Pathfinder: WoTR- Party Member Ember Fire Witch Build

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[Music] greetings everyone hope all of you are having an absolutely fantastic day we're back again with more pathfinder wrath of righteousness this time i am happy to do this one amber let's level her up and see how to build her up i have had so many comments from people who are confused about how to make the most out of ember and i don't understand how it's possible in my personal opinion ember is the most versatile party member you get period bar none she can all at the same time in the class that you get her in be your number two healer your number two damage dealer your number one buffer and your number one d buffer i say your number two healer because she does not have the ability to channel energy which i prefer all my healers to have but if you don't care about that frankly she can be your number one healer and i say your number two damage dealer because i love using her to buff my party so a lot of her slots get taken up with spells that are meant above my party so she can't just fill up with stuff that's meant to blow up a room the way wool just hands but if you don't care about buffing or you don't use her to buff she can absolutely be your number one damage dealer she is just that amazing just that versatile let me show you how she gets it done but before we do that let's talk about the negatives with ember and i think this is yet another case where owlcat really screws us with the feats that our party members start with so she starts with point blank shot and precise shot and she's got a 16 in dexterity now all this together would give you the impression that she could make a decent archer if you run out of spell spell slots for whatever reason and that you can use spells that require uh her to roll for an attack the way wool just can't this is not the case because ember is a witch and all witches have to take on a curse in ember's case her curse is blackened and blackened gives you a negative four penalty on all weapon attack roles you won't be able to see that until we get to the hex menu i'll show it there but until level 10 her penalty is four at level ten it's lower to two but even all the way up to level 20 she always takes a negative two penalty on any weapon attack rolls so all those spells that we loved on wojif like scorching ray um um battering blasts things of that nature all those spells that do touch attacks she takes a negative four penalty to all of them so you do not want to use those types of spells with ember which also means these feats are basically useless until you get to level 10 where that penalty has come down to the point that you might reasonably consider using some of those spells that require a weapon attack role so even though she has a couple of uh feats and we get her at level four you really need to consider this just like woljeth starting off completely from scratch trying to make her a great caster but it doesn't really matter because the hexes that she starts out with are fantastic so first and foremost hexes unlike spells can be used an infinite amount of times as long as you're targeting different enemies for most hexes the it'll say that one particular creature cannot be targeted by that hex more than once per day which is fine you basically can take a hex use it against everybody you're fighting up against and then in the next fight use it on all those people again unlike spells which have a certain amount of slots you can use per day before you have to rest now ember starts with vulnerability curse which is okay it basically makes your enemies vulnerable to energy that's great if you have a bunch of people who are throwing around different spells that use fire ice or things of that nature but if you don't then this really isn't all that worthwhile but the other one she has is slumber slumber is the hex version of sleep except it affects creatures of any hd which means you can keep using this all the way up to the time when you're able to upgrade to restless lumber i use this on number all throughout act 1. virtually all the enemies except for ghouls ghouls are immune to sleep but all the enemies that are susceptible to sleep are also susceptible to this and she can absolutely crowd control whole groups of enemies slumbering them one after another it is amazing um start with a starting off bill she also gets a raven familiar which gives her a bonus to persuasion and perception and then she only has simple weapon proficiencies again you're not using amber to be great at weapons and with all that being said let's go ahead and dive into the build so when it comes to ability points you want to level up charisma that is a spell casting attribute and you want to keep increasing it throughout all her level ups for skills i'll be honest it's not all that impressive she does get knowledge arcana if you don't have anybody else who uses that you can go ahead and level her up with it she also gets persuasion and use magic device you can keep her in that if you want to she does get a little bit in religion as well if you don't have anybody else specializing in religion you can go ahead and use her for this but just keep in mind she's not going to be increasing wisdom so she's not going to be able to get the sky-high religion numbers that your main character could get or soseo could get if you had him on the team if there's any one of these skills that you really don't care about instead put the points into perception you all know how i feel about perception okay now we are finally into the hexes um so first and foremost if you want to use her as a healer the healing option is here um also throughout all the spells that we go through she's always going to have cure light wounds cure moderate wounds things of that nature i always have a separate healer with me so i'm not going to be selecting those spells in this build but if for whatever reason you did not want to use so sale or darren and instead wanted to make ember your main healer you can absolutely do that select the healing hex and then make sure you're getting all those healing spells at the various spell levels that you get she does go all the way up to level nine but in this build for your first hex i recommend evil eye it is amazing so it's gonna start out as a negative two penalty and then you get to choose what you want to impact ac ability checks attack roles saving throws or skill checks the hex will last a number of rounds equal to three plus the charisma modifier of ember a will save reduces this to just one round that's important to keep in mind so no matter what when you use evil lie it will hit it's just a matter of how many rounds will this enemy be affected so what i like to do is let all my people surround in particular hard to deal with enemy in a way where i know they'll be able to attack them and then hit that creature with evil eye and then let everybody go crazy while the creature is experiencing this debuff at eighth level the penalty increases to a negative four bananas all right then at level four honestly she doesn't have anything that's all that great for her to use oh i'm sorry there's one other thing that i should mention in fact going back here so this is where you can see blackened all right and you'll notice that there's that negative four penalty on weapon attack rolls and then it becomes negative two active level but because she has this curse she also gets fire spells over time as she levels up so at level five she's going to get scorching ray and burning arc at level 10 you get fire snake and then at level 15 you get hellfire ray now the thing to keep in mind is these are all one level later than the time that you would get these spells if you were waldif or nanio so your other party members will get these spells earlier but these spells are not in the witch's spell book so it's a boon to ember because if she didn't get them in this way she wouldn't have them at all so you can make ember your number one fire mage and allow her to do huge damage against the enemies you're going up against now going back to level two so she's automatically going to get burning arc and scorching ray but it's just going to be at a later level so for now um scare is a absolutely fantastic crowd control spell and at this point you're still in act one so a lot of enemies will be susceptible to it that's what i personally like to take if you wanted to give ember some more protection you could go with false life or if you wanted to focus on damage you could go with bone shaker for your level one feet again we're starting all the way from scratch so go ahead and get spell penetration at level five for spell level one i go ahead and get enlarged person you're going to have sela she benefits a lot from the spell and then for the level two i'd give false life at level six i pick up fortune you can target one of your party members and it's going to allow that particular individual to reroll any ability check attack role saving throw or skill check taking the better result this is absolutely fantastic when you're either going up against a boss that's very hard to hit so you want to help your party members in that way or you've got a very very difficult skill check and if you fail it you will probably save scum so instead you're just going to use fortune to try to help ensure that you're able to successfully do this skill check and then for your sixth level that's when things start getting really really good for ember you want to go ahead and pick up heroism this is going to give you a plus two more round bonus on attack roll saves and skill checks so it's great both defensively and offensively however it is not communal so you have to cast heroism on each individual party member this is part of the reason why ember is your number two damage dealer she's gonna have to fill up her slots with with spells like this for your level seven feet get spell focus evocation for your level 1 spell grab reduced person for your level 2 spell grab bone shaker and then for your spell level 3 grab the spell magic so at level 8 i like to get cackle it allows you as a move action to extend the rounds of evil eye fortune protective luck and misfortune so you can start the battle with let's say evil eye and then in the next round cash protective luck and pro cash cackle to extend the effects of both it is great great stuff really allows you to both buff your party and debuff enemies all at the same time in a very very efficient way for ember and spell level four you want to get death ward it's going to give you a plus four morale bonus on sales against all death spells and magical death effects so when you see your party members with negative levels or sometimes with damage to a particular attribute score a lot of times that's because a death effect took hold of them death ward is going to ensure or at least help ensure that that doesn't happen you definitely want this on any of your front line fighters for most of the game i would say your backline fighters as long as you're keeping them away from where the action really is aren't going to be targeted by this but later in the game it's possible that more enemies are going to be targeting your back line and you might need to throw this on all of your party members as far as i know there's no communal version of uh death ward so at level nine you want to go ahead and get greater spell penetration for spell level 3 you want to get delay poison communal and then for your next level 4 spell you want to get dimension door there are a lot of situations in the game where it's very very useful to be able to teleport whether it's to get a hidden object or to hit a switch for a trap that's a far ways away you definitely want to have somebody with this spell slotted and ember is great for it because she cast spells spontaneously so she's much more likely to be able to have a couple of these available as opposed to if walter if it has to manually uh have it slotted and misses out on more damage so at level 10 you finally have access to major hexes so you start out with regular hexes you get major hexes at level 10 and then at level 18 you get access to the grand hex and the first major hex i definitely like is restless lumber it is the upgrade to slumber but this time there's also a damage effect that is coupled with it again there is no hd limit on slumber you can use it the whole game if you want to honestly at spell level five i don't see anything that i feel like is all that great for ember you can take break enchantment if you wanted some way to ensure you could protect yourself against the chapman's transmutations and curses that's about it and at spell level 11 you can go greater spell focus evocation also remember that now that you're at spell level past spell level 10 your penalty to weapon attacks has been decreased to negative two so now it's much more comfortable to be able to use spells like scorching ray and hellfire ray which you'll get a few levels later you can add a little bit more variety to what kind of damage you're doing at spell level 4 go ahead and grab false life greater for your level 12 hex you get protective luck um whenever the creature is targeted by an effect that requires an attack roll the attacker must roll twice and take the worst result if you're playing on harder difficulties you might want to take this earlier it is great great protection for your front line and again it is impacted by cackle so you can extend the amount of time that your front line is protected and so now at spell level six remember that you're going to get hellfire rate automatically so you could take you can decide for yourself whether or not you want to take it here i almost feel like it being listed here is a bug because none of the other fire spells that she automatically gets are listed in the spell book so i don't think it's supposed to be here um but regardless for me personally i love taking heroism greater here it's going to take that plus two morale bonus of heroism and increase it to plus four while also giving you immunity to fear effects and some temporary hit points and in spell level 13 i like going improved initiative so ember she gets a decent dexterity score and 16 but because she's your debuffer and she buffs in a way where it only lasts for one round i i just like the idea of her being able to jump out right at the beginning of combat and start tearing things up so to me this makes sense for her and then for spell level 6 i grab the spell magic greater for your level 14 hex i grab misfortune so anytime a creature makes an ability check attack world saving throw or skill check it must roll twice and take the worst result yet another hex that is impacted by cackle so at spell level seven you've got a bunch of fantastic options for ember um if you've been using her for healing obviously cure moderate wounds mass and heal are fantastic options for her um even though it's not a fire spell chain lightning is just amazing in this game it's one of the most damaging evocation spells you can have so it might be worth taking for ember uh true seeing communal there are a ton of enemies in this game that use invisibility displacement things of that nature in order to ward off your attacks true seeing is going to cut through all of that well worth taking do not be afraid at all of that diamond dust penalty there are a ton of opportunities to loot diamond dust in the game and there are a lot of vendors that are allowed you to buy huge stacks of diamond dust and on top of that in this build at least we're building up ember to have her uh buffs on for 24 hours so you're not going to need to cast it all that often in order for it to provide protection for your team so by all means it's a worthy choice legendary proportions is an amazing buff to any of your melee party members however keep in mind it does cost a dinosaur bone and dinosaur bones are actually very very rare i don't think any vendors sell them and you only get a certain amount of them in the game so you you don't want to use this lightly but if you know you're about to go through a hard dungeon by all means go ahead pop it on and make sure your melee party members are set up for success me personally at this level i take ice body is going to ensure ember is immune to ability score damage blindness critical hits disease drowning electricity poison stunning and all spells or attacks that affect her physiology or respiration so just amazing amazing protection for ember for your level 15 feet i go to elemental focus fire and then in level seven i take true scene communal at level 16 i take ice play it um i'll be honest i'm not all that high on it it gives you a plus two natural armor bonus to ac this is huge for camellia because you can also get a ring for her that'll increase that bonus further and that all happens in act one when she really really needs it but to me ac is something where either you want to bump it up to crazy high levels or you just leave it alone having middle of the road ac doesn't really do a whole lot for you and so i didn't feel the need to take this earlier for ember because i'm like it's not it's not really going to be the difference between life and death for her but any other um hacks you take right now will require you to manually cast it and i know i'm not going to manually cast them so even though this doesn't mean all that much i don't have to do anything to make that natural armor bonus happen it's just automatic so i take it here all right and now we're at spell level eight i take frightful aspect it's going to give you a bunch of physical um bonuses which are not really relevant for her but it also gives you spell resistance equal to 10 plus half your caster level and you're going to admit an aura that um causes enemy creatures within the or to be shaken any melee characters that have shattered defenses are definitely going to benefit from this and keep in mind it is not affected by a target spell resistance at level 17 i get greater elemental focus fire and then for the level 7 spell i get legendary proportions and then i grab storm bolts so storm bolts is going to do 20 up to 20 d8 damage towards all enemies around you in a 30 foot burst and they're also stunned for one round unless they're able to succeed on a fortitude save but here's the thing the party ai is not intelligent enough to know that your party member is not surrounded by any enemies and therefore storm boats would not do anything so you can't really just right click on this and have ember automatically use it because all that is going to happen is she'll be all the way in the back where no enemies are and she'll be popping off storm boats all on her own so if you're going to take this you also have to commit to positioning her in a way where storm boats will actually impact the enemies however keep in mind when she hits this off it is absolutely amazing you've already got spell focus in the vocation you've already got spell penetration so it should often times stun multiple enemies that you're going up against great great stuff and here at level 18 we finally have access to make to grand hexes i like life giver it allows you to revive party members without having to give up a diamond and then we also have access to level 9 spells so you've got some great great options for ember here foresight is going to ensure that your tanks are never called flat footed and they're going to get a plus two inside bonus to ac and on reflex saves so on tanks that are potentially stacking ac like camellia or perhaps sila this is going to be great stuff you also get mind blink communal which is going to take that plus eight resistance bonus on saving throws against all mind-affecting spells and apply it to your entire party for four hours absolutely fantastic and then you don't get any um evocation spells here but you do get whale of the banshee it's necromancy but it deals 10 points of damage per caster level and there is no cap on it so as ember's caster level keeps climbing this spell will keep climbing with it you could definitely consider it um only issue is that it does also impact your party members so it's all creatures within a 40-foot burst not all enemies so keep that in mind me personally at this point i go with heroic invocation which is the final version of heroism still plus four morale bonus more temporary hit points but now they're immune to both fear and charm effects for the spells duration very very powerful stuff at level 19 for your feet i'd go with combat casting it's going to give you a plus 4 bonus on concentration checks and then for your level 19 spell i'd get mine blank communal and then at level 20 for your final hex i'm just going to be honest i'm not particularly big on any of these hexes ah so i don't use any of them i will point out if you wanted to make a natural weapons build nails is available and there's also um um beast gift and then there's one more that i think will actually animal skin will actually turn you into an animal as well um but outside of that yeah there's there's nothing here that i really use if i may be underestimating something that you all use a lot definitely let me know down in the comments but i would say at level 20 pick whatever you want if there's something missing that you feel like fits in with your play style and at level 20 for me i grab forsythe even though whale of the banshee is fantastic i use ember as a fire mage so fire is what i'm really focused on okay so now that we've went through all the character levels let's go through the mythic path first level i'd pick abundant casting at second level you have to kind of make a choice what's more important to you do you prefer to use ember as your damage dealer at which point you would you you would take spell penetration here or is it much more important to you that she's competent as the buffer of your party at which point i would recommend you taking during spells it basically comes down to your team and your play style for me personally i take enduring spells and i understand that because i don't have spell penetration ember is not going to be able to penetrate enemy defenses as often as i would prefer but i'm going to get to the point that my both last 24 hours much quicker by going this route which is more important to me for ember specifically at mythic level 3 i get improved abundant casting at mythic level four [Music] i get greater enduring spells at mythic level five i get greater abundant casting and then at level six i finally go ahead and say okay it's time to make ember the damaging monster that i know she can be so i get spell penetration mythic and then at spell level seven i get ascendant element fire at spell level eight i get sorcerer's reflex and the right situation is going to allow you to use a lower level spell as a swift action this can significantly expand the amount of damage your spell casters can do in a single turn allowing them to use a you know for example a level two scorching ray for damage and then following that up with a high level hellfire ray for damage as well i forgot to mention that if you're using ember as your main healer you probably want to go ahead and take boundless healing much earlier than right now to ensure that a lot of those spells healing spells that are touch will get extended so that she can use them for much further away but otherwise sticking with this build you can either go archmage armor which is going to allow anytime she casts major armor on herself it'll give her an armor bonus equal to her mythic rank or you can scroll down here and get inspirational leader which is going to give her a bonus equal to half your mythic rank plus one to initiative saving throws against mind affecting effects and concentration checks and it does it for all your allies that's what i personally give her i feel like it fits in with her really nice from a role-playing standpoint i don't have mythic level 10 but for that mythic level i would personally go for um increasing the dc's of evocation spells i believe it's spell focus mythic okay so now that we've went through all the levels let's go ahead and look at some of the items that i've put on ember i want to do this first because i think it'll inform more of what you see in the spell book so for boots um let's see anytime she kills a demon her next spell becomes quicken just another way to pump more damage out of ember she also gets a plus four bonus to touch attack rolls from her gloves she's got melander's insult belt which um allows her fire spells to deal an additional 2d6 unholy damage she gains immunity to fire damage but gains weakness to cold and holy damage um usually if i have ember on my team she's a good person so we're not experiencing holy damage and i'm not worried about cold either so um we found black and rags which you can wear as armor it gives our plus 10 bonus to knowledge arcana checks and it also increases the dc of spells from the witch's spell list and hexes by one i've only seen i think maybe one other item that increases hexes so definitely wanted to put this on her robe of fire gives her a firearm which is a plus two dc bonus to fire spells then she's also got the amulet of black and mirror whenever that where this amulet uses the hex the dc of the saving throw against it is increased by one so these are the only two items i came across that will actually increase your ability to use hexes highly recommend you go ahead and put them on ember or camellia a blazing crown gives her a plus four bonus to charisma and anytime she deals damage to an enemy through a spell she gets temporary hit points i should have probably replaced this i'm pretty sure there are some plus six charisma helms laying around but come on now the queen there's no way i'm getting rid of that moving on uh goggles are pure uh site this allows her to take a 20 on the next dispel magic attempt once per day and she also gets a plus one bonus to overcome enemy spell resistance great stuff uh cloak of carnage gives our plus two to the dc for all saving throws against spells from the evocation school the wilder cast also great stuff um she gets plus seven uh armor from her braces and then she's also got an ash maker quarter staff which gives her a plus two bonus on attack rolls and to cast a level for all evocation school spells keep in mind this is a melee weapon which means you've got to manage ember carefully if you right click on the spell and have her automatically use it once those slots run out if you don't have her set to a different spell she'll just run up in melee and start trying to use a court the quarter staff not a good situation but the reason why i want to go through the items first is the rings i found it useful to go ahead and get the red salamander which for a person who can cast spells spontaneously which ember does it'll grant them the ability to cast the following spells fireball control fireball fire snake hellfire ray firestorm and get fiery body now you still need to have the spell slot required for the spell but as you can see there are spells here specifically fireball controlled fireball um firestorm and fiery body that are not an ember spell book and that she does not get from having blackened so i'm pretty sure i picked this up in dresden i would say this is very important to get and significantly increases the efficacy of ember and then i also got a ring of pyromania whenever the wear of this ring deals fire damage to a spell they deal an additional 1d6 plus 5 fire damage and you get an additional plus 2 bonus to caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance all great stuff and then finally going over to our spell book so at level one um keep in mind any buffs you see like an enlarged person or reduced person as long as it's one minute per level that means it's going to be 24 hours so um you can enlarge a particular person and reduce one other person for 24 hours and then put mage armor on yourself for 24 hours you could put false life on yourself for 24 hours scare and bone shaker are nice in act one and maybe towards the beginning of act two scorching ray is useful all throughout the game it's not one of the most damaging spells later on but because we took sorcerous reflex which enables you to use lower level spells quickened that means you can use scorching ray and then follow up with one of your higher level damaging spells it's a great great combo to allow you to really pump out damage burning arc is the same way um and is better depending upon the situation then at level three six to eight of your slots are going to be used for heroism so that means you've got anywhere you've got a few slots that you can use for other things if you don't have anybody can use delayed the poison um dispel magic is nice in those earlier levels when sometimes you want to pull a particular buff off of a creature and then of course fireball it needs no description this is a magic staple being able to set a bunch of enemies on fire at once then at level four six to eight of your slots and i'm sorry i say six to eight meaning your entire party and then you might have one or two pets and if they're front line fighters more than likely then you'll want to have this on them as well um death war definitely something you want to use and then the remaining slots i already mentioned why you want to have dimension door false life greater is going to last for 24 hours on ember and control fireball is nice in that it does not damage your allies so it can be um really nice evocation alternative and keep in mind because of all the mythic options we've taken and some of the items we have our fire spells do a tremendous amount of damage then at level five you automatically get fire snake it's a great great spell and it only impacts your enemy so um very nice to be able to use i'm not all that big on anything else that's here to be honest so you can actually dedicate all 12 slots to just pumping out fire snake over and over and over again then at level six obviously six to eight of your slots are going to be dedicated to heroism greater you i took ray's dead but you don't really need to use it you've got the life giver hacks hopefully you don't have to raise the same party member over and over again in the same day and the dispel magic is absolutely fantastic to be able to pull multiple buffs off of a particular enemy and hellfire ray is is a very very damaging ray great to have in fact it's the most damaging ray that you have access to and by the time you get access to it you're past level 10 so you're only taking a negative two penalty when you're rolling to attack so i would say it's definitely well worth going ahead and using hellfire array and then at level uh seven i don't know why hellfire ray is listed here i'm gonna assume that's a bug or it might be that for the ring it might be the ring that i have that's bugged that's having the spell show up at level seven instead of level six um but i already mentioned ice body is absolutely fantastic along with true singing and legendary proportions for buffs firestorm is an absolutely fantastic spell while it is area of effect it only hits enemies and is going to do 20 d6 damage um and even if they do a um enemies that fail their reflex save catch on fire so it's just great great stuff and even if they succeed in their reflex save they're still going to be hit for half damage then at level eight i already said frightful aspect great great to have allows you to shake all enemies definitely want to make sure all your melee fighters have shattered defenses if you're going to be using this and then storm boats allows you to stun multiple enemies at the same time not fire so it's not going to be quite as great for ember but still good to have in your arsenal and then finally at level 9 we never saw a fire body but she gets that from the ring every time you would normally take diamonds from fire you are instead healed you are immune to blindness critical hits ability to score damage disease electricity poison and stunning you have acid resistance 30 however you take 150 as much damage from cold as normal you do also get some physical buffs from this as well i already mentioned foresight and heroic invocation and mine blake all great buffs all worthy of using um secret of serenity is actually from um the story it's something you can pick up depending upon what you do with ember so i won't go over that um so that i don't end up spoiling anybody um so the only thing that i might have wanted to add into this build is maybe one of those meta magic feats that would allow me to take one of my evocation spells and bring it up to level nine but i'll be honest i'm comfortable with where things at i feel like she is great at um doing a whole bunch of different types of damage if we go into the character list i think the most of what i took here is pretty self-explanatory or it was explained during the level up obviously we wanted all the abundant castings so that we can increase how many spell slots we have spell penetration mythic and the spell penetration feats to ensure that we can actually break through enemy spell resistance spell focus and greater spell focus are going to increase your efficacy with spells that use a dc combat casting helps ensure that even if you're surrounded by enemies you can still get a spell off point blank shot and precise shot are necessary for spells that are rolling an attack roll and improved initiative so that we can jump out in front and lay down the pain as soon as possible all of the uh buffs are about either buffing i'm sorry all the hexes are either about debuffing the enemy or providing a specific buff for party members and many of them can be extended with cackle sources reflex allows us to cast lower level spells as a swift action i feel like all of this altogether absolutely makes sense i'm not going to go into a a fight for this particular build because it's not really geared around damage per se like it's not really about how much you can wear people down i think it's pretty apparent from everything that you see that if you want to both party members and debuff enemies she's got the goods to be able to do it um so hope you all enjoyed this build let me know down in the comments is there anything that you would have changed something i could have done better to make ember better is there some way you would prefer to just blow this up and do something completely different with her like i said she's very very versatile so i'm sure there are some people out there who have a completely different way they like to run runner looking forward to hearing all your comments and as always if you enjoyed this video please leave me a like below share this content and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already i will see you all in the next video take care
Channel: Samori Sykes Gaming
Views: 6,665
Rating: 4.9004149 out of 5
Keywords: pathfinder wrath of the righteous, pathfinder wrath of the righteous classes, pathfinder wrath of the righteous companions, pathfinder wrath of the righteous class, ember, ember party member, ember wrath, ember wrath of the righteous, ember wrath of the righteous build, ember pathfinder build, pathfinder wrath of the righteous ember, pathfinder wrath of the righteous ember build, stigmatized witch pathfinder, stigmatized witch build, stigmatized witch pathfinder build
Id: HTVGY6m7q5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 11sec (2351 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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