BUILD: Shapeshifter Lann Druid Build Guide - Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous

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what is good everyone has me here with another pathfinder video and it is finally here my land shapeshifter druid build hope you will enjoy it and if you have any questions then feel free to ask them in the comment section or even if you have any tips on how to improve it but let's get into it shall we now keep in mind this video is more of an in-depth in-depth uh build guide so i will be explaining my decisions i'm not just going to list what you should be choosing so hopefully this will help you understand more why the build is the way it is and uh potentially help you in making your own character builds in the future additionally i will also be listing my items that i have with the character and where you can acquire them that potentially a lot potentially that certainly helps you with uh with a shape-shifter druid so without further ado let's get into it now a lot of people have been using land mostly as his default uh zen archer or just built him into several versions of archers i also seen that making lan into a cleric has been very popular but i barely seen anyone frankly use lan as a druid hell i barely see people playing druid in pathfinder for whatever reason even though it is a very powerful class but without further ado let's get into it shall we now len is in fact in my opinion a very good druid he has the stats for it and even his starting class people might say it's a waste but the fact that he starts as a monk is perfect for us especially if you don't mind dipping into certain classes for additional buffs not only that but just by being a mongrel he actually gets a plus two natural armor bonus so he is a very good frontliner on top of it as you can see this druid is going to be a very good frontliner with just a 70 armor class outside of combat and can can reach 80 plus armor class without any problems in combat last time i counted it it was around 83 and additionally you cannot get flat-footed on maximum level now let's see how we get here shall we um the beginning levels for druid are a little bit boring not much is happening but uh lan is fairly powerful and you also get a you also get a pedestal druid which helps you survive the early levels now he starts as among zen archer which is absolutely not a waste and perfect for us first of all because druid is using wisdom for their uh for their spell book and additionally monk is getting armor-class bonus from their wisdom that is why most people dip into monk for just one level so they get this unarmored wisdom bonus to their armor class and it's going to be perfect for us additionally monks also get improved unarmed strike as a feat and this is also very useful for us as we will have a chance to take crane style crane wing and crane riposte into our build uh if you choose so so that one monk level for him is absolutely amazing before i went into druid with lan i like to take rich of the whale with him or any witch honestly it doesn't really matter the witch of the veil does give you a small advantage with its invisibility ability uh on level one but the most important thing is and why which is such a popular choice for any character to take just one level in is because you can take first of all a familiar which is in this case a lizard which gives plus one natural armor bonus to your character and plus what positive bonus to perception which is also always useful along with that we take ice plant as our chosen hacks excuse me ice blend also gives you a plus two natural armor bonus to armor class passively this is just given to you just for taking which that's plus three already and along with this in the very early chapters of the game in chapter one you can take a ring called the icy protector in the inns in the inn of canaabras from the cleric merchant in the corner at the stairs which increases your cold resistance by 10 but the most important thing is it doubles your armor class taken from ice plant hacks so just for one level in which you get plus five armor class bonus this is amazing for any character in my opinion so there's that this is chapter one of the game immediately plus five armor class why wouldn't you take it it's amazing after that it is time this is level two it is time to take levels in druid now as i said the early levels of druid are fairly boring but fortunately you do get a pet and pets are powerful in pathfinder especially in wrath of the righteous since they get their own leveling and armors and equipment so fortunately they can help you the first three levels druids can still be very useful as entangle is a is one of my favorite spells of the game helps you control battles really well and you can fight most of the really powerful creatures at the beginning from the plagues milodons or the water elemental it just if you have ranged characters and tangle is so useful uh it slows down even if it doesn't work on the enemy it slows down the enemy because of heavy terrain so by the time they get to your party your archers will be able to potentially even kill them along with that you get acid maw on yourself if you choose um if you choose to be more of a fighting shape shifter later but you get magic fang which will be able to boost your pets and your your natural attacks it is one of the more important spells that we will need throughout the game uh before we also reach our level four that we really need for shape shifting you will also get bark skin aspect of the bear all the buffs the bears endurance bull strength and and cat's grace which will be very useful again um for getting those additional stats for your characters lesser restoration is also good of course sickening entanglement is here and pox posturals uh if you're lucky with those fortitude uh saving throws to reduce dexterity of the enemies so druids can be very good support characters at the beginning but frankly it gets a little bit boring that's why i tend to take boom companion at the beginning as well so at least the pet you get is really powerful but if you want to focus on your own character instead on land being stronger than i recommend choosing something else a boom companion because um druid this druid character is really going to be feet hungry and you need as many feats as possible to become stronger so instead of boom companion you can already just skip this and go for shake it off or any of the later feeds that i will be listing to make lan himself stronger but finally once you reach in this case then level five sorry level six uh on your character that's when you're finally going to be reaching level four as druid and get your shape shift which is your first shape-shift wild-shaped wolf from here on out you can pretty much stay in shape-shift form throughout the whole game with lan he's gonna be extremely powerful and throughout the items you acquire he's just gonna be a really good frontliner in my opinion and and just works really well um with that said that this build should be absolutely monstrous for normal difficulty and it should still work very well on core difficulty anything above requires quite heavy min maxing that takes away lots of fun from the game so if you choose to do that you should at least know how to modify builds and what will work and what won't work but on core the spill should still absolutely function very well now you reach level uh level six with your character and level four at this point on you should also have a mythic path level available and for your first mythic path level i tend to choose master shape shifter master shapeshifter is amazing as it gives you plus four ability scores uh to all your physical abilities that means plus four strength plus four dexterity and plus for constitution that's however we look at it uh that's plus two to your armor class and plus due to your attack bonus as well while you're shape-shifted it's an incredibly good boost and also a lot this is why you can use wild shape from the get-go and and be very powerful keep in mind if you chose boon companion and you have a wolf which is my recommended companion then you can [Music] as a wolf you also get trip attacks as your natural attacks and along with your companion you can also trip the enemy and trip as being a very good crowd control in the game uh will help you throughout the early stages of the game and potentially also allows you to make a build throughout which we will not be uh going into but as an alternative build for this shapeshifter you can make a trip wolf lan where he is focusing along with his pet to be an absolute monster tripping character and it can be really fun that is a definitely a more aggressive shapeshifter build but i can totally recommend it as it as it just works really well now going on from here it is pretty much smooth sailing so i will be going through the defeats and some abilities on the levels that could be useful for you once you reach uh level 5 on druid you will be unlocking level 3 spells this is important because you're finally getting magic fan greater keep in mind greater magic fang is the equivalent of magic weapon for your weapon using characters it is going to be boosting your your attacks and you should always have it on your pet sore or your lan additionally delay poison is very good protection from energy also along with resist energy is going to be incredibly good in multiple areas of the game where they just spam elemental attacks on you and i like to take call lightning as well with lan as you are going to go into black water in chapter 3 and cold lightning can really help you in that area to kill all those uh amplified monsters and uh and robots or whatever those are so that can be really useful as you level up i like to take shake it off with every single character as soon as possible why shake it off is one of the best feats in the game in my opinion and one of the more useful and most useful ones as shake it off gives you plus one bonus on all your saving throws per every ally around you who also has it to a maximum of four why is this useful most people are complaining around the vescavor swarms or all those different cc's that your characters get at the beginning of the game and make it really just an annoyance to fight any of those enemies now if you take shake it off before you actually go to lepers to the lepers area where the vescovores are attacking your crusade shake it off will make that whole area a cakewalk why because you get plus four on all your saving throws with all your characters against against the vesqvois and i believe you're going to have around six or seven uh plus six or seven fortitude saving throw against a dc-11 on normal difficulty uh forwarded to the jibber which confuses your characters so shake it off is just from the get-go until the very end of the game one of the best feats that you can take so definitely take it with all your characters in my opinion as it's it never hurts as you slowly level up you will also unlock other shape shape forms i really like the elemental forms personally but you will get leopard and your small elementals keep in mind as an elemental you can choose which elemental you want to be from water air fire and earth all of them have different stats and um and bonuses i personally like fire elemental quite a lot as you get the fire resistances and it just looks cool but choose the one you like they have some bonuses but um keep in mind that with elemental greater magic fang will not work on you because you're not uh using your fangs so if you want to get those bonuses you should stay an animal going on what is the order of feats i recommend taking now the way i took here is is not the right order i would say i definitely would change a few things on it and namely for a little bit more help offensively after shake it off on level seven i would probably take out flank just so you get that better bonus to attack enemies and at this point you should really be powerful especially if you took that witch which um armor class bonus earlier so i definitely like to take that a little bit more uh followed up by natural spell natural spell allows you to cast spells by you are shape-shifted excuse me while you're shape-shifted now this is incredibly useful but it's not necessary especially if you don't mind constantly changing your shape with land to to buff but if you want to use spells in combat the natural spell is absolutely uh necessary now after you take these two so so far level one he took combat reflex automatically boom companion for pat shake it off then on 7 instead of dodge i would take out flank then on 9 natural spell or if you don't need it you can skip this and at this point is when i would probably go into a little bit of more armor with him because you will need it on the later chapters especially as you reach the end of chapter three and beginning of chapter four then you can take dodge crane style thanks to the thanks to the monk levels and then crane repost with this you're going to get plus eight armor class bonus while fighting defensively for only minus one penalty in attack it is incredibly good and it would be a waste not to use it and as you're getting into as you're getting into act four is when i would definitely recommend taking back to back as an ability why is that because if you have another character who is back to back near you then you're going to be getting a plus two circumstance bonus to your armor class from opponents flanking you um and along with this there is an item in the game which is the all-round defense which you get from illusionira's arena which increases this plus two bonus from back to back by another plus two which means it's going to be plus four [Music] uh i wouldn't take it much earlier it's useful but this is the point where it's really worth it because it's an immediate plus four increase and not and not just plus two and going on from here the final levels it gets a little bit um interesting as i said druid is really feed starved you just don't have enough feats to take everything so how do i combat this first of all my last feed i took was toughness just so you get a little bit more health i don't like to get one shot it so the more health you have especially late game the better what i do is uh for the final level i still like to take fighter to get a bonus feat that you can choose uh here i tried out if unarmed strike actually working the game as a as a bonus to your um to your shapeshift form it does not so you can take a plus one uh plus one feet from the fighter and you can choose whatever you like really that helps you especially with your attack um with your attack capabilities but at this point i was already starved out for feats so what did i do for that we have to go to our mythic paths now what i like to do is a lot of people might not like what uh what i tend to do here is for my mythic feats um i like to actually take normal feats for for characters that just don't get enough to be very powerful now first we took master shapeshifter a leading strike is a very good bonus as you get incredible divine damage according to your mythic rank on enemies that you managed to hit and divine damage is usually not it's irresistible it's fixed damage it's incredibly powerful so i would always recommend taking this on melee characters archmage armor is also a must that's just how you become tanky without armor and it's incredibly powerful now mythic dodge i took it but i actually don't recommend it why because it's just plus one to your ac and that plus one is really not going to make a difference while you actually waste the mythic feed um so instead here what would i recommend what i like to take is in fact uh for for lan here is i wouldn't take any mythic feat but instead i would choose this mythic point to take an additional mythic uh to take an additional normal feat like you see here i took a weapon class a weapon focus for claws in fact i think it was this it's just bugged in the game how it shows how it shows but yet this was an extra feat i chose here and i took weapon focus claws and then on eight i took weapon focus clause mythic and in level 10 i took crane wing with him but um again keep in mind the order is uh the order is not perfect what i what i've chosen here um uh with my character um but either way my point is that uh if you don't have feats if you don't have enough feats to take it is completely fine to take your special mythic feats to take more feats for your character because uh there are lots of fees that's just not going to help you really and taking these can really help your character get that plus one weapon focus the plus two attack bonus ready on your character get crane crane wing for the plus four dodge bonus especially instead of dodge mythic right like you can take crane wing which is plus four or plus one dodge mythic right it's not very great now when it comes to mythic spells and abilities you sadly don't have this choice so what are the ones i recommend master shapeshifters no brainer archmage armor is a no-brainer less than this optional i honestly don't like last end even though it's probably the most broken and opie spell in the whole game it's really a waste because if you manage to play the game without needing less stand then then it's a waste you could just take anything else here so this is mostly for safety and during spells can be very good if you want your buffs to last longer but actually as a druid i would instead choose uh the one that gives you more spells i forget its name right now and of course brutally incarnate is amazing i would recommend this later into the game when it really matters when enemies really get those resistances as brutality incarnate is going to let your natural attack so all your shape-shifting attacks to ignore damage reduction and this is incredibly useful as well if you want him to do more damage later on but that's pretty much the gist of it the thing about druid is that you don't really have to make a lot of choices as everything just gives itself and you can choose whether you want to be a little bit more aggressive or uh or defensive character this build specifically goes for him into being defensive don't worry if you thought my feet order is a little bit messed up in the description or in the comments i will actually have it written down where you can see my most recommended order of taking these feats this is really just trying to explain to you what feats really work on him now let's go into spells because i i didn't talk about those yet uh on level five aspect of a wolf is very very good why if you decided to do what i said which is going into a more aggressive shape shifter with wolf form with uh with lan then you can take the aspect of the wolf which will give you enhancement bonus to strength and dexterity but more importantly plus two enhancement bonus to your trip attacks along with you can make a trip attack as a swift action this means every round you will be able to trip try to trip the enemy and even get bonuses on it now if you decided to go with this with this path it's going to be much harder to choose what feeds to go for i would probably recommend to just not take than crane style and and crane riposte or actually you can take reinstall well if you're going aggressive i would just skip on all the mung feats and in instead what would be very useful for you to take is trip greater trip and furies um the fury's trip ability uh as those will increase your combat maneuver bonus fury's full sorry that's the name uh that's going to give you massive combat maneuver bonuses and then you can have you can be a really good trip character so that is what aspect of the wolf is about along with that of course animal growth is very useful but going on level six you will get stone skin communal all the mass ability boosts this is very good again because why i've been told that why would you use these boosts on your characters you have your circlets and your belts well that is exactly why because you don't want to use the circlets and belts you should be using belts and helmets that give you bonuses that otherwise you cannot get in the game so you can get all these bonuses on your characters plus four enhancement bonuses to our stats and then you can have very good helmets and belts additionally that will boost your character so those are incredibly good if you were a caster then of course you get sirocco in this level as well but for us it's mostly the defensive abilities and boosts that that are very good on this level uh going on level seven now level seven is one of the more important levels as well as you will get legendary proportions legendary proportions will increase your size additionally giving you more bonuses to your score like plus six instead of the plus four from the previous boost that i just mentioned and you're going to get size bonus which is going to be very useful for your attack as i said this character doesn't have enough feats to to to be a good uh or the best melee it can possibly be so you need to take as many bonuses as possible to be able to especially hit depending if you're being offensive or defensive you cannot be both because you will not have enough points but with but with legendary proportions your size will increase you will get lots of lots of uh strength as well and it will boost your attack bonus so that you can hit enemies at least keep in mind that in late game there will be enemies you will not be able to hit you will have to use supporting characters or characters that are focused around attacking or even spell casters to kill them and of course level 9 is ok sorry i did skip level level eight sorry very important you will get true seeing which will allow you to bypass all the stealth of the enemies you will get animal shapes which you will probably not use honestly it it changes your party into animals but most importantly you will get frightful aspect and sea mantle these two abilities are insanely powerful first of all cemental is a plus eight armor class bonus to your character straight so if i am 70 now with c mantle on it's going to be immediately 78. that's one of the greater boosts in the game this is against um this is against characters that do not have freedom of movement cemental is is huge it's one of the best defensive spells in the whole game frightful respect is another insanely powerful spell now keep in mind yes frightening a spec doesn't seem that great it just makes your character bigger it gives you the bonuses yes all right some damage resistance it it is good but why is it really powerful frightening aspect is going to immediately make any creature frightened or shaken around you if they are not immune to it um basically this doesn't even require a check so just if enemies are near you while you have right to fight for respect those enemies will be affected by by fear and why is that good because there is an ability in the game that comes from dazzling display feet uh you have to take dazzling display and it is called uh i always mix it up together with sunder armor shatter defenses shatter defenses what it does is if you're a melee character and the enemy is under the effects of shaken or frightened then you ignore all their armor class and you attack them as if they were flat-footed so if your druid tank has frightful respect and the enemy and 80 percent of the enemies including the scary in the game can be shaken they're gonna be shaken and they're all gonna be flat-footed and you can absolutely destroy them with your party so frightful is back incredibly good but i won't go deeper into that um and level 9 with your druid level 9 is just where it becomes super fun you get multiple really great abilities foresight is very good as it gives you plus two inside bonus to your armor class and you can never become flat-footed this is your ultimate tanking ability that's going to uh be on top of your cake with your druid tanking it's gonna make you really powerful along with you're getting shape change and you will be able to take elemental body four level four beast and not only that but you can finally take dragon as your as your form as well it is the final shape-shifting level that you want with your character and it's just uh it's just beautiful but um unfortunately you will have to choose what you want to take because you will not have a lot of spell slots at this point still foresight is probably the best thing you can take or if you're really into the shape-shifting fantasy then you can take that shape change and that is pretty much it when it when we when it comes to our spells and feats uh now let's go into why shapeshifter is such a cool choice in the game that is because alcat actually wants you to try out shapeshifter there are multiple items that that just boost your build and your potential as a shape-shifting druid so let's get into it why first of all you there is a helmet in the game called the shapeshifters helm which gives you plus two bonus to armor class while in wild shape and also one additional use of wild shape per day unfortunately the additional use is not going to be useful because with the mythic shape shifter master you already have infinite amount of uh shape shifting but you get a plus two bonus to your armor class immediately this helmet is attainable uh by destroying the druid ghost in the winter sun through the miami questline from one of the orders who will ask you to find this uh lost priest uh in your crusade we already mentioned all-round defense which you acquire from elusionera in in the arena which gives you plus two bonus to your back-to-back feet we also already mentioned icy protector which doubles your ice plant hacks this is acquired in the inn in act 1 from one of the merchants we have braces of animal fury which is useful especially at the beginning of the game this can be acquired in dresden from one of the merchants it gives you plus three bonus and attack and damage rules whenever you're you are polymorphed this becomes very useful at the beginning as you don't have a greater magic fan as high level to get a plus three enhancement so it can help quite a bit you have half of a pair which gives you plus two circumstance bonus on attack rolls and ac if there is someone else who has the other half of this pair this can be acquired from the cleric in dresden who is in front of the church and the other half is going to be acquired from the dragon that you hunt through greyboar's questline so this is again another plus two to your attack and ac as well if you have another character who's wearing it then additionally you get lizard tail which is available in the uh thousand delights uh brothel in illusion era this belt gives you plus three morale bonus to armor class and reflect saving throws additionally you will get a plus eight circumstance bonus to armor class in the first round of every combat incredibly good incredibly good belt uh that you get in act four and you get the claws of sacred beast unfortunately i don't remember where i got this so if anyone knows feel free to post it in the in the comment section but i think this is also something you're going to bump into the game fairly easily these gloves if attacking an enemy of evil alignment which is almost all your enemies then your unarmed attacks will do 2d6 damage which i don't think we're gonna get because we're already shape-shifted but most importantly it does give you a plus one enhancement bonus and attacks and damage rules with a claws and this does stack with your magic fangs so there you go those are all the items that i have found at least that help you uh with the shapeshifter druid so let us go through on our armor class on what exactly and how does this character look like after all of this you have your base 10 armor class plus 2 from level 20 for a foresight uh final spell plus three from morale again um the other bonuses which i believe are are coming from this is the ice let's get back into this so i can actually remember what those will be uh once we eliminate it you get the dexterity bonus you would get plus five shield of faith at maximum level plus 14 from mage armor and archmage armor plus five from the witch lizard um ice plant ice blend ring plus two from mongrel bark skin dodge mythic dodge if you took it legendary proportions and frightful aspect gives you plus six then all that counted the other plus two must be the helmet and the plus six now that is actually a good question uh the plus three morale bonus comes from the belt uh the plus six is oh yes of course sorry and the plus six is coming from your wisdom which is your monk armor class that you get by default now this is 70 out of combat additionally what will you get you will get plus two circumstance with half of pair which is going to be 72 if you have c mantle that's plus eight so you already have eight if you're defensive fighting that's already 84 if you have crane wing that's already 88 uh if you have back to back that's already 90 and another plus two for the ring which is 92. additionally if you somehow went even more aggressive on defense you could have taken combat expertise as a feat which is plus five which would put your armor class at 97 even which is just absolutely monstrous and you don't need that but that is the potential of of shapeshifter land which is an absolutely super and and fun build i can't recommend it enough so if you never tried out the shape shifter druid please do so i hope this video helped you if you have any questions then feel free to ask it in the comment section again if the uh the feet section of the video was a little bit uh jumbled then in the comment section i will be posting the order that i would recommend taking everything hope this was helpful hope this is going to encourage more people into trying out druid enjoy it everyone thanks for being here and look forward to some more build videos thanks for being here and i'll see you guys next time
Channel: HDHaZmY
Views: 523
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: Pathfinder, WotR, Wrath of the Righteous, Builds, Composition, Set Up, hdhazmy, hazmy, Guide, Tutorial, Epic, Owlcat, Feats, Tricks, All, Best, Amazing, Build, Lann, Shapeshifter, Druid, tank, AC, Armor Class
Id: 7Q0RiulpSNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 1sec (2101 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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