my trailer that's kind of what i was my trailer stopping it would block the trailer that i i was able to do from the trailer yeah just make it more of a pain to clean up oh really what a rookie what that's how we do leaf removal it's all by the leaves yeah it is a big paint yeah then i have to walk back and forth with the blower like pull over here over there what do you think you got confidence to mother back or do you got time i don't know what time it is i don't know can i unlock it it is 309. i can do strip my strip yeah do you want me to do the primary cutter you think you got it let me go open the gate okay it's open dog mike the mower can't fit through that [Music] i'll get it for you all right going kick on the blades you're not gonna hurt the house it's brick so we shoot all this towards that before you go through the gate kill the blades though [Music] [Applause] hey hey hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a little bit [Music] go back and go straight at it [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] all right the only thing to be real careful of don't even cut around the ac okay okay because if you hit the ac i'm gonna have to replace an ac i won't hit it i won't go near it ac units are expensive me no touchy to ac yeah all right so uh yeah so what i would generally do is you do a perimeter cut twice okay and you shoot everything in inward so that means this side's pointing towards the inside of the yard so like a circle square yep do a circle twice and when you get to this just go straight here and then back up into the yard don't even come down here by the ac okay okay um so you just do a circle twice around the whole yard and then you can either start going back and forth or you can start shooting it outward it depends on how the grass is throwing but since it's it's not too bad you can just kind of go in straight lines back and forth does that make sense yeah you think you got it yeah um that water bottle it the mower will eat it right up i just run over it just run over that water bottle or you can pick it up it's up to you i like running over stuff personally now if you do see big sticks and stuff like that don't run over it tennis balls tennis balls are really fun to hit but don't run over them okay now the reason why you don't want to do that stuff is because you can hit it and it can fly and break out a window or something so be careful what you hit certain things like a bottle it's just gonna cut it in half okay i'm gonna pick it up before she gets there calm down um you ready to go i'm ready to go okay so we're gonna go ahead and film this section a little bit different and uh i'll follow you around okay okay all right you know you're not really proficient to film right yet so i'll just uh you know actually no let's ask you a question uh how do you feel about me being on the motor so far was it making you a nervous wreck do you like it is it that's cool yeah i hope you can now she gets really proficient at it and she can go out and do a couple yards of her own yeah no i think it's cool so [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh my goodness look at him he's holding on with his legs my wife wanted me to save this little froggy from getting chopped up by the mower dude he's trying to save your life stop i'm gonna move him over by the house thank you you're welcome all right here we go all right go on crazy [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh i didn't mean to do that yeah i'm sorry camera's only catching over here to the bush baby do i finish this no everything on this side of that bush and then everything on that side of that bush because it can only see so much we'll try this again i think she's got [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] what do you think i think it's pretty crazy that i just mowed that yeah so it's not bad she missed a few spots but you know i mean part of that is it's so dusty yeah just a little bit part of it's so dusty you can't really see what's going on but uh that's the same thing for you because i with sunglasses i can't yeah they just get dust all over them i can see it i can't see well they get covered in dust um and then buddy you okay i am i'm okay i'm okay i'm gonna go get our daughter i'm gonna sneeze i don't wanna sneeze on you love you hey i love you too that'd be fun yeah this uh this fall you'll have to be able to get more familiar with it doing league cleanups and then in the spring maybe we can mow some months ago i definitely see why you said brent suggested the respirator which i knew would happen because like i've learned that with leaf season i always want to have on a mask and stuff and for my ears yeah because if you don't man it happened like that i've only been here what 10 minutes yeah and holy moly yeah why aren't you wearing one i've got one in the truck i'm about to wear it okay good he said goodbye i didn't wear one up front because we've got so much wind up here yeah um but i was still getting hammered i should have i love you okay we'll see you later thanks for stopping by it's fun seeing you too baby love you bye guys bye bye say bye to rachel we are wiggling while she walks she's doing that for me quit looking all right i didn't want to say this in front of my wife but uh i just put two and two together so all the windows were open on the house when you know we stopped here right or when i when i went to knock on the door and and i thought it was all the the windows were open and then i found out it was empty this isn't empty because it got foreclosed on um i was smelling a strong smell of death over there the windows are open there's flies in the house i peeked in when i was setting the camera up over here to catch my wife i didn't want to say it in front of her but uh i'm going to mow this but i'm not going to weed i mean it's strong very very strong so i'm gonna put my respirator on i'll knock down the height but i'll be honest i'm just cutting this one and getting out of here i'm not a fan of uh death being around it smelling it the smell makes me uh what makes me very sick she's like you're all right and i'm like i want to puke especially with the thought of knowing how i'm in the middle of the job and i don't like leaving them half done that's all right i'm i'm okay with leaving this not we needed in the back i'm sorry guys but i'm i'm gonna polish up the front because the smell's not up there but uh that's very unfortunate you know somebody lost a loved one i don't know what it was what was the cause but that is definitely um 100 death so yeah um somebody knows about it all the windows are open and uh all right this one [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right so i'm going to do so i'm going to do my best to to respect the person that lived here i'm going to clean up the front and make it look as awesome as i possibly can um and edge it up but i can't go in the backyard again the smell is very very stout um i assume somebody knows because uh the windows are all open and i assume they're airing out the house but i will go ahead and notify authorities and just say hey i was at this property i was doing some mowing uh spots a strong smell of death the house you might just want to do a a check and when i was 10 years old my grandmother passed away and they didn't find her for about a week and that's kind of how she was found they did a property check i tore my mother up i don't want to talk about that too much but because i understand this situation i'm going to do my best to be extremely extremely respectful with this not what i expected today hey there um i'm cutting a lawn at what i assumed was an abandoned property just kind of taking care of the lawn in the neighborhood and i was in the backyard and i don't know if anybody knows all the windows are open so i assume there may have been a body in the in the house but it's a very very stout smell so i just wanted to kind of give you an address and that way somebody could do a wellness check just in case um uh it's from tulsa uh it's kevin hansen and my phone number is yeah i mean it's it's the smell of death i mean the windows are open on the house but uh i i don't know it's real strong in the back so i don't know if it was recent or something all right thank you bye okay so i just called for a wellness check i can even smell it in the front yard now so i'm hoping nobody's in the house but somebody will come and check it out so i'm going to do my my part and clean up the front yeah this kind of is what it is i guess so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] ah [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] [Music] um [Music] uh [Music] god all right so they're doing a wellness check right now they're heading in the house we'll see what happens from there so um there is a uh someone is deceased in there um so they asked me to hang out for a bit but i don't think i'm gonna finish this one up guys i'm sorry but yeah so all right so i'm gonna fill out this witness statement real quick then i'm gonna head out i'm gonna leave it messy but they're gonna have you know someone to you get the point never had anything like this happen all right so at this point all i know is that the property is a crime scene um yeah i think that's happens anytime somebody dies they could have just died from old age i don't know but uh because it is a crime scene i'm gonna load up head out they've got my information if they need it and uh that's this one all right so uh that's that property i'm gonna leave it a mess um unfortunately um like i said it's a crime scene at this point i wish i hadn't have uh cut this lawn on one hand and on the other hand um i'm glad i did he knows how long it would have been before a person was found so my heart goes out to the family and the loved ones that are involved that's that's really all i can say so i wish them the best and i don't know death is just hard all around isn't it um i might take a moment to say a prayer for loved ones and i'm not sure i'm gonna um i'm gonna go home and uh i don't know take a shower just get my mind off of it i don't handle i don't handle this kind of stuff very well anymore and um 2016 i was on the highway going to work and um i saw a guy that got hit by a car and that was my first time seeing death real close and it was it was hard on me uh and i had to go to work that day and i it was just hard and that's when i realized that you know my my heart and my mind is changed and i'm not that type of person that could can handle that stuff so you know for our soldiers and people that have to see stuff like that our first responders i got a lot of respect for you a lot of admiration a lot of love and appreciate what you do so thank you i'm heading home now gonna get cleaned up and um we'll see if this ever sees the internet i don't know i don't know how to put it up and be respectful oh [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Lawn Care Juggernaut
Views: 8,466,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lawn Care Juggernaut, K&R Lawn Care, Tulsa Lawn Care, Lawn Care 74145, tulsa Lawn Service
Id: Slo0q_vj67c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 34sec (3094 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2022
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