This Is Why You Have To Be Ready To Protect Yourself - Truck Camping Adventure

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my friends welcome to this episode of the outdoor gear review i hope you're all doing well this is a truck camp adventure i just hit the road i have roughly i don't know an hour and a half to drive to get to my destination today it's hot it's humid so i'm going up higher elevation to beat the heat and i'm bringing you all along with me right now it's about 10 30 a.m it is 80 degrees and only getting hotter humidity 100 percent check this out everyone at the bottom of the mountain the last time i looked 81 degrees right now 68. that's amazing 68 degrees and foggy i love it it does not get any better than this also the road is rough my friends this is absolutely perfect in so many ways this is the perfect spot 68 degrees right now up in the fog the chances for rain they're high so first things first i'm going to show you all around then i'm going to set up a tarp over the back of my truck so i could have a nice good livable area where i could stay dry just in case it rains this is absolutely perfect everyone peaceful quiet lots of solitude the views up here are amazing on a beautiful sunny day but today we're not seeing much at least not at the moment [Music] what i have here is a 10 by 10 tarp that i'm going to string up over the back side of the truck here it's not about sun protection more about ventilation when it rains maybe i'm inside of the truck at night time i can have the tailgate up or if it starts raining right now or in a few hours i could be underneath this i could even be in the back of the truck and i'll have great airflow while it's not all that hot up here it is very very humid so it's all about airflow to stay comfortable as part of my overland system i have multiple tarps i have some that are huge some that are smaller like this one and they all have a valuable purpose if i'm set up in a very sunny exposed location i want a big tarp i want to cover as much of the truck as possible that will decrease overall heat inside of the truck and around the truck but for a location like this i need scaled back protection you [Music] now everyone we are in awesome shape the tarp has been set up bug protection set up now i'm going to get the back of the truck ready for tonight and then it's lunch time because i'm starving talking about this setup for a second this is super simple to do it's very quick it's also very inexpensive if i can remember to do so i will put links down below for you all so you all can see the gear list this right here is one awesome device this is a compressor you can use it to inflate your tires and also your sleeping pads and for this sleeping pad i need it i believe it's from a company called wenzel but this is a seriously comfortable sleeping pad yeah wenzel a viewer sent me one of these and i loved it it's so good in fact that susie and i both have one now we bought another one it really is an awesome product the only problem is that it's huge and because it requires so much air you will need some sort of air pump to blow this thing up seriously already everyone the storms are firing up they're not close maybe 30 40 miles away something like that we have the bug mesh set up to keep all the black flies out i have a table set up i have my sleeping pad inflated i have my bedding and all that ready to go i have the lights i have my fan oh yeah that's it everyone as i mentioned that's a very easy setup a very inexpensive setup the most expensive component is either the compressor that i've used so far or maybe this tarp this tarp is pretty pricey but this thing is bomber it's bomb proof this is from aqua quest and they make some of the best tarps out there lunch is going to be very very simple everyone simple but tasty sourdough bread ham cheddar cheese oh yeah [Music] let's give it a shot [Music] that is awesome the black flies out here they're annoying they are really really annoying because of my ankle being so sore after that short 34 mile hike i don't plan to do much hiking on this trip this really is more about just hanging out here at camp and relaxing now there are a set of towers over here we may actually hike the road and go check those out here in a minute for individuals who like to go go go like myself taking it easy that could be hard to do there's something mildly uncomfortable about just sitting around not doing anything at least for myself what about you do you have the same issue i like to just be on my feet i like to be moving so like taking time to recover to heal up yeah it's a little bit what's the word unfamiliar maybe something like that what an incredible place to take it easy at i mean this really is awesome that is so much better folks those black flies were driving me nuts as you may know black flies they don't really care about bug deterrent bug repellent and whatnot but they do not like smoke so i have a small smoky fire going the flies are gone life is good before i couldn't even think straight just like tap tap tap tap it's driving me nuts [Music] all right folks let's go out for a quick little walk i can't sit still any longer so as far as the weather goes it's changing rapidly we have thunder back here we have some building dark clouds over here okay now there's thunder over here [Laughter] we have this super big dark monster forming over here uh tell you what we may not hike very far for the simple fact that if it started pouring i don't know if we'd get back in time i'm not sure if we would even see the rain unless it was on top of us but it is beautiful everyone just gorgeous the fog has dissipated and it's beautiful this cloud here is getting bigger it's getting dark and it's actually getting lower i don't see any rain yet there but i do see some heavy rain falling over here falcon it's time for the falcons to nest and actually there's a cliff over here where they nest at so i'm not going to go any further i don't want to disturb them but yeah there's the tower i don't remember what this is exactly there's another set of towers up here and i believe they're faa towers this could be two i don't know i can tell you that it's not a cell tower because my service sucks it's awful i wonder how often that gets struck by lightning it's pretty close to my campsite whoa check this out the sky is bizarre looking what is that hopefully that's showing up on camera that's incredible [Music] it's like a sideways rainbow in a cloud i've never seen anything like that before i'm not sure how good that looks on camera but in person it's really really bizarre well it's dissipating but that was awesome right now we have a storm over here we have another over here and one back there [Music] so check this out everyone a helinox chair one a viewer sent this in to me this chair weighs about one pound it's one of the lightest weight chairs out on the market and i cannot wait to set this up it looks like it sets up the exact same way as all of the other foldable chairs out on the market the ones from sport near one tigress and so on the chair is awesome to the viewer who sent this in thank you so much my friend by the way i have no idea who you are there was no note in the box there was nothing there was only two chairs one in the camo pattern and there was a solid black one so to whoever you are thank you so very much susie and i greatly appreciate it reviews on these chairs coming soon thanks to you cheers my friends cheers by the way i was going to mention these these are coin bags and you could find about a million uses for these you can get like an entire stack of these things super inexpensively and like i said you can use them for anything i like to use them for coffee i use them for fire starter you can shave up magnesium put it inside of one of these you can also take steel wool and put it inside one of these steel wool makes an excellent fire starter and it can be ignited with flint and steel you don't have to use a match you don't have to use a battery you can do it with just a simple spark [Music] that's a nice piece of cedar right there and here we have my carving kit as it stands right now folks i'm not sure what i'm going to make here maybe a bowl personally i like carving you could be creative i mean the sky's the limit on what you can do what i'm working on right now i'm taking out this notch here this is a little mora wood carving knife super sharp folks that cedar smells so good by the way everyone my kit that is something that i've put together over the course of time every kit needs to be personal you will discover the more you whittle the more you would work what works for you what doesn't so you can see there maybe i've begun rounding the edge there i'm going to round all the way around this thing that's nicely put isn't it i'm going to round all the way around this thing that's funny yeah folks as far as the afternoon goes nice smooth pleasant it's been nice and quiet it's been storming all day all around us but yet nothing here nothing so far i'm starting to round this as you all can see now of course i'm not going to bore you all to death with me working on this but uh yeah if you like to work with wood if you like to create like i do send me some pictures folks i would love to see what you've done what you've come up with it's dinner time for sure everyone and to start it off let's have a drink shall we what i have here is some sort of german alcohol a viewer sent this to me i couldn't read a single word on the bottle but i can tell you it is awesome it's very very smooth for dinner tonight we have super thick bacon burger beef patty cheddar cheese cheers everyone now to be honest i'm not a big drinker here and there i'll have a shot of something or have a beer that's about it really i'm more of a social drinker than anything else for an example my daughter she just came into town maddie i love you she brought her boyfriend and she brought his parents as well everybody is super awesome super nice but um yeah i have to admit i had a couple of beers to make it through all of those visits i don't know everyone she seems pretty serious about this guy they've been dating for oh maybe like a year and a half something like that [Music] a few months back i made a turkey burger this is a beef burger i like turkey turkey is awesome it has a really good flavor like all by itself sometimes it's even better than beef i mean it really depends on how you season it but [Music] all right folks let's eat all right everyone cheeseburger time that is freaking awesome that is cooked to perfection no pink i don't like pink not a fan absolutely bizarre i hear a vehicle coming it came down turned around went back out from the moment i heard that vehicle i mean i could still hear her she's laughing hysterically but not a normal laugh any time that you go to remote areas you will find people like that [Music] [Applause] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] it's amazing in no time it will be cold here at least i mean we're going into september oftentimes we have our first snow in october that's exciting to me already the growth stage has slowed so grass is not growing as fast bushes and so on leaves are changing colors already begun falling yeah fall is right around the corner and i'm super excited not only am i excited for it to get cooler but susie and i we have a road trip coming up talk in a moment about that vehicle that went by with that woman just laughing hysterically i tell you what it's situations like that it's people like that you really have to be careful when uh people are strung out on drugs i mean you just never know what is going to happen they may be your best buddy but then again they may be your worst enemy you just do not know as soon as i heard the vehicle come in and i heard that woman at first i was confused i was like what the heck is that right and then as it got closer and closer i'm like okay like instantly my spidey senses went off telling me hey like something's wrong you need to be prepared i was i am you never know they could be the salt of the earth the best people in the whole world but they might not be and you have to make a judgment call and you have to live with the repercussions just really really bizarre really really bizarre i mean she wasn't laughing like that because she smoked a joint it's something else i've mentioned it before but my family on both sides mom and dad there's a lot of issues when it comes to drugs like hardcore drugs so i mean i've lost some family members to it two cousins directly a third indirectly but still all tied together another cousin he's in prison right now i've mentioned this before i have a cousin and hooked on drugs right after spending some time in prison he got out got clean got sober you know got married had a kid then went right back to it and now he's probably going to see numerous years in jail in prison i mean so um it's one of those things folks it's best not to even start it to any kid who is watching this right any young person the best thing to do is don't even try it you never know the effect it's going to have on you everybody's wired differently for some people you could smoke pot you could do other drugs no big deal and then for other people you could smoke pot and it takes you on a trail to like disaster town so i mean everybody's just different and i've seen both sides right anyways folks getting off of that topic uh such a mess the plan is pretty simple i'm going to sit around the fire here just enjoy it for a little bit longer it's getting cold i think i'm just about ready to hop inside of the truck i might even seal it up my plan was originally to just leave it open use the bug mesh but um yeah it's actually uh getting pretty cold so i might have to seal it up i shouldn't say cold right it's getting chilly well folks it's a little bit after 10 p.m and it's time for me to kick back and watch a movie i think that's the plan i am going to watch the movie the hunter it has william defoe in it and you should watch it too it is excellent i actually read the book a long time ago and i think i like the movie even more so hey good morning everybody it's about six o'clock and it's time to get up no last night was good slept really good that's fast night it's funny man it must have rained last night for hours hours and hours yeah that's peaceful though made for some very good sleeping good morning everyone it is without a doubt coffee time i figured i'll make coffee inside of the truck and that's because it's rather breezy out there it's chilly and breezy the plan for the day is pretty simple i'm going to have coffee have breakfast and then i'm going to see my daughter before she leaves town basically just get out of here go see her say goodbye because it's more than likely going to be i don't know maybe another year before i see her again that is how it works everyone when you have a child in the military that's what it's like breakfast this morning is very simple toast butter jam perfect that's one of my favorites right there cheers everyone cheers all right everyone we are done we have the coffee the toast oh yeah let's see how this is that's freaking awesome in my opinion there's nothing better than butter and jelly or is it jam what's the difference i don't know i had planned to do a bushcraft trip for my next adventure but there's a tropical storm on the way tropical storm fred so it's supposed to be here early next week and you and i will be out in that storm [Music] if you're looking for good tarp poles i could easily recommend these they are from a company called green elephants [Music] [Music] [Music] you know everyone since having the encounter with that woman who was laughing in that truck yesterday that has been on my mind basically for this entire trip it has been a long time since i've seen someone that messed up like she was just laughing non-stop i mean it went on for maybe 20 minutes 30 minutes something like that i kept hearing some guy yelling at her telling her to shut up and like she would stop for a second and then go right back to it folks that's the real world unfortunately my friends thank you all so much for joining me for this trip on to the next adventure this was a pretty low-key trip all in all i was hoping for more thunderstorm action but it just didn't happen the next adventure should be a wild one tropical storm fred or tropical depression or hurricane whatever it may be it's on its way whatever it is we will face it together head on we'll have some fun with it but until i see you all again everyone take care be well strength and honor bye everybody [Music] hold on wait up just a minute now [Music] me [Music] wait a second take it slow wait a second don't you know you're messing with me and you are always [Music] always [Music] [Music] to make you mine [Music] wait a second don't you know you're messing with my sense of [Music] [Music] the time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hold [Applause] don't you know that you're always on my mind [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TheOutdoorGearReview
Views: 1,664,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hike, hiking, camp, solo camping, backpacking, bushcraft skills, hiking in the rain, backpacking in the rain, rain adventure, freezing rain adventure, hiking in an ice storm, freezing rain camp, camped, camper, cooking, survival, surviving, survived, wild, wilderness, woods, outdoors, mountain, mountains, vlog, vlogging, bushcraft, bush, offgrid, off the grid, adventure, travel, Traveling, Rain, winter, Ice, cold, weather, prepare, Freeze, Freezing, preparation, explore, exploring, thunder storm, truck camping
Id: NKwxLlh3lEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 45sec (2265 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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