Pastry Chef Attempts to Make Gourmet Sour Patch Kids | Gourmet Makes | Bon Appétit

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Oh good, it's not Warheads, it's Sour Patch Kids! Now that's something that gets me in the nostalgia zone.

👍︎︎ 78 👤︎︎ u/ThisDerpForSale 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

1) The return of the sad piano music!!! 2) Also Rhoda being MVP! 3) Claire doing Amiel's job looks interesting. Also we got to see their BTS foo. 4)That being said... wow, this kind of takes the record for longest days taken...? And also she scraps three days of work, omg. 5) Cosmo is adorbs.

👍︎︎ 68 👤︎︎ u/Font-street 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Protect Chris's super taster at all costs

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/CTRL_ALT_PWN 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

The perseverance that Claire has is absolutely wild.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/Mistorious 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm so happy for that Cosmo clip! Just reaffirms all Claire's pain really was worth it!

👍︎︎ 68 👤︎︎ u/theRacistEuphemism 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Whenever she makes a gourmet version and it turns out bigger than the original, I'm like, who doesn't want more?

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/jamiethemime 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

42 minute runtime... happy for me, worried for Claire!

👍︎︎ 62 👤︎︎ u/suckitdickcream 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Full Sour Saffitz

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/TimDRX 📅︎︎ Oct 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

I love longer videos but my immediate thought is "Oh, no. Poor Claire. This isn't going to go well."

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/kehoe319 📅︎︎ Oct 09 2019 🗫︎ replies
you want to taste this at your gas in it's pretty sour okay oh my god you better water everyone I'm Claire I'm in the v8s kitchen and today I am making gourmet sour patch kids this is not my best category of candy but I like sour okay that this will look like children that makes these more disturbing than I remember well I remember mmm they're good they they just crossed over into being not good it's like person was pretty good second one's pretty good third one would probably still be okay and then a four hundred bad I love the like mouth salivating sour coating it has a very chewy texture the coating I'm 99.9% sure is an extra sugar and citric acid and that's it so there's no flavor in the coating the flavor is the gummy part itself they once oh they're hugging same thing deserve it sighs fire I don't love sour and flaky these are really weird I don't hate it but they don't like it wow this is a big bag I don't know what these are these are watermelon sour patch kids but they're not in the shape of kids they're in the shape of watermelons they're good I wish they were more sour not really sour extreme sour I'm super excited about this I love sour oh wait okay now it's happening oh it's good no no what red is you don't like that I love that oh you are not gonna like the final one then don't have the only flavor than that Oh what are you kidding Delaney oh my god you did the best one the watermelon wrong I read love codes via regular ones you eat a whole bag cut your toe oh yeah like sandpaper example yeah just keep going up it's like a chemical exfoliator here ones last time you had one not that long ago actually so my younger child Cosmo is actually coming to work tomorrow because it's summer and camps are done and he is a sour aficionado he fancies himself like a real sour like he'll eat a whole lime oh wow the most important thing about it is the texture it's right now perfect chewy I know perfect it's very hard say that right now can we just talk by the shape real quick yeah I don't like that they're in the shape of first I mean they're supposed to be the shape children yeah why why are they called sour patch kids there has to be some character what what do you want in the shape of watermelon that's your job all right we're gonna clear this off and I'm gonna take a closer look how I used to carry through this when I worked in a restaurant I always get yelled at so you at least line them closer thank you all right we got some we got a Roy Roy Roy jib you've red orange yellow green blue I'm gonna know that yellow is lemon and orange is orange but green blue and red tick who knows could be it's anyone's guess I have the best idea ever let's trace Cosmo and use his shape I think will be very fun also I don't know how I'm gonna do that I want to taste each of these components separately it's really only sweet there's no sour flavor at all and some vague fruit flavoring I'm gonna taste another crystal coating I can say definitively citric acid and granular sugar that chewy texture I know it's gonna be difficult but there's really just one task everything else is just kind of assembly and is not so challenging time for my favorite part reading the ingredients sugar shocked invert sugar corn syrup modified corn starch are Taric acid citric acid natural artificial flavoring yellow six red 40 yellow five blue one sit yeah we gotta do some research to the computer this has they were originally created under the name of Mara's men in 1885 they were renamed to Sour Patch Kids likely to capitalize on the popularity of Cabbage Patch Kids makes sense oh my god okay this wait this would be a article from two years ago how to make oh okay how to make citrus candy tastes like sour patch kids candy so this is basically about a pastry chef who was candied such as peel and then tossing it in a sugar citric acid mix and candy peel does have that kind of chewy texture it's a really interesting idea a method that I'm thinking about in my head to take a combination of citrus peel and green apple and that may be the dehydrator and like create something like a pet a flea which is a natural like fruit gummy and see if I can get something close to that texture I don't know that's gonna work but it might come close enough and be so radical that we are just impressed and well it just kind of what Cosmo says but it could work I don't know what the process is gonna be yet in my mind I'm thinking of two main components one is candied citrus peel and one is green apple jelly which is what I used to start gushers and I'm gonna start by making the green apple jelly I need three and a half pounds of apples I and now I need seven cups of water I'm leaving the peel seven feet all intact the first step is to extract the pectin from the apples so I just simmer them in water all right I can't make green apple jelly on account of there's no gasps it's me bitched out to get me okay I need thin sheet metal like real thick okay let me back up I need to make my own cookie cutter yeah I'm gonna no no I'm gonna take a strip of metal and bend it into the mold that sounds great to maybe be an angle these have been cooking for 40 minutes the idea is that the pectin has been released from the fruit so I'm straining out the solids because I don't like clear jelly I just want the clear liquid with all the pectin in it that's what I should do is let this sit overnight and this will keep straining in the fridge and tomorrow when we come back add the sugar cook that down and then don't move on to the citrus peel but I have no idea that's gonna work and it might be a complete failure so I don't know I'm gonna reserve judgment until tomorrow I feel like it's day 1.5 yeah thank you I'm thinking that I can make like a patch of flee from the pith of the citrus which is very very very bitter but through a series of LAN ching and cooking in a sugar solution it becomes soft and also sweet and that some of the bitterness is taken out the question is how to get something that is the texture of citrus piss into something smooth and punchable I don't know I don't know I'm not gonna work but let's try it in this pot is that apple mixture that ice cream last night and now I'm adding sugar and this is cooking down and it will feel very firm while the apple jelly is cooking I'm going to break down my citrus and start to take cream peel off oh my god hi hi Cosmo when's the last time you had a sour patch kid for me it's been a little while oh yeah this is Cosmo your mom told me cause one that you really like sour so I'm gonna try to make them even more sour than sour patch kids one thing I think would be cool with a homemade version is if we really make the shape more lifelike so I thought maybe we could use your outline as the shape to cut the sour patch kids too and I don't have a plan yet it's just an idea so might not work you were just doing now all right so that's good one that's good there's a profile [Music] the ball awesome this is my apple jelly I'm gonna do I want to do a test on this I have some plates in the freezer cuz that's on your test for this set so when I run my finger through it it's supposed to wrinkle see it wrinkle it's done and now I'm gonna focus on my citrus I think that I would do I might do a lime flavor a Meyer lemon flavor and the lemon I might do cherry cuz we have some cherry juice I'm gonna try that what I need to do now is blanch all of these separately three times in boiling water three times three it's kind of a process this whole thing might not work and I might have spent the entire day of working on it for nothing [Music] click so once it's boiling I'm gonna bring it over to the sink drain the next step is to juice the citrus fruits that I've left over and use those as a flavoring Cosmo give me a hand punch and hop up right here you know there's a little step store for you so you can just start throwing the limes at the top right there then this oh now I know I'm ready three yeah I didn't know you have to do all this this thing is like a real high-tech kind of gadget I'm in against two-thirds of a cup I don't know I feel like I'm doing it wrong awesome that was fun thank you for your help let's see where we are I have all of my blanched peel and I have my juices and zest feeling it very organized at least I'm going to get this in a food processor and chop it up into little bits it smells so good I'm adding the lime zest I'm gonna add all the juice that we have and now the equal weight of sugar so 160 grams sugar okay now I'm gonna get this over onto the stove as I cook it the sugar will dissolve they become sweet and translucent and softer I have no idea what's gonna happen I don't know if it's gonna work best-case scenario is I get a very set very firm very delicious paste that I can spread into a layer and it sets and I've like made sour patch kids this is a wild stab in the dark hot-hot let's my nephew boom mmm oh my god but ashes good right like it's bitter but it's a nice bitter sweet tart balance it's very limey good right all right cool all right I'm gonna add to this some of the green apple jelly what a pretty color right who knew this gonna turn into this color I do not it hasn't fully set that you can see even now it's really really thick so I feel good about adding this as just a boost this is already getting very very thick that's one drop of leaf green gel a mint green yeah it's not that far off the texture is like it's rubbery in a good way and I think it's because of that it's gonna set up pretty firm so we have to just wait and see oh just like a lonely chicken hanging out excited to check out the green the green slime it's just like those discrete pieces of Peel so it's a little granular soothing minute toss this in some citric acid a city so sour to sour oh it hurts my teeth oh I'm gonna try cutting this into pieces and then dehydrating the pieces Bragg got a new dehydrator that he told me I could use but he had something in there so I have to make sure is he here what's he even got in there oh he's making fish jerky I didn't want this to be in with the fish it smells we have to get the old one I think Ivy's in here on I guess medium high just where it is now this is like old reliable this dehydrator it served us well and gourmet meats it does its job it's just bulky and clunky while this is dehydrating I want to try I want to try actually the cherry batch that I'm gonna make with the lemon but I'm gonna use a different assembly method where I basically blend it first before I cook it at a server solution to try to get it very very smooth all right it's pretty it's pretty smooth it's obviously much smoother than before so before I did 50 grams of jelly to about 160 grams of the toilet link it matters whatever this is on its way this is to really reduce down I don't know if Lucario is gonna do anything it's not gonna be the same this is cherry flavor that we've used it's not the most natural I'm more concerned by the texture which is still pretty bit see but definitely get cherry lots of good lemon flavor and not really terribly sweet at all this is going going to go into the fridge thank you so everything is sticky and it itself off and what I have left is the Meyer lemon peel the issues so far our taste and texture which is all of them but now I have to address the toughness of the texture so I think I'm going to pressure-cook it in some water to try to soften it to the point where I can really puree it she's gonna go on high [Music] I'm gonna feel these now cut I think that actually worked really well now I want to blend it to get it really smooth very hot so they try not to burn myself looks pretty good I mean it's a puree there's a little texture to it but other thing looks better than before oh no something got in it what is that oh what's happening I also have another idea I know I was talking about how I don't want to do that cooked sugar thing but this texture this is something you get from cooking sugar to a certain candy stage what I might do is add to that like a cook basically cook the corn syrup and combine them and let it set this is nice and thick I like made caramel okay taking this out oh god oh god I need floss okay okay so the sugar got too hot the corn syrup got too hot and then there just isn't a lot of volume in this bowl and so it the paddle was picking up the sugar before it could hit the fruit and start to incorporate but I think more than anything is the temperature issue Oh God okay I want to try this again basically and incorporate a couple of changes to mess it overall as a parting thought let's check on our lime mixture in here Oh a little bit of Bounce do you want to taste this yeah you can just you don't have to eat the whole thing don't ya right it's like sweet bitter sour the textures kind of weird it's like there's lost like little pieces in there I don't know about that math but but yeah thank you I think if this works it's like true innovation and that's exciting but it's also big if I'm proud of my method overall if not the result it's day three two and a half technically you it's really wet it's not really super elastic it just is it's more brittle I do have to work on the texture significantly today the flavor I like so I have to obviously come up with a different method this time last time I finally graded the zest juice them so I'm skipping all that to save time and I'm just going to do the citrus hats whole [Music] here's all my plants citrus when a pressure cook them one at a time so first I'm going to start with the limes I'm gonna go 15 minutes and the pressure cooker on high sorry you know someone needs a step look at this on high okay it's very fluffy just does that work a lot of air into it you can see how smooth it is but there are still some particles in there so I'm gonna force it through a fine-mesh strainer into a saucepan this is called a chinois this is a really useful tool for straining thick mixtures like this should I taste it real quick it tastes really bad it's gross but there's no sugar in it it's like eating a whole lime that you blended so I want to add fresh lime juice because I wanted to have a fresher lime flavor and then I'm going to add sugar cook this down like I did on day 2 I could be spending hours on this and have it not work it's not an ideal while the lime mixture is cooking down I'm going to pressure cook my remaining citrus here's everything I'm gonna just set this aside here is my cook down lime mixture it's very like congealed split pea soup that's good the sweetness helps balance it out a lot going to do the cook sugar and mix it together so the sweetness will increase on day two I cooked only corn syrup I'm going to do a mixture of corn syrup granulated sugar and water this time because that didn't go so well I'm gonna cook it to 260 Fahrenheit so I'm looking it we're close it's okay that's ready all right so I'm weighing out 200 grams actually we're gonna add some of this oh wow oh yeah it doesn't look fully incorporated maybe try adding a tablespoon of corn starch see if that does anything sometimes corn starch is just the answer is the cord search will help absorb some of the moisture honestly I do feel like that looks better I think the corn starch sort of found it and like not emulsified it but just brought it together I'm surprised the mixture doesn't seem to be firming up I expected it to start to harden much faster okay well it looks pretty weird it's not as smooth as I was hoping I'll check back on it in 10 minutes or so just to see what the texture is okay so it didn't I wouldn't say that it's set I would say that it stayed very goo like some help adding hard sugar to a firm mixture it became wetter it seems like I've defied the laws of physics here I really don't get it I didn't really think was gonna work so in some ways it's what I expected but I was hoping that it was gonna work so I am also disappointed so now I don't know gelatin code the gelatin route and see what happens I think I might have to do some research yeah well I think I'm gonna Google so one thing I've found on this website a little bit down the road when I have an actual thing to perform into Sour Patch Kids once you have the cut pieces of in this case paddock we this just soak them and enough Everclear to cover before you roll them in a coating of sugar is that ever clear desiccates the candy forming a leathery skin on its surface that will keep the rolling sugar from turning sticky and syrupy for several hours I guess I wasn't aware that Everclear is the brand of alcohol I just know it's a very high proof they sell basically just grain alcohol which is 190 proof that right Everclear enjoys tremendous brand recognition and a loyal and near cult status following that's the description what are they gonna do like give like tasting notes like the grain alcohol that was the only tip I've really picked up from that let me do a proper test with corn syrup the fruit the fruit juice to get everything to spin and and the apple jelly because I want everything really well incorporated before I start to cook it down so this one I'm going to try lemon instead of water I'll use some that cherry juice and the new plan is put everything in the blender and then cooking I like this plan better all right I'm going to take this over to the stove and once it reduces down I had a thermometer in this mixture it cooked down a lot and then I turned it up then I walked away and then it kind of burned and it also never got up to the right temperature so I think it is a failure let's just see so I want to pour this out of the pot so that I don't scrape any of the offensive burnt pieces with it it does not look good this thing will be soaking for a while Asha is kind of pretty I want to quickly try to whisk in a little bit of food coloring I'm gonna put in just like a drop of cherry flavor do a 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid smells very cherry Oh remember next time not too hot what is it he's burnt what a tingle okay made me feel like I was gonna pass out for her sighs I think there I put I put too much cherry flavor okay maybe that's it I also burned it a little but the bitterness is also that it's whole lemon in there oh that explain it does that make you feel better that makes me feel better but maybe it's gonna be great you know maybe like dust it with sugar stamp it out call it a day call it a day [Music] texture is not right rota help me but I'm afraid that I'm reaching the point where I have to scrap three days of work and start over how are you gonna shape it I'm so far from having decided on how I'm gonna shape it so it's more sugar no no it's not very sweet so bitter and sour sour bitter it tastes like cherry cough medicine kind of doing great though you're definitely on the right track don't show this part dude I just don't think it's gonna work I think that this whole thing is a huge waste of time it's so hard don't whisper I mean I'll do you want to trade can we trade do you want to smell like this it's not that bad well so where are you at right now what's going on I seem discouraged son I have no I have nothing to show you it's just one failed batch after another are you doing wrong I couldn't even tell you oh I'm so sick of eating steak it's so great to have a little fruit there you go you're gonna feel great okay I will try really go in there and fries can we if I try it we'll see what happens okay yeah what we you're oh you're on deep fry I don't really want to do that what's the next one [Music] we're trading places yeah there you go [Music] couple to talk to yourself I'm a lefty juice they're gonna know oil all right ready Oh God Oh God thumbs up okay ready it's hot over there [Music] thank you thank you [Music] I'm feeling like brakes are very important when you hit a road block and it was good to go over there and be a meal for five minutes but then I came back here and I still don't want to do it so it didn't really help the texture is so wrong with pureed citrus it's like maybe that's just not the way to go I think I have to just scrap this plant even though I did spend two days cooking with citrus and try a version I don't know try version of just juice just lemon juice I have limes here already cut I might as well try lime so maybe what I'll do is juice apple jelly sugar corn syrup let's start at 240 and we can always increase okay try to pour this out onto the parchment certainly the texture is smooth and they slide it onto a tray up in the fridge I feel good about that actually all right look at this mixture it's definitely different than before I mean this is the opposite the problem I was having like this has a dramatic sort of pull texture will try pectin I kind of forgotten what that texture of like stretchy sugar is like and it's not what we're going for I'm innocent mineral let's see they goo [Music] no the goo is still goo you said you were about this okay well after nearly a week in the fridge it has not firmed up at all it's still mush I don't act I don't want to look at it this new method using mostly sugar and corn syrup but then also gelatin and pectin in combination it sounds like a generally sound method to me but it does involve drying them and some of the resources I read said you can do that in dehydrator so we'll try that and we're also going to try that grain alcohol idea to really dehydrate the outer coating what's not ideal about this method is that it does rely on flavoring agents like flavoring oils not a more natural fruit derived flavor but it does let me introduce juice so that's that's a bonus Oh Concord okay that could be fun yeah you know a great flavor a sour cherry flavor and then I can do the other the citrus flavors red yellow orange have to get a mixture of sugar and corn syrup into a saucepan this mixture is just sugar and corn syrup and a little water to encourage it to dissolve and that's it then my Petri net gelatin measured out and I want to start hydrating the gelatin in the fruit juice I think I'm going to start flavor-wise with grape so this one this one will go completely solid it's already on its way all right where our 270 I'm just gonna pull this off you we can keep talking this just has to sit here what is this just some cooked sugar oh very good it is happy birthday that's the gift you can give me yes my gosh mytilini have fun happy birthday so I'm adding my citric acid by gelatin mixture jeez and now my food coloring I'm gonna add a little bit of eggplant and a little bit of the other purple so the idea here is that the heat from the sugar syrup is melting the gelatin okay now I'm gonna pour it out onto my parchment you can see it's definitely starting to set up already Oh God okay [Music] I'm very glad I greets this parchment I'm just trying to cut strips approximately whatever this is by whatever this is I can't I can't remember what the sizes were these I'm going to put in the dehydrator I shouldn't see what's happening in here what happened so that happened what happened was they melted because of the gelatin I think we have to put do it cold but put them in front of the fan in the fridge in the walk-in it's all up here maybe if I put it yeah yeah this is a good spot so the other thing that I want to try is I want to see what happens when I put some of this mixture in that grain alcohol that we got so this is Everclear 190 proof grain alcohol it's going to pour a little bit of this and I'm not exactly sure what the chemistry is unclear if it drives it out just on the surface to create kind of like a skin or if it really dries the whole thing out but let's let's try it I don't know the dream of a sour patch Cosmo is going getting further and further away there are certainly no kind of prefab silicone molds that fit the bill we're better off just punching them out look no do you read math man it's huge if you look at overall area yeah this one's bigger but it's not crazy this one is the best one so far this one is maybe perfect it already looks like me a little person I just have to thin out those arms really does little your ghost the only thing left to do is make more of our sugar mixture so I think I'm starting with lemon orange maybe I'll just it's like hockey puck of pectin and so basically I want to bring this up again after I add the gelatin into the saucepan and agility I have a feeling it's not fully dissolving all right citric acid maybe one drop of cherry flavor one goes to super red food coloring that looks pretty good let's look at the cherry such a firmer now so I just popped it out I want to try punching out some of the shapes oh my god it's so bouncy I can't even press this down into it oh there we go let's do that a thousand more times it I made it it's the sour patch penguin oh it's not that bad well what if I hold on I have such a good idea well I just figured something out which is the reason sour patch kids have no arms is because all of these limbs want to stick to themselves and each other really bad so I think if I continue to make these I have to start soaking them immediately in the green alcohol so that the outside dehydrates and then they become less sticky so I'm just gonna go ahead and make a couple extra flavors to have around me to taste this will now go into the fridge well it's still doing that lemon is good this one's good well this is coming down let's go into the walk-in and just check on the ones they're drying okay I'm gonna try they are very chewy they still you know they're still pretty springy but overall I think I think the step of drying it is a good one and maybe I should leave all of these batches in the walk-in with the pan on them overnight thank you all right it's now been several hours in the grain alcohol they're really not sticky at all on the outside so this is a great technique I think for making sure they don't stick together once these three new flavors are set I'll pop them out of the pans I've put them on a sheet tray and get them in the walk-in to really dry out and then tomorrow the plan is to cut them so if them in alcohol I think and then coat them in the citric acid mixture and then we're right and then we're done all right so it's hard to tell if they've really tried out or if they're just really cold they feel very firm more I think the orange more than the others I want to taste the orange the orange one looks really good I think maybe the best one yet and it is doing a little bit more of that whole flavors good it seems like the most successful batch yet the flavor is better and then this is the first one I made the sour cherry you get a nice pull but not like a crazy long stretch I don't think that I would gain anything from making anything over again I'm really happy with these so I want to focus on cutting out shapes you want me this is Cosmo as I can get we did this like weeks ago when I thought I was gonna be better at this so we're going to just take a few liberties and say that this is the shape I don't even like the shape though I'd almost rather do this one and make them really big it's just so much easier to punch out something this size you know I forgot to grease it it's not bad I think it's kind of cute it looks more like a baby all the sour patch kids are just gonna be the larger kind more like this one all right now I'm going to into production mode cutting all the shapes getting them in here - as I cut out each one I want to start soaking them in the grain alcohol because it will prevent them from sticking to each other so while these soak I can at least put together that's our coating so that's one part citric acid let's try two parts sugar know that I think it's good we're gonna go with this I'm just wondering if I should try to flavor the coating for each one I feel like I haven't done my best work so far and maybe this is my only opportunity to to impress alright so I'm gonna make three different flavors of the coating lemon orange and cherry I'm just gonna get everything in the dehydrator in small bits and then once it's dry I'll pulverize it in a spiced friend hopefully nothing bad happens try enough I think I'm just going to add all of the lemon to one here's orange give it a little taste but really so I'm ready to start the coating Oh [Music] these little guys it is an enormous size [Music] do they need double coats well done that was orange anyway okay finally done with all the coating I my three flavors I think they're done and I think they're done because I was told they have to be done because we don't have time to let them dry for a week so Oh Cosmo will love these they're extremely sour not even that sweet on citric acid there in the end I am proud of the relatively clean fruit flavor of each of the colors maybe those are that's like at your own risk it's quite sour the only thing that's left is to have people taste them hopefully they'll be kind and not too harsh yeah they're huge this might be like the resurface I think of the more than that you want to weigh I'm in sea nine point eight grams that's a lot all right let's see what one of the big guys 55.8 it's like you're getting a deal yeah exactly I love a deal now I've had a Linea a cheerio sour yeah it's really sour too much on the coating this is like a little sharper okay like adults hour this feels like good I'll take it big sharks are the flavor of this is fantastic thank you no I did the best I could you really I just wish I'd done better that's how I feel every literally every day oh they're done but they're not good they're very very welcome Oh so to send one home to Cosmo with our sincere apologies tell them that I struggled so hard when it came time to cut them you delivered on her on the more sour but yeah yeah yeah actually not a bad texture I like further to service you do really they have like a gingerbread man oh that was the cutter I used good to make them nice shape nice color great job thanks bro - thank God for rota okay final thoughts trying to keep it positive next time we have to do a gummy candy I do feel like I learned a lot this was just sort of like very repetitive and I wasted kind of three days of time on that weird citrus peel idea so this one was frustrating but now I know more for next time I think Cosmo is really gonna like these because they're so so her and maybe I should have tempered that citric acid coating but I know that I at least have one true fan and then as Cosmo and that's the important things to have pleased the people who already love sour patch kids is great I never want to see them again here's how you make gourmet Sour Patch Kids combine 1 cup sugar 3 tablespoons of water and 3/4 cup corn syrup in a small saucepan and bring to a boil starting to dissolve the sugar stop stirring and clip a candy thermometer to the side and cooked at 290 degrees Fahrenheit meanwhile bloom 50 grams of powdered unflavored gelatin in a half a cup of sour cherry lemon or orange juice then stir in 15 grams of pectin stir this mixture into the sugar syrup along with a pinch of salt then stir in one and a quarter teaspoons of citric acid and the corresponding fruit flavor oil or extract until smooth pour the mixture into a greased parchment lined pan and chill until set punch out shapes using your cutter and soak the cutouts in grain alcohol to dehydrate the surface place on a rack and chill uncovered in the refrigerator until very firm and chewy dehydrate lemon zest orange zest and dried sweet cherries in a dehydrator on high then grind into a powder combined with citric acid and granulated sugar to taste coat the sour patch kids in the correspondingly flavored sour sugar are you ready to try the sour house mom kids yeah this is really good would you say to sour nothing in six hours
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 6,907,597
Rating: 4.9165125 out of 5
Keywords: claire saffitz, pastry chef, sour patch kids, claire makes, claire, gourmet makes, claire bon appetit, claire gourmet makes, sour patch kids recipe, make sour patch kids, making sour patch kids, gourmet sour patch kids, how to sour patch kids, how to make sour patch kids, homemade sour patch kids, clair sour patch kids, claire makes sour patch kids, diy sour patch kids, sour patch kids bon appetit, sour patch kid, sour patch, bon appetit sour patch kids, food, bon appetit
Id: ppi0khS0s_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 22sec (2542 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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