Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous - Neutral Evil Cruoromancer Lich - Part 1

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greetings everyone hope all of you are having an absolutely fantastic day we're back again with more pathfinder wrath of the righteous except this time it is not the beta there's no uh version information on the lower left we are playing the full version and this playthrough of course will be acts 1 all the way up through x6 i see the mirror is actually working for me for the first time ever i think that's auralou somewhere shadowed in there really really cool stuff let's go ahead and get started for those of you who have never seen a playthrough of mine before we do all conversations um i'm gonna do multiple romances not sure which ones yet though oh whoa there's portraits okay i have to come so definitely circle back and look through those um [Music] we will definitely be doing all side quests as well here we go oh cool they they changed up how this works you don't have to go into details now infusion [Music] okay so i know some of you are hoping the way romantic work would be upgraded for the main game but it looks like they kept it the same it's fine for me i feel like no matter what this is really the class that they expect you to go with not necessarily expect to but that they created specifically for um glitches so i'm gonna go with that we're gonna go with vitalaborn um for background we need something with persuasion because you don't get it from your wizard class so i'm gonna go noble and i like the idea of leader let's see for your background change to uh plus one competitor's bonus okay skills oh they added more information this is always fantastic a plus one enhancement is the case efficiency added negative one armored check penalty reduction in case of armored proficiency cool we only need this for persuasion though we're not going to be using the armis and weapons so we definitely want to take intelligence all the way up to 20 we're going to put a couple more points into wisdom because we want that up to 10 we could get dump strength no need for that put in um another four points into charisma and then oh you know what we'll take this down to 19 i forgot because then we can take this up to 14 and then we'll just um put one point here and one point here uh it's a little annoying having a couple of uneven scores but honestly there's no way around it i don't want to put them back into the strength that'd be a waste as well we'll just move on and then as far as skills i definitely want persuasion i'll take lower nature since that's actually um you don't get party members who are really really skilled in that area um i should not need religion more than likely party members who could take care of that in fact none of the rest of these are really really necessary more than likely um but just in case we're going to go ahead and take knowledge world and you know what i like the idea of having perception on him even though he doesn't have a class skill in it we're just gonna go ahead and throw it in there the rest of these i know what party i'm gonna run with the party members will handle it for the first local feed oh they changed up some of the icons that's really really cool oh yeah that's really really cool okay um first level feat we are going to take life dominant soul this is going to allow us to be halfway healed by channel positive energy even though we're damn here so it makes it a lot easier for our clerics to be able to heal us you're still going to be damaged by um light cure wounds uh i'm sorry cure light wounds care moderate wounds things of that nature and then we also get a bonus feed so might as well take this opportunity to go ahead and focus in on necromancy or you know what to be a little bit more general we're going to get spout penetration they take a spell penetration works actually helps you a little bit more at this point in the game ah and then i always screw this up um there are some other schools that actually rope in nicely with necromancer but i can't ever remember which ones they are um let's see i'm i think i do need conjuration obj observation i think i can let go of evocation and i think technically well no there's a lot of good defensive spells that are with illusion so i can't i can't just let go of illusion and transmutation i think um i think haste is under transmutation definitely don't want to have to let go of that um we'll do divination for now i might have to respect change some things around about this right so i lose magic missile but ah whatever okay definitely one shield definitely one major armor um for this beginning section definitely one in large person i guess expeditious retreat is nice to have on yourself and then um sleep is nice to put on enemies and then let's see fear is nice if evil man is for strength or i can make a person sick yeah let's do that for daddy yeah well this looks cleaner ergothola the pallid princess we are a dark knight from necromancy after all we're gonna go neutral evil [Music] why can i have scars [Music] that's interesting that's actually kind of cool okay all right [Music] oh they got some um they got new skin tones in there as well okay [Music] yeah that works um no hood uh yeah interesting interesting okay so they didn't really add much hair in terms of hairstyles for them but i wouldn't want much more anyway [Music] you can't have war paint uh i don't think you see an your character close enough for warping to mean all that much to be honest we do it my way forwards no no backwards backwards defeat this is my path brave as possible spell's not working time's not waiting pragmatic that's that's possible pragmatic a solid plan no none shivers let us be off so it's either brave this will hurt forwards we will be victorious i think brave works the most [Music] there we go make sense to me give up all right let's go ahead and get started oh they've changed up a loading screen son nice very very nice so yeah this is super excited after all this time playing the beta to finally be able to get into the full game i can't wait to see what the finished product that they have looks like make way coming through fetch a healer quick hey somebody we got a wounded fighter can we get a healer over here my my would you look at this but why would you drag a wounded fighter into the middle of the festival square couldn't he be carted off somewhere else like oh i don't know an infirmary or an accommodating ditch make room everyone step back now what's the matter what happened to him the wound looks nasty who did this to him demons prelate we found him barely alive outside the wars of canaabras the walls you say enemy doesn't usually stray so close to the city must fortify the defenses and you hold fast don't die we'll see you right we'll get you patched up now but first you there guard take his weapons carrying arms is not permitted during the festival wounded or not everyone must abide by the rules he can get his things back after the festival oh inherited leader of our troops the sharpened edge of our blades and the unyielding strength of our armor ioma day i beseech you grant your mercy heal his wounds the magic envelops you but your pain lessens only slightly i won't give up that easily here here that's the crusader spirit my powers are not enough here someone call for tyrandelev you them yes you stop dithering and gobbing and make yourself useful go and get perendalem prelit surely there is somebody else here better suited to running errands i'll get her taran to live has anyone seen tyrandelev be quick about it before it's too late now who are you i don't remember seeing you before and i have an excellent memory for faces i'm a crusader i came to fight demons save me from great recruits they come without planning without preparation and they die before they even see their first real battle i don't know whether to laugh or cry at the utter waste of it all my dear prelate please for the sake of the festivities stop interrogating this poor man he has been through enough already go on i'll take care of him all right as you wish you are our protector and a dragon at that so i shall defer to your wisdom but be on your guard i've been informed he was wounded near canopus that means the demons are prowling just outside the walls and the city is crawling with their spies others may be able to relax on this holiday but not you or i not the defenders of this city muttering discontentedly the old man walks off right loose the grudging grip of pain cast off the veil of suffering flesh let light and life go forth in triumph to repel the skulking shade of death there thank you for helping me i accept your thanks but my work is not yet done who are you my name is terendalev i'm the protector of this city are you really a dragon you don't believe me perhaps i should retake my true form and engulf this square with my ice breath to win your trust [Laughter] pay no mind to my current guys i appear this way when i walk among the people i would hamper the festivities if i tried to attend in my true form what happened to me i do not know yet and that troubles me i am not entirely sure what the demons did to you this wound is no ordinary injury and it was inflicted by no ordinary weapon i have rid you of your pain and restored your strength but only time will allow you to heal fully can i go certainly but be careful i have managed to get you back on your feet but i have not healed you fully alas sooner or later your pain will return but do not be discouraged you will recover i promise you that tomorrow come to the cathedral and say that you are expected by surrender love protector of canaabras we will find a way to help you but for now put this out of your mind and enjoy the festival they are all too rare in this time of war and merriment is one of the best medicines awesome so what i also forgot to mention is i do not talk over um conversations or cutscenes i really want to make sure you all experience as much of the game as possible through these playthroughs so i'll talk of course in between sock'em one but i do not talk over actual scenes or conversations that they're having at least not for this playthrough i do plan to go through all of the mythic paths so at a later point we might get to the point they were like all right we don't need to see all of this let's just skip to it and get to the really really good stuff and that's a discussion we'll have as a community if you all would prefer that i just go through more slowly for all the mythic paths that's what i'll do [Applause] gods the old iona poor imposter your city will fall to you your followers uh leave my city [Music] let the feast begin [Music] the next [Music] i've seen you somewhere before yeah you have you owe me your life i'm the one who found you outside the walls and brought you inside to be healed i see they've patched you up good thing they did it before the attack or else you'd have been done for who is this kari you must have got a quick driving around the edge brother discar is a demon lord the most fearsome enemy of all crusaders and all living things come to think of it what's the situation in the city who knows everything's on fire crashing down around our ears place is crawling with demons looks like a whole army attacked the city we're sitting ducks care to lend me a weapon i'll try to fight the demons sure thing here take this best crossbow i've got the person who made it said he could pierce the heart of a demon lord even good luck try not to get eaten now the haplings words are drowned out by a terrible rumbling and the rustling of countless tiny wings [Music] a mortal knack snaps its jaws at the lord of locusts behold the death i saw [Music] the silver dragon tyrandelev the defender of canabras fell in battle hardly surprising as she had to bite the demon lord discari himself he willed the land to part and swallow all who dared to stand in his way but the war was still far from over i've never seen this art before they just added it in the full release this is awesome and i feel like overall the intro amazing does a really really great job of setting you up to care about what's happening like even though you don't understand what's going on just knowing that demons are essentially taking over the world that is happening right in front of you whether you're playing a good or evil online character it reels you in and makes you decide that you're going to care great great stuff a small woman with messy brown hair winces in pain uttering a stream of curses through clenched teeth she is pinned to the ground by a couple of weighty boulders hey hey stay with me you actually got pretty lucky you fell down into a black hole but at least you're not on your own you've got a great companion everything's going to be just fine tell me something can you feel your legs i feel them all right one say no do a little less feeling in them my ankle's killing me but my back seems to still be in one piece my head too that's all that matters now we're going to hey fancy meeting you down here you're the one that tyrundel have healed today right you an injured are you will you help me get her out from under the boulders okay i'm playing a neutral evil character but it's not evil in the sense that i'm going to be taking every evil option it's in the sense that he feels like you need to do whatever it takes in order to stop the demons even becoming undead and using the dead in order to fight back against them so he deeply believes in the crusade and helping the crusade and standing up for the crusades members so we are not going to take the diplomacy uh the evil diplomacy option here um we're going to try knowledge world we don't have to rely on brute strength for this i'll try to find something to use as a lever succeeded you quickly find some suitable sticks and you free the wounded woman from the rubble without even breaking the sweat look at you it's good to meet someone who uses brains first and bronze second ah damn it all i think it's broken oh well i've had worse i'll just make myself a splint out of something thanks for the help i wouldn't have lasted long on my own stuck under there i'm a nevia tierrabate of the eagle watch i was overseeing security at the festival square i thought maybe spies or demon worshipers might have something nasty planned what actually happened though now that i did not see coming i don't think anyone could have been prepared for that well i'm sila paladin by the grace of ioma day i crossed the whole continent to come to mendev and fight demons and well i've been fighting for a while now i don't even want to think what might be happening up there in the city canabras has lost the protection of tyrandelev and of the wardstone 2 looks like it's a relic without equal it was placed here personally by iomede's herald with a goddess's blessing i really wanted to go see it to pray before it but there's no point worrying about a stone when there are people dying in the streets yeah things are looking grim enough but don't lose heart wardstone or no dragon or no cannabis will never give in simple as well we've introduced ourselves what about you i came here to fight the abyss a fellow crusader welcome brother this is great i would have been happy to have any companion in this but it's nice to be stuck down here with somebody who's my kind of crazy it's a good thing you've still got your faith because right now to be totally honest faith's probably the only thing we do have now then i'll hobble my way out of here somehow the city ain't far only 30 paces or so that's if you're going straight up of course i'm afraid we're gonna have to go the long way round to summarize there are three of us with five working legs three pairs of decent hands two clear heads and one made of wood that's mine underground monsters beware anevia you stay behind us you're in no fit state to fight if we do come up against anything the two of us will try to manage on our own first well onward may the good deities lead us back to the open sky soon love sila's voice acting i think it was very well selected love the way and love her as a character in general always they changed the look of some of the clothes that's definitely nice do i need any on this uh i'll take the crossbow i want to make sure i'm fighting at a distance most definitely long term follow me says whoa what the heck is that oh tyrande scale okay um long term since we don't use weapons at all we're going to use a side but for now we'll keep a crossbow well i love the idea of my lich standing in the back with a side directing all of the undead who's there the fine apparel of this young half-elf woman is torn and stained with blood dust and dirt however she holds herself with such dignity that you would be forgiven for thinking you were at a high society party and not in the dank catacombs under the city her fingers grip her rapier hilt with confidence ready to draw it at a moment's notice at her feet lies a dead body so mutilated that at first glance it's hard to tell if it's animal or human relax friend we're we're not demons or cultists don't poke my eye out with that thing all right we fell down here during the attack i'm sila that's a nevia and this is our new friend we're looking for a way back to the surface really i'm so ever glad to hear it allow me to introduce myself i am camelia i was also in the square when when i can scarcely believe it how did all those demons get into the city i thought naively it now seems that the ward stone protected us from attack and tyrandelev i can't wrap my head around it not many could withstand a strike from a demon lord not even to rindalev i can't argue with that we're fortunate to be alive i'll be at underground dascari himself has come to konabras there's no mistaking that ugly mug tyrandel have tried to fight him but what could she do against a near deity even the ward stone was no help our city used to be protected by powerful forces but now anivia shakes her head we've seen how powerless they truly are henceforth we shall have no one but ourselves to rely on i suppose tell me more about yourself who am i just an ordinary citizen who decided to take a scroll through the square on the day of the festival but that's not what you wish to know is it you most likely wish to know whether i'll be a burden should you ask me to join your group no need to worry about that i can assure you that i am skilled with a rapier and i also possess some knowledge of magic she touches the polished snake skull amulet that hangs around her neck what happened to this poor man who is he i don't know he must have been in the square when disaster struck i tried to revive him but he was already dead sadly he didn't get these wounds from the fall be on your guard whatever killed him likely hasn't gone far hang on i think i know him his names are vashmill the egghead from the library he was a good lad even if he was kind of stuck up may his soul rest in peace do you want to join us certainly survivors should stick together it's only sensible who knows what else could be prowling about in these caves we need to keep moving there must be a way back to the surface somewhere around here that's right it would be the height of foolishness to survive a demon attack only to perish under a pile of rubble let's see if this poor bloke has anything useful on them not to sound like a heartless brigand or nothing but we kind of need all the supplies we can get right now okay oh he's got a masterwork dagger okay that's cool i'll watch your back and we'll go ahead just in case even though these upcoming fights should not be a problem at all all right one after another this is my so i do a mix we usually do real time with paul for just regular trash mobs and then i definitely do um turn base mode if i either feel like it's going to be a tough fight or oh this is a change interesting okay so more scales okay um i do turn based mode if i either feel like it's going to be a tough fight or a fight where the enemy maybe uses special abilities and i want you all to have the opportunity to see what type of abilities are being used so you'll be able to prepare for it better yourself when you're in the same situation but otherwise we go ahead and just go with real time so that we can get through some of this content much quicker actually we'll take all of this we're going to be coming right up to a vendor so i'm not worried about being encumbered just yet when you have a full party and a bag of holding being uncumbered is much less of an issue but in these beginning stages you don't want to just weigh yourself down with everything in general i try to uh just take masterwork stuff and then armors that are especially valuable but this is definitely not a game where you just want to go around picking up everything that the game throws at you they'll throw a lot of trash that it's just not worth your while actually i want to know something uh okay yeah monitor losers are neutral hey something's different so there's inventory characters well but i feel like there's something here that wasn't here before am i crazy what dog character's expecting okay no maybe just there we go i went to uh i'm gonna miss not having you no i can't just walk away it's got to be here somewhere you struggle to make out the man's features in the gloom as soon as he steps into the circle of light however you realize that you have never encountered a creature like this before the stranger looks like the work of a vivisectionist who attempted to stitch together a lizard and a man when what lan did you find it who is that the do-gooders here to save our mongrel's souls no doubt wait they might know what's going on up there demons are laying waste to kanabras if things are as bad as you say then we all have to hurry you didn't come from the direction of the shield mace damn it i couldn't care less about what's happening on the surface but the maze i realize that you guys have your own troubles but we need to be in canaabras people are dying up there please show us the way out who are you teeth links tieflings are the descendants of people who sullied themselves by mating with demons our ancestors would never sink that low we are the underground crusaders the children of the crusades finest sadly underground crusaders is a bit of a mouthful so people usually just call us mongrels you just love repeating that don't you len mongrels that's what the uplanders call us but we call ourselves nethers no matter what you call us it's not gonna stop our horns hooves or tails from growing i've never heard of underground crusaders before in canada's they're called mongrels people say that they come up to the surface at night and eat anyone foolish enough to wander alone after midnight to tell you the truth i thought you guys were just a tale to tell kids at night that's human gratitude for you our forefathers suffered the consequences of demonic corruption all to protect mendev and golarion and for what so we could become monsters used to frighten children every mongrel has their own take on it our chief for example thinks of us as something like a reserve military force he thinks we're standing by until the moment we're needed and when we emerge on the surface and save the day all the people will see how good we are and they'll love us for it yeah he leaves that last part out when he talks about it of course but it's easy enough to read between the lines what is this place this is the hall where we remember the glory of our forebears sorry about the mess it doesn't usually look like this trust me sometimes we even wipe the dust off the exhibits this is where the relics of the first crusaders are displayed our lives are short our glories are quickly forgotten but this place helps us to remember that we are just as worthy as anyone else and that our lives are not lived in vain the first crusaders you've been down here that long that's crazy what are you doing here that's none of the orbit we're looking for a holy sword it was here in the center sticking out of a rock the sooner we find it the better some kids from our tribe took off for the shield maze they figured it had collapsed and now it's their time to go up to the surface like all the legends foretold except they don't have a clue what's waiting for them up there they're not fighters and saul the chief of our tribe is dead set against it he says that now isn't the time for the underground crusaders to take up arms if we get the holy sword we might be able to change the chief's mind it's a fool's errand none of us will be able to hold the sword let alone use it to save anyone it's not an ordinary weapon it's made from righteous heavenly flame and will burn anyone who touches it you think your special lamb i'll pick it up with my teeth and tie it to my hand if i have to it doesn't matter an angel sword and a troop of stalwart mongrels will be able to work a minor miracle speaking of which you're still here wendu which means that deep down you know it's possible one dog shrugs and turns away maize does it really lead to the surface yes there are other ways up but they are far from here and after the earthquakes there's a good chance they've collapsed but the maze there's a legend among our people that when the walls of the maze fall that will be a signal for us the underground crusaders the time has come to go up to the surface and fight the demons in the final confrontation until then the people say the maze is shielding us from taking rash actions i'm the only one in our whole tribe to have been in the maze and even i don't know if it's true but the further i went in the maze the fresher the air became that means that it really must lead to the surface when the ceiling and walls started shaking the young ones in our tribe lost their heads they figured the maze was going to collapse so it was time to go up to the surface they grabbed whatever weapons were on hand and ran off toward the maze they think the maze is no longer a danger to them they've been listening to wendwog too much don't try to blame this on me yes i told them that our people are capable of making our way through the maze in the future but i always told them to wait until i had made a map of all the mazes dangers i warned them a hundred times but it was no use my words just went in one ear and out the other a sword of holy flame how did it wind up down here it came here with its owner a long time ago fifty thousand guns to be precise seventy years ago in uplander time fifty thousand gongs ago our forebears found a dead angel here along with the bodies of his comrades the tribe gave them a dignified burial and they were laid to rest with their weapons but the flaming angelic sword was stuck in a rock and no one was able to pull it out it burned to the touch like real fire so the rock was placed over the angel's grave it should be here somewhere maybe the angel will dig himself out and find the sword for us that might be our best shot in this chaos len watch your tongue we'll find the sword faster if we work together i'll help you thanks an extra pair of eyes can only help this sword will be easy enough to spot it looks sorty help us and in return we'll get you out of here now we're talking let's get to work it's a good thing we all bumped into each other isn't it what you want to find the sword quickly so the underground monsters bring you back to the surface so be it love that voice acting wendell of course um we were with her a lot during my demon playthrough she was absolutely fantastic can't wait to see her full um voice acting at work in the game statue of an unknown knight the technique is crude but the figure was clearly crafted with genuine feeling failed the religion check now what is that what's that sell that copper ring i found the room looks like an improved museum improvised museum or perhaps some kind of temple now what is that i found something onwards [Music] a strange flash pierces the gloom at professor snape fields drops of the searing blood run down his chest the wound healed by tyrandelev reopens and weeps scarlet but there's no pain or weakness a hazy scene appears a cave chamber this one or another one entirely professor snape's heartbeat quickens and a stream of thoughts suddenly burst into his mind thoughts that clearly belong to another treachery that betrayed me trapped me and stabbed me in the back my trusted allies my treasured friends the people i swore to protect the people for whom i descended from heaven and came to this turbulent mortal world there they are up ahead in the gloom of the cave what are they waiting for are they afraid to draw any closer do they believe i'm about to die from their traitorous blows next to me a quiet moan a girl with a golden braid lies on the rocks clutching her slash side she refused to join with the traitors and paid dearly for it i could have tried to run but i will not whilst i still have strength i must while recognizing the foreign origins of these thoughts professor snape intuits that he can control them somehow let's try to furiously call out the traitors the voice trembling with pain and rage carries to the farthest reaches of the cave sailing in this strange vision why why do you betray me and your comrades what did the servants of the abyss tempt you with blurred shapes the faces of several immortals bleed into existence one of them a young half of with his hair twisted into a knot responds to their accusations you and your goddess have given us nothing mario nothing but lord discari will give us everything and there is no power in the world that will stop his advance the frenzy of foreign thoughts come faster and faster like a rushing river and images flash by one after another a priestess and colorful robes observing the stars a young female paladin prey clutching her blowing sword a majestic golden winged angel gazing into the distance his face covered by a helmet but his voice ringing clear only if you're willing and only if you're ready there is no going back there in the vision the darkness in the cave stirs into motion something massive appears from within its depths a vague shadow an outline a nightmare come to life a wave of odious chirping and rustling emanate from the cave the sound piercing light hot irons lacing through flesh and bone the traitors fall to their knees before the shadow in reverent ecstasy and the wounded girl thrashes in her death throws the yawning chest wound burns white hot professor snape's head hounds with pain and it is no longer clear whose pain it is the person called larial who sent this vision are the one unlucky enough to receive it knowledge arcana 10 but professor snape knows how to resist malign influence such as this no matter its origin [Music] successful the force of the attack though originating in a vision is terrifying but professor snape is stronger he shakes off the pain and torpor but alas the one who sent the vision cannot claim the same he is broken and exhausted a monstrous shadow emerges from the murk of the cave it is not real it exists only in the strange vision or memory but the thrill of fear it provokes is more than real the shadows features starkly resemble those of discari the terrifying demon lord in a movement as swift as thought itself the monster's hand is wrapped around the throat of the one they called lyria the foolish angle struggling on the rocks like a fly with its wings torn off and tongues the shadow its voice changes as it moves shifting from a quiet whispering to a sonorous shout becoming young then old wavelength where is your goddess angel where's your self for sure how was it that you were dying here alone so far from the light of your heaven a strange calm envelops the thoughts of the one called larial he recognizes who stands before him and he knows he will never bow down before this enemy the flaming sword flares to life in his hand bright pure flickering with multi-colored sparks like a sun beam through stained glass slash the blade slices through the demonic creature's flesh and the monster recoils with a howl releasing his grip on larial's throat the angel falls back heavily on the rocks his vitality is ebbing but his pride remains undiminished he grips the sword and with his last burst of strength lunges it into the rock professor snape senses that the vision is fading the rush of thoughts diminishing like a river running dry the last thing he hears is this you will kill me monster this i know but one day someone will come here and raise up my sword they will raise it up and punish evil doers and traitors the vision disappears vanishing in a burst of colors professor snape does not hear the final words but he seems to complete the thought taking it to heart the words fly from his lips and with them something else the heat blazing in professor snape's chest fades away the edges of the scarlet room close leaving not even a scar behind looking down professor snape sees the flaming sword in his hand or rather it's outlined the memory of what the sword looked like with a final surge of warm and soothing light the sword vanishes and the light is drawn into his hand professor snape senses that it will return all he need do is call it hey are you all right you are kind of glowing just now silla kneels before the light offering up a prayer to ioma day that that was it the light of heaven but how what did you do with it where did it go you saw it too the traitors the dying girl it's only us here your group you me wendu and the light of heaven that sort of got uh sucked into you any chance you can whip it out again we do kind of need it sorry i crack jokes when i get nervous and when i'm upset and when i'm happy anyway what i said it came out wrong we need to bring you to chief saul you can show everyone the light of heaven we'll rally the tribe and go into the maze and we'll get back our kin and what if he can't make it happen a second time what then the tribe will just say we're crazy and turn its back on us i think i saw the memories of lario the angel who died here l'oreal that really was l'oreal the angel from the legends the ancestors even got his name right on the gravestone the chief will be thrilled you thousands of gongs and no one's been able to touch it and now you an ordinary creature of flesh and blood no different to us get the sword and start talking about visions now now when to walk don't be a sore loser he is clearly different from us the sword appeared before him along with the angel's name and all that other stuff because he doesn't carry our mongrel taint heaven doesn't give a damn how special we are we're born with evil inside us heaven doesn't need to know any more than that i know you're willing to tear anyone apart to uphold our people's honor but you and so you just refuse to face the truth we are the way we are because our ancestors bodies were corrupted by the abyss it does the same thing to plants and animals there's nothing heroic or special about it it doesn't make us better and it doesn't make us worthier requires angel mythic path reveal the light of heaven it seems i can control it that is just wow i mean that's amazing heaven has truly blessed you this power is the most majestic thing i've ever seen in all my life is this what the sun is like glenn yes it's similar but this light is more golden chief soul needs to see this now that we have the power of angels on our side he can't say no he'll have to assemble a troop to storm the maze you uplanders care about your kids right help us save ours without them we won't survive and then the perils of the maze won't be so bad if we go together we'll make our way through it and find the way to canabras lead us to your chief and i'll decide if i'm going to help you or not let's go we'll take the short route well the only route really all right so right now at this time it is done um i already said that my character is deeply loyal to um the crusade and being exposed to this power makes him definitely believe okay being an angel and using the path of the heaven is the way to go there's nothing else more powerful that's going to be able to stop the demons so for the first little part of it we'll probably be making more decisions and using things as if we were going to go that route but that'll of course change over time really love the voice acting of windual and land i think they're actually a really really nice pair especially through this section i i think this beginning section like i mentioned before i think they did a great job with it i think it's very entertaining it pulls you along oh crap i paid attention to the seal at all um i feel like the uh the beginning of a video game its responsibility is to be interesting enough why does that say luke uh but it's not let me click this so i got out of it the responsibility is to be interesting enough that i want to continue playing it and finding out things about it oh she's not fighting defensively that could be part of the problem um without truly understanding everything that's going on in the game and i think this game does a great job of that you don't really know what's going on you only know a little bit about uh discari but the the character the strength of the characters the strength of the writing the strength of the lord that you've been introduced to thus far it's all enough to make you say okay i want to find out more and i'm going to allow you to fool me along this thread as opposed to some other games that i feel like really start you out with a lot of lore and complicated terms that you don't really understand and it makes it a much more difficult decision to say you know what this is something i want to stick with so definitely definitely big kudos to them i feel like this is very well done oh there's not always voice acting okay once noi glances at land who is fixing his slit bolstering and quickly walks over to you her cat-like eyes glow from beneath her hood listen here you i don't know who you are where you come from but you and i are the only two people here who see things clearly that's why i'm asking you don't show the light of heaven to saul lane is sure that the light should be shown to the mongrels land when do our grimaces and a guttural husky snarl unfurls in her throat he wants to play the hero his first idea if you remember was to grab the sword and run headlong into the maze does that sound like a plan to you to me it sounds like suicide the worst part is that the tribe might actually take his words to heart and follow where he leads i thought you consider the mongrels to be great warriors the descendants of great warriors i believe that my people are worthy of greatness that we are strong and can do many things that's why we're chased down here we scare people but it's one thing to go hunting in the caves and another to fight in the shield maze winduav leans closer her pupils dilating i've been here i spent my whole life training so i can make it through all the way to the end there were more of us trackers at the start we were young and stupid what's a couple of monsters when there's a whole world out there waiting for us that's what we thought but we weren't prepared the maze isn't just a physical challenge it's cunning and full of traps it's dark as a primordial night and if you close your eyes and listen you hear whispers right behind you and soft singing in the distance that seems to rise and fall with the beating of your heart wounded wild looks away i had to learn from my friends mistakes i had to step over their bodies and go further i don't want to have to do that again and it will happen again if a crowd of ill-prepared fighters burst into the maze with no idea where they're going all because lamb believes that a glowing sword will solve all of our problems don't you want to save the kids lost in the maze i do want to but i'm not going to risk the future of the tribe for the sake of a few stupid kids chief's soul is hesitant and for good reason he also understands how dangerous this is for the tribe lands the only one who benefits from these childish games of heroism i'll go alone if i have to and find them or whatever's left of them without any heroics relying only on myself risking only my own life when to walk slows you and your friends you can come with me perhaps we can make it to the end of the maze together and find the way out to the surface i'll think about it let's go when do i nods don't show the chief the light and i'll lead you through the maze to the surface i swear it awesome so i like the the method okay um i like the method that they use to show more of the personalities of each character they do it not just through the conversation you have with them but also by the way they talk about each other you know you learn much more about who these people really are i really like the variety and the mongrels it's all about this area has mutated them and how it mutates them is very very different across the different types of mongols that you meet so it's really really cool stuff your first impression of the mangrove village is of a squalid dog with the odors to match unblinking glowing eyes watch you from the balloon and deformed shapes slope between the huds you see some mongols gutting white eyeless fish while others are repairing fishing nets all the signs of normal village life but tense expectation hangs in the air a heavyset aged mongol slowly shuffles his way toward you the hair on his head grows in limp wispy strands and his face has a distinctly rat like appearance with pronounced teeth and you hear a rattling sound in his chest with every breath he takes one of his eyes is white fully scarred by cataracts while the other gleams with moisture a blender and times our abundance indeed chief saul we found the angel's sword and we found the one who can wield it land points a jew he had a vision and now the angel's sword together with the light of heaven are somehow inside him gather the tribe anyone who can hold a weapon the young ones are still alive we could go save them soul raises his hand with ragged broken fingernails huh lamb always dreaming always talking to hasty true hasty for your own good it's going to get you in trouble so eyes you up and down uplander with the light of heaven that's too good for us our kind don't have good things happen there's always a catch lad trust people because he likes to leave is that right lad i'm the chief don't work on faith show the light when the wild stares at you intently like a cat watching a bird and shakes her head in warning is there someone else from the surface is there someone else from the surface here soul points off to the side there is hail and hearty purpose of pizza just like me so last but quickly returns to business not good too many uplandish not good not what are you up to here you're not one of us we're not your kind when the time comes we'll come to you not you to ush lawful requires angel mythic path reveal the light of heaven land speaks the truth the heavenly flame flares to you at your unspoken command bright pure dancing with multicolored sparks like a sunbeam passing through stained glass the mongols abandon their task and stare transfixed the light is bright but not blinding it is warm but its warmth is so deep soul is silent for a while tears are streaming down his wide pale face but the old man doesn't even care to wipe them away so it's true the angel did not forsake us no he came back back from the dead he came to save our children land gives you a knot of thanks the scaled half of his face is indifferent but the human half is visibly relieved as if he wasn't sure all this time that you will support him window up hisses at you like an angry cat see these fishermen and these hunters these husk of men and women their blood will be on your hands we have the blessings of the angels we will survive and help the young tribesmen idiot i see a bright light and now you think of it a maze is no match for you you always think's the worst when do we're not on our own in this anymore we've got allies well a couple at least but one good fighter's worth ten bad ones you have the right of it lad but we're neithers we're going to wait i shift the messenger to summon all the traits it will take time yes but they will come they will all come for the light wait wait up like rash the wild in one of our hutch a home is your home land size all right chief understood let's hope that a few hours is the difference between life and death for those kids if they ask me what took us so long i'll tell them it was your decision one dog only grits her teeth in silence and there we go we are fatigued and we have a level follow me so let's search around the cave sell everything that we have and then we'll level up before we it's time to rest finally someone from the surface i was beginning to lose hope an elderly man inexpensive but not ostentatious clothes approaches you his face is peppered with several healed cuts and bruises and twisted in an expression of extreme discomfort discontent allow me to introduce myself my name is horgis worm yes that worm you no doubt have heard of me if you spend any time at all in the city i have a business proposition for you your name tells me nothing who are you you truly are freshly arrived in the city then you couldn't have picked a worse time that's for certain only just arrived and the city's been raised to rubble you should know that you are looking at one of the richest and most distinguished men in all of canaveras i may not be as well known as certain swaggering loudmouths who spend their lives traversing from one ball to the next but the gwerm trading company is one of the pillars of the city i'll have you know did you see the marquis in the square i paid for those tried any festival delicacies you have herges worm to thank for that how did you end up here a moment orgas eyes focus on camellia before his gaze returns to you like everyone else down i went with that a cursed beetle cleaved the ground and twained beneath our feet i'm lucky i didn't break my neck in the fall and i'm doubly lucky that i didn't encounter any subterranean cockroaches on my blind wanderings and instead came across hunters from this settlement although i must say that when i first glimpsed their physionom physionomies i always get this word wrong and i have no idea what it means physionomies my life flies before my very eyes but they turned out to be decent chaps frightening to look at but able to keep a bargain you don't speak very kindly of the mongols even though they saved your life ah kind words are for people with hours to fritter away on pleasantries horgis worm speaks his mind and he pays for services rendered not with kind words but with hard coin i gave the mongols my dagger in exchange for their help it's handled is worth more than their whole village what kind of business proposition i don't know what is happening on the surface right now but i am determined to find out you have no intention of seeing out the rest of your days in this village i suspect we must find a route back to the surface to the city if there's anything left of it you are a spellcaster i presume sorcerer wizard i can't tell which exactly but it doesn't matter spells are always useful especially in a situation like this you are strong it will be no trouble to you but i alas i'm not as fit as i once was i can't go crawling about through caves playing in scouts my proposition is simple lead me back to the city and i shall pay you a thousand gold coins i suggest we help this man it is good to have friends among the canabras elite diplomacy 16 2000 gold succeeded horgas's gaze is piercing are you taking advantage of my dire circumstances very well make it 2000 money first i would gladly pay in advance but all my wealth is up on the surface fear not the word of aguam is worth more than platinum ask anyone organ squirm has never reneged on a deal deal splendid in the meantime i shall sit here in the village we have to go what no we have to go go on go on don't forget our agreement when you find the way out be sure to tell me excellent so yeah i'm definitely a fan of this little uh little mutant community the diversity of the way they look along with the efforts to make it look very natural like just a poor fishes village i feel like it really helps to hit home how different their way of life is compared to the crusaders that you're going to meet on the surface let us and all right i think this is a good place to go ahead and stop i hope all of you enjoyed the video today if you did please leave me a like down below share this content and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already i will see you all in the next video take care
Channel: Samori Sykes Gaming
Views: 10,144
Rating: 4.9709091 out of 5
Keywords: cruoromancer, dhampir lich, dhampir pathfinder, lich build, lich mythic, lich mythic path, lich pathfinder build, pathfinder, pathfinder full playthrough, pathfinder neutral evil, pathfinder playthrough, pathfinder wrath of the righteous, wotr, wotr playthrough, wrath of the righteous mythic path
Id: 1mZ2xeN1Rt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 16sec (4276 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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