Attacked by Violent Storms in a Hot Tent - Extreme Conditions Adventure - Is the Tent Going to Fail?

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[Music] so [Music] so my friends welcome to this episode of the outdoor give review guess what it's been raining and more rain is on the way in fact later on this afternoon it might get stormy i really shouldn't even say that because i'm just jinxing myself but without a doubt it is going to rain and because it's going to rain i figured let's come out with this palmoli tint and let's do a hot adventure together normally folks i don't recommend pushing tent stakes in with your shoes but these are so sharp you pretty much have to the tent stakes that came with this tent are absolute garbage i've bent two of these already by simply pushing them into dirt and that's ridiculous look at that tent stake it's bent and all i did was push this into dirt remember when i said that it was going to rain well guess what it's raining right now it's light but it's coming down so i need to hurry oh man god those tent stakes suck it's almost enough to like pick you off they're just garbage just in the nick of time everyone so it's starting to rain right now actually it's more of a mist the sun's partially out i'm sure there's a rainbow around here somewhere since i've basically got this set up i'm going to make some refinements to this later on tonight it's going to get windy so i'm going to guy this thing out i have to admit i am frustrated with these tent stakes they are just again complete garbage look at that also they're super short so if the ground's not really hard they really don't work that well with the storm that's coming in everyone it is going to begin as rain and possibly end as snow the high today is like 45 degrees the low is like 27. so later on this afternoon the winds are going to pick up it's going to rain maybe storm it's going to get windy and colder and that will be an excellent test for this tent also it will be a good test for the stove that i'm using for this trip i use this one time last year just one time before it got too warm if you're thinking that it's the one tiger stove you would be correct wow [Music] [Music] i'm almost done setting everything up folks i'm moving to the table now and once i have that set up we'll move to the stove and then we'll cut some firewood so [Music] with this stove i mentioned before that i've used it one time and that was early this spring so far i do like it pretty good what i don't like are the legs [Music] they are very wobbly they don't really lock into place so if the ground's not 100 level you have a tendency to push this thing over you can see how that leg there it doesn't lock so if you push hard enough it'll fall over just like that out of pure safety i'd like to see these legs lock into place [Music] [Music] so this is my setup so far i have my cot a wool blanket then i have my sleeping bag roll i have a table for cooking and whatnot i can move it outside if i need to i have the one tigress stove all ready to rock and roll i have the green tarp which has been treated with a bug repellent so no bugs to worry about while it's a little bit cold for bugs they're still out here there's still ticks and spiders all it takes is to warm this up a little bit and the whole place would be crawling that's why i use that green tarp that's why i treat it with permethrin originally i was going to saw everything up by hand but since it's been raining more rain is on the way i think i better hurry i better not waste too much time as it is everything's damp but it's not soaking wet it won't take long for everything here to be sopping wet and unburnable so let's go ahead use the chainsaw speaking of which dewalt battery powered it's a great product ah hey uh [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] my [Applause] oh whew okay it takes a lot of firewood to keep a hot tent warm all night and that really is the worst part to a hot tent that's quite a bit of firewood there definitely enough to get me through the night excellent axe by the way this is from a company called brandy this is their german axe i reviewed this a long time ago still use it not very expensive insanely sharp let me say that again it is insanely short [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cheers my friends cheers coffee time that was cowboy coffee made the old-fashioned way smooth very smooth also extremely hot let's take a second here and let's talk about the weather real quick because i've been busy i haven't had time really to check the weather until now so let's see what's going on there's a wind advisory in place and there's also a hazardous weather outlook southwest winds 10 to 20 with gusts up to 50 miles an hour holy crap 50 miles an hour because of the winds i will reinforce the stakeout points here as far as the hazardous weather outlook in addition damaging winds can occur with a line of severe thunderstorms severe thunderstorms may be possible this afternoon wow the storms that are heading this way have killed over a hundred people already there was tornadoes in kentucky missouri arkansas tennessee and so on over a hundred dead wow i will be honest i did not plan to go camping in something like that i knew it was going to rain i knew a cold front was coming through at no point in time was the forecast for something like this but we're out here we're committed we will handle it [Music] [Applause] cheers my friends cheers it is coming down everybody super windy it's a little bit early for dinner so i think i'm going to carve a little bit you all may remember the bowl that i'm working on i haven't touched this since the previous overnight adventure that i worked on it i'm going to work on that listen to the rain listen to the wind drink some coffee when it comes to the weather that we're having this winter it's all basically being influenced by the la nina effect so when you have a la nina winter basically it is dry and warm here in the mountains and that is the case so far we've had very little snow very little cold i think the coldest it's been is maybe like 15 degrees fahrenheit something like that not too bad so as far as this winter goes i really have no idea what's going to happen i don't know if it's going to get colder i don't know if it's going to snow it may be one of those years where we just simply do not get that much snow which would be a shame i would give anything for it to cool down and for it to snow [Music] so [Music] so it's still raining everyone coming down fairly good at the moment the temperature is definitely dropping it's getting cold i'd say as far as the temperature goes probably 45 degrees something like that overall it has been a good afternoon pretty quiet i've basically just been stuck inside of this here not doing a whole lot doing some woodworking listening to the rain to the wind it's been very pleasant so far the palmoli tent is doing very good very sturdy i'm impressed it's not perfect not by any means the tent stakes their garbage the adjusters around the body and also at the bottom they basically come loose so you have to constantly make adjustments to this tent but that's a small complaint that's that's something that you can easily fix there is a little bit of leaking from the stove jack port and also from the tie-off points down at the bottom on the inside it leaks at those points it's not that big of a deal but because of that you do get quite a bit of humidity inside of the tent where there's moisture there's humidity all right that's not smooth it has got to be i don't know 75 80 degrees in here at the moment i need to uh turn this down yeah it is nice and warm cheers finishing up the coffee it's almost dark so i'm going to go ahead cook dinner cannot wait because dinner tonight is going to be incredible cast iron skillet rice broccoli ribs that i've had marinating for about 24 hours now sweet teriyaki ribs oh yeah oh it's hot [Music] [Music] so ah [Applause] so [Music] we got dinner done before it got dark let's see how this is so we have ribs rice broccoli looks hot let's go with a smaller bite i guess um that incredible top-notch you should definitely make this those marinades make everything so simple and they are really really good the sun goes down at 5 11 and it's 4 20 at the moment still raining still super windy outside getting colder inside incredibly warm without a doubt this is a win right here i was going to talk about living in florida i grew up here in the mountains but i spent a few years down in florida you had people from all around the world there so you had white people black people you had cubans haitians pakistani indians and so on the one thing that we all had in common is that we were all dirt poor i've talked about living down in florida before the stories that i have are simply so insane you wouldn't believe it but they're all true drugs the mafia shooting cows and all sorts of weird crap i certainly don't miss living in florida at all up here in the mountains that makes more sense to me i'm not a huge fan of heat or anything like that what about you all hot or cold what do you like i remember specifically this one neighborhood that we lived in and so all of us kids we would get together run around the neighborhood there was somebody that lived in that neighborhood and we're talking poor folks really poor but um this guy had this old like f-100 truck and on the ball hitch on the back over that ball hitch was a baby doll's head even at a young age i was creeped out i really was but all of us neighbor kids we would get into all sorts of crazy stuff for an example there was a portion of the road that had dips on both sides so we would go down on the bank and we started digging a tunnel basically all the way underneath the road to the other side we never made it all the way through but it was a pretty impressive pretty stupid too but hey that's okay i don't remember where our parents were but obviously they were not watching us because we were able to do all sorts of really dumb not far from the house was a convenience store that was run by this guy named connie he was from pakistan he was always really nice to my brother and i and all the other kids in the neighborhood he would give us like free candy and stuff like that i remember seeing like was some sort of candy that had like a uh scorpion in it i don't know what that was to be honest with you he did not give us one of those but i remember walking in there all the time and just staring at that thing as a young kid and just like what the hell is that some sort of weird candy i don't know i'm not even sure what part of the world it was from let's see if i can look that up and see what that was called okay it's called scorpion candy so it sounds like these are popular down in mexico new mexico santa fe and so on the scorpions you can eat them they're baked or something like that anyways that's all i care to do about it it was interesting nonetheless it's getting late into the evening i've just been kicking back relaxing enjoying this warm tent it's so incredibly nice in here it feels great i think we're pretty much done for the night i don't know if it's going to snow i don't know really how cold it's going to get below freezing for sure i think i'm tired it's been a long day i'll bring you all back if anything interesting happens otherwise i'm going to lay down get some shut eye good night for now folks good night for now it's so warm here i don't even need to get inside of the sleeping bag at the moment that's perfect it's perfect something about being inside of a warm tent just listening to the rain good morning everybody good morning it is 7 30. it's time for the sun to come up it's a little bit cold in here i've done a pretty good job of you know feeding this stove basically every hour and that's what this stove here takes it can hold enough firewood really for about an hour so it's been about an hour and a half since the last feeding for the stove so it's uh it's a little chilly in here sitting up would help quite a bit actually the higher up you are the warmer you're going to be so if you sit up you're going to be warmer but as you can see the placement of my cot is different it was initially over here but as the night got colder i moved it closer and closer to the stove but it was a good night hard to sleep in it was uh super super windy last night but luckily it has calmed down at the moment absolutely nothing i could tell that it's cold outside compared to what it was like yesterday i haven't looked to see what it is but it's below freezing that's for sure let's get some water on the stove get that warming up right now foreign [Laughter] as far as the firewood situation goes we have plenty here for the rest of the morning yeah it looks like i i gauged that pretty good it's always one of those things where you do not want to run out of wood run out of wood get cold then what are you going to do you know yeah i just came in from outside it's cold frosty sun's coming up but uh yeah it's a beautiful morning it is there's something about a wood stove you have the smoke just kind of lingering across the mountain it's nice so [Music] [Music] cheers it's time for the upgrade that's pretty good taster's nasty hazelnut is incredibly good you can add that to just about any coffee and it really does take it up to a 10. i give tasters nasty a bad rap i really do and honestly it sucks but the hazelnut version is fantastic so if you can find it try it write me an email let me know if you liked it or not i think you will i am a connoisseur of coffees and fine foods so as you all can tell moving on let's talk about gear for a second this tent has held up extremely well i'm very impressed with this for the money 250 bucks that's what i paid for it the tent stakes are garbage replace those but overall the tent is 98 waterproof it was stood 40 mile an hour wind gusts yesterday for hot tent camping for two people on cots maybe three people on the ground yeah this is nice this is really really nice having space to stand up to move around is really important you could find plenty of small hot tents and yes they're easier to heat but they're a pain to move around in so there's always a trade-off personally i rather have space i'm never going to go hiking or backpacking with a hot tent it's just too much weight if there was a couple feet of snow on the ground and i had a sled that would change things but in the end everyone when it comes to a hot adventure weight doesn't really matter because you're moving it from your vehicle from your house or whatever and setting it up as far as the one tigra stove goes there's a few things that really drive me nuts right the legs they don't lock into place they're very flimsy this stove will rock back and forth rather easily when it comes to all of the latches the adjusters they're extremely short and they have these little key rings attached to them using the stove you will burn your hands on it and there's nothing you can do other than wearing some sort of very thick fireproof gloves that is really frustrating to me so it's like you have this little keychain you're supposed to stick your finger in and open it up but like the lever is so short you open it up and you just burn it so i've got some pretty nasty looking burns on my hand here i don't know if they'll come through or not but got a blister up here two nice burns over on this side and that's me being careful right that really really frustrates me the overall performance of this stove is pretty good the cot did great the three-piece czech military sleep system did great it without a doubt needs to be washed everything in here that's been inside of here smells like smoke so everything needs a good washing i need a good washing yeah folks this has been a great trip my heart goes out to everybody who has been affected by the tornadoes that came through like tennessee and kentucky and so on i believe the death count is over a hundred now so my thoughts go to them that's for sure question everyone does anyone have a kafaru tp tip this is 250 the kafaro version i want to say something that's similar to this size is like a thousand dollars what's the difference between the two is it stronger better made is it a thousand dollars stronger i don't know i have no idea in the future i'd like to get my hands on one but i don't think i could justify paying the price for it so yeah i don't know we'll think about that for a bit breakfast this morning is oatmeal oatmeal and a banana i'll tell you what folks while i have breakfast and coffee let's take a look at the trail cams that i have set up here on the property i set up two the other day so they haven't been out here very long so who knows what's on them if there's anything i will show them right now [Music] i'll leave those out we'll see what comes walking around here at lone wolf mountain not far from here someone recently shot and killed a 23 point buck how about that 23. well everybody the adventure ends here i'm going to finish up my oatmeal let this fire die out then it's time to pack everything up take it home this has been an excellent trip a lot of rain a lot of wind and i stayed warm inside of this shelter i was also protected it did well this was an excellent test of both this stove and this tent the tent i'm more impressed with the stove it hurt me so i don't know yeah i'm just irritated with it to be honest but um yeah yeah if you have had a good time on this trip hit the thumbs up because it does help the channel everyone take care be well strength and honor i'll see you next week bye for now and yes this is oatmeal that i'm drinking like it's coffee i like my oatmeal really runny i want to drink it i want to get it down i want to get it done i don't want to sit there with some sort of like building paste concrete play-doh thing i hate thick oatmeal now that i'm looking back i can see all the signs i tried [Music] is [Music] is [Music] lovely [Music] is [Music] is [Music] baby you'll make me feel so lullaby [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] you
Channel: TheOutdoorGearReview
Views: 1,143,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outdoors, hike, hiking, camp, camping, hiking gear, camping gear, camp fire, solo camping, camping adventure, backpacking, Solo camping, bushcraft camping, mountain camping, forest camping, exploring forest roads, wilderness camping, backcountry camping, Hot tent, Hot tent camping, Camping in a hot tent, Winter hot tent, heater buddy hot tent, my heater buddy, pomoly hot tent, big hot tent, storm camping, rain camping, camping in a thunderstorms, violent storm camping
Id: hSb9TRsiQ98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 2sec (3062 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 30 2021
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