Pastry Chef Attempts to Make Gourmet Pocky | Gourmet Makes | Bon Appétit

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It's been like 3 days since BA uploaded anything, I was gettin worried 😭

👍︎︎ 95 👤︎︎ u/SeeYouSpaceCorgi 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Gaby's sheer joy seeing and eating Pocky is an embodiment of every Asian kid.

Watching Claire knock these out of the park is so rewarding. I don't know if I'll be able to handle going back to 40 minutes of Gourmet Makes agony after seeing her so happy lately!

👍︎︎ 56 👤︎︎ u/theRacistEuphemism 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Still holding out hope for Butterfingers

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/Semper-Fido 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

I wish Claire was my Pocky Fairy, just leaving random Pockies at my desk whenever I'm not looking

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Now that non American snacks are totally game, I really wanna see shrimp chips now!

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/Tibbox 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

I feel like at this point in the series we've seen every shirt that Claire owns

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/oreganowitch 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

1) Gaby is so fricking adorbs. 2) Rhoda is the unsung MVP here. Omg she did so much. 3) happy Claire is just the best. Even the sad piano song didn't feel as crushing as it did with Starburst. 4) OMG THAT WHOLE DRAGGING THE FOAM BOARD SCENE DRIVES ME NUTS AAAAAAAGH.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Font-street 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

i'm fuckin ded

i love pocky, ate a bag of the salad flavor ones last night

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/dihydrogen_monoxide 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Best birthday present ever. Thanks claire <3

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/kaminotsuki 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
we didn't have this as a kid growing up in st. Louis there were no anywhere you really play at this st. Louis thing Claire no I don't know I know I can say Louis I have candy like this no we did Oh jujubes and Mary Jane yes yeah it's like a vampire you just don't you kidding I definitely age I'm in a white hair that I've gotten on the show I mean me first episode so now I feel great no it was not great what it's like Obama yeah seriously hey everyone I'm Claire I'm in the VHS kitchen and today I'm making gourmet Pocky I have to say I don't know that I've ever had Pocky time I just looked at me was like a look of horror what you know that thing that happens when like peoples all your friends are talking about something and you've just never heard of it and you're like somehow I just missed that piece of like cultural knowledge and everybody has that's I have that with coffee and with other things too oh nice packaging oh my god look at these oh they're so like elegant and proportion he's not incredible oh my do people know how good these are these are so good oh my god why haven't I been eating these there's something in this chocolate that is making this so good oh my god are all the flavors good I don't think it's number chocolate on the biscuit because I don't think it's pure chocolate I don't know it's like there's definitely something else going on with the coating but the biscuit itself is also like kind of it's like for how dry it is it's like weirdly tasty for some reason there was chocolate and then there was this one which is just chocolate flavor and I don't know what the dip is my goodness these are delicious again yeah I just tried my first Pocky never they are so good I don't know under rock I'm not funky I haven't tried like we explained what I love probably I love you got a chocolate yeah so it's this dark chocolate - chocolate yeah alright enjoy thank you oh my god they're so good you here's the two so one looks dark chocolate one looks like it's I don't know what ooh this one it's so much worse whatever chocolate is it's way better than chocolate flavor it does seem like there's two strains of Pocky one is like premium and then one is like a little bootleg cuz this is strawberry and this is strawberry flavor so I'm gonna try these side-by-side so this is strawberry and this is strawberry flavor they look they're identical I think I just assumed I think I like it but it's also kind of as like for artificial tasting I try matcha it's good but nothing is as good as that chocolate chocolate one it was pointed out to me that there's actually a third strawberry there's some little bits on it like possibly freeze-dried strawberries which I'm excited about oh I'm really into this okay look at that you know what amazingly I think Pocky stands out already as the most truth in advertising in terms of like what's on the packaging you know like this looks exactly like that this is a person I've open where the biscuit is I'm guessing chocolate that's good because there's actual free straight strawberry on it it tastes a lot better cookies ice cream my bad none of these are as good as a chocolate I think you need to do two of the clean ice yeah two of the boys so that means the cookies and cream a matcha strawberry with strawberry bits and a original chocolate visually I like fat the best and I think it's a good representation of all the flavors yeah there seems to be near universal acclaim for Pocky this is the one that we bought for yeah this is like the original yeah in my mind yeah yeah chocolate okay but taste that chocolate and compare it to the one you just tried that one is so much better than this one I feel like you just don't want too much to coating I think like the defining textural quality of a Pocky is the snap snap I know and you don't want the coating to be so thick that it interferes with that Oh a severe same great experience yes yes I think that's very important you know where I think I might start I might start with the recipe that I used in Twix for the shortbread all right I think that's looking because I'm in a good place with the size of the cookie I think it's the right amount of dry which had a little rice flour in it which is very good for like snap do I have to get these like little marks it's like little grill marks on it do I have to do that I don't think so right it just shows you how they made it okay that's important I'm gonna ignore that part I think it'll be fun yeah I agree it's time for my favorite part reading the ingredients so I'm just doing the chocolate wheat flour sugar chocolate liqueur blend of vegetable oil bread the seasoned flour oil oil hose parentheses whole milk powder oil shortening means 1% or less cocoa butter artificial flavors less ha leaflets are all polly rice and only 811 I think the odium bars are a variety of hydroxide caffeine something with sugar I'm gonna take some measurements and do a little bit of deconstructing 12 and 1/2 centimeters chocolate coating is obviously it's liquid and then it's dipped but it's liquid because of the fat that's in it rather than any other like moisture source that's water-based because that anything water-based would hydrate the cookie and make it soft so here is the cookie part it's just so perfectly uniform I'm initially thinking that it might be effective to extrude the cookie mixture rather than roll it by hand the pocky have like these they're almost like little grill marks I don't know they're maybe they're baked on like a hot surface the overall construction is pretty simple it's like I make the cookie I dip it so I think at this point the most useful next step will be research so it'll go over to Gabi's computer let's see what what gift pedia says this is the first Pocky was told in 1966 imagined by Yoshiaki coma oh my god they have a men's Pocky says Pocky is a very popular Treat in Japan especially among teenagers interesting the name Pocky was inspired by the Japanese onomatopoeia for the snapping sound made while eating Pocky sticks Oh Pocky factory tour let's watch this video oh wow oh my god that's so satisfying to look at given the way that their dough looked I think a pasta extruder is a good possibility for super uniform even like ropes my plan of attack is to work on the biscuit first my starting point is going to be the recipe that I used in the Twix video for that biscuit because I think there's like a lot of similarities and and in texture overall and then once the biscuit is done and dialed in I'll then work on the flavor coatings I'm gonna mix up the batter so we're a little short on the rice flour I'm just gonna compensate by adding cornstarch I'm dialing down the sugar because I don't want this to be particularly sweet at all I'm not gonna be able to extrude this like that dough in the video was so extensible and elastic and this shortbread is not but I think I think I have an idea I want to add some vodka this way of adding moisture without adding like hydration and then I can extrude it and then dry it and then bake it geez and no I did not snore yeah kind of working are you freaking out right now Dan it's working I'm freaking out I don't want to jinx it just give me a sec so in this piece it's a cutter okay I mean that and it made it it did it that's seriously worked better than I would have bet like the dimensions look really good you see what happens when I bake it I'm gonna set the timer for ten minutes and we'll see what happens okay oh okay all right there have a little bit of color there a little pale but they do have a bottom like a flattened base from the way they baked which I kind of thought was gonna happen it's not great the more I look at this and kind of like feel it the more I think it is the Ystad I need more of a snap like this texture it's so hard and it's not like this which is there's no snap it just breaks apart and I think I have to take the dough in a different direction completely which is I kind of didn't see coming so maybe I want to try doing a couple batches basically making like pretzel dough or something like it so I did some research and just jot it down a quick crostini formula which is like a very simple kind of stiff eat pseudo high swear for the last two years Brad opens this every time it's so hard to open have you been eating man Pocky or whatever they're called with so I'm going to and get it in the proofing oven until one and a half times expanded in size and then I'm gonna move into extruding and baking and just kind of see what happens this is making dough blog certainly doesn't really look like a Pocky the dough is just not so super smooth so I might try coating it and a little bit of flour to smooth it out alright things didn't really happened the way I was hoping I did make a breadstick texture is much firmer but it's also still not right there's something like too much flavor of yeast it's not Pocky texture you can tell that it got like all kind of bumpy and weird so I feel like the solution is either to go with a stiffer dough I'll take me a few to a few more tries for the biscuit but I think it'll be fine I feel pretty good about it day one I feel great it's all downhill today I'm still working on the biscuit part it's just so important to get something that is so firm and crunchy and drive I might want to instead of using yeast only use baking powder I don't want there to be like a yeast flavor and maybe you start forming them by hand by basically making a simple dough a little barley malt syrup but you've seen often in pretzel recipes I want a very very stiff dough I'm gonna start rolling out piece by piece now I'm gonna try cutting it warming it and baking it oh they look pretty good I'm happy with the smooth surface texture try breaking it a little had a nice snap is this that is this the one my delusional hope is gonna come true and I'm not gonna be delusional nope it tastes bad somehow it's like more tasteless than the pocky biscuit at least I'm somewhere on texture like that sort of hard snap is good but I need definitely to make some adjustments I don't really like the barley malt syrup the Pocky is noticeably sweeter so I might try another round of dough I'm going to increase the sweetness increase the baking powder slightly introduce a little bit of just vanilla extract to kind of highlight this weakness but I'm gonna keep everything else the same [Music] all right when they smell kind of good alright so they got a little bit golden but like I think an appropriate amount of golden the color looks pretty close or something's still like weirdly yellow about the Pocky they also shrunk quite a bit so I have to keep that in mind for next time all right that was a good snap it's kind of good you want to try the biscuit do you want to compare this right I'm wondering if it says possibly think my family got a little bit more tender you know they make men's hockey I don't like that I know what does that mean like it's a please don't say it's a bigger side no it's more like intensely flavored the Pocky seems to have gotten like the touch of crispness on the outside huh not not crispy on the inside but like very like open very it's partly that the Pocky is just way thinner yeah which is only gonna be hard honestly the biscuit who gives a crap you just make it a touch smaller and I think you're done so I think good sir size-wise I think they're really close that moisture loss happens and I think there's like some contracting so they definitely sort of bend a little bit I'll have to devise the method for baking them that really keeps them in tight straight lines gabby found these paper straws for me so I want to basically make like a little trough mold for the Pocky out of it straws see if that'll work I might need to get the hot glue gun out Todd okay it's important to keep it straight I think it'll be fine it'll be fine I'm gonna do I'm not gonna use hot glue let me just try it a little bit of foil make a little foil basket for it and I realized to give to the hearts of craft stage the best part I'm gonna just get one in there and start baking it okay so my little straw trough you worked pretty well so that I might want to make a bunch more of those but before I move into that phase and I just start cranking out baked biscuits I want to try a version with rice flour and hopefully that'll be sort of like the final formula for the biscuit I'm hoping that the rice flour just brings a little bit of tenderness because this biscuit that I just was sure I stab bit more tender don't know why but this late makes me on my 11th grade biology teacher tried to tell us that the reason why yawns are contagious it's because it's like an evolutionary thing where an animal fairies its teeth at you I mean at another animal it's a sign of aggression thank you it bares its teeth back and it's like well how come when I go like this you don't yawn like that doesn't like you're not doesn't make any sense I don't think that was right anyway this dough feels much better I can tell that there's rice flour in there but overall like its improved elasticity and you don't be able to roll it much nicer and it'll maintain a much smoother texture overall it just feels smoother softer more relaxed more elastic so definitely an improvement from the last batch all right this looks good this is working out nicely okay so I'm putting this in here and then I'm gonna just put these on here and let these bake through because why not and if all goes well maybe we have time to dip one [Music] they look great nice smooth texture on the outside take this one out of here I like my little mold for baking them I think that's a fun idea to carry into day three good snap they're pretty light feel like they're lighter than before I think it's super close the biskits part is pretty much done kinda wanna give one of these like a quick dip and a little bit of chocolate just to see what happens well let's say I want to do a test about what kind of coating I get using chocolate without adding anything else to it I'm just really think if there's a dipping method that can employ this straw what if I tried yeah and then I don't want to I don't think it would be a good idea to like put my mouth on the straw yeah exactly I don't think that it would be very sanitary this is a bad idea I'm gonna try it no this is people are not gonna like this people are gonna think it's really gross all right I'm only I'm I'm the only one who's gonna eat this let me just try [Music] right now hold on I've no idea actually Gabi can you come help me all right just hold the straw in place be like pressing down and here move your left hand down yeah ready thank you this is not now I thought this is going to go I can't talk about it they asked you what you're doing because I have no idea I'm trying to get it to coat in a very thin even layer but it's not really even like I'd have a better time just like painting it on there is there a smaller one I mean this one's smaller but I think it's too it's too small maybe not ready I mean no one thought that was gonna work including me our words wait that worked so well that was incredible it's like not a bad way to make sure I get something really even could taste wonderful day three will be really focused on the coatings getting all the flavors right and that's it so it's been almost a week I'm gonna work first on like fabricating and baking off all the biscuits and then while those are kind of baking and drying I'll think about putting together the coatings I know people are gonna freak out but I don't I'm thinking I'm not gonna temper the chocolate tempered chocolate is when you heat and cool chocolate two very particular temperatures so you get chocolate that's like shiny and snappy I do think that Pocky has a lot of other flavors added to the chocolate coating and I don't know that I'm able to temper chocolate if I add stuff to it so I'm thinking of fortifying the chocolate with some other flavors and coke and more cocoa butter which is very solid at room temp to get something that is like very solid for now I'm going to work on the wafer and just try to get a lot of those baked off two four six eight ten twelve fourteen okay I think I'm gonna work on a new method for baking them in like nice very straight parallel lines so this was what I had from last week it's kind of impractical want to sit here and make all of them and two because this paper straw once I cut it kind of bows a little bit so one thing I want to try instead is actually like taking a bunch of skewer and staggering them in between the Pocky have guides on all sides to keep them straight so most of these look pretty good I think that the size they became is really nice it seems pretty close to the width of the Pocky the grill I'm not doing the grill marks that's not happening I just decided but overall like dimensions and everything I'm happy but pretty good snap I do think they need to be a little drier hmm case was good they did shrink quite a bit so most of them are very very close to the dimensions that I want and I'm just going to instead of breaking just maybe you do a little shaving off of the ends I wanted to try something I just hope I don't like ruin at all so my idea is to I want them to also be the same length and I'm not getting them extremely even by just doing them all like my hand one at a time so I'm gonna try to shave the opposite side altogether a little nervous and I'm going to break them all and like they have to be really tight oh I broke it alright if 40% casualty oh why did I try to do that I broke them all is what happened you know here's what I should really do I should just use each one to make the next so now these are like not even I don't understand how they're not even it's the way that I'm doing this I don't understand why they're still even what all right hi yeah you're coming in a very bad time so I think I had to have a little trial and error but now I kind of have a system I'm gonna try to bake the rest then I also kind of forgot about the chocolate Pocky so I'm gonna go back and add some cocoa to the second half of the dough that I have good so I'm gonna set these aside and do the same process with the chocolate I'm going to make that one by just needing a little bit of cocoa powder into the door that I have [Music] okay here all my hockey biscuits ready to go so for the flavors that I'm doing the two a chocolate biscuit our cookies and cream and strawberry with strawberry then the two plain flavors are chocolate and matcha the Matra strawberry and cookies the cream these are gonna be a white chocolate base for each one I'm adding whatever it's appropriate flavor is these are like a healthy version of Oreo is gonna use that for the cookies on the cookies and cream freeze-dried strawberries or strawberry both of flavor chocolate and the bits on the outside matcha already powdered so I'm gonna start by mixing up the bigger batch of this like fortified white chocolate mixture and then I'm going to use that to make all the flavors you don't have to think about how am I gonna stand them up to I need oh my god do we have clothes pins yeah you know like create either some kind of way to suspend them or to like stick them up and Rona went to look for a foam bring in the foam so where did you find this in the studio nice okay we might be able to use this so if we poke it into that's perfect okay all right I'm going to sit here and bore holes into this foam so I'm trying to do a quick test just to the plane my chocolate is to see how it hardens okay I'm just gonna go stand with it at the walk-in I would love it if looks great sorry about that alright so here's so the walk-in it hardened pretty quickly oh it looks very good like that's a nice cross-section he's pretty good I'm going to go one flavor at a time the quantity seems like it's working out really nicely Thanks I hate to break it to you I did not temper this chocolate because you can't thank you right thank you I added cocoa butter which I think is helping so here's the technique and then wait for it look look what wrote about me Rhoda frickin amazing it looks incredible nice little dipping jar and then and then and then watch ready oh great bleep that out I have to clean out the pastry tip every single time which is annoying thank you no thank you look how well it worked right and because and because of all the cocoa butter it sets up real quick because I'm trying I was trying so hard not to temper it thank you exactly listen Matt - nope no one said anything sticks on the conveyor belt so here's the basic order of operations dip and twist and over into my little scraping area where it gets a once-over with the pastry tip then on to my rack to dry so far it's working amazing this is the most annoying part I have to clean off the pastry tip every time I use it I think if you want to stand on my right I'll move over and you can go wipe off the pastry tip every time I aspire for every single Mormon age to feel like a 7th grade art project okay look at the pitlor now I'm gonna move on to the strawberry perfect cookies and cream I'm done it's 5:45 this is what happens I finish and then there's no one here but you're here will you come look Thanks right that's cookies and cream strawberry matcha and then classic thank you this one and then and then this board we have right oh my Pocky not that hard I was denying my moment of satisfaction but Krista validated Mason I felt good super pleased I love the way they look we'll let these set overnight wrap it up in the morning don't even talk to me about Dave four curse or whatever or nothing's gonna happen I hope we're gonna put a big sign but yeah today was fun no big curveballs no big potholes it's pretty fun good morning here I am I've I slept down here but I'm gonna try chocolate because I have the most number of those and that's the classic okay Brittany hmm it's still very crunchy so that's good good snap it's pretty intensely chocolatey even just having used the milk chocolate mmm that one's good I think better than the macho Pocky that was really good that one tastes like real strawberry cuz they use real strawberry I may be my favorite visually maybe the weakest overall flavor wise but the cookies and cream Pocky was kind of my favorite but it looks great so the other ones taste really good so I could still consider it a success do you guys want to come taste yeah Rhett don't you want to try yeah thanks the rainbow Chris that's not that's a different one great thanks it's like a it's like a Pocky buffet yeah do you want to compare it to the original oh really I know this is the first thing I - Pocky oh that one's good right you made a good Pocky Thanks I think so too your flavors are oh yeah that biscuit texture was a little bit hard I'm the press player with the uniformity of that thank you thank you you know handle role of Pocky biscuits did a great job thank you it's pretty good this is like subtle salty love it oh my god hmm right then you're not good the crunchiness thanks Gabi the texture of it is like so I think it's on yeah I like your like crunchy on it thank you I think your matcha when we were recreating thank you I I think it's just like better balance ba ba la this was a great job yeah I really enjoyed it and there weren't any things that like made me want your cell murder Dan or something amazed you let me down we love that job are you going to a meeting oh all right can I offer you a from the buffet the strawberries my favorite actually delicious thank you I kind of recommend strawberry no you know no one has done that but you can better than that mr. Berg yeah the strawberry Pocky was like an easy one to improve Claire you got it again Thanks this one was so fun but I want to leave some for Christina this is for Christina considering that I was not very familiar with Pocky before this project I thoroughly enjoyed the challenge like this looks like something fancy and like a restaurant that you would get next to like your type of Chino at the end of the meal or something I love how they turned out so this one was really fun I'm looking forward to the next one thank you for watching here's how you make gourmet Pocky to make the biscuits combine 2 tablespoons rice flour 1/2 cup slits 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons granulated sugar 2 teaspoons brown sugar a quarter of like 1 H teaspoon baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon salt whisk to combine and add 1 tbsp melted cooled unsalted butter 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and 2 tablespoons full milk need to combine then divide in half work 3/4 TSP of unsweetened cocoa powder into half of dough then working with one piece of dough at a time use a pasta roller to continually sheet mill into slabs folding and re rolling until you have a smooth strong dough cut with a ruler and pizza cutter into long thin strips that are as thick as they are wide listen each strip with a bit of water to create friction with the surface and roll into smooth thin ropes at least 1 centimeter longer than a Pocky will heat with all strips of dough and then repeat entire process with second let's go bake ropes separated by skewers on a flat parchment lined baking sheet and a 300 degree fahrenheit oven until golden brown all over but cool and shave each biscuit on both sides for the fine rasp greater to the length of a Pocky to make the coatings from on 300 grams white chocolate 75 grams cocoa butter 2 teaspoons vanilla extract and 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt and melt on a double boiler until smooth transfer 1/3 of mixture to a pint container and use a hand blender to mix with matcha powder until you have a smooth mixture with a desired color and flavor transfer matcha and chocolate mixture to a tall narrow vessel and submerge flame biscuits 80% inside then use a round pastry tip to squeegee off coating place uncoated part in holes board into foam board to set repeat process with very finely ground to research strawberries instead of matcha cocoa biscuit and sifted bits of chocolate wafer cookies website [Music] what what just happened Ben that'll go in the blooper reel or the episode which is episode czar basically blooper reels
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 6,549,814
Rating: 4.9425488 out of 5
Keywords: claire saffitz, pastry chef, claire makes, claire, gourmet makes, pocky, claire makes pocky, claire pocky, gourmet pocky, claire bon appetit, gourmet recipe, how to make pocky, pocky recipe, homemade pocky, claire gourmet pocky, pocky bon appetit, bon appetit pocky, making pocky, pocky flavors, every pocky, pocky candy, chocolate pocky, strawberry pocky, matcha pocky, cookies and cream pocky, pocky sticks, poky, food, bon appetit
Id: kS6YJJfBYag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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