Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Beta - Camellia Spirit Hunter Build

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today we're going to be looking at a build for our companion camellia camellia starts out with very high dexterity decent constitution and high wisdom she also starts out with one level in the shaman archetype the spirit hunter the spirit hunter trades out wandering hex and wandering spirit for weapon enchants at first level camellia gets weapon finesse which allows her to use dexterity for attack roles rather than strength strength and she also gets skill focused trickery so she can probably handle all the trickery checks for any group she's a part of now the shaman is a full divine caster and i'm going to keep this build kind of true to camellia's character and her her story and we're going to go 18 levels of spirit hunter what's going to make this build unique is what we choose with our mythic abilities we're going to be taking a second spirit which is actually going to turn camellia into a really high ac front line melee character that also specializes in tripping i'm a really big fan of tripping builds an aspect of the wolf i just got done with the freebooter trickster playthrough that's specialized in tripping and being able to add that trip every round as a swift action really makes the gameplay more enjoyable and engaging unfortunately one of the prerequisites for tripping builds is having 13 intelligence so we are going to have to wait until later in the game when we get a plus 4 intellect headband before we can actually pick up those feets now starting off at level two i take another level one spirit hunter and i take the ice plant hex this gives you a plus two natural armor bonus that stacks with all other natural armor bonuses at level three we're gonna go spirit hunter i'm gonna take my mobility up to three so that we can fight defensively and get an extra point of ac and our feet at level three is going to be weapon focus and we're going to stick with rippers the shaman spell list is kind of unique it's like a combination of you know cleric druid and witch spells it's got a really interesting mix of cc healing and buff spells for the most part i think for this build we're going to focus on camellia's self-buffing ability she's going to be responsible for buffing herself at level 4 we're going to bump up our dexterity bump up our trickery and our hex at level 4 is going to be battle master battle master gives us an extra attack of opportunity each round we're really going to get a lot of use out of that when we start tripping things at eight level we get weapon special specialization for free and also at 16th level we get greater weapon focus for free level five take trickery stealth here and at level five we are going to take fence and grace with the rip here this is going to add our dexterity to damage instead of our strength modifier here so she has very high dexterity we want to make the most out of that at level six not a whole lot going on there get your skills out of the way unfortunately the shaman class and with her low intelligence she really doesn't get a whole lot of um skill points but at least she'll be really good at trickery and at level seven we are going to take out flank at level eight more dexterity your skills out of the way our hex is going to be intimidating display this gives us dazzling display as a bonus feat all right and our bonus feat from battle master we're going to take weapon specialization for our repair also at level 8 for our battle spirit we get an ability called enemies bane so as a swift action we can cast the vein special property onto our weapon which gives us an extra plus two enhancement and it also gives an extra 2d6 damage what's really cool about this is if your weapon already has the bain special property it increases the dish additional damage by 46. now that's amazing so somebody in the group because you fight so many demons somebody in the group has got to have crusader's edge and keep that on camellia because she'll be getting plus two enhancement plus 66 extra damage on every strike with disability and you get to use it three plus your charisma modifier per day so it's only that would only be four times a day but for four minutes that's that's pretty solid at level nine we are going to take shatter defenses and this allows you to attack flat-footed ac on shaken targets so you want to make sure somebody is intimidating at this point and you can see here if we're looking at the shaman spell list it's really weird you've got like baleful polymorph cave fangs some healing spells call lightning it's a real mixed bag of things true sing is really great at this level i'll do a little breakdown of spells after we do our mythic path our hex at level 10 is going to be we're going to go down here we're going to grab secret and we're going to take height and spell we're going to do this for a couple of reasons number one the shaman spell list has a lot of cc that's pretty decent with camellia's high wisdom but also with her bonus spells that we get from her spirits sometimes they overlap and you can only cast your bonus spells in one slot so sometimes you need to heighten those spells so that you can get them to another level to be able to cast them in one day i'll show you what i mean in just a minute at level 11 we're going to take the feet now at this point in the game you should have found a plus 4 intelligence helmet so that's why i was holding off on these trip feeds we're going to take combat expertise which on its own is actually pretty decent i like to keep this hotkeyed and if you know my my person starts getting attacked and taking damage you can turn this on and off to sacrifice attack rolls to get a dodge bonus to ac so that's nice we also get six level spells at 12 level we're going to bump up our dexterity our hex at 12th level i'm going to pick a fortune here fortune allows us to reroll for one round we get to reroll any um basically any d20 roll and take the better result and at eighth level and 16th it's extended for one round you can only use this once a day it's not amazing but it's something at level 13 we're going to start taking our trip feats now we're taking trip feats because once i go over the mythic path it'll make a lot more sense around level 9 we're going to take the mythic ability second spirit and we're going to take the nature spirit which gives us aspect of the wolf as a bonus spell now very few classes i think only druid ranger and hunter get aspect of the wolf and it allows you to make trip attempts as a swift action every round so at this point in the game every single round we get to make trip attempts so we want to make those trips as effective as possible with with trip feats get seventh level spells there level 14 spirit hunter not a lot going on there at level 15 we're going to take greater trip and now when we make a successful trip attempt we get to make an attack of opportunity so this works actually even if the enemy is immune to the prone condition that means getting knocked down so even if they're immune to prone if you successfully land the trip meaning your combat maneuver roll beats their defense then you get an attack of opportunity so every trip that lands if they fall down we get two attacks of opportunity which is really great and the whole the whole party gets that so that really kind of turns the front line into a blender we get some decent spells here firestorm is a great offensive spell storm bolts is another great offensive spell those are eight level spells level 16 bump up your dexterity again our hex at level 16 i believe at this point i'm going to take evil i which will give us some nice penalties to ability checks attack rules saving toes or skill checks against an enemy our greater weapon focus is going to be rapier of course we're going all in on repairs and there actually are a lot in the game we get from our battle spirit we get paragon of battle which as a standard action it says standard action but here in the casting time it says swift action i'll have to test that we'll figure it out when i do the demo we'll see if it's actually swift or standard action but we get in large person and divine power for one minute three plus charisma mod times per day so this is a great ability here at level 17 spirit hunter again our feet is going to be furious fall now that we have such high dexterity we're going to add that to our tripping attempts our trips are going to become a lot more successful now and we also get ninth level spells we get some great nine double spells at level 18 our last level of spirit hunter our hex is going to be i'm gonna go with hampering hex here i might have bumped this up in priority actually because it also affects the target's combat maneuver defense and we really want that if we're tripping so popping this hex on somebody which will give at eighth level a minus four penalty to their defense and then landing trips on them will be a lot easier and this is exclusive to battle spirit shamans at level 19 we're actually going to go into the instinctual warrior archetype for the barbarian now it might seem like this goes against her character she kind of plays a you know dainty child from a wealthy background but the idea of her being and i don't want to give any spoilers for her story but the idea of her kind of being taken over by something subconscious and going into a frenzy without spoiling too much let's just say that that really fits camellia so we're going to go with this archetype at level 19 we're also going to take agile maneuvers and this is basically basically going to allow us to add our huge dexterity bonus twice to tripping attempts once from furious fall and this changes our strength bonus to dexterity on our combat maneuver bonus we also get focus rage which is going to increase our attack rolls by plus two and also increases our wisdom by two so all good things now you can't cast spells while you're in this so you definitely want to buff up before you pop your focus rage but but this is going to be very helpful for us later and we also get to add our wisdom bonus to initiative checks so this really synergizes with with camellia having a very high wisdom score and our last level is also going to be an instinctual warrior and the second level of instinctual warrior allows us to add our wisdom to ac and we also get uncanny dodge so that we can no longer be flat-footed and our last point goes into dexterity as well alright so taking a look at our mythic path here now camellia is really somebody who looks after herself so i'm not going to get abundant casting to get a bunch of spell slots for buffing her party i'm going to focus on buffing she's going to focus on buffing herself and making those spells last so i went with enduring spells at mythic rank 1. you can't see it here but i took extra mythic ability and i went with greater enduring spells so now all of her minute per level buffs are going to be 24 hours and she gets a lot of really great mini per level buffs and then mythic rank 3 which is about character level 9 if you play with the full party we went with second spirit nature and this is a really strong choice not only is it a strong choice mechanically it also kind of changes the way she plays because we get aspect of the wolf so now she can put out trips every round and that's what we've been building towards this whole time with all those trip feeds you also get c mantle which is a great spell it's an additional 8 ac and full concealment from ranged attacks and immunity to fire it's probably one of the best defensive self-cast buffs in the game we also get a fully leveled animal companion so are really a lot of amazing things for this one mythic ability here at mythic rank 4 weapon focus repair we get to double our weapon focus and greater weapon focus so this is like another plus two to hit archmage armor you can benefit from this when you're getting mage armor from potions so they're really cheap and plentiful so just always have major armor potions and then she'll get a bonus to her uh armor equal to her mythic rank [Music] at about this time in the game mythic rank six we hit like level 18 or 19. so we went with the limitless rage so that we can benefit from those instinctual warrior levels and then finally at mythic rank 7 with ever ready we're getting a lot of attacks of opportunity from trips and outflank and so forth so we want to make those tax opportunity hit really hard all right so just a quick look at the spells here as one of her domain slots or it's not domain her bonus spirit spells she gets a large person so this is pretty nice i don't think you would cast this on camellia though because she loses dexterity and she gets a minus one penalty to hit so you probably want to cast this on another strength melee person we also get removed fear and unbreakable heart these are nice spells because they will suppress fear and negative emotion effects if somebody's like you know frightened or has rage cast on them or crushing despair or something like that you can cast these spells on them and it will suppress those effects entangles a nice aoe kind of crowd control it'll freeze things in place if they mix miss a reflex save so that's always nice at second level um she gets her stat buffs i'm probably going to use those on camellia and she also gets bark skin which is important for her because she has a necklace like the quest item that's bound to her and she can't take it off so the neck is usually where you get natural armor buffs so she's going to need that bark skin false life is a nice nice self buff for extra health she gets sickening entanglement which is kind of like entanglement but a little bit better third level spells magical investment this is a solid buff to ac it is a spirit magic slot so she can only cast this once a day it is hours per level though so that's all you really need some basic utility stuff i'm just going to point out the good spells here dismissal is really nice we see a lot of demons and this is basically a save or dice spell if you cast it on a demon that's not in the abyss so this is nice you might want to heighten this to other levels as well divine power is a really great self buff gives you luck bonuses to attack and damage as well as an extra attack per round like haste fear is usually pretty good cc cape of wasps gives you a little bit of concealment to range attacks and also gives you some damage for anybody that hits you spike stones gives you kind of creates an area on the ground that causes people to move at half speed they take damage while they're moving through it it's really great when you need to kite like a dangerous enemy or when you're trying to you know you need to retreat and get some healing or something spike stones is really helpful at fifth level we get animal growth for our pet this really increases the damage of your animal this is where our spirit magic slots kind of conflict here because righteous might and aspect of the wolf are both pretty good so this is where you might want to heighten aspect of the wolf or if you just want to get more aspect of the wolf casts per day say if you don't want to go in during spells you could go abundant casting and you aspect of the wolf in the fifth and sixth level slots here baleful polymorph is another kind of savor die oh this one's interesting cave fangs k-fangs gives you a buff for 10 minutes per level that allows you to place a trap as a free action every round and every time you place a trap it reduces the duration of the spell by 10 minutes so it's kind of like this well i've already cast it i cast it on myself and then i get this buff and this allows me to place a trap on the ground like you can see i already have here and i can do that as a free action every round so this is actually a really great um addition to her action economy here at level six we get banishment which is basically aoe dismissal you can dismiss up to uh two times your caster level hit dice of demons very helpful create undead's a pretty good summon true saying communal is amazing um i heightened aspect of the wolf so i could get that in my spirit slot hill here seventh level we get some great spells and buffs in our spirit slot i probably go with firestorm firestorm's very powerful aoe damage it only targets enemies so you can cast it on um you know a pack of enemies that also has your party inside of it creeping doom is one of the strongest summoning spells in the game swarms are able to do their damage consistently every round without making an attack roll i believe i'm pretty sure that's correct so this is like guaranteed damage every round they're also hard to kill legendary proportions is a nice buff to strength constitution armor class you could also cast this on your party as well strength melee really get a lot of benefit from this in level eight or at level eight rather we get some great spirit slots here we get frightful aspect that we can cast once we get c mantle so what we'll want to do there is we'll cast one jump into our spell book memorize the other and luckily she's got arcane bond with an object so now we can cast the other spell now these are two of some of the best spells in the game so you definitely want to have both of these up at the same time at ninth level we get winds of vengeance which is a really great spell gives you total concealment against ranged attacks anybody that hits you takes 5d8 damage and is knocked prone you get increased movement speed and then foresight you're never flat footed you get a plus two inside bonus to ac and reflex so a really powerful buff there as well i don't see us ever casting shape change unfortunately you can't heighten spells up to ninth level i don't know if that's a bug or if that's in the description if it if you could i would definitely heighten some other spirit magic spells to get a ninth level because i'm really not going to cast shape change ever now unfortunately i really don't have a good demo for you because well um i killed camilla as soon as i possibly could in my campaign so i had to go back to a save file from when she was level three and uh you know her killing the level three mobs at level 20 is not gonna show you anything um i did do some attacks she has something like plus 55 to trip um she can get up to around 70 ac with all her buffs she's got some really good self buffs just with herself up she gets up to somewhere around 60 or so ac and i'm sure there's other things we'll find in the game and other party buffs that i'm not thinking of right now all in all she'll make a really solid frontline melee character with some utility can take a punch and brings a lot to the party all right that's the build i hope you enjoyed it if you did enjoy it like comment subscribe and i'll see you next time
Channel: BolshyPlays
Views: 75,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pathfinder, kingmaker, Wrath of the Righteous, WotR, Build, Guide, Classes, Companion, Camellia, Spirit Hunter, Shaman
Id: zN3pYyntqm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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