Brad and Claire Make Doughnuts Part 1: The Beginning | It's Alive | Bon Appétit

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Her Starburst episode suddenly makes a lot more sense.

👍︎︎ 46 👤︎︎ u/ClevelandBrownJunior 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was great. I like how the editor admitted defeat half way through during the movie conversation.

Seriously though 20 minutes of stirring? I guess you better have a mixer or these doughnuts aren't happening.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/FrostyFoss 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

"jar 2/3 full: missing the point but with a great attitude"

boy if that isn't just brad in a nutshell.

👍︎︎ 80 👤︎︎ u/helkar 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Bon Appetit has definitely strayed from the "cooking instructions" videos into full-on "personality" videos and I couldn't be happier. What an amazing chaotic mess.

👍︎︎ 136 👤︎︎ u/qwertytarr 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Claire's "Brioge" face killed me.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/Floating_octopus 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

I have such a crush on Claire. Dream girl 😍

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/bryanpool51 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Love all the BA staff! Keep up the awesome videos! More group projects like the Pizza one that had all my favorites :)

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/CrystalKingPuff 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

I watch all these videos, but what the hell did I just watch, and who's going to make doughnuts that take three months to proof?

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/bonyponyride 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

These go great with some wourder.

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/Yvonnedemarco 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey guys hand it's alive we're here with the lovely Claire Safin it taps our self that's not too good and yes they were we making a little sour dough nuts which is just a little yeasted doughnut meringues bread starter sour go that's right sourdough donor sourdough yeast donuts with sourdough starter perfect set of yeast so yeah clean [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we're starting with kind of like brioche II a brioche type Easton yeah it is kind of Ryoji right yep I mean that's basically what it is so it's like a really rich dough and instead of using commercial yeast we're using starter you'd use to make sourdough yeah I mean I'm having been having a blast working with the starter and getting them dialed in I've been frying them throughout the week over a super low flame yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what do you need bread well what are some of the differences you think between using commercial yeast and sourdough I think with starter you definitely get a much more complex flavor thanks more time taste yeah it takes longer oh not even I mean I always benefits we do it cold overnight rise so we actually we're gonna make the dough today but fry them tomorrow right you have starter at home and you're a sourdough Baker you're gonna have a lot of extra anyway it's a great it's a great way to use it yeah and also I love that it's naturally fermented that's what it's a live is all about so and I think it really does when a superior flavor and also a cool texture today I don't know these are the more that's so white I love the final just go home yeah you're going it yeah but hold on let's take a look at the starter cuz so Brad's been feeding this this is a beautiful starter let's do the plastic it's right at like peak ripeness it's gained well you don't know what it looks like before but it's gained a ton of volume and it's just on the verge of collapse I mean even started to collapse a little bit over here and that's I mean this will pass the float test right oh I moved so much air in it right man jiggles like sea foam you want to do a quick flow testers to demonstrate anyone who's seen a sourdough episode knows what that let's try it well that maybe is a little bit of a big piece I've been cut [Laughter] [Music] just a little bit I think we're going a little aggressive with the size they're [Laughter] like a brick that was a different different starter yeah oh yeah that's floating so that means that the starter has its very active it's built up a lot of gas yeah well I first started developing it I was putting them in quart containers yeah every time I put it in a quart container lid blows off half of its on the ground you know what headspace you need some room oh yeah I got an the mixer here with a dough hook which we can use again it started but I mean I don't think you need that you could do it by hand and this is makes like a fairly it's a lot of dough you're not gonna make this much so we were gonna add all the ingredients except for for the butter yeah right now we just got sugar 3/4 of a cup a little bit more added this is 5 eggs plus one additional yolk we have 3/4 cup of whole milk we're going we're gonna use 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract 3 tablespoons of like a neutral oil vegetables and all the 2 tablespoons of honey yeah so 2 teaspoons I'm sorry 775 grams of all-purpose flour yeah so this is I should say is it fairly or mixes yeah pretty measured in a sweetness the final dough I don't like them real real real yeah yeah I think keep the interior less sweet and then you can do anything glaze or sugar on the outside obviously it's sugar adding Alessi to the mouth yeah if you wanted to like go savory which I guess a little bit wrap it leftover prime rib on his it was so good salt I mean it's basically a you said it was kind of like a little bit of a go it was like a warm fried brioche yeah would stake out of it Saul I mean I mean you could serve that already yeah what's bad about that Sugar's the wet ingredients you can go ahead and add that yeah and the honey and all that gets in the oil no Earl I'm gonna try to nail 50 grams all right 250 grams that's it Oh all right I can't see it oh you're trying to if I feel high or low Oh 238 though I mean come on that's not that bad I'm very impressed yeah you're okay baking's the one thing I really wish and I think that should just always be in grams yeah I agree right yeah but here's a question our doughnuts baking question yeah no I think it's important actually Claire we are gonna be doing a little bit of baking why is that when we roll them out and cut them uh-huh there's extra dough and you could roll this is a pretty good yield of donuts uh-huh but there's extra dough from the from the cutters but I like to do I try to stretch it and make this weird loaf and bake it mm-hmm make a little weird donut brioche loaf your breakfast bread say brioche brioche uh-huh don't you want to France soon yeah we you say it Rios it's clear that's what I'm saying brioche uh-huh this thing's kind of loud you have all these not that size you got a mixer home yeah you know you don't have one y'all get many of all the attachments we do fresh pasta oh the fresh pasta I got the hand-crank pasta oh that's good too though because you're real Italian not really actually I'm Dutch Irish Italian no Dutch Irish Italian at all as far as I know I've never done like the 23andme always wanted to but then I got some friends like no man they're selling your DNA to the Illuminati oh I don't know I don't listen out trust much you know when it comes to big companies I don't yeah oh yeah it's a good you got the apple day terms in agreement yeah okay click here I don't no idea what that thing says I don't know what they're doing all right whatever Illuminati no I missed it this is all like wacky conspiracy uh-huh no it's good let me here living in a damn brown dog go ahead close me window sell my organs great let's get dark cheer up yeah so you can see it's like sticking to the side of the bowl usually it's real wet looking but eventually this will bring it together and as it develops all the glutens it'll become a lot less sticky and then we can move it to the surface I still think this amount of dough would fit in this war in artisan and the regular the total artisans earlier artisan right don't criticize my kitchen he'll be funny aids it's kinda ridiculous I say rotisserie oh that's my favorite that's not presentation that's just the wrong that's about the right word mr. Aryan Fred I don't know if it makes it better than you know that it's not right anyway there's a National Park once know what were the vet a scrapey scrapey scrapey would say you know when like a bakery setting you don't want to waste any dough throw with money yeah Joey's money now I wonder you know how people say oh you got with Joe and Amy first dough is money sometimes like making oh do you think that comes from like a baker bag I truly never even thought about it you got dough I think you should ease and then bakers I who can make Joe Blow please from Park the third year I don't really do well with car metaphors can you drive five-speed no well you should learn I barely got a lot about it I live in New York I could save your life one day I know I have a license I know how to drive no no go what happens all right we're going to turn this off this is serious you're camping this is about zip ties and if your bumper falls off no but stay with me are your camping all right uh-huh all of a sudden all right boom there's okay fine keep going well lose my train if I'm damn bad so you're camping all of a sudden there's a killer running at you all right and you got to get out of there okay oh my god there's a car over there it's not ours but the keys are in it we can get away and you get in the car it's a five-speed where are you going I've no idea you're getting murdered Claire that's way gotta learn how to carry five speeds you carry out I do it in the city really think I'd have a better chance of learning like Taekwondo like lethal self-defense more tools in the Box the better Claire okay do you give lessons turn the mix yeah whoa nice dad Brad tips for ladies I don't know I'm not a trained martial artist dad Brad the lady that's what I use it guys the original tip was always periods at tides and the question why always give me the car with answered by because if your bumper falls off you just drill two holes thirsty I'm gonna put my faith in you but this is not how I've been doing it doesn't matter okay but I don't know at a molecular level it might be a little more stressful oh all right I get it you got to make starburst who it is hey it's no salary yeah salary salary we gotten too close to a windowpane so the folks that haven't watched the first episode of Claire and I when we meet sourdough bread oh we talked about windowpane I don't remember when you take some dough and you can hold it in between your your fingers and you stretch it but it holds it gets like the light you can see through it but it doesn't tear like that a windowpane if you would I need a bigger piece no somebody I mean if you want if you gave if all of a sudden you know uh mr. producers like Claire we've got to get you back on the starburst I can go in the back in the back closet or something in finish this one I mean how long are we talking like 20 minutes right you can't rush perfection there and I don't think we should we got one shot one shot one kill that they called Tommy Tommy Tommy bernzy sniper cheers or watch a show time that comes up a lot it's a movie where he's it's right there [Music] you know who taught marriages are you know I think though hold on let me see pull them up on the Google he was also in what was that Vietnam movie go to oh that is not a bad sound ring that's not those pictures oh come on you can you look uh scary hold on hold on yeah think about keeping the side screen if you like helps with dough get a better slap and Paul Tommy he was in platoon with the guy from scrubs you ever seen Fortuna no name other actors named Tom did this thing flexing Oh tom he's like real handsome no not Tom party come party you know a movie Tom Hardy when he played he goes into jail he's not even payment Tom party when he goes to jail he stole that paper and he good and he's playing the guy who's like a real tough badass yeah you his name is John John yeah he was a he's a prisoner of a famous prisoner from I think from the UK Ronson Ronson now we're looking good you want to get in here forget forget behringer and bronson for a minute name other actors named Tom where I can remember John Z well we're in slower looks so good he like tears let's still scrape the sides although it's still pretty so I don't know it's so very sticky okay fine let's leave it in the thing whose phone is that that's mine who is it oh it's mr. Eko I gotta get hello bruh the other pregnant not interested thank you Debra what was she calling about cars I began all these car things I think like the warranty on my vehicle I think it is expired how they got my tea Pratt said mines my plate 23andme let me give you a tip never answer the phone oh wait now let me give you a tip okay always answer the phone who cares but if you never know what if it's that one call and it's like that you call you need there's no such thing like Brad oh I got this sweet gig for you oh it's easy money Brad it's like a million dollars you know anyone that's offer you anything gonna email it to you but what if they do know no one no one column I'm a jar two-thirds full kind of guy here I mean uh-huh sorry two thirds both laugh haha yeah but my jar is two-thirds full which is more than half I'm very positive player honey I know you taught me a great thing this is gonna be a two-hour video how do you if you forget to take your butter out in the night before uh-huh on the microwave you there's like a little what do you do you change the power levels yeah I can't believe that I taught you about power levels I don't know too much about microwaves it took me 25 years and some really smart people to convince me that it wasn't bad for me I still I think I truly think the only useful thing is often it's awfully butter it work so well is cold and soft what it was still cool like it wasn't about it yeah melted right it was room temp once we get window pane which we're getting there what's trick we're gonna add this butter but the ideas that were yeah you're there you're there bread ready yeah drop it the first sign that I didn't like tablespoon sized pieces oh boy I'll keep I'll keep it going okay and then as soon as I see the dough absorb the first pad of butter I'll add the I'll add more look at that that's a if you're high you ever seen ever website no I don't think I would ever do this by hand no you really don't want to do brioche by hand [Laughter] are the last pan of butter yeah oh I got nervous so the butter has totally absorbed and its really like a mole so fight into the dough you can slick you can see it's not sticking to the hook at all it's not sticking it's super homogeneous oh yeah that's the stuff oh you know what I was doing on the last batch what are you some a little wider do we have a camera let's put in a box that's I think it's easier what a camera what's the difference it's good to have something with straight square sides why because then you know how to do 90-degree turns and then you camera uh-huh great Brad yeah Brad likes to let me on the show tell me how to live my life and then ignores all my expert advice all right so see remember this from sourdough yeah you're making it into a nice little ball it's fun so this is a pretty that is bait that I know it looks so good so now we're moving into the bulk fermentation phase what's that mean huh this is like the first rise so we want to let the yeast and lactic acid bacteria start to like metabolize the flower and produce gas with both fermentation we're looking for the dough to be like really buoyant really light I've noticed I'm like do you think they guess 30% I think that I know what you're looking for I don't think we've been getting that with this dough though so have you have you been trying yeah that it's done well I kind of just been guessing I'm sorry so I got was that it go and it's like oh I gotta go home it's like we're done fermenting and we put it in the fridge so so it's done when you believe well you want me to take it home with you no no thank you gotcha your third child we don't do that remember I made that for gotcha what sameen nice moves yeah but I wasn't here thanks I did the start it was Vince he set up a shoot out of Monday morning and they read so I don't know having the Swap from home in I'd carry a Dutch oven and I put it in the back seat of my car is gonna bring the kids to daycare I put them in my car I don't bring my kids at daycare I can it fell over and it fell over and he gassed the whole bread and I just noticed it kind of deflated he came in we had to make focaccia with Samim did you have sakauchi dough and the door on the floor of your car mmm no so I had a Dutch oven that's a better story though it was everywhere was on the ceiling in my hair in the kids eyes okay we're gonna pop this in there no no that's not yet just over time too much fun we recover this with either plastic or this has like a nice little snap on there you know what I'm trying to use less plastic let's just do a clean towel yes now in sourdough when we made bread I remember we had a like every hour and do I think we were calling it a turn yeah we're fold yep we're gonna do that same thing same thing no why do you want to get you were doing that right yeah no I was but not it said like once every hour for four hours yeah probably David's or the directions I wrote probably get it like two or three times okay I'm gonna grab the lid for this okay why don't you tell the lovely folks what took what the turns do sure so the turns are really used to build strength in the dough because as this is fermenting the gluten chains are relaxing and so the dough is kind of weakening so we just want to make sure that the dough stays nice and strong it will make for like a better better structure inside of our doughnuts but I think we can let it go I hate camber lids they always do this it's like that though less single use plastic folks yeah so okay we're gonna come back in an hour in one hour I'm gonna set a timer I know you got some stuff to do yeah I'll come back I'll grab all right oh no and we'll do it okay hold the turn folds yes maybe I'll grab you for the first one you can refresh my memory on the proper technique perfect see you in an hour oh just a little fish stock a little souvenir okay no I make some earrings all right I'm coming sorry Claire shouldn't be eating on cutting boards it's not food safe more than you go away all right Claire the dough waits for no one is that your dessert Claire of Jesus funny guy grease my hands greased fine oh this is like I need to like I need like a stepstool here what an apple oh yeah I'm gonna start by it getting my hands on you know you're still taller than I am yeah I'm gonna get my hands underneath oh yeah and then believing it here I'm gonna keep going until I fall I was not doing it until I've released all the dough and then warm thank you and then I can kind of give it a I give it a 90-degree turn and then once it's there it's done anyway nice time do I grab you from here next time you grab it that way yeah yeah from that really yeah it was the exact same thing no no look no smile you grab no that way same thing you grab it that way oh that's not what you just said that so not the little thing here these sides yes the opposite way that I just had it yes yes yes it doesn't it doesn't matter [Music] okay we're gonna do the fold that Claire demoed and I kind of don't remember all right what'd she do like that and and then it was like a quarter turn like that wasn't as pretty as when Claire didn't she made that look really nice and it probably is easy but for folks that screw this up at home the folds and the turns when I was developing this on my own I did it once and it worked just fine so listen to Brad talk about me it's live what did you do I did a turn or hold looks so weird well I had some difficulties Claire we were just talking about how pretty eat yours was why it looks beautiful it looks like skin gained it all right do it I don't distract me but it's fine now right in messing our it's fine whatever do one more like I did a little want the surface to be smooth time we're simultaneously shooting it's alive and I'm I'm the technique just leave it you're done it's done yeah all right cool I'm gonna throw the towel back over this and you know you'll try again in our video sometimes it's just the way she goes look she looks pretty deep in there what do you need bread well I really disappointed you and myself with my folding skills last time but I know it's time to do it again so I'm gonna go from this side I just don't I don't know how yours when you did it it looks so nice so what did you do I went go oh my god I lifted it and it's like but let it fall back onto itself and then no so that's it so I fed up it was a lot simpler than I thought it was I thought you were like going like that no you were just literally lifting in for a strip we're just coming out first so this episode has a sneak preview of an upcoming for me makes no vice versa you have to say that in court movies Cory makes it come out first no its life comes out first I just said it's a lot comes out first no Shh I thought I got fused they're working he too hard not to be me so I had to say it in my videos you'll have to so I'm gonna do another turn okay there's some gas in there remember when we dropped it in it was a little bit below the two court line yeah why does it look lower well I don't think it's gonna get that that much higher I should okay I think Sena be fine the past few times I've been doing it it never rose more than this okay turning wait that way don't get your hands underneath it well yeah there you go just let it hang there and then let it kind of fall back onto itself and then do it again with it now you can turn it and do another thing yeah okay so folding was really easy I returning I don't know what the hell I got to do before and look there is this and guys in it I'm feeling really I'm feeling better about this than the one that I had yesterday really yeah and that was the best one yeah that one was Morocco said it was perfect he's a tough cookie I know so we're gonna let that go for another hour maybe one more turn but two more hours two more hours and then roll together we're walking into the and put it in the walk-in yeah it just goes asses into the fridge houses with the towel yeah alright that's great you can get back to your thing I get back to my thing yeah and then tomorrow he is going home okay that's my second job beginnings [Music] so it's nice and a little bit more risen in volume Joe is really light buoyant area there yeah oh that's good I know it's gonna bring them to the walk-in go up there I'll get the door okay great hey Gabriella I'm gonna put some dough in here okay me and Claire make a donor oh thank it was my job you both did a great job so I just did a test they're not ready sick joke yeah Oh bad bad bad bad news that should not happen I don't want to taste it chris is going to murder up no one wants a doughnut more than Chris are you in a good spot you need good man ya know things like at all the disaster so I'm sorry I should have known this was not gonna be a good day all right we're gonna do another faster and then if that falls through we'll address Plan B if that falls through that bone through do get a drink so well yeah we'll see in a little bit for sourdough dough nuts part 2 or scene 2 or take 2 or see you Oh what did you do was that the dough I put a bell on God I will see you tomorrow nonsense what a weird day this is happening oh really okay here's the problem with this sign bread please don't remove this oh yeah go on I'll tell you all right Oh what happens if someone peels it off I carved my name in it it weighs I carried it no yes which station if it's on this station it's it doesn't matter drag stations people no yeah but you move it and then it's like don't don't move from this station and I'll come and find it just don't move wait [Laughter] perfect yes right Nancy binders [Music]
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 6,135,097
Rating: 4.9400868 out of 5
Keywords: brad leone, brad, claire, claire saffitz, brad and claire, it's alive, doughnut, brad makes doughnut, claire makes doughnuts, doughnuts, brad makes doughnuts, brad and claire doughnuts, brad bon appetit, brad makes, brad it's alive, brad claire, claire bon appetit, claire makes, claire doughnuts, brad doughnuts, brad and claire make doughnuts, donut, make doughnut, making doughnuts, make doughnuts, how to doughnuts, how to make doughnuts, doughnut recipe, food, bon appetit
Id: fzDwiw7xIHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 44sec (1724 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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