Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Beta - In Depth Solo Monster Tactician Build Part I

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hey everybody it's bolshy here back with another pathfinder wrath of the righteous build video if you like this build make sure you like and subscribe it will really help me grow the channel the last few days i've been doing a solo play-through of pathfinder rather righteous and it's been a lot of fun i had a blast doing it i wanted to make a video and show you what build i used and some specific details about the build and strategy gear and whatnot so this is going to be a little bit more in depth if you like this kind of video let me know in the comments and uh you know i can do more of these the class that i chose in the archetype is going to be the monster tactician and this is a really solid solo archetype it has a lot of it's really built around summons your summons can get pretty strong through feats class abilities mythic abilities and whatnot so there's a lot of really good synergy for a big chunk of the game um it has great utility it's got a lot of buffing and defensive spells and healing and you can also pick up an animal companion so it's got pretty much everything you might want oh and it also has a lot of skills for passing skill checks when you're the only person in a party skills are really important so all in all this is a very strong class and a very strong archetype it also has really great synergy with the specific mythic path the aeon path so i wanted to try it out unfortunately there is a point in this game uh in the leveling of this class where everything you've worked up to becomes completely obsolete and i'll talk about that in more depth too but let's get into the build all right so we're going to jump into the build now unlike my other build videos i'm going to give a little bit of a description of what the gameplay is like at each stage of the game as well so um for this playthrough i went with the monster tactician inquisitor i'm going to go human primarily because i want an extra feet this is um i'm going to try and do a trip build and that requires a lot of feats the inquisitor you don't get a lot of bonus combat feats or anything like that you get a lot of teamwork feats but i want that extra fee we're going to go human if you wanted to try and make this work with crane style you could go with marshall disciple i didn't um i'm not really gonna you know if my main character is uh tanking damage then i've done something wrong because i really want my pet and my summons to be the meat shields i want to be attacking from the back row and not getting focused so you can take whatever i can't even remember honestly what background i took farmhand is good for a inquisitor of aristotle i went with in the actual build that i was trying out i went with 17 strength and 18 wisdom but you don't need that much wisdom you actually i did that because i wanted to get more of the the monster tactician summons per day but i think that that's kind of overkill i always ran out of spells before i ran out of summons so um to revise this build i would go with 16 wisdom with my bonus in strength and take strength up to 19 and then 13 decks 13 intelligence we need the 13 decks for precise strike we need the 13 intelligence for combat expertise and we don't really need charisma for anything so this is a pretty good stat spread for starting out you know let's go back to the the monster tactician why i chose this for a a solo build the monster tactician um trades out a lot of your your standard um inquisitor abilities like judgment you don't get judgment at all until the very end of the game and in place of that you get these cool summons so you know the summon monster one through what is this nine but these don't function like regular summons they're a standard action which which means that i mean it only takes you a couple of seconds to cast usually these these summon spells if you learn them in a spell book from another class they're a full round action so it takes a solid six seconds to get the cast off these you know they are a standard action so if it's your turn you you press the button and they they summon instantly they also last a minute per level which is fantastic because most summons are around pro levels so once you get to you know level level five or or so these these summons really do last a long time and i noticed that i wasn't having to recast a whole lot at about level five also at level five i believe it is we get summon tactics so all of your teamwork feats get applied to your summons which is really great so you know outflank precise strike tandem trip is what i'm going to be using making a lot of use out of this this ability is going to apply that to our summons we also get bane bonuses to perception is really nice when you're you know playing solo you don't want to miss traps you don't want to miss you know extra loot so being a wisdom-based class getting an extra bonus to perception and also it being a classical you you never miss perception perception checks um all right let's keep going here skills i went with athletics mobility perception use magic device is important and then the other two i was just trying to to get some xp so um nature religion there's a lot of arcana checks oh you know i forgot one of these has to be in trickery you got to be able to unlock things and disarm traps for xp so um you got to give give something up perception use magic device and trickery are pretty much mandatory mobility up to three points so you get that extra point extra point of ac while you're fighting defensively which you'll do every time you get focused we get a lot of skills so after you get those mobility trickery perception use magic device then you know just put two and whatever arcana is good there's a lot of arcana checks early in the game and we want that xp feats um we want to buff these summons as soon as possible so what i did was i went spell focus conjuration now we don't need difficulty class to any conjuration spells but this is a prereq for what are the summoning spells what's the first one called augment summoning first of all this will give us a bonus to strength and constitution for all of our summons so if you have melee summons which we do for the early game then this is going to be very helpful but this is also a prerequisite for something even better that we're going to get in a little bit a couple levels we're going to get superior summon which is going to add one additional creature every time we cast a summoning spell that conjures more than one so like for each one of these summon spells you get a few options for example summon monster 2 you can choose to either summon one wolf or one to three dogs with this feet here you're going to be able to get one d3 plus one dogs you wouldn't be able to add an extra wolf here because it has to be more than one creature that you're summoning so you always want to take the summons that summon more than one thing deity i went with aerosol has good domains also i wanted to do a um a lawful play through here kind of the good guy play through so aristotle's all about community and helping people it was nice for the rp we're going animal domain because we want that animal companion unfortunately inquisitors don't get domain spells it would be really nice to get some additional summon spells but we don't get any of these domain spells you only get the domain abilities so a fourth level we're going to get a an animal companion crucial for the game i'm going to show you the spells that i used the most expeditious retreat we're going to be running around when we get our animal companion it's going to be very fast and with expeditious retreat we're going to be flying around the map and you don't have to wait for other slow party members because you're playing solo this is actually really nice and shield of faith those are the two first level spells that i use the most all right now i probably should have mentioned this before but you get out of the prologue if you turn on xp for just the person that does the skill checks if you're doing all the skill checks when you get out of the prologue you're level three almost level four so the first three levels they almost don't even matter because it's such a cakewalk even i think i i played on um like daring difficulty and it was really easy to get through the prologue taking our second level in monster hunter i'm just making sure that we want to get use magic device perception and trickery and mobility first and then you can put your other points to balance things out the next spell i go with is bless bless is an aoe buff so what you want to do here is get your summons out and then cast bless and everybody gets a nice plus one to attack and saving throws we also get a bonus we get to add our wisdom modifier to initiative as well as dexterity nice little bonus at level three now that we have three points in mobility you can start putting this in other things uh i go to mandatory ones there's a lot of athletics checks um so i start putting some points in athletics as well also we have high strength so this is a pretty good skill for us our feet at this point is going to be superior summoning so now we get that extra summon and let's see we're level three so now we actually do that's perfect timing we can now choose to summon one to three dogs which becomes with this feat two to four so we monster tactician is really about just like clap crowding the battlefield with meat shield summons and you always want to choose the thing that you get the most of in most cases our first feat this is why we took dexterity 13 so we can get precise strike now all not yet actually in a couple of levels all of our summons are going to be getting this extra 1d6 damage our feet are sorry our spell at this point was i think i use well it's always nice to have your healing spells i think i take a healing spell just about every level to top off your pet relying on potions a hundred percent of the time is is kind of difficult so i like to have some healing here also at this point we get solo tactics so if you had anybody in your party they're treated as if they have these teamwork feats so you don't need them to have the teamwork feats to activate and at about this time this is when we get out of the prologue i think you're maybe like i don't know 500 xp shy of being level four so what i did was i did the um companion quests first i dragged those i think there's two or three companion quests and i dragged them around first to get that xp and you easily hit level four put a point in strength we don't need mobility anymore and oh you also want um or religion so that you can get those corruption checks when you have to rest this is the skill that's tested so you you want to have this i would actually probably make this a mandatory skill as well and the companion i chose was the leopard i like the leopard a lot i know the smilodon probably does more damage especially as it gets bigger but the leopard has first of all it has dexterity to damage so you only have to buff one stat of your pet to get the full benefit you get ac get attack because we're gonna take weapon finesse and you also get damage bonus with one buff and we're very we're starved for buffs like you have to buy scrolls and potions and things so that's really helpful also he gets a bite that automatically trips and in the beginning this isn't that great but we're really going to buff this up with our feets level two we're going to take invisibility that's the first priority get you out of combat resist energy at this point in the game is kind of a lifesaver because there's a few really tough fights that have specific energy damage that if you don't have resist energy you can you know makes things a lot easier to have it um i think what i went with is invisibility and just a heal and maybe we'll pick up restoration next okay at this point in the game you're kind of on your own uh just you and your animal companion and at level five and your your animal companion isn't that strong so at level five we get to take a feat that's really going to help us with that skills out of the way let's see i want to get my war religion up so i'd put two points in that right there our feed is going to be boon companion and this is going to calculate your animal companions abilities as if they were four levels higher because we got our companion through a domain his level is reduced so this feat takes him back up to our character level and at this point your your pet is really like the mvp of the party he does the most damage he's the most survivable he's actually really hard to kill as long as you're buffing him with shield of faith and if you can get dexterity buffs and mage armor definitely potions of mage armor for your pet are really important you want to buff his ac as much as possible does a lot of damage and has great um utility through trips as well our next spell my spell choices are always really defensive this invisibility by the way gets you out of combat that's why i took that it's um you know if your main guy gets focused on anything above like normal difficulty he goes down pretty quick so you you can pop off an invisibility spell get it back get your summons between you and the the mobs and kind of reset the fight with this so that was why that was the first priority there at level five we get some great things we get bane so for um one round per level per day you get to enchant your weapon with bain which gives you a plus two to hit and also it does an extra 2d6 damage force damage to you know for the entire duration that you have it up this is really good for um you know the mini boss fights the difficult fights where you need to pump out that extra damage and now we get summon tactics so all of our summons are getting our teamwork feats which is really nice level six get our important skills out of the way and now we can take outflank as a free teamwork fee so this is fantastic now all of our summons which at this point lasts 6 minutes per level and our pet i believe at this point i'll go through the pet leveling and after i do the character leveling but everybody should have outflank so this is a huge bonus to our damage and we get a lot of attacks of opportunity through crits just all in all great feet a line weapon could be very useful later on down the road i think it's a minute pro level buff and sometimes a lot of times demons will have damage reduction that is negated if your weapon is good so if you align your weapon to be good then do a lot more damage i'm not entirely sure if you can cast that on your pet but that won't matter anyway we're gonna take a mythic ability um let's see here level seven we get another summon i should probably be mindful of what those summons are our feet at this point is going to be combat expertise we're going to pick up the trip feats the line of trip feats and you need to start off with this um this is also a nice little defensive ability to turn on and off when you get focused so i have them hotkeyed you know fighting defensively and combat expertise hockey and if something turns and starts attacking me i just put them both on and you gain an immediate what would it be it's like six or seven ac so that's really helpful when you get focused divine favor is a buff that's always useful it's a a luck bonus to attack and damage very rare to get luck buffs our first spell is going to be heroism and prayer prayer is just like bless it's an aoe buff which is also a luck attack and damage buff and um basically you get your summons out for a big fight pop prayer make sure you and your pet have heroism and you've got some decent buffs there we get a new summon monster as well and now we can get um between two and five but with our feet three and six wolves and these wolves are tripping as well they get a trip attack with their bites so that's um that's very helpful level eight another point in strength get the important skills get another third level spell i like to go with uh the next healing spell there cure serious wounds i found myself healing quite a bit actually um taking taking you know if i ever got focused i was taking enough damage that would have to pop a healing spell and a potion in the same round so that's very nice to be able to do our feat here is going to be trip we took combat expertise last level so now we can take trip and also that opens up tandem trip for our teamwork fee camden trip is amazing anytime you or your summons make a trip attempt you get to roll twice and take the better result i ran a little simulation where i kind of did that on a spreadsheet and it ended up being like an average of four or five higher like you know it's like a plus four or five to your trip role but i don't think that really does justice to this feat because it's so good so many times i see my wolves tripping something and i look at the combat log and it's like one of the one of the roles definitely would have failed and the other one because of tandem trip is what made it succeed so great great feat we're also going to pick that up on our pet as well we get another spell here third level spell delay poison i get i use scrolls for this this is kind of an important one to have resist energy communal is really nice to have on demand sometimes you you stumble on an enemy that does like you know bremerax or something and your summons are going to get slaughtered through aoe so being able to have your summons out and being able to have an aoe defensive buff to protect them from energy damage is super helpful also we get our next summon here this is a good one now we can get multiple dire wolves and the lizards are good too they trip on attack i went with the dire wolves because they're a little bit stronger and um now all of these dire wolves are getting tandem tripped because that's team feet and we get teamwork feats to summons so these direwolves are really really powerful the thing about doing solo playthroughs with you know king maker or now with wrath of the righteous is that the usually the early game is pretty rough in this case it's not because we level so fast out of the prologue um but the mid game you kind of coast through because we're entirely overleveled like at level 9 i was just getting uh my mythic rank one and if anybody else has played the beta you usually get to that point in the game at about level five i think if you've done everything else up to that so we're very over leveled we have great summons a ton of summons that trip everybody's stats are kind of inflated and at this point even on a you know more challenging difficulty level we're kind of coasting as long as your main character doesn't get focused kind of coasting level ten more feet's out of the way get some extra spells um i think i actually took like a bone shaker here because sometimes i needed to do some range damage and i just couldn't do it crusader's edge and divine power what i went with on level four crusader's edge is basically its bane like your main weapon ability for evil outsiders which is any demon you fight a lot of demons so um having a per minute or sorry a minute per level buff that gives you bane to demons is really really strong divine power is also just a great buff when you really need to kill something gives you luck bonus to attack and damage that scales with your level and you also get to make an extra attack per round you get some temporary hp it's just one of the best offensive buffs in the game at level 11 get our skills out of the way we're taking greater trip and this is really for uh defense i found that sometimes i was getting focused and i needed to run away but it's really nice to be able to trip something and run back and get your summons kind of in the way of things i also just wanted to make this a tripping build um so i went with greater trip you now are whenever our main character trips something he also and anybody around that target everybody gets an attack of opportunity from the tripping action usually what happens is you trip them they fall down and as they stand up that provokes an attack of opportunity but now with greater trip you get an attack of opportunity when they fall and also when they stand up so two attacks of opportunity for every trip as long as you have combat reflexes which we're going to pick up very soon and at this level now that i'm you know sometimes i need to trip something true strike before a trip guarantees that it's going to land so that's helpful as well level four i chose cure critical wounds i always want to get that healing we pick up stalwart which is if you make a fort or a will save that would normally half the damage um on a spell now you take no damage so this is very nice as well our new summon gives us more direwolves and this is kind of where we peak the next two levels level 11 and level 12 you really peak in this particular build our next level 12. get the skills out of the way our team work feed i'm going to take coordinated maneuvers this is going to give us more bonus to um to our tripping our wolves and our worlds are really doing work right now they uh they do pretty decent damage i think at this point is where when i hit maybe it was a little bit before this when i hit mythic level two and i'll go into the mythic abilities but at this point i get a mythic ability that buffs up my my summons so that they ignore damage reduction so the summons are really just murdering things right now and this will only improve their effectiveness here we get some some more good spells i found at this point in the game um i was getting uh in into fights that had a lot of enemies on the battlefield and this build doesn't have any aoe like area of effect damage or cc or anything so i went with holy smite just so i could be able to do some damage to large numbers of enemies at one time um those enemies happen to be demons most of the time so this is really good because it gives us extra damage to evil outsiders and that's where my play through basically stopped now i i do want to finish it but i don't really know what i'm going to do just yet and i'll tell you why because in this build these summon spells you don't get to keep the previous iterations so once you you know hit level 11 and you have some in monster 6 you don't get to cast summon monster 5 anymore and that's unfortunate because when you hit 13 you lose your wolves and you get extra planar axiomites which cast lightning bolt i believe i believe these are the ones that cast a lightning bolt and guess what demons are completely immune to electricity so it's useless the only person that ever gets hit by the lightning bolts is you so you know there is friendly fire and they kind of kill you and your pet while doing absolutely nothing to the demons so those are horrible the extra point print uh extra planar rolani asadas i don't even know what they are because the game is bugged and these guys won't appear if you summon them neither does the the bogeyman so the only option you have at level 13 if you choose to continue in monster tactician is to take these guys who are completely they're worse than useless because they can only do damage to you and they can't damage the demons that they're trying to i mean i don't know do i like you know mod my alignment so that i'm evil so that i can actually get some valuable summons because at least these red caps are melee everything that we've built to up to this point has buffed the melee capabilities of our summons so i mean i don't really know the other alternative i thought this would maybe be kind of a cool build it's got some things that are wrong with it but maybe what i could do is i could stop at level 12 inquisitor keep my tripping summons and all these tripping feats that i invested in and start building my main character to be more effective at tripping so what i thought i'd do is maybe go quartermast quarter staff master monk to get if you go five levels in you get some nice damage you get some bonus feats and you also get to trip on every attack with a quarter staff i mean that could be kind of cool kind of fits the you know loner um follower of aerosol vibe or i could start going levels of two-handed fighter if you go three levels of two-handed fighter you get this nice ability here overhand chop which gets lets you add double your strength bonus to single attacks now single attacks also apply to attacks of opportunity when we're tripping out flank and so on that could be good i don't know what i'm going to do so that's where the leveling of part one of this guide kind of ends and unfortunately it's just i don't know i think that i think they need to do something to fix this because you're so strong up to this point you're really coasting and then your summons which you your keystone ability they define the class become completely useless at this point worse than useless kind of a letdown and for my pet leveling here i made a couple of mistakes but this is my actual playthrough build i'll tell you what i would change i went with the bully animal archetype because you get trip and you really can't get this on a pet as a monster tactician without going with the bully because it it requires you to get combat expertise and you need to have a 13 intelligence so that's a no-go on the pet but if you take bully you get trip as a bonus feat and that means we can take the other trip oh we can take specifically tandem trip which is the really good one and we also get a bonus from this to tripping and your leopard will trip on attack okay our first level feat is going to be weapon finesse and this is going to allow the leopard to use his really massive dexterity to attack instead of strength at level four he gets dexterity dexterity to damage instead of strength so that's really nice as well i went with furious fall this is going to let us add our dexterity bonus to tripping attempts as well as our strength bonus at this point i chose dodge here but in hindsight i would have chosen coordinated maneuvers because it's about this time in the game where i get the teamwork feat so that would be an additional plus two and honestly this guy never gets hit like with decent buffs with um you know bark squint bark skin shield of faith mage armor if you don't have good bracers this guy's not getting hit let me see here 46 ac this is not fighting defensively uh 46 ac at level 12 is pretty solid for a pet um we're getting all our teamwork feats for free on our our main character so we want to make sure pet has them as well oh yeah at level four you have to take a point in intelligence so that you can get these good feats so instead of buffing up your like the obvious choice of buffing your dexterity your first ability score improvement should be for intelligence so you can get these good feats like oh flank level nine we get tandem trip and i think this is exactly the time that we get tandem trip for a bonus teamwork fee so that synergizes really well and then i went with agile maneuvers so all these feats you know the goal is to buff our tripping ability and it does a pretty good job so even though we already add our dexterity with furious fall so now like when you take furious fall you get strength and dexterity bonus to trips and agile maneuvers just takes that strength bonus and changes you know swaps it out for another dexterity so that basically means you get to add double your dexterity bonus to tripping attempts and this guy he just never misses you know he gets one trip per round guaranteed i'll show some videos but his tripping bonuses at this point in the game were like off the charts you you just couldn't stop him all right for my mythic path i actually didn't get to the point in the game where you get to choose a path so i'll just tell you what i did my first couple of levels and what i was planning on doing if i continued this build from here on our first ascension i went with bit of fun because you get mirror image and we're always trying to find things that will buff our survivability for our main character also i just really like getting a bonus to skill checks when you're the only you know you only have one character in your party that's capable of doing skill checks it's nice to have every bonus you can get my first ability and at this point in the game really who's doing the most work is your leopard so i went with mythicalbeast and this is a huge like it's nice to get the strength dexterity and constitution that's nice but the real benefit of this ability here is that your pet ignores damage reduction and even at this point in the game which i i got this at level 9 just about everything you fight has damage reduction and now your pet completely ignores it so after at this point in the game even if i messed up and my main character died my pet could usually solo every single mob and and then i would just stand back up at the end so that was really nice on mythic rank 2 we get that bonus to our skill checks which is really nice i went with extra mythic ability and i'm going to do the same thing to my summons as well they now get a bonus to all of their ability scores except for intelligence for some reason and their attacks ignore dr damage reduction so uh at this point in the game you're really coasting on your summons and your pet um i'm standing i'm trying to stand in the back line behind my pet getting um you know attacks in with a reach weapon with a long spear is the only one we can use but our summons are really doing a lot of a lot of work here now this is about where my play through ended i was just about to choose the mythic path right before in beta you liberate the main city and you get to choose your actual mythic path here of course i was going to go and if you're familiar with the mythic abilities the aeon is just perfectly suited to go with an inquisitor that's kind of one of the reasons why i chose it i thought it would be a really cool aeon play through aeon gives you gazes that are kind of like judgment that give you um specific buffs for an entire combat session so you know combat starts you catch your gaze and it lasts until the end of that that combat so really good for big fights and there are some gazes that give you you know plus to damage reduction attack there's one that buffs up your summons it gives them buffs to all their ability scores so there's a lot of synergy with summons and you also get bane aeon's bane which is like regular bane like the inquisitor vein but it also casts a spell on every attack that you make and it stacks with your inquisitor's ability so this this mythic path is tailor made for inquisitors and later on you even get to apply this bane to all of your summons i can't remember what rank that is we'll find out in a minute but um that's super strong and that pretty much wraps it up for this build you know it's unfortunate that you get to a point in the game where everything you've invested up to that point is completely negated by one class ability so i don't know exactly what i'm going to do i think what i might do is respect and take some levels in fighter and then at level 17 when you get summon monster 9 you actually once again you get some really good melee summons the mavonic divas are melee characters that also kind of cast some buffing spells and some damage spells that don't affect you those are very solid so i think maybe i'll get back to level 17 by going into other classes and then respect be a full monster tactician and then take my last three levels in a two-handed fighter to get a bonus to attacks of opportunity i think that's what i would do i'll probably post another video when i actually get back to this and figure out what i'm gonna do yeah i i apologize i wish i had a better video i wanted to do a video that was you know start to finish all the way through but this is really a sticking point right here and uh i really i really think that you know they could probably do something to fix this all right that's the build i hope you enjoyed it if you did enjoy it like comment subscribe and i'll see you next time
Channel: BolshyPlays
Views: 33,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pathfinder, kingmaker, Wrath of the Righteous, WotR, Build, Guide, Classes, Demon, Beast
Id: 37inhZqCsOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 45sec (2205 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 06 2021
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