Pastry Chef Attempts to Make Gourmet Milky Way Bars | Gourmet Makes | Bon Appétit

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That sad music when Brad can't do anything made me snuff my ramen through my nose.

👍︎︎ 107 👤︎︎ u/Lori_babi 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Two comments off the bat:

  1. I kind of wish that they would play up the "gourmet" angle a little more sometimes. She could try different shapes, flavors, etc. But mostly it's "pastry chef recreates ____." I don't know, small complaint.

  2. I love how that the BA test kitchen isn't too snobbish about food. Claire loves Oreos, for example. They don't do the "why do people eat this GARBAGE?" stuff that annoys me. They say when things are tasty or high quality, like Claire immediately knows recreating nougat that fluffy is going to be a challenge.

👍︎︎ 88 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Repeat story time with Brad Leone is a treat

👍︎︎ 67 👤︎︎ u/Semper-Fido 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Claire actively knowing brad will distract her, then it cutting to brad asking random questions unrelated to GM

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/maxmortal 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2019 🗫︎ replies
  • Temper that chocolate
  • Even though you don't care

Aw, character development.

Also, the return of Chris Morocco the Tempering Heel!

Also, the amount of sass Claire throws here is... Pretty up high. The highest? Maybe not, but between Brad and Chris, it's up there. I love.

Also also aw Gaby.

The scene near the end where the sun shines golden as Claire pulls her creation apart is... Strangely beautiful.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/Font-street 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Molly doesn't like chocolate. Who doesn't like chocolate, Molly?! ¯\ಠ_ಠ/¯

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/billerr 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Totally off topic, but I adore Claire’s earring collection.

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/Upset_chin_lady 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Brad: "I don't make kombucha anymore."

Why do I feel weirdly betrayed?

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/podappetitpodcast 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Chris and the tempered chocolate/wwe heel bit had me dying!

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/sami_salos_left_nut 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2019 🗫︎ replies
any tips have a positive attitude never works yeah it doesn't having terrible attitude and opener to complain a lot complain as much as you can that's how my process so that's the thing what's the secret ingredient oh just generally wine ad yeah yeah it makes me feel better oh god sorry apologize for the Victor everyone I'm Claire we're in the VA Test Kitchen and today I'm making gourmet Milky Way's Milky Way's Milky Way they're like floral love a lot of candy is confusing I know Milky Way has that like really fluffy nougat it's been a while since I've had one but you sometimes and you're welcome to like a doctor's office and they have like the little minis I wouldn't turn one down but I know it's nougat and caramel and chocolate this says rich chocolate chewy caramel smooth nougat I think after having done Snickers and Twix with those under my belt I think this seems that hard I think the hardest part will be the texture of the nougat and getting something so fluffy but in terms of construction I think I think I'll be okay I love the branding I have to say excellent branding love the logo no font well I didn't they call it Milky Way I love I love a good candy bar it's so pleasing in like the shape and dimensions so it's got the little stripes on top the textured base from the conveyor belt the caramel pole is impressive but I also remember feeling like I kind of nailed the caramel on Snickers so I'm just gonna do the same thing I did for that uh I'll probably spend 90% of this episode working on that nougat it is unnaturally fluffy where did you rank Milky Way and the Halloween candy hierarchy I feel like it's in the middle it's like the most middle yeah yeah totally like I'd never be upset with it right right high and I wished it was something else totally you know I mean like I remember it yeah I'm gonna try I have a chart yet thoughts comments concerns my first comment is my comment about every single candy but I loved as a kid which is it's like a toothache eating sweet yeah other than that was delicious it's very good it's the texture of it I know I know I'm what is that I think it's going to be virtually impossible yeah I didn't get for Snickers but that kind of was like the of all the components the part that turned out the least good already oh I didn't forget Molly you want a taste or no yeah no yeah how do you feel about Milky Way but altogether don't you think it creates something that's sort of pleasing no okay Chris not a fan this particular yeah Abby's temper yeah yeah yeah well I just wanted to say that I think I'm at the point in gourmet makes well I don't even care about temporary chocolate anymore I'll do it or I won't do it but it's like either way it's fine with me it's here one of your favorites Chris and I do not always see eye to eye yeah yeah that's impressive this is what you need to get yeah so fluffy I don't understand is gonna bring chewy yeah like candy yeah yeah yeah so I don't really know okay I'm gonna take your closer look and kind of kick them apart although there's not a whole lot going on here but I'll just do some quick measurements so of the full-size Milky Way the length is about nine and a half centimeters the height is about two centimeters and the width is about three and then for the mini it's definitely not as tall it's really one inch by like 7/8 and the height is about a half inch I realized that I just went from centimeters to inches but that's just cuz it was more round numbers and inches I'll trade you Milky Way for that cauliflower wow it is a very pleasing cross-section it's actually pretty impressive from like a engineering standpoint in the interior it's like I would say 3/5 nougat 2/5 caramel and the nougat you start to really see the fluffiness of the texture it's just so Airy it's like silly putty it's no good the caramel is also strike impressively adhered to the nougat so here's the nougat layer it doesn't have a stretch at all it just breaks apart it really does not have a lot of flavor on its own similar to Snickers one of the ways to improve is to give the caramel a lot more flavor here's what I think will happen I will make something that resembles a milky way but is more maybe feels like its own thing rather than a faithful replication of the original which is maybe okay you know not every form a makes is the same in that way so that's my guess all right time for a beer apart reading the ingredients milk chocolate this is sugar cocoa butter and milk chocolate lactose okay less it than artificial flavors let's parentheses corn syrup sugar vegetable oil Brenda sees hydrogen kernel oil and or low spread the seeds gimel less than 2% or cocoa powder Isis with alkali barley malt extract o salt egg white chocolate artificial flavor not that bad so cocoa powder which to me says that might I might indicate that it's in the nougat and then barley malt extract I want to look that up because I'm not sure what that does I'd really like to see some videos about this nougat part hi Brad hola I always read the Wikipedia there are two variants the global Milky Way bar which oh my god which was told as three musketeers in the US and the US version which is sold as the Mars bar elsewhere I had no idea that that was the case so this is interesting the name and taste arrived from a then popular malted drink malted milk drink of the day not after the astronomical galaxy fascinating I'm happy to hear that its malted because I love malted milk powder and I'm excited to use that [Music] Oh Brad you're directing you're not helping number one oh my god they have it thank God no this electic chocolate bar spraying from a popular drink right here first up malt flavoring mixes with egg whites and corn syrup check this out yeah Brad where you been about two hours ago what's it meetings in something a mr. whips to do get into shape it's a mega mixer we don't have that mean well okay sorry all right well I mustn't learned that the nougat should be firm enough that it can be formed in a slab and then cut and same with the caramel okay so for the homemade version I think I'm gonna start with the nougat and once I do the nougat the only other steps are the caramel what you think I'm a pretty good grip on and tempering the chocolate and putting them together so it's kind of a three part challenge I'm want to look back at my nougat technique from Snickers and to that I will add cocoa powder and malted milk powder which were in the middle of sourcing I hope I've ever written down somewhere that recipe written down somewhere so I'm looking for Snickers I wouldn't call them recipes but I have the descriptions of how I make everything most of them in this one Google Doc but don't ask I don't know if it's a good idea to actually use this nougat rest of me because I forgot that it was peanut nougat and I had honey in it so don't really do this I had such weird quantities the nougat wasn't really very good and the Snickers alright well let me at least gather my ingredients while I think about this dad can you hand me the butter that's in that fridge down there I was not looking up in time don't try to make me have fun okay oh and eggs but don't please don't throw those no dad blowing my reflexes are dulled very tired I just changed a lot about it but I am using this Snickers nougat as a base so I'm doing a corn syrup sugar mixture in the saucepan my egg whites will go in here and then I within butter at the end I guess I should do a little cocoa powder as well according to this recipe I want to cook this sugar mixture to 280 Fahrenheit so this is almost at 280 and about 5 degrees shy so all this is continuing to rise I want to come over here back to the mixer and turn this on and throw a pinch of salt in it so I'm gonna take this over to the mixer now I'm gonna stream it down the side of the bowl we've got it gets a little hot so I'm gonna let this whip until it's room temperature at which point I will add my butter and cocoa powder and while this is beating let me just microwave the butter briefly silicon so cold otherwise it won't incorporate into the nougat maybe I need some kombucha Brad have any bread you got any kombucha I'm sorry what I love that thank you I need that this is lovely okay I'm gonna add the butter now oh my god I love Billy yeah oh my god like a three musketeer in the freezer oh I'm making Milky Way karma no I know I just why didn't you get this excited before I don't know if I had the opportunity to oh well welcome do you wanna try one no okay how do you rank Halloween candy I really like butter cop Reese's humor we're on the same page about candy my sister is also show up and take your candy I want you to keep telling this story but this is not working Wow let me just spread the new get onto this parchment paper but I think that it's basically never gonna set I don't know I did something wrong the proportions are off with a temperatures off Wow well no we look at what you decided I said look at the colors the color is kind of the same clothes close enough but the trick is gonna be the texture I know that's gonna be the hard part oh it's almost like it tastes really good there's it mm-hmm yeah but that's what it is for me okay I don't know what you want for me I think it's pretty good all right so what's the game plan should I make it again that's it so I'm gonna make the nougat again and I'm gonna do a brad and I discussed so cook the sugar hotter less butter oh yeah more chocolate hi this looks better than before I think less soupy does this look thicker than before it does right Wow tastes good just kind of tastes like the inside of a milky way the main question is if it sets I'll check it in five minutes or so this nougat is more set than the last version so it's headed in the right direction but it's still really soft and still a little bit sticky so I think I'll just keep making those changes maybe a little bit more sugar maybe cook a little bit hotter and see where that gets me and now we also have some malted milk powder so I want to add that flavor in just to see how that balances with everything else can you pour it in too fast and there's like a hunk of sugar in there take a look at what's happening just like a huge hunk of hot sugar I hate when that happens and it's like the whole batch is like wasted now I'm adding the cocoa and logical powder I mean a huge amount of sugar didn't make its way into this mixture so it's not really gonna set I think the texture looks similar to the second batch but there was a lot of sugar that didn't get worked in so maybe it was gonna be perfect but then I screwed it up I'm just gonna try one more version more sugar more corn syrup that's it [Music] you can add it a little bit at a time fixer is dying for our eyes faster well this is a very thick nougat all right I think we're done I don't think that this mixer can take a lot more of this I would say that this is a much stiffer nougat that's good that's what I was going for yeah this is I mean it's much firmer oh say I'm gonna taste good thank raised looking one thing about that knew that in the milky way is that it doesn't really do well I guess this is really doing it doesn't have much of a stretch like this it just kind of pulls apart so stuff is so sticky I'm gonna cover the top of this with a greased piece of parchment so I can press down and try to get it into an even layer before it fully sets we'll come back tomorrow so I want to check how that said overnight I feel like I'm I think I got this I think I'm gonna make it today I want to cut off a piece and taste it ooh I was very airy it has a really nice texture you guys I think I think I did it I think this is it you guys it's really good and light I want you to try it I hate a corner it's a huh yummy good it's so light and airy Chris and Gabi wouldn't lie but I think I will try one more version where I add a little bit more cocoa a little bit more malted milk powder I think I want to make it the way that they make it in the Milky Way Factory which is put together the nougat and the caramel and a slab and cut it into bars and then coat it in chocolate I really would like to get it into a single slab filling the whole area of the quarter sheet just to make it easy to form then my idea is to make the caramel and pour the caramel same thing evenly over the slab chill it cut it in Rove it go home okay good how are you have spirits better okay good sleep no oh I'm exhausted I just in the last 15-20 minutes lining this quarter sheet tray very carefully with parchment paper and I also brought in the big gun mixer because the only mixer was struggling a little bit yesterday that they have a mega mixer that has something 800 pins or something that whips it I'm not feeling too confident about that step and I'm doing a slightly larger volume of mucus we're actually gonna double the cocoa and I'm also going to double you met a malted milk powder oh my god you guys this is really bad this is a disaster it's not gonna work oh you guys that sugar blob thing happened I got distracted and I wasn't paying attention to the sugar and it's spiked and then I panicked and then I poured it in too fast and then I had this happened so I just need you the sugar solution in the egg whites again I know what you're thinking I don't appreciate it it's not a curse and a very very slowly pour the width is a lot closer to the bowl so I've to pour really really carefully wow it is literally flinging hot sugar at me and my arms are getting tired I put them gripping this pot really in a weird way and very tightly and here it's struggling a little bit I don't think it's flowing down though oh no it's not this isn't like it's incorporating Jen this is gonna be one of those times where I get really mad at you if I screw it up and then you ask me to explain how I screwed it up might not be good but it might be fine I just think that it seems like a much lower volume than I had yesterday even though I increased the volume of the ingredients which is strange the dimensions of this mixer are really not well suited for nougat this is wrong seems wrong I don't know what's happening there's no way that this is the same amount of volume that's more than this this is definitely less not right I can't tell if it's right or wrong all right I think the thickness looks good I just taste it a little bit the flavor is good if this sets into the texture that is similar to this I can work with this I feel good about it it just didn't quite do that thing that I wanted it to do where I can just fill the entire pan I'm gonna make the caramel now and I'm using the exact same caramel from the Snickers episode because I remember really liking the way that that caramel did that stretch but I'm just gonna follow the recipe as I wrote it oh I need a door you ever do that thing we put in the door I'll show you my grandma taught me this trick oh wait we did it wrong wait I did it run this is a bad dog see now it's gonna work the other way oh yeah yeah that's embarrassing all right okay [Music] all right so I'm slitting a vanilla bean truly the fattest juiciest vanilla bean I've ever used so I'm gonna let this cool and I'll come back and check it in a little while I also want to check how the latest version of nougat is setting and then I'll combine them it's all separated it's like the butter the dairy fat has has separated and the emulsion is broke I think the pot was the wrong shape I blame the pot excited to see your nougat do you want to try it yeah it's pretty soft too soft no don't say that you see that yeah the poles Brad it's gone why drive over here I could have just pretended like it was fine I'm sorry I'll stop coming alright I get it's okay flavors beautiful is it good color is great but I knew it wasn't right cuz look at this one and then look what please let's try that it this is the earlier version is that better um pull the nougat didn't work this is a mixer I know this that was supposed to be this but with more cocoa yeah and it didn't really work guys anybody more like yerba mate eh you do what I think you're gonna give it to me I will share it I made I made this one after I have the yerba mate eh you see I think it helped of course it did it's like a superfood yeah I'll go get the tea thanks Brad this episode feels particularly cursed my only idea for how to save this caramel is to rewarm it gently which is why I have it on a double boiler and to whisk a little water in to try to emulsify back in all the butter I just let this sit here for a few minutes so lovely thank you right I'm waiting to go to the airport going Texas I'll be fun oh yeah perfect amount ah - so generous pour here cheers Cheers thing look the camera in the eyes mmm so where we are this is delightful um I'm trying to whisk some water into this caramel to bring it back do you think it's gonna work yeah why not Chris do you think it's gonna work okay you're both helping so I'm trying to reheat it no it's not fubar fubar is from what movie oh yeah Saving Private Ryan thank you Chris how do I asked Brad to leave believe that bought a can you roll pins in your fingers he received Priya know me I have not do that she heard you like yeah she can do it very well I can't do it well I feel like it looks like it's getting better so like the agitation is bringing the caramel back like it looks smoother I really want to show Brad it looks great it does okay let's roll with it let's go start pouring yeah optimism only okay yeah all right my stuff to meet the new bit again all right I'm gonna put this in a quart container thanks Brad have fun thank you so I'm just gonna store the caramel in this container and then I can reheat it and pour it on the nougat when I'm ready I'm gonna cover it I do kind of want to try melting the nougat and Andry whipping it and see if that works so I am taking this whole mixture and I want to basically do to this one into the caramel which is warm it in the double boiler and then whip it again this does not sound good this is struggling quite a bit this is what we got here I really don't know make it again and I'm just gonna use this rota I have a question this is the nougat I made yesterday I think it's really good everyone thinks it's great and then I tried to make another version where I like made it even better but then it turned out disastrous that okay yeah okay if you like it right is that cheating I was just measuring these dimensions if I fill this and I cut it into lengthwise into thirds and then crosswise in half I get six bars that are exactly the dimensions of the Milky Way [Music] I fit but new get into the pan and now I'm gonna add some of my caramel Oh God that was three times too much the caramel heiress maybe a millimeter or two thick but I can live with that let me get this in the fridge so we can set today it's gonna really good day maybe basically no progress it's like two steps forward one step backward all day it seems like there's a chill loaf pan thank you all right so the caramel has had a chance to set it just needs to be sliceable so that I can cut these into the bar shapes all right I cut in half it's working better than I thought so sort of feeling like maybe there's some good energy returning like that's a nice looking cross-section different colors but oh well you know what I don't think I want to cut any more I think I portion them out nicely and I want to chill them again and then I can go in when they're colder and reform so back into the fridge I never felt like any particular day was cursed until today but not much went right today oh well a little bit I could I save the caramel and combining the two into a single layer and a loaf pan and works pretty well but I don't know today I smell at once they had one of these days where I just spun my wheels a lot so I had a realization over the weekend which is that in like a moment of horror but I forgot to put plastic unless someone put plastic over it no no one covered it look at what happened I knew this was gonna happen Oh it's like all sticky my greatest fears come true so annoying after no I can't even say it and say it it's very clear what the hen wishes that they're ruined just sit here I don't want to make this again he's set for two whole days over the weekend the sugar pulled all the moisture from the fridge because it wasn't covered it ran and softened and now it's unusable and I have to start over unless there might be some caramel after there that's probably enough who labeled this stove caramel wrong but I have to make more nougat and I had to number the chocolate so annoyed the mixer is on its last leg so he only had a half speed which means I'm not working as much Aaron to the nougat all right it's just really set all right so here's my new get it does seem very fluffy I think that that that tearing is nice it doesn't so sort of do that stretch if I take more cocoa II which I'm happy about I do think that this version seems like the best version yet and while this is setting I'm gonna set up my chocolate tempering using the stupid method tempered chocolate is chocolate that's been heated and cooled to certain temperatures so that the like molecules form a crystal structure and it gives it sort of snap and shine when it's room temperature with the sous-vide method where I submerge the chocolate in vacuum sealed bags it's actually pretty easy and it kind of does it for me so at this point in the history for me makes I don't not too bothered by temporary chocolate anymore here's my nougat it does seem firmer than the third version the version I like best yeah it's pretty light but it's a little chewier than before a little firmer than before it's definitely coca leaf putting together that same setup and I did on Friday with the nougat and the caramel on top and I'm hoping that I have enough caramel to fill those loaf pans because I know that I have enough new good and I'm going to put it in the fridge so that it can firm up and then I can cut them that was closed in actually let's leave one in the fridge and we'll do one at a time don't leave it leave it what I did before was I trimmed all the sides and then I cut it into thirds lengthwise and in half crosswise so that's what I'm gonna do again these are going to be enormous Milky Way alright here are all my minis and I'm going to keep these in the fridge while I cut the second and I'm going to try to make more full-size Milky Way this time the chocolate should be tempered theoretically so my plan is to coat these in two steps the first step is just to coat the bottoms actually because it's I think it's easier to start to in rope with the bottoms already coated then what I'll do is I'll trim off the excess chocolate put them on a rack and in rope so I'm gonna just grab one of the bags of chocolate I yeah I've got a lot of concerns about this process but I've done it a few times so I at least sort of think I know what the oh no oh just realized something I didn't seal the piping bag and so now the chocolate it's melted outside of the bag and into the second bag you know what I should do is I'm just gonna pipe it out of here that's the best idea just because it is so messy and I ought to work quickly because it is going to start to set up its like resting on its own pool of chocolate and then it'll set and I'll trim off [Music] it looks tempered although who could really say I'm really irritated about this drooping caramel alright here's my plan I'm using a bench scraper to trim off the excess chocolate and that's the bottom it's cold so you can't really tell but that's part of my plan oh just just get it cold yeah I get that yeah you do you just cross back over to the thing that just tempered yeah this is the best I've ever coated the Bubb the bottoms of something though look at how good it looks you know what I want to do I want to work in the walk-in because I want to take a scissors and trim off the overhanging caramel it should really be cold as they do it but I don't want to let it chill I'm just trimming off all that overhead it's pretty chilly to cool 41 degrees eventually I will start to get uncomfortable Gabby has a coat that she wears in here until she's smart you don't have to sit in here I'll I'll be here although you know what I've done send help if I gone for more than 30 minutes cold cold cold in there I'm gonna rope quickly and tap them on the counter so that the chocolate kind of cascades down and around I'll tell you one thing I do not have enough chocolate should I do one more bar with what I have left because I don't have a lot yeah I'm completely out of chocolate but this you only feel like isn't that bad I think this is the best enrobing I've ever done most things I screwed it up a lot of other times I would say low yield high quality I guess let's just chill these until they're set fully and then we'll taste this one has peplum it was the last one I did so who knows what was going on you said yeah but they were set before I put them in the fridge they were set and they were shiny and they just need to warm up a tiny bit yeah yeah yeah eating humble pie whatever yeah you know how works we're all like I'm pretty happy with how they turned out I think they look really good and I do think that chocolate is tempered oh my god how good is it look here I'll try I'll try it with you looks delicious it's not look good let me do the side-by-side real quick I only need a third about though Chris having a third of a half of a mini whenever I give you savory food oh my god you like eat like the tiniest little corner it's not true at all okay ready I like to start with the things that I don't like about it oh really I just wish the nougat were softer really mm-hmm but it's not as hard sticking your teeth as I hard sticky silly that I'm like taffy it's got a little bit of chew to it huh doesn't quite have that like aerated beer right foamy kind of spongy quality all right the original butt huh first like I couldn't really taste the caramel no it kind of came in is so good I think this nougat is like it's like better than you and it's super yeah thanks I've never had anything quite like that yeah this kind of makes me like nougat I do have questions about the temper on the chocolate but like what kind of questions like how would you temper it so well like what's your trick it feel like there's like a little bit of like flex to it but it might be partially tempered okay but it's not not temporary no it's not not sometimes good enough is good enough totally and you know what like this its own cow it doesn't listen and it's like it's a greater galaxy than the Milky Way galaxy right is that a thing I don't know are galaxies different sizes and they must be good I'm getting I'm getting a yes yeah isn't the Milky Way a small galaxy I'm getting a yes please this yours oh my god that looks pretty good right it looks amazing it looks 10 times better told me to go up better Wow I'm very pleased oh that that broke off pretty well you kind of got like a clean bite see that's the hard part they knew he wants to stretch along with it yeah yeah the chocolate is melted in my hands either should they're stretching together yeah didn't call it it's so good thing I will take one of these candy bars yeah here take that you're welcome melts in your mouth thank you thanks Gabby for trying I'm glad I'm glad enjoy always appreciates you know this one is rough I guess self-contained it wasn't that bad but considering I project onto it all this struggle I have a tempering chocolate and making nougat and construction and enrobing from all the previous score may make so it's not milky way's fault but I did get upset about it I do think it turned out really well and caramel texture is great definitely got better at in roving so I would consider this one progress Milky Way is a check in the victory column I would say I don't know should be smudge should be smudge you know with like this age I'll come in with a with a smudge stick and what will smudge before the next one I think that's actually a really good idea here's how you make gourmet milky ways to make the nougat place two large egg whites in the bowl of a stand mixer in a small saucepan combine 350 grams sugar 150 grams of corn syrup and 50 grams of water cook over medium storing to dissolve sugar bring to a boil stop stirring and cook swirling the pot and washing down the sides of the pastry brush until the mixture hits 285 Fahrenheit while the fear of is cooking beat the egg whites and a pinch of salt with the whisk attachment until soft peaks when the syrup it's temp slowly stream into the egg whites beat until the nougat is light airy and very stiff then beat me for teaspoons malted milk powder 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder 30 grams unsalted butter cut into pieces scrape the new get onto a sheet of greased parchment and allow it to set for the caramel one and a half cups sugar 1/4 cup corn syrup and 1/4 cup water in a medium saucepan and stir over medium heat dissolve bring to a boil and cook rolling pot and washing down sides with a wet pastry brush until the mixture turns a deep amber so at least 3 min 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons heavy cream stirring and taking care of in his mixture will sputter followed by 5 tablespoons unsalted butter and scrapings from half of vanilla bean stir it until the mixture is smooth then placed back over medium heat and clip a candy thermometer to the side cook until the mixture reaches 250 degrees Fahrenheit and pour the caramel into a bowl without scraping the bottom or sides roll and cut the cooled nougat so it fits snugly inside a large parchment lined greased loaf pan to a depth of about 7 millimeters for the still warm caramel over top so it forms a thinner layer on top of the nougat chill until set then remove and slice with a sharp knife into bars to temper chocolate using the sous-vide method vacuum sealed disks of dark chocolate in a plastic bag submerge in a water bath with an immersion circulators that do 115 Fahrenheit and let's sit until completely melted add ice to the bath and drop the temperature of the bath to 84 Fahrenheit make sure all the chocolate has reached a lower temperature then increase the temperature to 90 Fahrenheit agitating the chocolate by massaging the bag as it heats use the tempered chocolate to coat the bottom to the bars placing them on a chilled parchment lined baking sheet chill until set the trim away any excess chocolate transfer the bars to a wire rack set over a baking sheet in a robe with more chocolate chill until set [Music] yeah we're in for a real treat now we'll tell you what haha oh my god here have them no I'm good I don't i like weirdly don't want it Andy you want a little piece of North East what Morocco what you for all you people I got it I'll go the airport
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 4,418,576
Rating: 4.931973 out of 5
Keywords: claire saffitz, milky way, pastry chef, claire makes, claire, gourmet makes, claire bon appetit, claire gourmet makes, claire milky way, claire makes milky ways, milky ways, milky way candy, gourmet milky way, gourmet makes milky way, diy milky way, homemade milky way, how to milky way, how to make milky way, make milky way, making milky way, milky way recipe, homemade milky way recipe, milky way candy bar, milky way chocolate bar, food, bon appetit
Id: zyEv16Fq7f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 0sec (2400 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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