Pastry Chef Attempts to Make Gourmet Pop Rocks | Gourmet Makes | Bon Appétit

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“You want me to make a bomb... in the World Trade Center”

Lmao Claire 😭

👍︎︎ 170 👤︎︎ u/MapleLeafsFan3 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Claire refusing to put blame on Chris. Chris apologizing profusely and immediately figuring out how to help. Brad trying to keep her spirits up. I love this group and their workplace friendships so much.

👍︎︎ 133 👤︎︎ u/maculae 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Next on Gourmet Makes: Claire makes a gourmet version of the Saturn V rocket and returns mankind to the moon.

Day 4 is a nightmare, though

👍︎︎ 115 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Claire acknowledging her bad attitude and making conscious efforts to turn it around.

Brad - checking in on his coworker and making sure mental health is good.

Chris - apologizing and immediately jumping in on how to assist.

Carla - pep talk

So wholesome all the way around, every single one of those things is something I think everyone should try to be when possible.

👍︎︎ 60 👤︎︎ u/warriorpriest 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

I saw this in my sub box and immediately said out loud "OH NO CLAIRE! NOT POP ROCKS!" Watching this now so let's see if this breaks her like Starburst did.

👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/maximumoverbite 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Please just give her a vacation episode already!

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/attackedbyparakeets 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

I've been watching BA videos for well over a year now and I never put together that they're in the Conde Nast offices in the World Trade Center. That whole bit about making a bomb was so funny.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/omalleym621 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

When Brad said "that looks like a pipe bomb" about the video, I thought "oh god Brad, is it even okay to joke about bombs while in WTC?"

Later, Claire: "you want me to make a bomb, in the WTC" Chris: "Yeah! Sure!"

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/breakupbydefault 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was a nice episode after the pain she's endured the last couple ones. And this is honestly a really neat remake that she seemed to enjoy figuring out.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/themoonmuses 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
no I'll chain myself to this kitchen island in protest not happy about this pop rocks thing fine then I reserve the right to cheat hey everyone I'm Claire I'm in the v8s kitchen and today I'm making gourmet pop rocks I'm not blaming Chris for this this is not Chris's fault did he say this is the idea it's like a Pete pop rock collaboration of the pop acts I don't want to do pop rocks why why can't we do pop rocks write in and tell her how much you want to do pop rocks please don't he didn't say that he didn't say write in leave it in the comments did he you did well I don't really blame Chris it's never Christmas Walton the back story is that they tried to make me do pop rocks like a year ago or whenever it was and I refused outright it's gonna be stupid let's move on here's the secret I know how they're made I remember from looking it up they're formed under extreme pressure and there's like little micro bubbles of trapped co2 in the sugar crystals and there's that like tiny little exploding sensation as the sugar dissolves in your tongue and that's what makes up hopping there's an absolutely no way to do that in a kitchen environment which is why I was like I don't want to do this because it's a bad idea so pop rocks are sugar crystals or not even really crystals just like sugar bits they have different flavors this is cherry apparently been around since the 70s strawberry cherry like kind of standard hard candy flavors green apple topical punch grape and when you eat them they start to dissolve in your tongue and they make like a popping sensation the rumor was that you ate pop rocks and soda at the same time your stomach would explode yeah right I never tried it not as like violently fizzy as I remember oh I will say it's probably like a great feat of Engineering that's why I ever have respect for it in that sense I guess the sort of like pebbled shape that's another thing too is like that's a fairly it's not just like sugar that's been broken up it they really do look like Little Rock's it almost just looks like they've been run through like some kind of a drum or something or a tumbler to like soften some of the edges here against my will oh god going straight for the packet like a lot Wow how can you not like this I don't like you have a childhood yeah and I don't even know that I liked it then I think that if you could make something that would produce the sensation and like not taste like completely fake but let me know they're made from like under high pressure of like tiny little micro bubbles of co2 and that's what pops is like when it dissolves like how do you do that you can't do that you got this okay I'm gonna try to do it in one day no one can help me Carla I don't it's like so many reasons and one I was mostly I feel not listened to because I was like I don't want to do pop rocks haha I think just think it's pointless no one's on my side except for possibly you there another way that you could pass the challenge to be like I am gonna make this the fastest one I ever did yes and then you're basically like in a competition with yourself right right and it doesn't matter and I am competitive exactly that's a good way to spin it my sous chef once said to me when I was complaining about washing like seven cases of spinach in the sink and I was like oh my god this takes so long and I need doing it so much uh-huh and he like lifted me it was like do it faster then and I was like I want to really dislike that person yeah but but that doesn't make him wrong I can like just endure 20 seconds of like extreme pain exactly okay brother that was so helpful seriously more pain left I'm childhood memories what was it I drank if you mix them with soda or drank soda yeah your stomach will explode yeah anyway not at all so think yeah ask him 99.9% sugar and then gas like in little bubbles trapped in sugar yeah but it's like I can't do that I'm not there that is not the attitude time for my favorite part reading the ingredients sugar lactose corn syrup artificial flavour red 40 process with carbon dioxide like one of those things is food all right let's go to the computer do some research but making pop rocks candy at home can i watch this I mean this guy's distilled water unlike chemistry so from the background so this is all your fault I know if you believe anybody listen to me I got here as soon as I heard they listening taking off my coat oh my god I didn't think anybody listen see I may not have sent some I'm in a downward spiral like this is all like science tell me about it you know I know what do we have to do I have my chaos I have a terrible attitude yeah yeah I just I feel like it's all your fault Chris do you like the cameras weren't rolling I don't remember that either I have no recollection I know so what is what is he doing I don't know I'm only like 27 seconds into the video so we'll see but he was like it was more difficult than these other technical things like he's equipment I know you sold water there's some kind of coil thing this is on a level I don't think we can yeah well I attached the co2 tank to this chamber and increase the pressure to about 600 psi and then after the mixing time is done it's the Chamber's just allowed to cool down when you say this project took a lot of time I probably do 10 or 20 batches of these things trying different things hey Brad hey can you do this yeah can you get like give me a rig like this it looks like if you pause the frame it looks like oh Claire how do you make a pipe bomb so you can't look this [ __ ] up alright on work computers know what I yeah it's well he's making like a pressure chamber soldering problem but if he wasn't even getting it super fizzy with like 600 psi or whatever it's like I don't know baking soda is gonna really cut it I just confirmed to myself that I am NOT gonna be able to make these the way the pop rocks company makes these so I have to go my own like more homespun route which I think will be a combination of citric acid and baking soda and then I'll have the acid will react with the sodium bicarbonate when it starts to dissolve when you eat it and then that will make more of a fizzing sensation than maybe a pop but I'm gonna cook some hard cracked sugar and flavor it add my acid and base breaking up into bits and see where we get we have freestride granny smith apple you could try doing the sour apple green apple could be a fun one we haven't really done any green apple flavor to anything on gourmet make so that might be a fun place to start I'm obviously feeling a little better than I was earlier in the day throws a little bit hangry so here's the green apple pop rocks that maybe will start there so I'm going to make like a dry mix of the pulverized freeze-dried green apple just forgot what I was doing gonna be two tablespoons of fruit powder 1/2 teaspoon citric acid the citric acid is there not only to give it a sour flavor since all the pop rocks are kind of tart but that's the acid that's gonna react with my baking soda which is the base so this is the reaction that when you were a kid and you made a volcano for your science project in like fifth grade or whatever that this is the reaction that's happening acid and a base I think I'm gonna go up on the baking soda I'm gonna do actually a full teaspoon and so nothing's happening when I add these together because it need there needs to be water for this reaction to happen do you want to try so what its co2 trapped under high pressure sure yeah so it's literally like my mouth is fracking yes as I eat it yeah so I'm going to start with 200 grams of sugar let's say 150 grams 50 grams of corn syrups and educated guess and I'll do thinking around the water okay I'm gonna put this over on the stove right I'd like you can't like what I eat this every day and reserved over here you know I can do to you hurry I know carry on that high pressure keeper you want me to make a bomb in the World Trade Center sure I did not say that I wanted you to make a bomb it's burning hot sugar yeah a pressure cooker yeah yeah we're gonna get the co2 bar supply store bar supply store I get one of those canisters Oh actually you have a SodaStream I guess I have that at home bingo bango bongo but how do you do it like how do you get them together well that's your job no I quit look it's not gonna be easy it's not gonna be safe I do think it's possible I don't feel good about that needs to be at least 600 psi what's been about your job pressure cookers are preset at yes perfect great plan well if you get moment the press may they're gonna buncha treasurers yeah like loading a Russian doll Claire we are way out now I'm not doing that I'm not using a pressure cooker it sounds super dangerous it's right on the counter I guess we're just sifting in that dry mix citric acid baking soda and the green apple and I'm mixing in a little bit of this gel food coloring right so I am getting a reaction here extra bleed the color that's Chris pointed out some I didn't think about was those little bubbles inside of co2 is giving it like a certain texture that's airy and so there's that sensation of when you bite down it's not like super hard crunchy glassy sticking your teeth want there to be enough of the acid and base left after the primary reaction that when you eat it there's you know there's a secondary reaction that starts fizzing on your tongue how do you like get some aeration so that it's not like overly dense right so you have that like shatter it's all quality but then still have enough left over yeah I also realized that I have to add more citric acid because I don't want best to be neutralized by we don't want to do it our ya know it fizzes it all state is it isn't hot it doesn't pop I don't think you're gonna get yeah what if my version of gourmet pop rocks is just a less aggressive pop don't feel like you cracked it all right subject we're ready for Butterfinger it's not bad it's not bad geez it tastes like green apple the color is good I don't know if I get green apple should I do a different fruit that's more pungent like we have raspberry yeah I know I think you're probably right oh my god what if we did blue raspberry Rad's with like two Z's yeah yeah oh yeah it's in here somewhere whoo blue razz it's getting better okay no it's technically its fault that I'm here but I think what I want to try is a different flavor I'm gonna keep it sugar mixture the same I'm gonna add way way more stir acid and mush and way more baking soda a little better I'm doing a little better yeah I ate lunch what do you see in the shape and the blob I see a penguin oh yeah duck for sure wait oh no no but it's a penguin I don't know what that is small oh it's good it's doing it Chris and I now have a son playing with like a pressure cooker they went they wanted to build a bomb that's like I don't think we can do that you should do anything in this building mm-hmm oh it's fizzing yeah thanks should I just try to push it more baking set um more yes I'm speaking like case closed that's good guys [ __ ] all right throw a little bit more in there yeah get it going I want to try one more around same recipe but I'm gonna push the baking soda and stir gasps it even further I'm gonna double it and see what happens I made this disc rather well I think it's actually took several minutes for it to harden but here and I wasn't I mean I thought it would but if there's too much air in it has sort of a sponge-like texture it's not gonna happen for your meal I'm sorry it's um it's really delicious no I don't want you to taste that one why that's what I just made right yeah things went a little crazy way more poppy is it no maybe it did weird things in I know I don't like that feeling well you like pop rock that's it I know so I think the pink one is a lot closer okay yells like you've produced something that's kind of similarly intriguing uh-huh and tastes better the pink to me there's the air bubbles are too large it needs to be a little bit denser and to me it's just like - puckering there's too much citric acid so I might want to split the difference between the quantities from the pink and the purple I think what I'll do is go home and I'll try to do a little bit of research about maybe there's some other chemical reaction that I can try to produce that doesn't involve dangerous amounts of high pressure and temperature and if not then like this is just gonna have to be it it's day 2 of pop rocks I went home last night felt a little bit bad about how negative I was about pop rocks yesterday but I'm not excited I hits idiom I never even liked pop rocks when I was a kid it's a dumb candy so stupid but I also felt right and correct in that position but my attitude could have been a little better so today I'll try to be less negative overall and I did read overnight I did some research that liked the shelf life on these is really short so the reaction is much stronger like immediately after making it and kind of diminishes as it sits I think I really communicated what was potentially dangerous about this project excited that it's probably not a great idea to experiment with pressure for several reasons number one being 300 degree hot sugar high pressure probably not a good mix to any kind of pressurised apparatus that we have access to isn't gonna build enough pressure anyway so then it just feels like we're probably gonna at best ruin a piece of equipment and at worst like really hurt ourselves so abandoning the idea of forming anything under pressure but maybe it's just a fun excuse to play with dry ice which I know is not a toy but it's still fun and then it's like that's the extent of what we can accomplish in the Test Kitchen environment and not in like a laboratory under like much more controlled circumstances so at that point it's like I think we've done due diligence and like I'm just gonna call it I'm gonna call this dry ice place and see what they say I feel like remember me I was in there six years ago with a wedding cake alright it's it can we show up in person and we don't have to pre-order okay alright we'll do that okay thank you [Music] perfect thank you the plan is we're gonna add our hands and some dry ice and while we're waiting on the dry ice I'm going to go through a couple more versions of like the cook sugar on the stove play around with proportions and temperatures then when the Trice arrives I'll try whatever version I like best I'll try it by pouring it over the dry ice and hopefully getting something with a little bit of pop so we'll see today's really looking up dry we're cooking it past all the sugar stages into caramel this went crazy look at this you can see it expanding that is the reaction is like continuing to happen so the idea is that I get it into the dry ice and it immediately hardens so that it cannot continue to expand like that thereby like trapping the gas creating like a tighter denser network of bubbles and then hopefully there's you know once you bite into it and it starts to dissolve there's like a further reaction and some build up those bubbles I don't know what's gonna happen but we'll see this is looking real weird though alive colors not great I'm thinking caramels maybe not the way to go time would taste it it feels at least from this very edge it kind of seems like the same kind of texture as that pink version I made that blob from the end of day yesterday hmm it's really weird it's a tiny bit fizzy not a lot I kind of taste the baking soda a little bit look what I made what is that it's real weird so I tried making a caramel instead of taking it just a hard crack like cooking on why are we sitting on pop rocks you nailed it the last year tastes a little bit I kind of made like a cross between the pop rocks you try it and like honeycomb candy I'm not too worried this is not the final version it's not as a busy I know I don't like this whatever this is going on like Just Dial with that okay I had it figured out shut this down this is you can't really bite into it just having a giant cookie the dry-ice arrived we have it in the freezer I should probably be wearing gloves for this well dry ice is frozen co2 and so it's sublimates which means it passes from a solid phase to gas phase without turning the liquid first now terrible noise but I don't want to insulate it I do want it to go directly on there all right this is gonna be a really unpleasant okay ah I can't let you guys do it oh I can't I'm gonna put it in the freezer and then close the freezer door so I'm gonna put another sheet right over it like a lid because I want that sheet tray to get very cold also it'll be colder than the air in the freezer okay so that's pretty much ready to go I don't think it's gonna like shatter good who knows all right I'm gonna get my dry mixed together again didn't really what do what I was hoping it wasn't really horrible I managed to get a couple of plops the sugar off the end of the whisk into the freezer maybe like 25 to 33 percent of the total volume of sugar made it into the freezer I did a test and I froze the sugar on the dry ice what you guys I forgot to put the parchment oh yeah but it's ready contracted a media Linden stick alright would you hear popping what's the definition of a pop rock exactly where we go any further I am just oh listen to it yeah I'm really realize you see your excitement level come back yeah you needed this yeah you were getting dark there yeah I was not being because look how dense it is that's good that's good that's what you need it well it still yeah it's actually probably microfractures it's not popping it's probably cracking whatever Brad gradient I mean it's probably Express cracks from the superfast freezing and then it's now like relaxing ready get it to pop rocks oh oh yeah super fizzy it's popping so tacky Oh cuz it's sweating oh why because he got super cold you brought it out the room temperature good point all right now just put it into pop rock form uh-huh and you've done it mrs. pop rocks I think remain I agree what are we doing all right maybe we're making pop rocks I mean what did you want to achieve it tastes better it did pop it pops it snaps and crackles it does all that [ __ ] great just got to get it into this consistency put in an envelope cold freaking day success boom yeah that's original is Beth out of here 13 alien hey it's a one-trick pony oh I think this on-ear better replicas really yeah oh my god didn't see that coming well thanks Brad neither did I it's not gonna happen Oh tastes great there was a kind of novel textural physical sort of thing happen I know uh-huh I was hoping you've got less foam I mean it's not it's not like rabid dog foamy but it's what you eat it is lymphomas not have a problem I don't think the problem I think that's your greatest asset may be you just created a different treat yeah Claire's foaming [Laughter] yeah we're all worried that get given the things we were googling and this building that we're like on some no-fly lists now yes I'm in like a professional kitchen environment but I still very much think of things as a home cook and this is definitely beyond the scope of what we can do and in gourmet makes kind of scenario I think the part that I'm most proud of is visually I think they just look look really good and the flavor is better so I do think unlike starbursts I'm happy to wrap this one up in two days and move on to the next one which will be a little bit more fun more of a return to like real pastry kind of stuff I don't blame Chris it's although it is his fault I think I'm gonna turn really hard to improve my attitude for the next one I do feel bad that I was so negative here's how you make gourmet pop rocks line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper and place in the freezer combine four tablespoons baking soda four tablespoons citric acid two tablespoons powdered freestride raspberries and 1 TSP powdered freeze dried blueberries sift mixture into a medium bowl grind any larger particles in a spice grinder and add to bowl set aside in a medium saucepan combine 100 grams sugar 50 grams light corn syrup and 50 grams water stir over medium high heat just until the sugar dissolves then clip a candy thermometer to the side of the pot and cook without stirring swirling pot occasionally until the mixture reaches 290 degrees I immediately pour the sugar mixture into the bowl with the dry ingredients and whisk rapidly to combine immediately pour the mixture onto the frozen baking sheet in a single even layer and let Harden break the slab into small bits [Music]
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 5,775,947
Rating: 4.8891826 out of 5
Keywords: claire saffitz, pop rocks, claire makes, claire, gourmet makes, gourmet pop rocks, claire makes pop rocks, claire bon appetit, gourmet recipe, how to make pop rocks, pop rocks recipe, homemade pop rocks, claire gourmet pop rocks, pop rocks bon appetit, bon appetit pop rocks, making pop rocks, pop rock, make pop rocks, claire pop rocks, how to pop rocks, claire saffitz 2019, claire gourmet makes, pastry chef makes, pop rocks candy, pop rocks and soda, food, bon appetit
Id: lkOzch781t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 17 2019
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