Pathfinder: WotR- Party Member Nenio Scroll Savant Build

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[Music] greetings everyone hope all of you are having an absolutely fantastic day we're back again with more pathfinder rather righteous this time wanna build out nanio one of my favorite characters in the game bard none in my personal opinion she gets the absolute funniest lines at just the right time there are lines from her that i have already seen four or five times and i still bust out laughing every single time i get to that section she is just absolutely amazing from a personality standpoint and her build is just as amazing as long as you do it right and i'm going to show you how let's start by looking at what you get she is one of those rare party members who actually starts with fantastic feats you get her when she already has three levels and she starts with spell focus and illusion and spell penetration great great stuff puts you right on the path you need to be to make her an absolute crowd control monster she specializes in illusion which means that she gets slots that are specifically meant for illusion spells now her opposition spells are abduration and necromancy and that means that in order to slot spells of this type she has to take up two slots instead of one that she would do for any others so you basically want to avoid that those schools for her which is perfectly fine she is a wizard scroll savant so she specializes in using scrolls and use magic device but you don't have to worry even if you have no intention of creating scrolls or using scrolls she is still fantastic but if you do plan to use scrolls she starts out with scroll focus which allows her to add half hers class level as a bonus on used magic device checks and she will always take 10 on used magic device checks to cast a spell from a scroll if 10 is enough for a successful skill check then later on she's going to get scroll specialization which allows her to calculate the dc for any spell a scroll contains using her intelligence modifier instead of the minimum modifier needed to cast a spell of that level and then at tip level she gets scroll mastery which allows her to use her own caster level instead of an item's caster level when she is using a scroll all of this together great great great great stuff let's go ahead and dive right in so at level four you absolutely want to increase intelligence and keep increasing intelligence throughout all of her level ups when it comes to skill points for the most part you probably want to stick with the ones that increase due to her intelligence so uh knowledge arcana knowledge world and then obviously use the magic device is something you want to specialize in as well she gets lower nature but her skill in that is probably not as high as it would be for another character who's focusing on wisdom so if you don't have anybody else on the team who's leveling in that um you can stick her with it otherwise i would recommend you go in another direction and i also don't recommend that you have her be the person to focus on lower religion you really want to be able to pump that's uh level high and she's just not gonna ever be all that great in it um if you do decide to take her out of any of the skills that she's leveling in of course you always know what i'm gonna say perception is king and it's definitely useful to have perception as one of the skills she's leveling in and since you're going to be increasing intelligence steadily she is going to get more skill points so it's not particularly difficult to add perception on as one of the skills she's building up looking at her level four spells it actually takes a couple of spell levels before she starts getting into the really really nice crowd control abilities so at first you're probably going to just want to focus on a little bit of damage i'd recommend burning arc since she does not have point blank shot and precise shot you don't want to use rays with nanio but burning arc should work just fine for now and then i also like picking up blur which is actually a really nice defensive boost for your tanks so it's something that you can throw on sila or uh camellia during that first act to try to give them a little bit of boost in their survivability for your level five feet going to greater spell focus illusion and then for your level five spells i would pick up haste and then i would pick up c invisibility communal i don't really use nanio as the buffer for my party but this particular spell is 10 minutes per level and so it's easy with very little investment for you to just be able to see through invisible enemies while you're going around and so i feel like it works at least at the time that you get it and then haste is absolutely incredible you might want more than one person who can cast this on a regular basis or of course you can always have nano make scrolls for it but regardless you definitely want to make sure your team has plenty of access to haste and then for your level 6 spells i get displacement and then i get greater magic weapon displacement is another nice defensive boost for your tanks but it only lasts one round per level so it's not something where you can just cast it all the time but if you know a boss fight is coming up it's definitely nice to put on them and then greater magic weapon is another example of a very nice boost that lasts one hour per level so it doesn't really require a lot of investment on nanio's part to be able to keep that on your party members so if you don't have anyone else who can cast this and cast the invisibility it's probably worth it to just go ahead and take up a couple of slots and go ahead and have it on her inner kit for your level seven feet i would get greater spell penetration okay now here in level seven you finally have access to spell level four and this is when things start getting interesting for illusion so you have rainbow pattern which is probably going to be your best crowd control spell right now at this time it affects a 20-foot burst only enemies within that burst and it creates a rainbow pattern that fascinates a maximum of 24 hd creatures an affected creature that fails it saves is fascinated by the pattern and becomes dazed very very effective way to crowd control enemies over time though it's going to be outclassed by some of the other crowd control spells that you get and you're probably going to replace all the slots at this level with phantasmal killer now phantasmal killers basically got two phases first you're you're trying to create an image that is essentially going to terrify an enemy to death so first there's a will save to determine if the enemy even believes that the image is real and then there's a fortitude save to determine if the enemy is flat out going to die from seeing this image even if they are successful in the fortitude save they're going to take 3d6 points of damage this spell is useful the entire game the entire game you will come up against enemies where you could probably identify okay this is part of the trash mob put phantasmal killer on them and it'll wipe them straight out and make it a little bit easier for some of your damage dealing party members to know that they could just focus on the real heavy hitters in the party so great great stuff definitely uh a nice boost for nanio for your level 8 spells i get greater invisibility i don't it's not all that great for nanio but there definitely are other characters that'll benefit from it woljif definitely comes to mind his um sneak attacks will be much easier to hit with greater invisibility on and i go with dimension door now there is shadow conjuration here which is an illusion spell basically what you'll see as she levels up is there are different versions of the shadow spells and if you take them it's going to give you a list of conjuration spells um that are below a particular level so for this first one shadow conjuration it's essentially all conjuration spells of third level or lower and it'll allow nanio to be able to pick one and cast it i gotta be honest with you i hate this it just does not interest me at all being able i mean it's cool being able to summon like these elder elementals and these fire elementals and stuff like that but if i'm playing a summoner then i'm an all-out summoner if i'm not a summoner then i have no interest in these summoning spells and i'm all about especially when it comes to namio doing things directly either direct crowd control or direct damage i don't want to throw out of something and then wait and see whether or not it does what i'm hoping it's going to do but your mileage may vary these spells are here if you want them like i said i take dimension door and greater visibility at this level dimension door is absolutely fantastic um there are a lot of situations where the game will try to pigeonhole you in a particular area that is less than advantageous and being able to just pop dimension door and teleport either yourself or your entire team to an area that's much better for you is invaluable at level nine i go with improved initiative i know i've seen some people in the comments who apparently hate it when i take this on spellcasters but i love it especially on a character like nanio i want her getting the crowd control spells out on enemies asap when a fight starts and so to me to put this on her and ensure that the crowd control is getting started early it's a no-brainer at level 9 phantasma web is a fantastic crowd control spell 30-foot burst affecting only enemies forces them to make a fortitude save or they'll become nauseated regardless it's treated as uh web the same way the web spell works just great great stuff as far as your second spell you could also if you want to take mind fog it's going to give a negative 10 penalty on wisdom checks and will says but since you're not specializing in enchantment your difficulty class for this particular spell isn't going to be able to get as high as it will be with illusion type spells you could also take fire snake even though you haven't taken any evocation specialization if they are able to succeed in their reflex save they're still going to take half damage so you could use this to try to clear up more of the room and then at level 10 i forgot to mention animal growth is actually a fantastic buff for your pets it's going to make them do a lot more damage while being a little sturdier as well so again it's only going to be one minute per level it's not going to stay on for an entire dungeon but if you know you're about to come up against a tough fight having one or two slots with this in it for nanio isn't a bad idea at level 11 i like brew potions uh yeah i know this might be controversial but nanio is already going to be creating scrolls and she has the skills to be able to brew potions as well and as long as you get the mythic version of posters she's going to be great at creating the um high level versions of them as well and being able to create great potions and scrolls is actually very very useful in this game and to me fits right in with who nanio is so why not and then for your levels 11 spells you get phantasmal putrification which is a fantastic crowd control spell 30 foot burst affecting enemies only if they fail to disbelieve the phantasmal petrification they're going to take 1d4 points of wisdom damage which is huge huge and then each round after that an affected target receives another will save to disbelieve the effect and the targets that fail must succeed at a fortitude save or faint falling asleep as per sleep waking up doesn't end the spell for target it must continue to attempt will saves to disbelieve and fortitude saves to avoid fainting each round until the spell ends or the target successfully believes fantastic this is crendella creme right there it'll shut down an entire room great great stuff i also like to pick up chain lightning here as well at level 13 get metamagic heighten and then for level 13 spells you get ice body true seeing communal is absolutely fantastic but again since nine years not focusing on bugs i don't feel like she should be the one casting this so hopefully you have a cleric or somebody else on your team who can cast this for the party i would recommend you go ahead and pick up at least one illusion spell here so even though i don't think it's all that great i get invisibility mask because otherwise her illusion spell slot is just going to sit open i there are specific party members you get who really really benefit from being invisible but more than likely you don't have a whole team that's doing sneak attack and that can all benefit from being invisible that's why usually i don't pick this up but if you just so happen to be running that type of team then more power to you this will work great nothing stand out in level 14 at level 15 get elemental focus electricity and then pick up greater elemental focus electricity for your level 15 spell scintillating pattern is absolutely fantastic but it affects both enemies and your party members so you need to be super super careful about how you use it in addition to that i would pick up frightful aspect it's gonna allow you to shake automatically shake any enemies that are within your 30-foot aura and then at level 16 i would go ahead and get storm bolts and then you can add whatever you like to it and then at level 17 you really have all the feats that you need for this build so these last two are kind of throwaways you could go ahead and pick up combat casting if you want but you should should but by now you should be pretty adept at making sure enemies are not getting close to your spellcasters so i use this as an opportunity to pump up her perception a little bit more and go ahead and get skill focused perception and then at level 17 you finally are at the creme de la creme of the illusion school weird which functions just like phantasmal killer except that now instead of killing one enemy it's going to attempt to kill all enemies in a 30-foot burst also the difficulty class is significantly higher than phantasmal killer so it's going to connect with much higher level enemies a lot easier great great stuff you can go crazy with this i also like to get fiery body like ice body is going to give you a lot of protection you're immune to blindness critical hits ability score damage disease electricity poisoning stunning just great great stuff at level 18 heroic invocation is the final version of heroism and it lasts for it's communal and it lasts for 10 minutes per level so it's relatively easy for national to dip into it you might want to consider that everything else is up to you okay so now that we've went through the character levels let's go ahead and look at the mythic options on mythic level one get abundant casting and mythic level 2 grab spell penetration at mythic level 3 get improved abundant casting at mythic level 4 get spell focus illusion at mythic level 5 get greater abundant casting at mythic level 6 grab sorceress reflex at mythic level 7 get ascendant element electricity at mythic level eight get expanded arsenal evocation is going to take everything that we put on for illusion and make it apply to evocation as well at mythic level nine get enduring spells and then finally at mythic level 10 i can't show you that but i would probably just go ahead and take greater enduring spells but of course by that time you're right at the end of the game it doesn't really matter that much so you can honestly take whatever you want if you wanted to go to inspirational leader or if for whatever reason you have a lot of problems with her dying and you want to take a last stand you can go ahead and pick whatever you like if for whatever reason you decide you like shadow spells a lot um then you might want to consider powerful shadows it's going to allow them to be 20 more real which is basically just going to make a much more effective when you're casting those types of spouts okay so now that we've went through all the character levels and the mythic options let's take a look at the overall build we took abundant cast and improved abundant casting and greater abundant casting to give her more spell slots then we took spell penetration mythic along with spell penetration and greater spell penetration to greatly assist and nanio being able to break through enemy spell defense um she starts with spell focus and illusion and we also took greater spell focus to increase the difficulty class for all the illusion spells she cast and difficulty class is huge with nano if she cannot break through or if her difficulty class is not high enough to ensure that enemies saving throws can't reach it she essentially becomes useless as a character so in your feet in your mythic options and in the gear you put on her you want to focus on pumping spell penetration and dc as high as you possibly can otherwise it's not worth having her meta magic height and spell allows us to play around with the uh spell level that a particular spell sits at and you'll see in a minute why that's important we took brew potions more for more so for role playing just because i feel like she's the type of character who would be able to use it and i kind of like having her being the person who handles all of the cooking potion brewing and scroll creation whenever we're camping it just seems to really fit in with with her personality and what she likes to do we took improved initiative to ensure that she can get the jump on enemies and then is one of my last two feats that again are throwaways you could really put whatever you want here but i took alertness to give her a little bit of a boost on perception skill checks and then combat casting which again you shouldn't be allowing your spellcasters to get surrounded anyway but it's there in case you need it sorcerer's reflex ensures that as long as we are able to get the jump on enemies i will be able to cast any spell that is two levels lower than the maximum as a swift action which is absolutely fantastic for nanio she can essentially lay down one of those crowd control spells and then follow up with uh phantasmal killer and cast it as a swift action to try to take out quickly one of those enemies whose defenses has been significantly lowered so really really great combo for her and then you're going to end up with a bunch of situations where the entire room has been crowd controlled and now it's just a matter of taking them out but it's back to nanio's turn so there's an opportunity for her to assist in clearing out those enemies and that's why i went on ahead and picked up ascending element electricity the focus and greater elemental focus in electricity and then also took the mythic option that allows everything we applied to um illusion to now also apply to evocation that way we can use chain lightning very very effectively so with that let's go ahead and switch over to her spell book so starting at level one um we put a couple of entries of mage armor in there just because i feel like if you're a mage you should probably cast it but again she all she should be all the way in the back and she shouldn't be getting hit the rest of this is donated to magic missile which will rarely use but it's good to have available then at level two a couple of levels of magic mirror again i just feel like she's amazed she has it why not go ahead and throw it on her blur is great to apply to your tanks throughout the entire game so if you know you're going up to a hard fight this is a nice buff to go ahead and give them and then we dedicated the rest to burning arc again it's probably not something we're going to use very often but in a pinch it's there if we want it then at level three we've got c invisibility communal which honestly long term you don't need that once you have um access to true seeing communal that essentially takes the place of this but then we also have greater magic weapon which is absolutely fantastic to the majority of the game it's nice to be able to put this on characters who are using physical weapons and then the rest of the slots are into haste like i mentioned before you absolutely want to make sure you have haste available to your team at all times whether it be through spell slots or through scrolls or potions at level four we definitely want to have a couple of castings of dimension door there will be times where your party is bottlenecked in a place where you really don't want them to be and it's nice to be able to teleport there are also some areas where there are secret chests or things that you can access that you can only get to with dimension door so it's definitely nice to have uh on your person at all times when you first unlock the spell level all these slots are probably going to have rainbow pattern because it's the best crowd control spell you have available at that time but long term the other spells you get are going to be much better and have a much higher dc so it's going to be easier for them to hit enemies and that's when you're going to want to switch over to phantasmal killer phantasmal killer is probably going to be your main offensive spell so again when you crowd control the entire room and then you've got enemies that need to be cleared up you can use phantasmal killer to basically kill them off one by one give nanio some offensive flexibility so she's not just burning through all of her crowd control spells then at level five when you first open this up you're gonna one definitely going to want to use phantasma web it's an absolutely fantastic crowd control spell but again just like rainbow pattern it's going to be outclassed by some of the other spells that you get access to so i end up just filling it with more ranks of phantasmal killer and uh just use that especially if you have a wand that will allow you to cast this as a quicken spell you could potentially burn through three or four castings of photasmal killer per battle so it's worth it to have more castings of it then at level six i fill up all the slots with phantasmal putrification it's an absolutely fantastic uh crowd control spell for you to be able to use then at level seven like i mentioned when we were grabbing spells i don't like anything at level seven for namio so we put invisibility mass here just because it requires an illusion spell and so we'll just go ahead and stick it here and then i have ice body because it gives some really really nice defensive boost for nanio and then we used metamagic heighten uh which is i'm sorry which is also the same thing that we use to bring phantasmal killer up to um level five from level four as well we use heighten to take chain lightning from a level six spell to a level seven spell and then fill out the slots for this so basically every fight starts with you laying down crowd control when nanio has an additional turn if it's an entire room of enemies that have been crowd controlled and just need to be taken out use chain lightning if it's just one or two enemies then you're going to use phantasmal killer if it's just one or two enemies and for whatever reason they're immune to phantasmal killer because some enemies are then you would go ahead and use burning arc or magic missile depending upon which one is better for the particular situation but by setting her up in this way you have damage spells available for whatever the situation requires and you have a plethora of crowd control spells that you have access to as well at level eight you of course get access to the best crowd control spell available to uh the illusion school scintillating pattern again it does hit your party members so you have to be careful with it but to be able to make an enemy unconscious stunned and confused all at the same time is just ridiculous ridiculous and it affects all enemies on the 20-foot burst with the items that we have on the dc is 35 that is very very nice there are not very many enemies that are going to be able to fight against that so this is a fantastic spell to have in your arsenal of course i did take storm bolts so if for whatever reason you just don't like using spells that have the potential to hit your party members maybe you're never playing in turn-based mode or you hate pause in the game and so you prefer to have her with spells that she could just automatically toss out you could switch this up for storm bolts and just make sure she's a little bit closer so that when storm boats goes off it'll actually hit the enemies and then finally at level nine heroic invocation is the final version of heroism and that plus four morale bonus is definitely nice it's 10 minutes per level so nanio could just cast it once and it basically is going to last for an entire dungeon for your team so definitely worth considering and then fiery body is going to give her some excellent protection as well so i have one casting of it again it's only one minute per level but you cast it right before you know you're going up against a tough boss or just a tough fight in general and you can help to ensure that nanio's going to stay on her feet and then the rest of it is applied to weird weird is absolutely fantastic it's the communal version of phantasmal killer essentially uh difficulty class 36 again very very difficult for most enemies to be able to overcome that um the only weakness is if they're immune to phantasmal killer more than likely they're immune to weird as well so again while this is fantastic and it's an absolute room clearer you want to have one or two other ways that you can use to damage enemies so that nanio is helping to clear the room uh now that we've went through both the spells and the general build let's go ahead and look at the items that i put onto her and some of these you'll probably recognize from my ember builds and some of the other ones that i've done i didn't use nanio for this particular play through so i didn't keep any of the items that would be specifically for the illusion school for the most part so there there's probably much better equipment that you can get for her but she's got the ash maker staff and this is going to give her a plus two bonus on attack rolls and to caster levels for all evocation school spells so it's going to make chain lightning more powerful she's got boost of arcane persistence so whenever to wear these boots cast the same spell for the fourth time during the day their next spell becomes quickened so of course you're going to be casting a lot of the same crowd control spells so this is very nice um these gloves are irrelevant for her i don't even know why i put those on i just gave her this physical form belt to give her a little bit of a boost to her physical stats make her just a little bit more sturdy the role but determination is going to give her a plus 2 bonus on cast of level checks made to overcome spell resistance and whenever she casts a spell that forces the target to make a fortitude saving throw the dc of that save is increased by two which is of course what phantasmal killer and weird do so these robes are very very useful for her um as the amulet we have um the magnifying amulet which is gonna give her a plus two bonus to your highest current ability score which of course is intelligence and then she also has this plus six enhancement bonus to intelligence um the goggles of pure sight will give her a plus one bonus to cast a level checks made to overcome spell resistance cloak of carnage gives you a plus two to the dc for all saving throws against spells from the evocation school and then finally she has magicians ring which increases the save dc of all spells of the illusion school by two so very very good stuff unfortunately more of it is geared towards evocation than it is for illusion and in general i seem to remember that i found a lot more items for evocation than illusion but with this lich play through i do have nanny on the party so i might end up fighting more items but it gives you an idea of what it is you should be going for and then before we get into combat since i chose brew potions for nanio and she comes with the ability to craft scrolls i thought some of you might want to see what are some of the things you can do with that ability so in the camping menu if you click plus on uh spell to scrabble scroll you can only scribe scrolls for spells that you actually know all right but as long as she knows them and as long as you have a scrollscriber's kit that's good enough for you to be able to craft the scroll there is a long list of spells that you can create scrolls for now keep in mind oftentimes the scrolls that you create will have a lower dc than what you would be able to get if you cast the spell yourself so i don't particularly like using this for crowd control or damaging spells however for buffs that you don't want to have filling up a bunch of slots in your spell book it can be great to craft spells scrolls of for example heroic invocation and just be able to use that to help all the party members as opposed to you having spells slotted for this yourself so as you can see there's a lot of different options here haste is another one i've got haste um slotted a bunch we could just craft a bunch of scrolls in order to take care of that instead so very very useful to have a party member who is capable of doing this if we flip over to alchemy you'll see the list is much shorter there are some spells that you just cannot recreate via potion but you'll see that many of the buffs that i like to put on tanks such as blur and displacement are available here mage armor is um useful as well for like your pets if they're not wearing armor and in large person so there's still some very very useful things in this list and of course if i had taken the mythic brew potions option we would even be able to get a potion of animal growth so you could just craft those poaches and then give them to your pets and they would be able to put animal growth on themselves as supposed to use sliding spells for so just a lot of versatility and being able to create these and use it while you're in camping definitely worth your consideration since we're in the menu anyway figure i might as well go into the recipe section and show you some of the different recipes that are available so scrolling down um if you have acorn pines going to increase the dc of saving those against all spells you cast by two for a day and the only thing i'm missing for that is butter so there's also a demon slayer soup plus three cooking bonus to attack and damage rolls at all skill checks and saving throws for a day so there are some really really nice recipes you get throughout the day that namio again will be very skilled in creating and so you can make both a recipe and a potion at the same time but then of course if you want to make a scroll you've got to switch her over to the scroll scribing part of the camping but really really versatile allows her to focus on creating a lot of different things to help your party all right so now we're in a combat situation these enemies have not actually seen or acknowledged me yet so there's an opportunity for me to get the jump on them i'm just gonna go ahead and hit them with scintillating pattern right off the bat okay so now's the nanio's turn let's go ahead and take a quick look at them since i hit them with scintillating pattern they are uh one of them is confused yeah he's confused and then this other guy same deal so it looks like they're both confused so remember what scintillating pattern is able to do is based upon the hd of the enemies that you're facing so look looks like they're just barely within the um they're at the highest level of circulating patterns so the only thing we are able to do is confuse them but that is still very very powerful now it's nanio's turn she has a standard action she could do and a swift action she could do so since these guys are kind of vulnerable right now anyway let's see if i could just take them out phantasmal killer works with no problem so his uh will saving throw failed in fact it wasn't even close and then the more important one the fortitude saving throw um much higher but again because we've pumped it up over 30 very very difficult for enemies to be able to resist when we use phantasmal killer we actually probably could have just used weird and taken them both out at the same time but i figured just show how we're doing one by one and then let's see how it works with the other guy also taken out no problem um it's still going on so there must be more enemies in the back all right so two more enemies came up we will deal with it i'm going to activate one of my wands i've got a quicken ron here so i'll use that and then we'll use phantasmal putrification and it lowered both of their wisdoms by one making a little bit easier to get through their defenses and now let's see if weird will work and weird takes out both of them no problem so let's see weird got through their will saves no problem and then fortitude um that he had a pretty decent role but again the dc for that is 38 so essentially anyone who is susceptible to that type of attack it's it's going to hit 38 dc is a massive number um for most enemies to try to get through and let's see the other one was the ash giant correct so where and the ash there we go the ass giant um yeah his his will was completely bottomed out there was no chance whatsoever he was going to be able to defend and then he's got a little bit more fortitude but again even if he had rolled a 20 still would not have been nearly enough to defend against this so as you can see very clearly nanio is fantastic at crowd control fantastic at mopping up those enemies that she makes more vulnerable and on top of that she can create scrolls and potions and cook recipes that'll make your entire team much much stronger so just all around a fantastic party member to have on your team and someone who i always enjoy taking with me and none of that even mentions how absolutely hilarious she is so that's the video hope all of you enjoyed this if you did please leave me a like down below share this content and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already i will see you all in the next video take care
Channel: Samori Sykes Gaming
Views: 3,883
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: pathfinder wrath of the righteous, pathfinder wrath of the righteous classes, pathfinder wrath of the righteous companions, pathfinder wrath of the righteous class, nenio build, nenio pathfinder, nenio build guide, nenio wrath of the righteous, nenio build wrath of the righteous, nenio build pathfinder, nenio wotr, nenio build pathfinder wrath of the righteous, nenio build wotr, nenio build guide pathfinder, scroll savant build, scroll sawant wrath of the righteous
Id: qbE859i74TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 10sec (2350 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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