Pastry Chef Attempts to Make Gourmet Starburst | Gourmet Makes | Bon Appétit

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Oof, this one was rough for her. Extremely entertaining to watch, but gosh I felt so bad for her.

👍︎︎ 78 👤︎︎ u/spidersVise 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Forty minutes?? Oh no. . . poor Claire. It's getting to the point when I see these eps pop up that I instinctively feel guilty for what she's about to endure for our enjoyment.

Edit: one minute into the video - "I already hate this one." Oh Claire.

Edit 2: 17 minutes in - "So far nothing makes sense or is working. "

Edit 3: 21 minutes in - "I really don't want to do this anymore."

Edit 4: Cameramen of "Clarie Attempts" and "It's Alive" grow weary of this crap and film each other.

Edit 5: 25:20 minutes in - "Anyone else feel like this episode is going on forever?" Yes, Claire, we do.

Edit 6: 26:55 minutes in - "I'm not going to make this anymore. . . I refuse. . . .I dunno, should I make it one more time tomorrow?"

Edit 7: 30:25 minutes in - "My confidence is super low."

Edit 8: around 31 minutes in - chaos ensues.

Edit 9: 35:25 minutes in, to Brad - "Imagine your feeling of failure and then double it."

Edit 10: 36:10 minutes in - Claire dissolves in hysterical laughter.

Edit 11: 37 minutes in - "I would rather temper chocolate than do this again.' Holy shit.

Edit 12: 38:07 minutes in - "I don't feel anything right now."

Are you happy, BA? You finally truly broke Claire.

That was a hell of a rollercoaster ride.

👍︎︎ 58 👤︎︎ u/ThisDerpForSale 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Watching this video, somehow it just dawned on me their office is at the World Trade Center.

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/LouBrown 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

“You donut even know” - Claire 2019

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/pretender230 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

Isn't Gourmet Makes usually posted once a month? That's a pretty quick turnaround from the Twix one.

ETA: a word.

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/maculae 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

This might have broken Clare, honestly I have no clue what she could have done better. The segements with everyone mixing were great and yikes, give her something easy like hot pockets next time

👍︎︎ 31 👤︎︎ u/ShadowRaptor675 📅︎︎ Jun 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

I love BA and Claire but it would be less entertaining if she aced every single Gourmet Makes challenge. I think a little occasional failure is good now and again and ultimately makes for better programming.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/VodkaSodaOrangeWedge 📅︎︎ Jun 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

I really wanna see that taffy making video she was watching in the beginning but I cannot find it. It made me lose my shit like holy fuck, someone help please.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/pharisem 📅︎︎ Jun 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

Don't want to see her make candy anymore.... She's a pastry chef, and I don't wanna see her get so fatigued she stops trying (made me a bit sad when she's like "I'm not doing it again").

Not that she doesn't have the right to give up, it's just that she is obviously a high achiever with good work ethics, and I could see this series grinding that away with stuff that she doesn't want to do to begin with.

It's another story if she's trying to BAKE something finicky and it doesn't turn out, coz she actually knows what she might be doing wrong and likes baking.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/bleufeline 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
is it truly hot I'm burning my fingers with every stretch you don't see me complaining there's so many versions I'm so confused everyone I'm Claire we're in the big Test Kitchen and today I'm making gourmet starburst starbursts are one of those candies it falls into the category that most candy Falls to do for me which is I'll eat it if it's in front of me but I'm not gonna seek it out or buy it really I prefer in particular the pink and red ones I do think everyone thinks that pink is the best let's look at one so in the original it's cherry orange strawberry lemon so pink is strawberry red is cherry and then the other ones are the other ones there are summer splash flavors of starburst gummies all right I'm gonna try pink but I don't think pink is as good as I thought I'm here yo can I have a bite oh my god the complexity gonna have to get some such a guy I already hate this one it's gonna be so hard what's garbage and it's gonna be pointless the other thing I'm looking forward to is making the wrappers yeah I think you need to keep the texture like not sticky not sticky you don't want it to like pull your fillings out like a now and later and you don't want it to like just kind of dissolve look at me right right these are the only colors that there are so it's in the original yeah yeah only four I mean obviously pink you're making pink I think you have to make all of them I think it's how it works so juicy well exactly it's or is that my decide your own spit is it yeah for sure so you have to make it so freakin delicious yeah that your mouth salivate yes Wow well that's gonna be obviously a challenge well maybe you can just rely on it being like a Pavlovian response because it wasn't about the dog salivating I don't at the sound of the Bell Pavlov's dog if I can make something that's close enough to a starburst maybe people just react like it's a stirrer yes and then that'll happen yeah I do appreciate how each one is so carefully individually wrapped it's like wrapping presents like Hospital corners I really do like that I'm an excellent gift wrapper two centimeters two centimeters that was really easy it's very very firm you know you can kind of stretch and flatten it it doesn't pull like the way that caramel does where you get like a big long thread it kind of starts to tear apart I would be shocked if the first two ingredients are not sugar and corn syrup there might be gelatin in it but that this is a cooked sugar thing where it's cooked to one of the candy stages hold so you get something this chewy and then flavorings are added to it so the only thing I can really think of as a reference point is like a taffy I'm fairly certain that that's the direction I need to take and then it's really gonna be about figuring out how how much do you cook the sugar so that I get this proper texture where it's firm that's still malleable and then figuring out flavorings so favorite I'm reading the ingredients in the shaft aid nobody the first ingredients corn syrup and then sugar nailed it corn syrup sugar hydrogenated palm kernel oil grape juice from concentrate Presidency's apple lemon strawberry orange cherry less than 2% the joy gas extra gelatin food starch modified natural and artificial flavors korvac acid parenthesis vitamin C coloring bread the C red forty yellow file of six Lou one reading the ingredient list kind of confirms the direction I was thinking which is that it's sort of a taffy like preparation I'm gonna go over to the computer and see if I can find any YouTube videos of starburst factory or anything starburst like and just a little bit of reading okay here's the Wikipedia no originally known as opal fruits is the brand of a box shaped fruit flavor it's soft taffy candy there you go oh my god that told me very little basically nothing I couldn't find anything about like inside the factory making it even even taffy I have to go home basically maybe do a little more research than some of my books at home and I have to think about flavorings I have a good sense of where to start I think it's gonna be a lot about fine-tuning and flavor so today it's day two of starburst I didn't get too far yesterday research wasn't terribly helpful but I think based on ingredients and the very small amount information I found we're gonna go to like a taffy place for this and kind of a pulled sugar mixture it's like weirdly hard to find taffy recipes and I did forget to look at my confectionery books last night you pretty much just went to sleep so made no progress League today I'll kind of focus on just the taffy mixture and the sugar and temperature and pulling it and then once I feel good about that then worry about flavor I'm just gonna go over to Gabi's computer cuz I have to look up a recipe there what I did find something on chefsteps which is kind of a cool website so I might go to that and print it out and use it as a jumping-off point it doesn't seem like genie but dance I hear 262 Fahrenheit it's just like skittles committee exact same thing that was definitely cheating I feel like that was cheating I can't just do what they do but then if that's the answer isn't it stupid just to not do that so I kind of guessed I just worked out some proportions of ingredients that seemed right I'm just gonna kind of gather those ingredients and start basically messing around so the basic plan is I'm going to cook together in a saucepan cornstarch sugar water coconut oil corn syrup and a pinch of salt oh whoa geez mix in Belton that I've softened in the dissolved maybe too much liquid in the gelatin oh wait a minute I just realized something I just remember something which is that when you're using gelatin sheets you drain them Greenup them I just had it all that water oops I think I just ruined it I think that I'd be up there porting all that water and now it's just gonna be ill never I'm stupid I play Brad reading well start over I also the smell of the fish I mean can the Andy put that in the walk-in or something anyone else distracted by the smell of fish in the whole kitchen so I have to do the exact same thing I did before still soften the gelatin but then drain it before I melt it all right shut up all right so I think I'm at the polling phase where I can start to Kathy pull my goodness what I love it thank you god I can't wait to share shouldn't use it this polling process it incorporates air and so it softens the texture and makes it sort of fluffy it's like a good exercise it's a little bit about I know those arms those mechanical arms we can make one on the mixer I think it's done I don't really know why I think that I think it's just kind of firmed up enough that I don't really want to keep stretching it oh God this has no flavor I didn't add any of the extracts or citric acid this is just a test for texture so let me get into a synthetically lots of Pam I don't know I think it like feels weirdly on the right track to get it covered and I'm just gonna let it set for a bit every room temp so I have an idea of how firm that sugars gonna get this hasn't set up a whole lot it's still pretty soft the service is much firmer see how this has a nice pull the starburst isn't when you do that stretch it just kind of breaks that's such a weird texture it's very kind of almost marshmallowy so now I'm gonna make that same taffy mixture one more time adding just an extra tablespoon of cornstarch and then cooking it hotter overall so I'm gonna take it to 275 Fahrenheit and hopefully that will give me the firmer texture that I want [Music] [Applause] who wants to be my my hook oh wait a minute wait a minute again do me a favor can you grab that actual dough hook from there plugging in in to that but because I cooked it hotter I think it's gonna start to set harder faster so I won't I don't think it's gonna be quite as much of this stretching so I actually should probably work with me Rajini a real quick favor can you spritz this dough hook little Pam yeah alright so there you go way to use your noodle thanks this is so much easier I just had it out about experience I was like I'm at work right now and this is happening all right I'm gonna pull it off the hook oh my god this part I think that this is noticeably much firmer than that first round which is good this is feeling very very promising I think I have high hopes for this test so I want to put this off to the side and then I'm gonna pivot to the fruit juice concentrates let's see what we have in here oh this is oh look wait a minute I forgot that row to order this like high quality strawberry extract when we did Twizzlers solves that problem cherry flavor you're a lemon extract orange extract all right what a great surprise so that's actually all of our flavors I want to think about now color because I weirdly kind of have the flavors figured out that was a good stroke of luck with these guys hold on does that not say real fruit juice it does right I guess I'm wondering should we be adding fruit juice we have oranges you might have some frozen cherries which I could thaw and juice but make like a juice concentrate and then so the concentrates will at least give a little bit of color I think we won't find any fresh cherry this time of year Jesus Christ it's been a while so I had red behind me during one of these episodes it's very distracting let's see if we have oranges maybe some more news and lemons I think the thing to do is to make the juice concentrate and mixing with extracts the all one mixture so that I'm adding color and flavor at the same time by frozen berries I'm going to cook down the berries [Music] and then just keeps the citrus and use the Judaizers amp up the yellow tone of the lemon juice so I'm gonna try to add in a pinch of saffron the idea is that these fruit juices will replace the half cup of water that I've been using in the taffy mixture to fortify the flavors of the juice I'm going to add the extracts in the orange half teaspoon of extract half teaspoon citric acid same thing in the lemon I don't think I'm gonna add citric acid to this because lemon is already so tart okay does not need such aggressive to the strawberry then cherry cherry good now I think the next step and probably final step for today is doing another test batch of taffy with one of these juices and just kind of seeing what happens what the result is and then I want to take a look at the last batch of taffy to see how it started kind of setup so this is that second batch of tacky and I cooked hotter it's still like weirdly soft I want to compare to the first batch the first batch is firmed up quite a bit and it's no firmer than the second batch all right lesson learned this needs to set up for a long time this might be like a come back the next morning and double-check so it needs a good long rest okay so I'm going to keep a temperature of the same 275 otherwise I'm afraid of the getting too hard and I'm gonna make everything again the exact same way except I'm starting out by testing the cherry flavor ready watching are you entertained pretend I'm not here okay I'm behind the scenes creative I love it [Music] from its 447 on a Friday at no energy you always gonna smile with your eyes oh my god and just carry us through this fourth quarter oh so I'm gonna start to pull the taffy and I'm wondering if I can even some greasing the hook I'm wondering if I can let the hook do even more of the work by having it spin a little I don't know we're gonna see okay how do I do it I think it's not helping I'm just gonna keep going core is looking like a super unappealing shade of mauve it's nobody's favorite color you know what that looks like there you go chicken lover oh my god no it's a fire with a fire retardant stuff they go around pipes and stuff it looks just like we don't have the same frames of reference I thought that the colour can come from berry juice what I'm treading enough tart cherry juice extract alright next rack concentrate can you buy that yeah Whole Foods has it oh all right it is red flavors not bad alright that's good you're close you eyes your turn really the texture is like sidewalk up hey Donna run great work alright alright enjoy your concert I'll be here yeah mask cowboy have fun you're dismissed texture is terrible he was right the flavor not bad truly it definitely is that cherry has good tartness I mean it's a good starting place I think maybe more just more citric acid more of the flavoring I have basically three different temperatures that I can compare side by side when we come back for day 3 and then all I do is work on flavor cutting the starburst wrapping them in some wax paper and that's it it's day three but it's been like nine days since day two and I'd forgotten everything that we've done I think the biggest question was like what is the final text you're gonna be and in terms of the set I don't know that I'll get a clear answer because they've been sitting for so long so another one at 270 feels softer than the one that I cooked at 260 it's gonna yeah I don't really want that stretch I want it to tear a little bit more she seems like a much worse version of starburst this one is almost like chalky all right I'm confused about why this one is so soft if I cooked it hotter so far nothing makes sensor is working I want to go back to that original taffy formula and maybe you have to make some adjustments so in the recipe they say to add less than one gram total of like liquid - taffy once it's cooked so I may not be able to really incorporate probably any fresh fruit juice and I have to rely almost entirely on the oils for the flavors plus some artificial food coloring maybe I want to pull the taffy less to get something firmer and then I'm going to try to get all my ingredients together and then go cook another batch [Music] [Laughter] it's pretty firm all right the color is pretty great if I were making strawberry I'm not all right that felt good it's definitely the closest it's been it has a good chew okay so it's doing a lot of this oh good that's not what we want so I'm like I think I'm gonna cut back on gelatin maybe by half and see what happens like I'm gonna try a citrus next okay tastes lemony it's good I compared to the actual lemon what do they do to these they think I'm so good you know starburst really tastes a lot better I think for the lemon I'm gonna go up on the extract up on the citric acid a little bit because I want it a little bit more tart also I am now just really experiencing how different the textures are what if it's cooked way hotter and pulled more so it's pretty hard maybe a little too sour it has the texture of remember now and laters we'll pull fillings out of your teeth keep watching no I'm getting firm but sticky don't blame me if you have to get dental work look make sure it's nothing oh my god labor like it was great yeah delicious Romans the easiest flavor this to me is now only an hour later now later would just like be you just yeah not break down yeah I don't know how do I get through the add more cornstarch more fat but the cat's gonna make it soft yeah they don't know I don't even know else to do well then call it a day and get some rest you know you need some inspiration go go run I'm gonna do sure that guys Brett said we can stop so cut but it's so hard I don't understand really don't wanna do this anymore should I try orange this time let's try Orange that was a really a question I want to try one more round still making some changes no gelatin more cornstarch more fat and that's to try to get that texture that tears apart rather than stretches it's hot Oh a stupid show it's not worth it I think I basically made candy canes oh my god so what happened was I made orange flavor hard candy so obviously the gelatin is somewhat important I think the answer is cornstarch I think more cornstarch and more maybe the same amount of fat maybe but maybe the fat is fine I don't know that's that's as much as I got but flavor-wise like at least I'm getting a little bit of the flavor figured out we're just pretty good so tomorrow I hope to do a test in the morning and get the texture right and then just make four batches each one a flavor get them into the loaf pans lumps that cut them out and then I hopefully that'll be it no wait day three as many as it takes today I want to do hopefully one final test batch of taffy doing it strawberry flavored and this is a version with even less gelatin more coconut oil more cornstarch Oh want to look at the texture which I fear is not quite right too hard no I literally might bring it juice I reminded myself yesterday when I reread the ingredients that that though like what is a hydrogenated palm kernel oil is that the fat is a third ingredient so there must be a decent amount of fat in the starburst so I think I'm gonna increase the cornstarch and the coconut oil each another tablespoon add in more gelatin and after that I'm done I'm not doing that I'm not doing any more changes it's just gonna be it is what it is okay I really think I'm not gonna like tweak it after this so it'll be fine we're gonna fake it take him until it gets to be day four and then I'm not doing it anymore whatever you did do more but this is it oh well then you nailed it thank you Cherry's down three more to go I think I'm going to go on to strawberry I'm listening about talking about me that's life what did you do we're simultaneously shooting it's alive and I'm I'm it I'm I guess not the technique just leave it you're done just yeah just leave it it's fine No I think you should be the new model because you can shoot twice the video yeah it's not really soft we'll see maybe this one has to get remade I'm gonna move on to lemon and orange [Music] they're really getting a lot harder than I was expecting what am I doing wrong am i doing something different than before all right I'm just gonna keep going and finish orange Mazel failed with all of them pretty firm a couple of I just made all these things now they're all wrong you know I could I could Jesus Christ I'm not having a lot of success with rolling so I'm trying to stretch it by hand to flatten it out and get it into a thinner layer I also feel like this episode is going on forever it's been so many days you guys it's not that bad I need one I'm really proud of it didn't even tell maybe I'll just serve them warm and then they'll be like a little softer and then their gourmet coz that are very hard firewood problem oh these are yours they warm up give it a give it like 30 seconds keep her in just 30 seconds it gets better warm up Ohio what's true late was awesome sorry you know you nailed now I know one of those get a bowl for now that sounds like a fixing impose yeah yeah and just you know big they got technology every time you say star a star for a second only I know what I would do differently though hmm Kelly just more coal oil more fat it softens up much more I'm free yeah embrace the stretch Jane yeah well I'm think I'm close I don't think that's nails it but I'm also not gonna make this anymore I refuse I don't know show me got one more time tomorrow yeah can I only make one flavor though I wait I have a really good idea I have such a good idea why didn't I do this because I'm a prisoner of my own brain I'm sure I can one more time tomorrow so tomorrow I'm going to try maybe one final batch where I double the volume that I've been working with divide it between for mixing bowls each with its own flavor in color I try to get some friends to come help me with the pulling part so I don't have to do the like for all in a row which is very time-consuming really annoying I need to ask the road for a favor I need everyone together I need a phone a friend I need three of you we're gonna be right here that's what I'm asking get all the sand mixers in a row but I need everyone to simultaneously pull the taffy I'm shooting a video together to our motives okay dad go because what do you have here oh nothing I am nerve damage okay yeah Christy technique like five minutes I wasn't well you're you're about to be yeah just gonna sit here while the cameras off and just cut little squares of paper and wrap everything just because it feels good actually love wrapping presents this is kind of fun [Music] tomorrow I still think I should do another test batch I think I need to do another test batch to at least just to weigh out like how much sugar and everything so tomorrow I'll come in make a quick test batch then hopefully I don't want to say it never mind we have a new game plan the first thing I want to do is that quick test batch ready turns out the key to getting your mouth to water when you eat something is citric acid because they really have that effect [Music] well the color looks great I'll say that so I changed two things want to change temperature to I changed the proportion of coconut oil so it seems like the amount of coconut oil was enough to like significantly soften the texture and then you add in the lower sugar temperature and the whole thing seems too soft I'm gonna start getting together all my ingredients and my setup for all four by the time it's I'm ready to start I can come back and see if this has set anymore and I can make the determination then about what temperature I'm going to take the sugar to my confidence is super low I just need it to be good enough it seems to be fine okay just everyone stay close and do what I say except for you Chris you can do it everyone you're my favorite this is my favorite this feels appropriate for what's happening today and right there okay here's the game plan everyone pick a station one batch of sugar getting divided into four batches of taffy each a different color and flavor they don't have any questions what happens if we fail there's just gonna be one fewer flavor of starbursts all right everyone not like your gelatin oh my god whoa whoa whoa whoa everyone back uses a little clearance oh my god oh wait I overshot it wait what is happening with all of yours [Music] can you grab me the yellow Chris what's happening over there because now we need eight peoples we need for people to counter wave all right Veronica with yours able to incorporate Chris what's happening oh my god it's too hot and hot Molly what's happening okay I think you're ready to press it into the into the pan no but do it but do it anyway I feel like I'm down day yeah Chris look a ladle I'll never figure that as long as I live [Music] how do everyone feel about their badge you're great I'm actually sweating a lot I feel like that all the time with the core maybe it's what you guys to know considering how hectic that got and I kind of blacked out the colors look decent even though I wasn't really paying attention here we go let me know let me set I'm gonna go get a cold drink of water and sit down and like having [Music] things really firmed up already feels good all right it feels good it's definitely more flexible than yesterday I've high hopes actually this was Chris I'm sure to pull it apart see what happens okay oh good I probably would lie if it weren't true but I do think it's the best one yet it's soft enough to immediately chew like a starburst and it doesn't do that like super long stretch thing there's definitely like a mouthwatering effect this is definitely the best it's been so far pink looks a little crazy alright but elite fool pink is hard candy that's a bummer who yellows a little soft oh so sticky it sucks poor orange a little hard a little hard crack never quite right this one well let's say I only make red is that okay oh that's a starburst right actually they're less for me than the originals because ours don't have fresh fruit juice and there's do ya worth version of yes and attempts and I didn't even really do it we're calling it I'm done mmm that's good is there a rapping situation yeah we're gonna do that at least I can sit there in silence I'm moving into the craft portion of this show now what's happening bread imagine your feeling of failure right now and then double it because that's what I'm going through like the center's acting like you don't even know I don't know I don't you you didn't even get my pun but that was that but you're gonna find a friend doesn't even care you don't uh know don't even know I get it here you the first time she's cracking up we're broken Thank You Gabi Gabi got it all done nothing else is going to change facts it really you're you're bullshitting me as it warms up a little yeah the Texas House to come through yeah starts to get a little too year yeah flavors awesome this one was hard this one was hard I hate starbursts I would rather temper chocolate didn't do this again I don't blame you at this point I can't take my chocolate like all day long just let it warm up a little bit oh really Molly you bet you've been cut out of the video Larry the only one that turned out I knew it was cookie your positive attitude look at that's right that's awesome thank you come on you bite a piece off Chris takes the smallest nibbles I've ever seen that's not from a from a human being very interesting legs by aha they starters I think that's all we need to focus on here you know Chris your positive attitude is incredible thank you I don't feel anything right now and big smiles no I'm not I'm not smiling nope [Music] okay alright here's how you make it's not gourmet okay wine all right here's how you make a gourmet starburst Greeson line for standard loaf pans with refined coconut oil and parchment paper fine 100 grams sugar of 100 grams light corn syrup and 35 grams water in a small saucepan in a separate bowl combine quarter cup refined coconut oil 1 tablespoon cornstarch a pinch of kosher salt and 1 teaspoon citric acid in another small bowl softened half a sheet of 140 bloom bronze gelatin in cold water for about 10 minutes drain and wring out the gelatin then melt in a small saucepan set aside cook the sugar mixture to 300 Fahrenheit swirling then immediately pour into a medium bowl scraping the coconut oil mixture and melted gelatin then add either 3/8 teaspoon cherry or strawberry flavor oil or 3/4 teaspoon citrus extract plus food coloring of the corresponding color makes for the hand mixer on low to combine then increase speed and beat on high until you get a slowly dissolving ribbon transfer mixer to a sheet of greased parchment and let's sit until cool enough to handle begin to stretch the mixture with gloved greased hands using a hook to help you until it's lightened and color firm and nearly room temperature press into a prepared loaf pan and repeat process with the other flavors let the taffy set for several hours before cutting into squares and wrapping individually what really I thought something horrible happened no that's like sometimes I just like to make a noise
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 9,024,516
Rating: 4.9163542 out of 5
Keywords: pastry chef, starburst, gourmet makes, starbursts, gourmet starbursts, claire saffitz, claire bon appetit, claire makes, claire makes starbursts, gourmet recipe, how to make starbursts, starbursts recipe, homemade starbursts, claire gourmet starbursts, starbursts bon appetit, bon appetit starbursts, making starbursts, gourmet starburst, starburst recipe, how to make starburst, claire starbursts, claire starburst, make starbursts, food, bon appetit
Id: xmRaWhae5e8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 9sec (2409 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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